This commit is contained in:
JaTiTV 2021-12-21 05:57:29 +01:00
commit 6b6ebbcd18
99 changed files with 41154 additions and 0 deletions

.gitattributes vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
* text=auto

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
# User-specific stuff
# IntelliJ
# Compiled class file
# Log file
# BlueJ files
# Package Files #
# virtual machine crash logs, see
# temporary files which can be created if a process still has a handle open of a deleted file
# KDE directory preferences
# Linux trash folder which might appear on any partition or disk
# .nfs files are created when an open file is removed but is still being accessed
# General
# Icon must end with two \r
# Thumbnails
# Files that might appear in the root of a volume
# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
Network Trash Folder
Temporary Items
# Windows thumbnail cache files
# Dump file
# Folder config file
# Recycle Bin used on file shares
# Windows Installer files
# Windows shortcuts
# Common working directory

CommandGUI V1/pom.xml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
package de.jatitv.commandgui;
public class TODO {
// If you have ideas or wishes, please send them to me via Discord:
// Wenn ihr ideen habt oder Wünsche denn meldet sie mir via Discord:
// ToDo for next Updates
// ToDo e.setCancelled(true); für jeden slot in config
// ToDo Title
// ToDo NO_Messages -> no_NO_Messages alle Sprachen

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
package de.jatitv.commandgui.commands;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_1;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_2;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_3;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
public class Give {
public static void giveCommand(CommandSender sender, String reciver, String wb) {
Player target = Bukkit.getPlayer(reciver);
boolean empty = false;
for (int i = 0; i < target.getInventory().getSize() - 5; i++) {
if (target.getInventory().getItem(i) == null) {
empty = true;
if (empty) {
if (wb.equals(DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command)) {
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.valueOf(DefaultValue_GUI_1.UseItem_Item));
ItemMeta itemMeta = item.getItemMeta();
itemMeta.setDisplayName(DefaultValue_GUI_1.UseItem_Name.replace("[guiname]", DefaultValue_GUI_1.GUIName));
if (sender != target){
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.give.replace("[sender]", sender.getName()).replace("[player]", target.getName())
.replace("[item]", DefaultValue_GUI_1.UseItem_Name).replace("[guiname]", DefaultValue_GUI_1.GUIName));
target.sendMessage(DefaultValue.giveReceived.replace("[sender]", sender.getName()).replace("[player]", target.getName())
.replace("[item]", DefaultValue_GUI_1.UseItem_Name).replace("[guiname]", DefaultValue_GUI_1.GUIName));
} else {
if (DefaultValue.Sound_Give_Enable && DefaultValue.Sound_Enable){
target.playSound(target.getLocation(), DefaultValue.Sound_Give, 3, 1);
} else if (wb.equals(DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command)) {
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.valueOf(DefaultValue_GUI_2.UseItem_Item));
ItemMeta itemMeta = item.getItemMeta();
itemMeta.setDisplayName(DefaultValue_GUI_2.UseItem_Name.replace("[guiname]", DefaultValue_GUI_2.GUIName));
if (sender != target) {
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.give.replace("[sender]", sender.getName()).replace("[player]", target.getName())
.replace("[item]", DefaultValue_GUI_2.UseItem_Name).replace("[guiname]", DefaultValue_GUI_2.GUIName));
target.sendMessage(DefaultValue.giveReceived.replace("[sender]", sender.getName()).replace("[player]", target.getName())
.replace("[item]", DefaultValue_GUI_2.UseItem_Name).replace("[guiname]", DefaultValue_GUI_2.GUIName));
if (DefaultValue.Sound_Give_Enable && DefaultValue.Sound_Enable) {
((Player) sender).playSound(((Player) sender).getLocation(), DefaultValue.Sound_Give, 3, 1);
target.playSound(target.getLocation(), DefaultValue.Sound_Give, 3, 1);
} else{
if (DefaultValue.Sound_Give_Enable && DefaultValue.Sound_Enable) {
target.playSound(target.getLocation(), DefaultValue.Sound_Give, 3, 1);
} else if (wb.equals(DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command)) {
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.valueOf(DefaultValue_GUI_3.UseItem_Item));
ItemMeta itemMeta = item.getItemMeta();
itemMeta.setDisplayName(DefaultValue_GUI_3.UseItem_Name.replace("[guiname]", DefaultValue_GUI_3.GUIName));
if (sender != target) {
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.give.replace("[sender]", sender.getName()).replace("[player]", target.getName())
.replace("[item]", DefaultValue_GUI_3.UseItem_Name).replace("[guiname]", DefaultValue_GUI_3.GUIName));
target.sendMessage(DefaultValue.giveReceived.replace("[sender]", sender.getName()).replace("[player]", target.getName())
.replace("[item]", DefaultValue_GUI_3.UseItem_Name).replace("[guiname]", DefaultValue_GUI_3.GUIName));
if (DefaultValue.Sound_Give_Enable && DefaultValue.Sound_Enable) {
((Player) sender).playSound(((Player) sender).getLocation(), DefaultValue.Sound_Give, 3, 1);
target.playSound(target.getLocation(), DefaultValue.Sound_Give, 3, 1);
} else {
if (DefaultValue.Sound_Give_Enable && DefaultValue.Sound_Enable) {
target.playSound(target.getLocation(), DefaultValue.Sound_Give, 3, 1);
} else Help.Help(sender);
} else {
if (target == sender) {
} else {
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PlayerNoInventorySpace.replace("[player]", target.getName()));
if (sender instanceof Player) {
if (DefaultValue.Sound_NoInventorySpace_Enable && DefaultValue.Sound_Enable) {
((Player) sender).playSound(((Player) sender).getLocation(), DefaultValue.Sound_NoInventorySpace, 3, 1);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
package de.jatitv.commandgui.commands;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_1;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_2;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_3;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
public class Help {
public static void Help(CommandSender sender) {
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command")
|| sender.hasPermission("")
|| sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin")
|| sender.isOp()) {
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " §8----- §4Command§9GUI §chelp §8-----");
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue.DefaultGUI == 1) {
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " " + DefaultValue.HelpCgui.replace("[gui]", DefaultValue_GUI_1.GUIName));
} else if (DefaultValue.DefaultGUI == 2) {
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " " + DefaultValue.HelpCgui.replace("[gui]", DefaultValue_GUI_2.GUIName));
} else if (DefaultValue.DefaultGUI == 3) {
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " " + DefaultValue.HelpCgui.replace("[gui]", DefaultValue_GUI_3.GUIName));
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " " + DefaultValue.HelpHelp);
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " " + DefaultValue.HelpInfo);
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.give") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " " + DefaultValue.HelpGive);
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command_Permission_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui1") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.GUI_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " " + DefaultValue.HelpOpen.replace("[gui]", DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command).replace("[guiname]", DefaultValue_GUI_1.GUIName));
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command_Permission_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui2") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.GUI_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " " + DefaultValue.HelpOpen.replace("[gui]", DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command).replace("[guiname]", DefaultValue_GUI_2.GUIName));
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command_Permission_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui3") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.GUI_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " " + DefaultValue.HelpOpen.replace("[gui]", DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command).replace("[guiname]", DefaultValue_GUI_3.GUIName));
if (sender.hasPermission("wonderbagshop.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " " + DefaultValue.HelpReload);
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " §8----------------------------");
} else {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
package de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.cmdManagement;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.*;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.config.Messages_Select;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_1;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_2;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_3;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.system.Load;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.system.Main;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class CmdExecuter implements CommandExecutor {
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) sender;
if (args.length == 0) {
if (DefaultValue.DefaultGUI == 1) {
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command_Permission_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.command") || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || player.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.GUI_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || player.isOp()) {
} else player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.GUIisDisable.replace("[gui]", DefaultValue_GUI_1.GUIName));
} else player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.NoPermission.replace("[cmd]", "/commandgui").replace("[perm]", "commandgui.command"));
} else if (DefaultValue.DefaultGUI == 2) {
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command_Permission_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.command") || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || player.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.GUI_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || player.isOp()) {
} else player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.GUIisDisable.replace("[gui]", DefaultValue_GUI_2.GUIName));
} else player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.NoPermission.replace("[cmd]", "/commandgui").replace("[perm]", "commandgui.command"));
} else if (DefaultValue.DefaultGUI == 3) {
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command_Permission_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.command") || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || player.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.GUI_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || player.isOp()) {
} else player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.GUIisDisable.replace("[gui]", DefaultValue_GUI_3.GUIName));
} else player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.NoPermission.replace("[cmd]", "/commandgui").replace("[perm]", "commandgui.command"));
} else {
switch (args[0].toLowerCase()) {
case "info":
case "plugin":
case "pl":
case "version":
case "ver":
if (player.hasPermission("") || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || player.isOp()) {
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------- §4Plugin-Info §8--------");
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2This plugin was developed by §9JaTiTV");
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2Twitch: §e");
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2Support-Discord: §e" + Main.DiscordLink);
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2Spigot: §e" + Main.Spigot);
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2Version: §6" + Main.getPlugin().getDescription().getVersion());
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-----------------------------");
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("Vault") == null) {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4\n" + DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Vault could not be connected / found! " +
"§9Please download it here: §6§4\n" + DefaultValue.PrefixHC);
player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4\n" + DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Vault could not be connected / found! " +
"§9Please download it here: §6§4\n" + DefaultValue.PrefixHC);
} else {
player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.NoPermissionForCommand.replace("[cmd]", "/commandgui info")
.replace("[perm]", ""));
case "open":
if (args.length == 2) {
if (args[1].equals(DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command)) {
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command_Permission_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui1") || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin")
|| player.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.GUI_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || player.isOp()) {
} else {
player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.GUIisDisable.replace("[gui]", DefaultValue_GUI_1.GUIName));
} else player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.NoPermissionForCommand.replace("[cmd]", "/commandgui " + DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command)
.replace("[perm]", "commandgui.command.gui1"));
} else if (args[1].equals(DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command)) {
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command_Permission_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui2") || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin")
|| player.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.GUI_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || player.isOp()) {
} else {
player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.GUIisDisable.replace("[gui]", DefaultValue_GUI_2.GUIName));
} else player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.NoPermissionForCommand.replace("[cmd]", "/commandgui " + DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command)
.replace("[perm]", "commandgui.command.gui2"));
} else if (args[1].equals(DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command)) {
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command_Permission_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui3") || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin")
|| player.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.GUI_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || player.isOp()) {
} else {
player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.GUIisDisable.replace("[gui]", DefaultValue_GUI_3.GUIName));
} else player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.NoPermissionForCommand.replace("[cmd]", "/commandgui " + DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command)
.replace("[perm]", "commandgui.command.gui3"));
} else Help.Help(sender);
} else Help.Help(sender);
case "give":
if (args.length == 3) {
if (player.hasPermission("commandgui.command.give") || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || player.isOp()) {
if (Bukkit.getPlayer(args[1]) != null) {
Give.giveCommand(sender, args[1], args[2]);
} else {
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PlayerNotFound.replace("[player]", args[1]));
if (DefaultValue.Sound_PlayerNotFound_Enable && DefaultValue.Sound_Enable) {
((Player) sender).playSound(((Player) sender).getLocation(), DefaultValue.Sound_PlayerNotFound, 3, 1);
} else player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.NoPermissionForCommand.replace("[cmd]", "/commandgui give")
.replace("[perm]", "commandgui.command.give"));
} else Help.Help(sender);
case "reload":
case "rl":
if (player.hasPermission("commandgui.command.reload") || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || player.isOp()) {
if (sender instanceof Player) sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + DefaultValue.ReloadStart);
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§6Plugin reload...");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (sender instanceof Player) sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + DefaultValue.ReloadEnd);
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2Plugin successfully reloaded.");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
} else {
player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.NoPermissionForCommand.replace("[cmd]", "/commandgui reload")
.replace("[perm]", "commandgui.command.reload"));
case "help":
} else {
if (args.length == 1 || args.length == 2 || args.length == 3) {
switch (args[0].toLowerCase()) {
case "info":
case "plugin":
case "pl":
case "version":
case "ver":
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------- §4Plugin-Info §8--------");
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2This plugin was developed by §9JaTiTV");
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2Twitch: §e");
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2Support-Discord: §e" + Main.DiscordLink);
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2Spigot: §e" + Main.Spigot);
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2Version: §6" + Main.getPlugin().getDescription().getVersion());
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-----------------------------");
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("Vault") == null) {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4\n" + DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Vault could not be connected / found! " +
"§9Please download it here: §6§4\n" + DefaultValue.PrefixHC);
case "rl":
case "reload":
if (sender instanceof Player) sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + DefaultValue.ReloadStart);
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§6Plugin reload...");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
if (sender instanceof Player) sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + DefaultValue.ReloadEnd);
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2Plugin successfully reloaded.");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
case "give":
if (args.length == 3) {
if (Bukkit.getPlayer(args[1]) != null) {
Give.giveCommand(sender, args[1], args[2]);
} else {
sender.sendMessage(DefaultValue.PlayerNotFound.replace("[player]", args[1]));
if (sender instanceof Player) {
if (DefaultValue.Sound_PlayerNotFound_Enable && DefaultValue.Sound_Enable) {
((Player) sender).playSound(((Player) sender).getLocation(), DefaultValue.Sound_PlayerNotFound, 3, 1);
} else Help.Help(sender);
} else {
sender.sendMessage("§8[§6Command§9GUI§8] §cThis command is only for players!");
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.cmdManagement;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.GUI_1;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_1;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class RegisterCommands_GUI_1 extends Command {
private String alias;
public RegisterCommands_GUI_1(String alias) {
this.alias = alias;
public boolean execute(CommandSender sender, String commandLabel, String[] args) {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) sender;
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command_Permission_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.command") || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || player.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.GUI_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || player.isOp()) {
} else player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.GUIisDisable.replace("[gui]", DefaultValue_GUI_1.GUIName));
} else player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.NoPermission.replace("[cmd]", "/commandgui").replace("[perm]", "commandgui.command"));
} else sender.sendMessage("§8[§6Command§9GUI§8] §cThis command is only for players!");
return true;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.cmdManagement;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.GUI_2;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_2;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class RegisterCommands_GUI_2 extends Command {
private String alias;
public RegisterCommands_GUI_2(String alias) {
this.alias = alias;
public boolean execute(CommandSender sender, String commandLabel, String[] args) {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) sender;
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command_Permission_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.command") || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || player.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.GUI_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || player.isOp()) {
} else player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.GUIisDisable.replace("[gui]", DefaultValue_GUI_2.GUIName));
} else player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.NoPermission.replace("[cmd]", "/commandgui").replace("[perm]", "commandgui.command"));
} else sender.sendMessage("§8[§6Command§9GUI§8] §cThis command is only for players!");
return true;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.cmdManagement;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.GUI_3;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_3;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class RegisterCommands_GUI_3 extends Command {
private String alias;
public RegisterCommands_GUI_3(String alias) {
this.alias = alias;
public boolean execute(CommandSender sender, String commandLabel, String[] args) {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) sender;
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command_Permission_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.command") || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || player.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.GUI_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || player.isOp()) {
} else player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.GUIisDisable.replace("[gui]", DefaultValue_GUI_3.GUIName));
} else player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.NoPermission.replace("[cmd]", "/commandgui").replace("[perm]", "commandgui.command"));
} else sender.sendMessage("§8[§6Command§9GUI§8] §cThis command is only for players!");
return true;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
package de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.cmdManagement;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_1;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_2;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_3;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.command.TabCompleter;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
public class TabComplete implements TabCompleter {
public List<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command command, String lable, String[] args) {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
if (args.length == 0 || args.length == 1) {
if (args[0].isEmpty()) {
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command")
|| sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui1") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui2") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui3")
|| sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.give") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command_Permission_Enable || !DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command_Permission_Enable || !DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command_Permission_Enable
|| sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui1") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui2") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui3")
|| sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
return list;
if (args[0].charAt(0) == 'h') {
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command")
|| sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui1") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui2") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui3")
|| sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
} else if (args[0].charAt(0) == 'i') {
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
} else if (args[0].charAt(0) == 'o') {
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command_Permission_Enable || !DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command_Permission_Enable || !DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command_Permission_Enable
|| sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui1") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui2") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui3")
|| sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
} else if (args[0].charAt(0) == 'g') {
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.give") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
} else if (args[0].charAt(0) == 'r') {
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
return list;
if (args.length == 2 && args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("open")) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.GUI_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command_Permission_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui1") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.GUI_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command_Permission_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui2") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.GUI_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command_Permission_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui3") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
return list;
if (args.length == 2 && args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("give")) {
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.give") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
Iterator var6 = Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().iterator();
while (var6.hasNext()) {
Player player1 = (Player);
return list;
} else {
if (args.length == 3 && args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("give")) {
if (args[2].isEmpty()) {
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.give") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.GUI_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.GUI_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.GUI_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
return list;
return new ArrayList();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
package de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.cmdManagement;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_1;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_2;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_3;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.command.TabCompleter;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
public class TabCompleteNEW implements TabCompleter {
private static HashMap<String, String> arg1 = new HashMap<String, String>() {{
put("help", "commandgui.admin;;commandgui.command.gui1;commandgui.command.gui2;commandgui.command.gui3;commandgui.command");
put("info", "commandgui.admin;");
put("give", "commandgui.admin;commandgui.command.give");
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command_Permission_Enable || !DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command_Permission_Enable || !DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command_Permission_Enable){
put("open", null);
} else put("open", "commandgui.admin;commandgui.command.gui1;commandgui.command.gui2;commandgui.command.gui3");
put("reload", "commandgui.admin");
public List<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String s, String[] args) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
if (sender instanceof Player) {
Player p = (Player) sender;
if (args.length == 1) {
for (String command : arg1.keySet()) {
Boolean passend = true;
for (int i = 0; i < args[0].length(); i++) {
if (args[0].length() >= command.length()) {
passend = false;
} else {
if (args[0].charAt(i) != command.charAt(i)) {
passend = false;
if (hasPermission(p, arg1.get(command)) && passend) {
if (args.length == 2 && args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("open")) {
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command_Permission_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui1") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.GUI_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command_Permission_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui2") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.GUI_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (!DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command_Permission_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.gui3") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.GUI_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (args.length == 2) {
switch (args[0]) {
case "give":
if (hasPermission(p, arg1.get("give"))) {
for (Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
Boolean passend = true;
for (int i = 0; i < args[1].length(); i++) {
if (args[1].length() >= player.getName().length()) {
passend = false;
} else {
if (args[1].charAt(i) != player.getName().charAt(i)) {
passend = false;
if (hasPermission(p, arg1.get(player)) && passend) {
if (args.length == 3 && args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("give")) {
if (args[2].isEmpty()) {
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.give") || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.GUI_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.GUI_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.GUI_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || sender.isOp()) {
return list;
public static boolean hasPermission(Player player, String permission) {
if (player.isOp()) {
return true;
String[] Permissions = permission.split(";");
for (String perm : Permissions) {
if (player.hasPermission(perm)) {
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
package de.jatitv.commandgui.config;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.system.Main;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
public class Config {
public static void configCreate(String version) {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Config.yml load...");
File configYML = new File(Main.thisp().getDataFolder().getPath(), "Config.yml");
YamlConfiguration yamlConfiguration_config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configYML);
if (!yamlConfiguration_config.contains("Do_not_remove_or_change.Created"))
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Created", "This file was created with version " + version);
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Version", version);
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Autor", Main.Autor);
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Spigot", Main.Spigot);
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Discord", Main.DiscordMSG);
if (yamlConfiguration_config.contains("Plugin.UpdateCheckOnJoin")) {
DefaultValue.UpdateCheckOnJoin = yamlConfiguration_config.getBoolean("Plugin.UpdateCheckOnJoin");
} else {
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Plugin.UpdateCheckOnJoin", DefaultValue.UpdateCheckOnJoin);
if (configYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Setting §6UpdateCheckOnJoin §4was added to §9Config.yml§4!");
if (yamlConfiguration_config.contains("Plugin.language")) {
DefaultValue.language = yamlConfiguration_config.getString("Plugin.language");
} else {
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Plugin.language", DefaultValue.language);
if (configYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Setting §6language §4was added to §9Config.yml§4!");
if (yamlConfiguration_config.contains("Plugin.Debug.Enable")) {
DefultValue.Debug = yamlConfiguration_config.getBoolean("Plugin.Debug.Enable");
} else {
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Plugin.Debug.Enable", DefultValue.Debug);
if (configYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Setting §6Debug Enable §4was added to §9Config.yml§4!");
if (yamlConfiguration_config.contains("Cost.Currency")) {
DefaultValue.Currency = yamlConfiguration_config.getString("Cost.Currency");
} else {
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Cost.Currency", DefaultValue.Currency);
if (configYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Setting §6Cost Currency §4was added to §9Config.yml§4!");
if (yamlConfiguration_config.contains("GUI.DefaultGUI")) {
DefaultValue.DefaultGUI = yamlConfiguration_config.getInt("GUI.DefaultGUI");
} else {
yamlConfiguration_config.set("GUI.DefaultGUI", DefaultValue.DefaultGUI);
if (configYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Setting §6GUI DefaultGUI §4was added to §9Config.yml§4!");
String soundEPL;
if (Main.minecraft1_8) {
soundEPL = "LEVEL_UP";
} else {
String soundHAT;
if (Main.minecraft1_8) {
} else if (Main.minecraft1_9 || Main.minecraft1_10 || Main.minecraft1_11 || Main.minecraft1_12) {
} else {
String soundBNBH;
if (Main.minecraft1_8) {
} else if (Main.minecraft1_9 || Main.minecraft1_10 || Main.minecraft1_11 || Main.minecraft1_12) {
} else {
String soundBNBG;
if (Main.minecraft1_8) {
} else if (Main.minecraft1_9 || Main.minecraft1_10 || Main.minecraft1_11 || Main.minecraft1_12) {
} else {
if (yamlConfiguration_config.contains("Sound.Enable")) {
DefaultValue.Sound_Enable = yamlConfiguration_config.getBoolean("Sound.Enable");
} else {
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Sound.Enable", true);
if (configYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Setting §6Sound Enable §4was added to §9Config.yml§4!");
if (yamlConfiguration_config.contains("Sound.Click.Enable")) {
DefaultValue.Sound_Click_Enable = yamlConfiguration_config.getBoolean("Sound.Click.Enable");
} else {
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Sound.Click.Enable", true);
if (configYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Setting §6Sound Click Enable §4was added to §9Config.yml§4!");
if (yamlConfiguration_config.contains("Sound.Click.Sound")) {
DefaultValue.Sound_Click_input = (yamlConfiguration_config.getString("Sound.Click.Sound").toUpperCase().replace(".", "_"));
} else {
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Sound.Click.Sound", soundHAT);
DefaultValue.Sound_Click_input = soundHAT;
if (configYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Setting §6Sound Click §4was added to §9Config.yml§4!");
if (yamlConfiguration_config.contains("Sound.NoMoney.Enable")) {
DefaultValue.Sound_NoMoney_Enable = yamlConfiguration_config.getBoolean("Sound.NoMoney.Enable");
} else {
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Sound.NoMoney.Enable", true);
if (configYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Setting §6Sound NoMoney Enable §4was added to §9Config.yml§4!");
if (yamlConfiguration_config.contains("Sound.NoMoney.Sound")) {
DefaultValue.Sound_NoMoney_input = (yamlConfiguration_config.getString("Sound.NoMoney.Sound").toUpperCase().replace(".", "_"));
} else {
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Sound.NoMoney.Sound", soundBNBH);
DefaultValue.Sound_NoMoney_input = soundBNBH;
if (configYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Setting §6Sound NoMoney §4was added to §9Config.yml§4!");
if (yamlConfiguration_config.contains("Sound.NoInventorySpace.Enable")) {
DefaultValue.Sound_NoInventorySpace_Enable = yamlConfiguration_config.getBoolean("Sound.NoInventorySpace.Enable");
} else {
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Sound.NoInventorySpace.Enable", true);
if (configYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Setting §6Sound NoInventorySpace Enable §4was added to §9Config.yml§4!");
if (yamlConfiguration_config.contains("Sound.NoInventorySpace.Sound")) {
DefaultValue.Sound_NoInventorySpace_input = (yamlConfiguration_config.getString("Sound.NoInventorySpace.Sound").toUpperCase().replace(".", "_"));
} else {
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Sound.NoInventorySpace.Sound", soundBNBG);
DefaultValue.Sound_NoInventorySpace_input = soundBNBG;
if (configYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Setting §6Sound NoInventorySpace §4was added to §9Config.yml§4!");
if (yamlConfiguration_config.contains("Sound.Give.Enable")) {
DefaultValue.Sound_Give_Enable = yamlConfiguration_config.getBoolean("Sound.Give.Enable");
} else {
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Sound.Give.Enable", true);
if (configYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Setting §6Sound Give Enable §4was added to §9Config.yml§4!");
if (yamlConfiguration_config.contains("Sound.Give.Sound")) {
DefaultValue.Sound_Give_input = (yamlConfiguration_config.getString("Sound.Give.Sound").toUpperCase().replace(".", "_"));
} else {
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Sound.Give.Sound", soundEPL);
DefaultValue.Sound_Give_input = soundEPL;
if (configYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Setting §6Sound Give §4was added to §9Config.yml§4!");
if (yamlConfiguration_config.contains("Sound.PlayerNotFound.Enable")) {
DefaultValue.Sound_PlayerNotFound_Enable = yamlConfiguration_config.getBoolean("Sound.PlayerNotFound.Enable");
} else {
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Sound.PlayerNotFound.Enable", true);
if (configYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Setting §6Sound PlayerNotFound Enable §4was added to §9Config.yml§4!");
if (yamlConfiguration_config.contains("Sound.PlayerNotFound.Sound")) {
DefaultValue.Sound_PlayerNotFound_input = (yamlConfiguration_config.getString("Sound.PlayerNotFound.Sound").toUpperCase().replace(".", "_"));
} else {
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Sound.PlayerNotFound.Sound", soundBNBH);
DefaultValue.Sound_PlayerNotFound_input = soundBNBH;
if (configYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Setting §6Sound Send §4was added to §9Config.yml§4!");
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
Sound sound_Click = Sound.valueOf(DefaultValue.Sound_Click_input);
if (sound_Click != null) {
DefaultValue.Sound_Click = sound_Click;
} catch (Exception e) {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage("§4\n§4\n§4\n" + DefaultValue.SoundNotFound.replace("[prefix]", DefaultValue.Prefix)
.replace("[sound]", "§8Click: §6" + DefaultValue.Sound_Click_input) + "§4\n§4\n§4\n");
DefaultValue.Sound_Click = Sound.valueOf(soundHAT);
try {
Sound sound_NoMoney = Sound.valueOf(DefaultValue.Sound_NoMoney_input);
if (sound_NoMoney != null) {
DefaultValue.Sound_NoMoney = sound_NoMoney;
} catch (Exception e) {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage("§4\n§4\n§4\n" + DefaultValue.SoundNotFound.replace("[prefix]", DefaultValue.Prefix)
.replace("[sound]", "§8NoMoney: §6" + DefaultValue.Sound_NoMoney_input) + "§4\n§4\n§4\n");
DefaultValue.Sound_NoMoney = Sound.valueOf(soundBNBH);
try {
Sound sound_Give = Sound.valueOf(DefaultValue.Sound_Give_input);
if (sound_Give != null) {
DefaultValue.Sound_Give = sound_Give;
} catch (Exception e) {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage("§4\n§4\n§4\n" + DefaultValue.SoundNotFound.replace("[prefix]", DefaultValue.Prefix)
.replace("[sound]", "§8Give: §6" + DefaultValue.Sound_Give_input) + "§4\n§4\n§4\n");
DefaultValue.Sound_Give = Sound.valueOf(soundEPL);
try {
Sound sound_NoInventorySpace = Sound.valueOf(DefaultValue.Sound_NoInventorySpace_input);
if (sound_NoInventorySpace != null) {
DefaultValue.Sound_NoInventorySpace = sound_NoInventorySpace;
} catch (Exception e) {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage("§4\n§4\n§4\n" + DefaultValue.SoundNotFound.replace("[prefix]", DefaultValue.Prefix)
.replace("[sound]", "§8sound_NoInventorySpace: §6" + DefaultValue.Sound_NoInventorySpace_input) + "§4\n§4\n§4\n");
DefaultValue.Sound_NoInventorySpace = Sound.valueOf(soundBNBG);
try {
Sound sound_PlayerNotFound = Sound.valueOf(DefaultValue.Sound_PlayerNotFound_input);
if (sound_PlayerNotFound != null) {
DefaultValue.Sound_PlayerNotFound = sound_PlayerNotFound;
} catch (Exception e) {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage("§4\n§4\n§4\n" + DefaultValue.SoundNotFound.replace("[prefix]", DefaultValue.Prefix)
.replace("[sound]", "§8PlayerNotFound: §6" + DefaultValue.Sound_PlayerNotFound_input) + "§4\n§4\n§4\n");
DefaultValue.Sound_PlayerNotFound = Sound.valueOf(soundBNBH);
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2Config.yml loaded successfully.");

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
package de.jatitv.commandgui.config;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.system.Main;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
public class Messages_DE {
public static void messagesCreate(String version) {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4DE_Messages.yml load...");
File messagesDEYML = new File(Main.thisp().getDataFolder().getPath(), "languages/de_DE_Messages.yml");
YamlConfiguration yamlConfiguration_DEmsg = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(messagesDEYML);
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Do_not_remove_or_change.Created"))
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Created", "This file was created with version " + version);
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Version", version);
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Autor", Main.Autor);
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Spigot", Main.Spigot);
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Discord", Main.DiscordMSG);
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Plugin.NoPermission")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Plugin.NoPermission", DefaultValue.DE_NoPermission.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6NoPermission §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Plugin.NoPermissionForCommand")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Plugin.NoPermissionForCommand", DefaultValue.DE_NoPermissionForCommand.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6NoPermissionForCommand §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Plugin.NoPermissionForItem")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Plugin.NoPermissionForItem", DefaultValue.DE_NoPermissionForItem.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6NoPermissionForItem §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Plugin.VaultNotSetUp")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Plugin.VaultNotSetUp", DefaultValue.DE_VaultNotSetUp.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6VaultNotSetUp §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Plugin.SoundNotFound")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Plugin.SoundNotFound", DefaultValue.DE_SoundNotFound.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6SoundNotFound §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Plugin.Reload.Start")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Plugin.Reload.Start", DefaultValue.DE_ReloadStart.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Reload Start §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Plugin.Reload.End")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Plugin.Reload.End", DefaultValue.DE_ReloadEnd.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Reload End §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Help.CGUI")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Help.CGUI", DefaultValue.DE_HelpCgui.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + DefaultValue.HelpCgui.replace("§8[§6C§9GUI§8]", "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Help.Help")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Help.Help", DefaultValue.DE_HelpHelp.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Help §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Help.Info")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Help.Info", DefaultValue.DE_HelpInfo.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Info §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Help.Open")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Help.Open", DefaultValue.DE_HelpOpen.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Open §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Help.Give")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Help.Give", DefaultValue.DE_HelpGive.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Give §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Help.Reload")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Help.Reload", DefaultValue.DE_HelpReload.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Reload §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Cost.Buy_msg")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Cost.Buy_msg", DefaultValue.DE_Buy_msg.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Buy_msg §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Cost.No_money")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Cost.No_money", DefaultValue.DE_No_money.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6No_money §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Cost.NoInventorySpace")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Cost.NoInventorySpace", DefaultValue.DE_NoInventorySpace.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6NoInventorySpace §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("GUI.IsDisabled")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("GUI.IsDisabled", DefaultValue.DE_GUIisDisable.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6GUI IsDisabled §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Give.Sender")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Give.Sender", DefaultValue.DE_give.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Give Sender §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Give.Receiver")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Give.Receiver", DefaultValue.DE_giveReceived.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Give Receiver §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Give.PlayerNotFond")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Give.PlayerNotFond", DefaultValue.DE_PlayerNotFound.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Give PlayerNotFond §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.contains("Give.PlayerNoInventorySpace")) {
yamlConfiguration_DEmsg.set("Give.PlayerNoInventorySpace", DefaultValue.DE_PlayerNoInventorySpace.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesDEYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Give PlayerNoInventorySpace §4was added to §9DE_Messages.yml§4!");
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2DE_Messages.yml loaded successfully.");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
package de.jatitv.commandgui.config;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.system.Main;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
public class Messages_EN {
public static void messagesCreate(String version) {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4EN_Messages.yml load...");
File messagesENYML = new File(Main.thisp().getDataFolder().getPath(), "languages/en_EN_Messages.yml");
YamlConfiguration yamlConfiguration_ENmsg = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(messagesENYML);
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Do_not_remove_or_change.Created"))
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Created", "This file was created with version " + version);
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Version", version);
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Autor", Main.Autor);
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Spigot", Main.Spigot);
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Discord", Main.DiscordMSG);
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Plugin.NoPermission")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Plugin.NoPermission", DefaultValue.NoPermission.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6NoPermission §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Plugin.NoPermissionForCommand")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Plugin.NoPermissionForCommand", DefaultValue.NoPermissionForCommand.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6NoPermissionForCommand §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Plugin.NoPermissionForItem")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Plugin.NoPermissionForItem", DefaultValue.NoPermissionForItem.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6NoPermissionForItem §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Plugin.VaultNotSetUp")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Plugin.VaultNotSetUp", DefaultValue.VaultNotSetUp.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6VaultNotSetUp §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Plugin.SoundNotFound")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Plugin.SoundNotFound", DefaultValue.SoundNotFound.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6SoundNotFound §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Plugin.Reload.Start")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Plugin.Reload.Start", DefaultValue.ReloadStart.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Reload Start §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Plugin.Reload.End")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Plugin.Reload.End", DefaultValue.ReloadEnd.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Reload End §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Help.CGUI")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Help.CGUI", DefaultValue.HelpCgui.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + DefaultValue.HelpCgui.replace("§8[§6C§9GUI§8]", "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Help.Help")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Help.Help", DefaultValue.HelpHelp.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Help §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Help.Info")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Help.Info", DefaultValue.HelpInfo.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Info §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Help.Open")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Help.Open", DefaultValue.HelpOpen.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Open §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Help.Give")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Help.Give", DefaultValue.HelpGive.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Give §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Help.Reload")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Help.Reload", DefaultValue.HelpReload.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Reload §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Cost.Buy_msg")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Cost.Buy_msg", DefaultValue.Buy_msg.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Buy_msg §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Cost.No_money")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Cost.No_money", DefaultValue.No_money.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6No_money §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Cost.NoInventorySpace")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Cost.NoInventorySpace", DefaultValue.NoInventorySpace.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6NoInventorySpace §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("GUI.IsDisabled")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("GUI.IsDisabled", DefaultValue.GUIisDisable.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6GUI IsDisabled §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Give.Sender")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Give.Sender", DefaultValue.give.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Give Sender §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Give.Receiver")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Give.Receiver", DefaultValue.giveReceived.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Give Receiver §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Give.PlayerNotFond")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Give.PlayerNotFond", DefaultValue.PlayerNotFound.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Give PlayerNotFond §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.contains("Give.PlayerNoInventorySpace")) {
yamlConfiguration_ENmsg.set("Give.PlayerNoInventorySpace", DefaultValue.PlayerNoInventorySpace.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesENYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Give PlayerNoInventorySpace §4was added to §9EN_Messages.yml§4!");
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2EN_Messages.yml loaded successfully.");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
package de.jatitv.commandgui.config;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.system.Main;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
public class Messages_FR {
public static void messagesCreate(String version) {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4FR_Messages.yml load...");
File messagesFRYML = new File(Main.thisp().getDataFolder().getPath(), "languages/fr_FR_Messages.yml");
YamlConfiguration yamlConfiguration_FRmsg = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(messagesFRYML);
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Do_not_remove_or_change.Created"))
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Created", "This file was created with version " + version);
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Version", version);
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Autor", Main.Autor);
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Spigot", Main.Spigot);
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Discord", Main.DiscordMSG);
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Plugin.NoPermission")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Plugin.NoPermission", DefaultValue.FR_NoPermission.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6NoPermission §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Plugin.NoPermissionForCommand")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Plugin.NoPermissionForCommand", DefaultValue.FR_NoPermissionForCommand.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6NoPermissionForCommand §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Plugin.NoPermissionForItem")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Plugin.NoPermissionForItem", DefaultValue.FR_NoPermissionForItem.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6NoPermissionForItem §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Plugin.VaultNotSetUp")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Plugin.VaultNotSetUp", DefaultValue.FR_VaultNotSetUp.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6VaultNotSetUp §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Plugin.SoundNotFound")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Plugin.SoundNotFound", DefaultValue.FR_SoundNotFound.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6SoundNotFound §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Plugin.Reload.Start")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Plugin.Reload.Start", DefaultValue.FR_ReloadStart.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Reload Start §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Plugin.Reload.End")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Plugin.Reload.End", DefaultValue.FR_ReloadEnd.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Reload End §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Help.CGUI")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Help.CGUI", DefaultValue.FR_HelpCgui.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + DefaultValue.HelpCgui.replace("§8[§6C§9GUI§8]", "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Help.Help")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Help.Help", DefaultValue.FR_HelpHelp.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Help §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Help.Info")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Help.Info", DefaultValue.FR_HelpInfo.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Info §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Help.Open")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Help.Open", DefaultValue.FR_HelpOpen.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Open §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Help.Give")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Help.Give", DefaultValue.FR_HelpGive.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Give §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Help.Reload")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Help.Reload", DefaultValue.FR_HelpReload.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Reload §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Cost.Buy_msg")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Cost.Buy_msg", DefaultValue.FR_Buy_msg.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Buy_msg §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Cost.No_money")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Cost.No_money", DefaultValue.FR_No_money.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6No_money §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Cost.NoInventorySpace")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Cost.NoInventorySpace", DefaultValue.FR_NoInventorySpace.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6NoInventorySpace §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("GUI.IsDisabled")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("GUI.IsDisabled", DefaultValue.FR_GUIisDisable.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6GUI IsDisabled §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Give.Sender")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Give.Sender", DefaultValue.FR_give.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Give Sender §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Give.Receiver")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Give.Receiver", DefaultValue.FR_giveReceived.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Give Receiver §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Give.PlayerNotFond")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Give.PlayerNotFond", DefaultValue.FR_PlayerNotFound.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Give PlayerNotFond §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.contains("Give.PlayerNoInventorySpace")) {
yamlConfiguration_FRmsg.set("Give.PlayerNoInventorySpace", DefaultValue.FR_PlayerNoInventorySpace.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesFRYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Give PlayerNoInventorySpace §4was added to §9FR_Messages.yml§4!");
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2FR_Messages.yml loaded successfully.");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
package de.jatitv.commandgui.config;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.system.Main;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
public class Messages_NO {
public static void messagesCreate(String version) {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4NO_Messages.yml load...");
File messagesNOYML = new File(Main.thisp().getDataFolder().getPath(), "languages/no_NO_Messages.yml");
YamlConfiguration yamlConfiguration_NOmsg = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(messagesNOYML);
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Do_not_remove_or_change.Created"))
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Created", "This file was created with version " + version);
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Version", version);
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Autor", Main.Autor);
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Spigot", Main.Spigot);
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Do_not_remove_or_change.Discord", Main.DiscordMSG);
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Plugin.NoPermission")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Plugin.NoPermission", DefaultValue.NO_NoPermission.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6NoPermission §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Plugin.NoPermissionForCommand")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Plugin.NoPermissionForCommand", DefaultValue.NO_NoPermissionForCommand.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6NoPermissionForCommand §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Plugin.NoPermissionForItem")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Plugin.NoPermissionForItem", DefaultValue.NO_NoPermissionForItem.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6NoPermissionForItem §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Plugin.VaultNotSetUp")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Plugin.VaultNotSetUp", DefaultValue.NO_VaultNotSetUp.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6VaultNotSetUp §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Plugin.SoundNotFound")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Plugin.SoundNotFound", DefaultValue.NO_SoundNotFound.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6SoundNotFound §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Plugin.Reload.Start")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Plugin.Reload.Start", DefaultValue.NO_ReloadStart.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Reload Start §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Plugin.Reload.End")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Plugin.Reload.End", DefaultValue.NO_ReloadEnd.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Reload End §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Help.CGUI")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Help.CGUI", DefaultValue.NO_HelpCgui.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + DefaultValue.HelpCgui.replace("§8[§6C§9GUI§8]", "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Help.Help")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Help.Help", DefaultValue.NO_HelpHelp.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Help §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Help.Info")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Help.Info", DefaultValue.NO_HelpInfo.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Info §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Help.Open")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Help.Open", DefaultValue.NO_HelpOpen.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Open §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Help.Give")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Help.Give", DefaultValue.NO_HelpGive.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Give §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Help.Reload")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Help.Reload", DefaultValue.NO_HelpReload.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Help Reload §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Cost.Buy_msg")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Cost.Buy_msg", DefaultValue.NO_Buy_msg.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Buy_msg §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Cost.No_money")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Cost.No_money", DefaultValue.NO_No_money.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6No_money §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Cost.NoInventorySpace")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Cost.NoInventorySpace", DefaultValue.NO_NoInventorySpace.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6NoInventorySpace §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("GUI.IsDisabled")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("GUI.IsDisabled", DefaultValue.NO_GUIisDisable.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6GUI IsDisabled §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Give.Sender")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Give.Sender", DefaultValue.NO_give.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Give Sender §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Give.Receiver")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Give.Receiver", DefaultValue.NO_giveReceived.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Give Receiver §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Give.PlayerNotFond")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Give.PlayerNotFond", DefaultValue.NO_PlayerNotFound.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Give PlayerNotFond §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
if (!yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.contains("Give.PlayerNoInventorySpace")) {
yamlConfiguration_NOmsg.set("Give.PlayerNoInventorySpace", DefaultValue.NO_PlayerNoInventorySpace.replace(DefaultValue.Prefix, "[prefix]").replace("§", "&"));
if (messagesNOYML.isFile()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Message §6Give PlayerNoInventorySpace §4was added to §9NO_Messages.yml§4!");
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2NO_Messages.yml loaded successfully.");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
package de.jatitv.commandgui.config;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.system.Main;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
public class Messages_Select {
public static String selectMSG;
public static String sel;
public static void selectCreate() {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Select language...");
switch (DefaultValue.language) {
case "de_DE":
selectMSG = "German";
sel = "de_DE";
case "fr_FR":
selectMSG = "French";
sel = "fr_FR";
case "no_NO":
selectMSG = "Norwegian";
sel = "no_NO";
selectMSG = "English";
sel = "en_EN";
File messagesYML = new File(Main.thisp().getDataFolder().getPath(), "languages/" + sel + "_Messages.yml");
YamlConfiguration yamlConfiguration_msg = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(messagesYML);
DefaultValue.NoPermission = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Plugin.NoPermission"));
DefaultValue.NoPermissionForCommand = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Plugin.NoPermissionForCommand"));
DefaultValue.NoPermissionForItem = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Plugin.NoPermissionForItem"));
DefaultValue.VaultNotSetUp = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Plugin.VaultNotSetUp"));
DefaultValue.SoundNotFound = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Plugin.SoundNotFound"));
DefaultValue.ReloadStart = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Plugin.Reload.Start"));
DefaultValue.ReloadEnd = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Plugin.Reload.End"));
DefaultValue.HelpCgui = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Help.CGUI"));
DefaultValue.HelpHelp = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Help.Help"));
DefaultValue.HelpInfo = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Help.Info"));
DefaultValue.HelpOpen = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Help.Open"));
DefaultValue.HelpGive = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Help.Give"));
DefaultValue.HelpReload = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Help.Reload"));
DefaultValue.No_money = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Cost.No_money"));
DefaultValue.NoInventorySpace = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Cost.NoInventorySpace"));
DefaultValue.Buy_msg = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Cost.Buy_msg"));
DefaultValue.GUIisDisable = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("GUI.IsDisabled"));
DefaultValue.give = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Give.Sender"));
DefaultValue.giveReceived = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Give.Receiver"));
DefaultValue.PlayerNotFound = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Give.PlayerNotFond"));
DefaultValue.PlayerNoInventorySpace = replace(yamlConfiguration_msg.getString("Give.PlayerNoInventorySpace"));
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2Language successfully selected to: §6" + selectMSG);
private static String replace(String Text) {
return Text.replace("[prefix]", DefaultValue.PrefixHC).replace("&", "§").replace("[ue]", "ü")
.replace("[UE]", "Ü").replace("[oe]", "Ö").replace("[OE]", "Ö")
.replace("[ae]", "ä").replace("[AE]", "Ä");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
// -----------------------------
// _____ _____ _ _ _____
// / ____/ ____| | | |_ _|
// | | | | __| | | | | |
// | | | | |_ | | | | | |
// | |___| |__| | |__| |_| |_
// \_____\_____|\____/|_____|
// -----------------------------
package de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
public class DefaultValue {
// Config
public static boolean Debug = false;
public static Boolean UpdateCheckOnJoin = true;
public static String language = "en_EN";
public static String Currency = "$";
public static Integer DefaultGUI = 1;
// Messages
public static String PrefixHC = "§8[§4C§9GUI§8] ";
public static String Prefix = "§8[§4C§9GUI§8]";
// EN
public static String NoPermission = PrefixHC + "§cYou do not have permission for §4Command§9GUI!";
public static String NoPermissionForCommand = PrefixHC + "§cFor §b[cmd] §cyou lack the permission §6[perm]§c!";
public static String NoPermissionForItem = PrefixHC + "§cFor §b[item] §cyou lack the permission §6[perm]§c!";
public static String VaultNotSetUp = PrefixHC + "§4Vault / Economy not set up!";
public static String SoundNotFound = PrefixHC + "§4The sound §6[sound] §4could not be found! Please check your settings.";
public static String ReloadStart = "§6Plugin reload...";
public static String ReloadEnd = "§2Plugin successfully reloaded.";
public static String HelpCgui = "§8'§b/commandgui §8| §b/cgui§8' §eOpen the Default GUI §7(§r[gui]§7)§e.";
public static String HelpHelp = "§8'§b/commandgui help§8' §eOpens this help.";
public static String HelpInfo = "§8'§b/commandgui info§8' §eCall the info about §4Command§9GUI§e.";
public static String HelpOpen = "§8'§b/commandgui open [gui]§8' §eOpen the GUI: §6[guiname]§e.";
public static String HelpGive = "§8'§b/commandgui give §7<player> <gui>§8' §eGive a player a GUI Item.";
public static String HelpReload = "§8'§b/commandgui reload§8' §eReloads the Plugin.";
public static String Buy_msg = PrefixHC + "§2You bought [itemname] §2for §6[price]§2.";
public static String No_money = PrefixHC + "§cYou do not have enough money!";
public static String NoInventorySpace = PrefixHC + "&cNo free inventory space!";
public static String GUIisDisable = PrefixHC + "§cThe GUI [gui] §cis currently disabled!";
public static String give = PrefixHC + "§2You gave §6[player] §2a [item]§2!";
public static String giveReceived = PrefixHC + "§2You have received a [item] §2from §6[sender]§2!";
public static String PlayerNotFound = PrefixHC + "§cThe player §6[player] §cwas not found or is not online!";
public static String PlayerNoInventorySpace = PrefixHC + "§6[player] §chas no free inventory space available!";
// DE
public static String DE_NoPermission = PrefixHC + "§cDu hast keine Permission f[ue]r §4Command§9GUI!";
public static String DE_NoPermissionForCommand = PrefixHC + "§cF[ue]r §b[cmd] §cfehlt dir die Permission §6[perm]§c!";
public static String DE_NoPermissionForItem = PrefixHC + "§cF[ue]r §b[item] §cfehlt dir die Permission §6[perm]§c!";
public static String DE_VaultNotSetUp = PrefixHC + "§4Vault / Economy nicht eingerichtet!";
public static String DE_SoundNotFound = PrefixHC + "§4Der Sound §6[sound] §4wurde nicht gefunden! Bitte überprüfe die Einstellungen.";
public static String DE_ReloadStart = "§6Plugin wird neu geladen...";
public static String DE_ReloadEnd = "§2Plugin erfolgreich neu geladen.";
public static String DE_HelpCgui = "§8'§b/commandgui §8| §b/cgui§8' §e[OE]ffne die default GUI §7(§r[gui]§7)§e.";
public static String DE_HelpHelp = "§8'§b/commandgui help§8' §e[OE]ffne diese help.";
public static String DE_HelpInfo = "§8'§b/commandgui info§8' §eRufe die Infos von §4Command§9GUI §eauf.";
public static String DE_HelpOpen = "§8'§b/commandgui open [gui]§8' §e[OE]ffne die GUI: §6[guiname]§e.";
public static String DE_HelpGive = "§8'§b/commandgui give §7<player> <gui>§8' &eGebe einem Spieler ein GUI Item.";
public static String DE_HelpReload = "§8'§b/commandgui reload§8' &eLade das Plugin neu.";
public static String DE_Buy_msg = PrefixHC + "&2Du hast dir [itemname] &2f[ue]r &6[price] &2gekauft.";
public static String DE_No_money = PrefixHC + "&cDu hast nicht gen[ue]gend Geld!";
public static String DE_NoInventorySpace = PrefixHC + "§cDu hast keinen Platz in deinem Inventar!";
public static String DE_GUIisDisable = PrefixHC + "&cDie GUI [gui] &cist derzeit Deaktiviert!";
public static String DE_give = PrefixHC + "&2Du hast &6[player] &2ein [item] &2gegeben!";
public static String DE_giveReceived = PrefixHC + "&2Du hast von &6[sender] &2, [item] &2bekommen!";
public static String DE_PlayerNotFound = PrefixHC + "&cDer Spieler &6[player] &cwurde nicht gefunden oder ist nicht Online!";
public static String DE_PlayerNoInventorySpace = PrefixHC + "&6[player] &chat keinen freien Platz in seinem Inventar!";
// FR
public static String FR_NoPermission = PrefixHC + "§cVous n'avez pas la permission pour §4Command§9GUI!";
public static String FR_NoPermissionForCommand = PrefixHC + "§cPour §b[cmd] §cil vous manque la permission §6[perm]§c!";
public static String FR_NoPermissionForItem = PrefixHC + "§cPour §b[item] §cil vous manque la permission §6[perm]§c!";
public static String FR_VaultNotSetUp = PrefixHC + "§4Vault / Economie non mis en place!";
public static String FR_SoundNotFound = PrefixHC + "§4Le son §6[sound] §4n'a pas pu être trouvé ! Vérifiez votre configuration.";
public static String FR_ReloadStart = "§6Le plugin recharge...";
public static String FR_ReloadEnd = "§2Le plugin est rechargé.";
public static String FR_HelpCgui = "§8'§b/commandgui §8| §b/cgui§8' §eOuvre l'interface par défaut §7(§r[gui]§7)§e.";
public static String FR_HelpHelp = "§8'§b/commandgui help§8' §eOuvre cette aide.";
public static String FR_HelpInfo = "§8'§b/commandgui info§8' §eDonne les infos à propos de §4Command§9GUI§e.";
public static String FR_HelpOpen = "§8'§b/commandgui open [gui]§8' §eOuvre l'inteface: §6[guiname]§e.";
public static String FR_HelpGive = "§8'§b/commandgui give §7<player> <gui>§8' §eDonne à un joueur un item pour une interface.";
public static String FR_HelpReload = "§8'§b/commandgui reload§8' §eRecharge le plugin.";
public static String FR_Buy_msg = PrefixHC + "§2Vous avez acheté [itemname] §2pour §6[price]§2.";
public static String FR_No_money = PrefixHC + "§cVous n'avez pas assez d'argent!";
public static String FR_NoInventorySpace = PrefixHC + "§cVous n'avez pas de place dans l'inventaire!";
public static String FR_GUIisDisable = PrefixHC + "§cL'interface [gui] §cest actuellement désactivée!";
public static String FR_give = PrefixHC + "§2Vous avez donné à §6[player] §2un [item]§2!";
public static String FR_giveReceived = PrefixHC + "§2Vous avez reçu un [item] §2de §6[sender]§2!";
public static String FR_PlayerNotFound = PrefixHC + "§cLe joueur §6[player] §cn'a pas pu être trouvé ou n'est pas connecté!";
public static String FR_PlayerNoInventorySpace = PrefixHC + "§6[player] §cn'a pas d'espace libre dans son inventaire!";
// NO
public static String NO_NoPermission = PrefixHC + "§cDu har ikke tillatelse for §4Command§9GUI!";
public static String NO_NoPermissionForCommand = PrefixHC + "§cDu mangler §6[perm] §vfor §b[cmd]§c!";
public static String NO_NoPermissionForItem = PrefixHC + "§cDu mangler §6[perm] §cfor §b[item]§c!";
public static String NO_VaultNotSetUp = PrefixHC + "§4Vault / Økonomi er ikke satt opp!";
public static String NO_SoundNotFound = PrefixHC + "§4Lydeffekten §6[sound] §4ble ikke funnet! Sjekk instillingene dine.";
public static String NO_ReloadStart = "§6Plugin restarter...";
public static String NO_ReloadEnd = "§2Plugin restartet.";
public static String NO_HelpCgui = "§8'§b/commandgui §8| §b/cgui§8' §eÅpner Default GUI §7(§r[gui]§7)§e.";
public static String NO_HelpHelp = "§8'§b/commandgui help§8' §eÅpner hjelp.";
public static String NO_HelpInfo = "§8'§b/commandgui info§8' §eViser info om §4Command§9GUI§e.";
public static String NO_HelpOpen = "§8'§b/commandgui open [gui]§8' §eÅpner GUI: §6[guiname]§e.";
public static String NO_HelpGive = "§8'§b/commandgui give §7<player> <gui>§8' §eGir en spiller et GUI Item.";
public static String NO_HelpReload = "§8'§b/commandgui reload§8' §eRestarter pluginen.";
public static String NO_Buy_msg = PrefixHC + "§2Du kjøpte [itemname] §2for §6[price]§2.";
public static String NO_No_money = PrefixHC + "§cDu har ikke nok penger!";
public static String NO_NoInventorySpace = PrefixHC + "§cDu har ikke nok ledig plass!";
public static String NO_GUIisDisable = PrefixHC + "§cGUI [gui] §cer avskrudd!";
public static String NO_give = PrefixHC + "§2Du gav §6[player] §2[item]§2!";
public static String NO_giveReceived = PrefixHC + "§2Du har mottatt [item] §2fa §6[sender]§2!";
public static String NO_PlayerNotFound = PrefixHC + "§cSpilleren §6[player] §cble ikke funnet!";
public static String NO_PlayerNoInventorySpace = PrefixHC + "&6[player] §char ikke nok ledig plass!";
// Sound
public static Boolean Sound_Enable = true;
public static Boolean Sound_Click_Enable = true;
public static Sound Sound_Click;
public static String Sound_Click_input;
public static Boolean Sound_NoMoney_Enable = true;
public static Sound Sound_NoMoney;
public static String Sound_NoMoney_input;
public static Boolean Sound_NoInventorySpace_Enable = true;
public static Sound Sound_NoInventorySpace;
public static String Sound_NoInventorySpace_input;
public static Boolean Sound_Give_Enable = true;
public static Sound Sound_Give;
public static String Sound_Give_input;
public static Boolean Sound_PlayerNotFound_Enable = true;
public static Sound Sound_PlayerNotFound;
public static String Sound_PlayerNotFound_input;

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@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
// -----------------------------
// _____ _____ _ _ _____
// / ____/ ____| | | |_ _|
// | | | | __| | | | | |
// | | | | |_ | | | | | |
// | |___| |__| | |__| |_| |_
// \_____\_____|\____/|_____|
// -----------------------------
package de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.system.Main;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class DefaultValue_GUI_1 {
public static Boolean GiveUseItemOnFirstJoin = false;
public static Boolean GiveUseItemOnFirstJoin_Permission_Enable = false;
public static Boolean GUI_Enable = false;
public static String GiveUseItemOnFirstJoin_Permission = "commandgui.giveuseitemonfirstjoin.gui1";
public static String UseItem_Item = "COMPASS";
public static String UseItem_Name = "§7Open the: [guiname]";
public static List UseItem_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static String Command = "GUI1";
public static Boolean Command_Permission_Enable = true;
public static String GUIName = "§9GUI §51";
public static Boolean FillItem_Enable = true;
public static String FillItem = "BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE";
public static short FillItem_1_8 = 15;
public static Integer GUILines = 1;
public static Boolean Permission_Enable = false;
public static String Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1";
* line1
public static Boolean L1_S1_Enable = true;
public static Boolean L1_S1_Playerhead = true;
public static String L1_S1_Item = "PAPER";
public static String L1_S1_Name = "§3Player Info";
public static List L1_S1_Lore = Arrays.asList("§8-----------------", "§bPlayer: §6%player_name%", "", "§eGamemode: §6%player_gamemode%", "§eHealth: §6%player_health_scale%");
public static Boolean L1_S1_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S1_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S1_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S1_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S1_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S1_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S1_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S1_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S1_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line1.slot1";
public static Boolean L1_S2_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S2_Item = "";
public static String L1_S2_Name = "";
public static List L1_S2_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S2_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S2_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S2_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S2_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S2_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S2_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S2_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S2_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S2_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line1.slot2";
public static Boolean L1_S3_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S3_Item = "";
public static String L1_S3_Name = "";
public static List L1_S3_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S3_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S3_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S3_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S3_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S3_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S3_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S3_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S3_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S3_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line1.slot3";
public static Boolean L1_S4_Enable = true;
public static String L1_S4_Item = "STONE";
public static String L1_S4_Name = "§4Example GUI";
public static List L1_S4_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S4_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S4_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S4_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S4_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S4_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S4_Message_Enable = true;
public static List<String> L1_S4_Message = Arrays.asList(
"[prefix] §cThe settings can be edited in the GUI_1.yml.",
"[prefix] §bIn the GUI, placeholders can be used for the item names and lores.",
"[prefix] §bIt is adjustable how many lines the GUI should have.",
"[prefix] §aIt is possible to make functions chargeable §c(requires Vault and an Economy plugin)§a.",
"[prefix] §bYou can send messages to the executing player.",
"[prefix] §aYou can execute commands.",
"[prefix] ",
"[prefix] §2If you have further questions, please come to my Discord: §6" + Main.DiscordLink);
public static Boolean L1_S4_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S4_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line1.slot4";
public static Boolean L1_S5_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S5_Item = "";
public static String L1_S5_Name = "";
public static List L1_S5_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S5_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S5_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S5_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S5_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S5_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S5_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S5_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S5_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S5_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line1.slot5";
public static Boolean L1_S6_Enable = true;
public static String L1_S6_Item = "TNT";
public static String L1_S6_Name = "§4More plugins from JaTiTV";
public static List L1_S6_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S6_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S6_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S6_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S6_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S6_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S6_Message_Enable = true;
public static List<String> L1_S6_Message = Arrays.asList(
"[prefix] §8------ §6More plugins from JaTiTV §8------",
"[prefix] §2Wonder§6Bag§9Shop §7-> §b",
"[prefix] §5PaPi§6Test §7-> §b",
"[prefix] §2All plugins from JaTiTV:",
"[prefix] §b",
"[prefix] §8----------------------------------");
public static Boolean L1_S6_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S6_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line1.slot6";
public static Boolean L1_S7_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S7_Item = "";
public static String L1_S7_Name = "";
public static List L1_S7_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S7_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S7_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S7_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S7_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S7_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S7_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S7_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S7_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S7_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line1.slot7";
public static Boolean L1_S8_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S8_Item = "";
public static String L1_S8_Name = "";
public static List L1_S8_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S8_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S8_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S8_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S8_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S8_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S8_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S8_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S8_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S8_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line1.slot8";
public static Boolean L1_S9_Enable = true;
public static String L1_S9_Item = "PAPER";
public static String L1_S9_Name = "§6NightVision";
public static List L1_S9_Lore = Arrays.asList("§8-----------------", "§65 minutes", "§5[price]");
public static Boolean L1_S9_Cost_Enable = true;
public static Double L1_S9_Price = 100.00;
public static Boolean L1_S9_Command_Enable = true;
public static Boolean L1_S9_CommandAsConsole = true;
public static String L1_S9_Command;// = "effect give @p night_vision 300 1 true";
public static Boolean L1_S9_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S9_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S9_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S9_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line1.slot9";
* line2
public static Boolean L2_S1_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S1_Item = "";
public static String L2_S1_Name = "";
public static List L2_S1_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S1_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S1_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S1_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S1_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S1_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S1_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S1_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S1_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S1_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line2.slot1";
public static Boolean L2_S2_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S2_Item = "";
public static String L2_S2_Name = "";
public static List L2_S2_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S2_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S2_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S2_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S2_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S2_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S2_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S2_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S2_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S2_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line2.slot2";
public static Boolean L2_S3_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S3_Item = "";
public static String L2_S3_Name = "";
public static List L2_S3_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S3_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S3_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S3_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S3_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S3_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S3_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S3_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S3_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S3_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line2.slot3";
public static Boolean L2_S4_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S4_Item = "";
public static String L2_S4_Name = "";
public static List L2_S4_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S4_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S4_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S4_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S4_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S4_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S4_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S4_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S4_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S4_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line2.slot4";
public static Boolean L2_S5_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S5_Item = "";
public static String L2_S5_Name = "";
public static List L2_S5_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S5_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S5_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S5_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S5_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S5_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S5_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S5_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S5_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S5_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line2.slot5";
public static Boolean L2_S6_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S6_Item = "";
public static String L2_S6_Name = "";
public static List L2_S6_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S6_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S6_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S6_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S6_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S6_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S6_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S6_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S6_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S6_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line2.slot6";
public static Boolean L2_S7_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S7_Item = "";
public static String L2_S7_Name = "";
public static List L2_S7_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S7_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S7_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S7_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S7_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S7_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S7_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S7_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S7_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S7_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line2.slot7";
public static Boolean L2_S8_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S8_Item = "";
public static String L2_S8_Name = "";
public static List L2_S8_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S8_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S8_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S8_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S8_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S8_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S8_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S8_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S8_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S8_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line2.slot8";
public static Boolean L2_S9_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S9_Item = "";
public static String L2_S9_Name = "";
public static List L2_S9_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S9_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S9_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S9_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S9_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S9_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S9_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S9_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S9_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S9_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line2.slot9";
* line3
public static Boolean L3_S1_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S1_Item = "";
public static String L3_S1_Name = "";
public static List L3_S1_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S1_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S1_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S1_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S1_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S1_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S1_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S1_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S1_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S1_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line3.slot1";
public static Boolean L3_S2_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S2_Item = "";
public static String L3_S2_Name = "";
public static List L3_S2_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S2_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S2_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S2_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S2_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S2_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S2_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S2_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S2_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S2_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line3.slot2";
public static Boolean L3_S3_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S3_Item = "";
public static String L3_S3_Name = "";
public static List L3_S3_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S3_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S3_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S3_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S3_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S3_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S3_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S3_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S3_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S3_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line3.slot3";
public static Boolean L3_S4_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S4_Item = "";
public static String L3_S4_Name = "";
public static List L3_S4_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S4_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S4_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S4_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S4_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S4_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S4_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S4_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S4_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S4_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line3.slot4";
public static Boolean L3_S5_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S5_Item = "";
public static String L3_S5_Name = "";
public static List L3_S5_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S5_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S5_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S5_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S5_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S5_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S5_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S5_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S5_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S5_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line3.slot5";
public static Boolean L3_S6_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S6_Item = "";
public static String L3_S6_Name = "";
public static List L3_S6_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S6_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S6_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S6_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S6_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S6_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S6_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S6_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S6_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S6_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line3.slot6";
public static Boolean L3_S7_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S7_Item = "";
public static String L3_S7_Name = "";
public static List L3_S7_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S7_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S7_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S7_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S7_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S7_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S7_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S7_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S7_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S7_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line3.slot7";
public static Boolean L3_S8_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S8_Item = "";
public static String L3_S8_Name = "";
public static List L3_S8_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S8_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S8_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S8_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S8_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S8_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S8_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S8_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S8_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S8_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line3.slot8";
public static Boolean L3_S9_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S9_Item = "";
public static String L3_S9_Name = "";
public static List L3_S9_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S9_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S9_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S9_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S9_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S9_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S9_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S9_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S9_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S9_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line3.slot9";
* line4
public static Boolean L4_S1_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S1_Item = "";
public static String L4_S1_Name = "";
public static List L4_S1_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S1_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S1_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S1_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S1_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S1_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S1_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S1_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S1_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S1_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line4.slot1";
public static Boolean L4_S2_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S2_Item = "";
public static String L4_S2_Name = "";
public static List L4_S2_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S2_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S2_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S2_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S2_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S2_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S2_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S2_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S2_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S2_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line4.slot2";
public static Boolean L4_S3_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S3_Item = "";
public static String L4_S3_Name = "";
public static List L4_S3_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S3_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S3_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S3_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S3_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S3_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S3_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S3_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S3_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S3_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line4.slot3";
public static Boolean L4_S4_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S4_Item = "";
public static String L4_S4_Name = "";
public static List L4_S4_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S4_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S4_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S4_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S4_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S4_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S4_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S4_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S4_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S4_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line4.slot4";
public static Boolean L4_S5_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S5_Item = "";
public static String L4_S5_Name = "";
public static List L4_S5_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S5_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S5_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S5_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S5_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S5_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S5_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S5_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S5_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S5_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line4.slot5";
public static Boolean L4_S6_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S6_Item = "";
public static String L4_S6_Name = "";
public static List L4_S6_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S6_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S6_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S6_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S6_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S6_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S6_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S6_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S6_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S6_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line4.slot6";
public static Boolean L4_S7_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S7_Item = "";
public static String L4_S7_Name = "";
public static List L4_S7_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S7_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S7_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S7_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S7_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S7_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S7_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S7_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S7_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S7_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line4.slot7";
public static Boolean L4_S8_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S8_Item = "";
public static String L4_S8_Name = "";
public static List L4_S8_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S8_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S8_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S8_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S8_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S8_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S8_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S8_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S8_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S8_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line4.slot8";
public static Boolean L4_S9_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S9_Item = "";
public static String L4_S9_Name = "";
public static List L4_S9_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S9_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S9_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S9_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S9_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S9_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S9_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S9_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S9_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S9_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line4.slot9";
* line5
public static Boolean L5_S1_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S1_Item = "";
public static String L5_S1_Name = "";
public static List L5_S1_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S1_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S1_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S1_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S1_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S1_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S1_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S1_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S1_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S1_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line5.slot1";
public static Boolean L5_S2_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S2_Item = "";
public static String L5_S2_Name = "";
public static List L5_S2_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S2_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S2_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S2_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S2_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S2_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S2_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S2_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S2_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S2_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line5.slot2";
public static Boolean L5_S3_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S3_Item = "";
public static String L5_S3_Name = "";
public static List L5_S3_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S3_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S3_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S3_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S3_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S3_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S3_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S3_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S3_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S3_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line5.slot3";
public static Boolean L5_S4_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S4_Item = "";
public static String L5_S4_Name = "";
public static List L5_S4_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S4_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S4_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S4_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S4_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S4_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S4_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S4_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S4_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S4_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line5.slot4";
public static Boolean L5_S5_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S5_Item = "";
public static String L5_S5_Name = "";
public static List L5_S5_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S5_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S5_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S5_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S5_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S5_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S5_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S5_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S5_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S5_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line5.slot5";
public static Boolean L5_S6_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S6_Item = "";
public static String L5_S6_Name = "";
public static List L5_S6_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S6_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S6_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S6_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S6_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S6_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S6_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S6_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S6_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S6_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line5.slot6";
public static Boolean L5_S7_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S7_Item = "";
public static String L5_S7_Name = "";
public static List L5_S7_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S7_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S7_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S7_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S7_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S7_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S7_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S7_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S7_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S7_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line5.slot7";
public static Boolean L5_S8_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S8_Item = "";
public static String L5_S8_Name = "";
public static List L5_S8_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S8_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S8_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S8_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S8_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S8_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S8_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S8_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S8_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S8_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line5.slot8";
public static Boolean L5_S9_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S9_Item = "";
public static String L5_S9_Name = "";
public static List L5_S9_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S9_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S9_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S9_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S9_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S9_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S9_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S9_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S9_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S9_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line5.slot9";
* line6
public static Boolean L6_S1_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S1_Item = "";
public static String L6_S1_Name = "";
public static List L6_S1_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S1_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S1_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S1_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S1_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S1_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S1_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S1_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S1_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S1_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line6.slot1";
public static Boolean L6_S2_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S2_Item = "";
public static String L6_S2_Name = "";
public static List L6_S2_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S2_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S2_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S2_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S2_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S2_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S2_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S2_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S2_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S2_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line6.slot2";
public static Boolean L6_S3_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S3_Item = "";
public static String L6_S3_Name = "";
public static List L6_S3_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S3_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S3_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S3_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S3_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S3_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S3_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S3_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S3_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S3_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line6.slot3";
public static Boolean L6_S4_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S4_Item = "";
public static String L6_S4_Name = "";
public static List L6_S4_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S4_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S4_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S4_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S4_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S4_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S4_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S4_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S4_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S4_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line6.slot4";
public static Boolean L6_S5_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S5_Item = "";
public static String L6_S5_Name = "";
public static List L6_S5_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S5_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S5_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S5_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S5_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S5_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S5_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S5_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S5_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S5_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line6.slot5";
public static Boolean L6_S6_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S6_Item = "";
public static String L6_S6_Name = "";
public static List L6_S6_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S6_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S6_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S6_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S6_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S6_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S6_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S6_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S6_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S6_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line6.slot6";
public static Boolean L6_S7_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S7_Item = "";
public static String L6_S7_Name = "";
public static List L6_S7_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S7_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S7_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S7_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S7_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S7_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S7_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S7_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S7_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S7_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line6.slot7";
public static Boolean L6_S8_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S8_Item = "";
public static String L6_S8_Name = "";
public static List L6_S8_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S8_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S8_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S8_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S8_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S8_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S8_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S8_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S8_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S8_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line6.slot8";
public static Boolean L6_S9_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S9_Item = "";
public static String L6_S9_Name = "";
public static List L6_S9_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S9_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S9_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S9_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S9_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S9_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S9_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S9_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S9_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S9_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui1.line6.slot9";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,833 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
// -----------------------------
// _____ _____ _ _ _____
// / ____/ ____| | | |_ _|
// | | | | __| | | | | |
// | | | | |_ | | | | | |
// | |___| |__| | |__| |_| |_
// \_____\_____|\____/|_____|
// -----------------------------
package de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class DefaultValue_GUI_2 {
public static Boolean GiveUseItemOnFirstJoin = false;
public static Boolean GiveUseItemOnFirstJoin_Permission_Enable = false;
public static Boolean GUI_Enable = false;
public static String GiveUseItemOnFirstJoin_Permission = "commandgui.giveuseitemonfirstjoin.gui2";
public static String UseItem_Item = "PAPER";
public static String UseItem_Name = "§7Open the: [guiname]";
public static List UseItem_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static String Command = "GUI2";
public static Boolean Command_Permission_Enable = true;
public static String GUIName = "§9GUI §52";
public static Boolean FillItem_Enable = true;
public static String FillItem = "BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE";
public static short FillItem_1_8 = 15;
public static Integer GUILines = 1;
public static Boolean Permission_Enable = false;
public static String Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2";
* line1
public static Boolean L1_S1_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S1_Playerhead = true;
public static String L1_S1_Item = "";
public static String L1_S1_Name = "";
public static List L1_S1_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S1_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S1_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S1_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S1_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S1_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S1_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S1_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S1_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S1_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line1.slot1";
public static Boolean L1_S2_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S2_Item = "";
public static String L1_S2_Name = "";
public static List L1_S2_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S2_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S2_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S2_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S2_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S2_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S2_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S2_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S2_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S2_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line1.slot2";
public static Boolean L1_S3_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S3_Item = "";
public static String L1_S3_Name = "";
public static List L1_S3_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S3_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S3_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S3_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S3_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S3_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S3_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S3_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S3_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S3_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line1.slot3";
public static Boolean L1_S4_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S4_Item = "";
public static String L1_S4_Name = "";
public static List L1_S4_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S4_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S4_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S4_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S4_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S4_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S4_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S4_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S4_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S4_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line1.slot4";
public static Boolean L1_S5_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S5_Item = "";
public static String L1_S5_Name = "";
public static List L1_S5_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S5_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S5_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S5_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S5_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S5_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S5_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S5_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S5_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S5_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line1.slot5";
public static Boolean L1_S6_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S6_Item = "";
public static String L1_S6_Name = "";
public static List L1_S6_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S6_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S6_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S6_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S6_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S6_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S6_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S6_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S6_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S6_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line1.slot6";
public static Boolean L1_S7_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S7_Item = "";
public static String L1_S7_Name = "";
public static List L1_S7_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S7_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S7_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S7_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S7_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S7_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S7_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S7_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S7_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S7_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line1.slot7";
public static Boolean L1_S8_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S8_Item = "";
public static String L1_S8_Name = "";
public static List L1_S8_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S8_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S8_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S8_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S8_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S8_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S8_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S8_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S8_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S8_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line1.slot8";
public static Boolean L1_S9_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S9_Item = "";
public static String L1_S9_Name = "";
public static List L1_S9_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S9_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S9_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S9_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S9_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S9_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S9_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S9_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S9_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S9_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line1.slot9";
* line2
public static Boolean L2_S1_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S1_Item = "";
public static String L2_S1_Name = "";
public static List L2_S1_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S1_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S1_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S1_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S1_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S1_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S1_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S1_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S1_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S1_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line2.slot1";
public static Boolean L2_S2_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S2_Item = "";
public static String L2_S2_Name = "";
public static List L2_S2_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S2_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S2_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S2_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S2_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S2_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S2_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S2_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S2_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S2_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line2.slot2";
public static Boolean L2_S3_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S3_Item = "";
public static String L2_S3_Name = "";
public static List L2_S3_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S3_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S3_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S3_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S3_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S3_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S3_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S3_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S3_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S3_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line2.slot3";
public static Boolean L2_S4_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S4_Item = "";
public static String L2_S4_Name = "";
public static List L2_S4_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S4_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S4_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S4_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S4_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S4_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S4_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S4_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S4_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S4_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line2.slot4";
public static Boolean L2_S5_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S5_Item = "";
public static String L2_S5_Name = "";
public static List L2_S5_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S5_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S5_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S5_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S5_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S5_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S5_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S5_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S5_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S5_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line2.slot5";
public static Boolean L2_S6_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S6_Item = "";
public static String L2_S6_Name = "";
public static List L2_S6_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S6_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S6_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S6_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S6_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S6_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S6_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S6_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S6_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S6_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line2.slot6";
public static Boolean L2_S7_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S7_Item = "";
public static String L2_S7_Name = "";
public static List L2_S7_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S7_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S7_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S7_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S7_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S7_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S7_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S7_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S7_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S7_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line2.slot7";
public static Boolean L2_S8_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S8_Item = "";
public static String L2_S8_Name = "";
public static List L2_S8_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S8_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S8_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S8_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S8_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S8_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S8_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S8_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S8_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S8_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line2.slot8";
public static Boolean L2_S9_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S9_Item = "";
public static String L2_S9_Name = "";
public static List L2_S9_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S9_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S9_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S9_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S9_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S9_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S9_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S9_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S9_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S9_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line2.slot9";
* line3
public static Boolean L3_S1_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S1_Item = "";
public static String L3_S1_Name = "";
public static List L3_S1_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S1_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S1_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S1_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S1_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S1_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S1_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S1_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S1_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S1_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line3.slot1";
public static Boolean L3_S2_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S2_Item = "";
public static String L3_S2_Name = "";
public static List L3_S2_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S2_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S2_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S2_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S2_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S2_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S2_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S2_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S2_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S2_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line3.slot2";
public static Boolean L3_S3_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S3_Item = "";
public static String L3_S3_Name = "";
public static List L3_S3_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S3_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S3_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S3_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S3_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S3_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S3_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S3_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S3_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S3_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line3.slot3";
public static Boolean L3_S4_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S4_Item = "";
public static String L3_S4_Name = "";
public static List L3_S4_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S4_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S4_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S4_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S4_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S4_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S4_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S4_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S4_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S4_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line3.slot4";
public static Boolean L3_S5_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S5_Item = "";
public static String L3_S5_Name = "";
public static List L3_S5_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S5_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S5_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S5_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S5_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S5_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S5_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S5_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S5_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S5_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line3.slot5";
public static Boolean L3_S6_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S6_Item = "";
public static String L3_S6_Name = "";
public static List L3_S6_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S6_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S6_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S6_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S6_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S6_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S6_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S6_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S6_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S6_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line3.slot6";
public static Boolean L3_S7_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S7_Item = "";
public static String L3_S7_Name = "";
public static List L3_S7_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S7_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S7_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S7_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S7_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S7_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S7_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S7_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S7_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S7_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line3.slot7";
public static Boolean L3_S8_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S8_Item = "";
public static String L3_S8_Name = "";
public static List L3_S8_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S8_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S8_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S8_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S8_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S8_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S8_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S8_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S8_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S8_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line3.slot8";
public static Boolean L3_S9_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S9_Item = "";
public static String L3_S9_Name = "";
public static List L3_S9_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S9_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S9_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S9_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S9_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S9_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S9_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S9_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S9_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S9_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line3.slot9";
* line4
public static Boolean L4_S1_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S1_Item = "";
public static String L4_S1_Name = "";
public static List L4_S1_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S1_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S1_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S1_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S1_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S1_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S1_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S1_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S1_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S1_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line4.slot1";
public static Boolean L4_S2_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S2_Item = "";
public static String L4_S2_Name = "";
public static List L4_S2_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S2_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S2_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S2_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S2_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S2_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S2_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S2_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S2_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S2_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line4.slot2";
public static Boolean L4_S3_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S3_Item = "";
public static String L4_S3_Name = "";
public static List L4_S3_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S3_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S3_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S3_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S3_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S3_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S3_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S3_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S3_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S3_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line4.slot3";
public static Boolean L4_S4_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S4_Item = "";
public static String L4_S4_Name = "";
public static List L4_S4_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S4_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S4_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S4_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S4_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S4_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S4_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S4_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S4_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S4_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line4.slot4";
public static Boolean L4_S5_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S5_Item = "";
public static String L4_S5_Name = "";
public static List L4_S5_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S5_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S5_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S5_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S5_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S5_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S5_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S5_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S5_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S5_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line4.slot5";
public static Boolean L4_S6_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S6_Item = "";
public static String L4_S6_Name = "";
public static List L4_S6_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S6_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S6_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S6_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S6_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S6_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S6_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S6_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S6_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S6_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line4.slot6";
public static Boolean L4_S7_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S7_Item = "";
public static String L4_S7_Name = "";
public static List L4_S7_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S7_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S7_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S7_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S7_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S7_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S7_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S7_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S7_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S7_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line4.slot7";
public static Boolean L4_S8_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S8_Item = "";
public static String L4_S8_Name = "";
public static List L4_S8_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S8_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S8_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S8_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S8_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S8_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S8_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S8_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S8_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S8_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line4.slot8";
public static Boolean L4_S9_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S9_Item = "";
public static String L4_S9_Name = "";
public static List L4_S9_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S9_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S9_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S9_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S9_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S9_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S9_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S9_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S9_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S9_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line4.slot9";
* line5
public static Boolean L5_S1_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S1_Item = "";
public static String L5_S1_Name = "";
public static List L5_S1_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S1_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S1_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S1_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S1_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S1_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S1_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S1_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S1_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S1_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line5.slot1";
public static Boolean L5_S2_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S2_Item = "";
public static String L5_S2_Name = "";
public static List L5_S2_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S2_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S2_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S2_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S2_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S2_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S2_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S2_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S2_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S2_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line5.slot2";
public static Boolean L5_S3_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S3_Item = "";
public static String L5_S3_Name = "";
public static List L5_S3_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S3_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S3_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S3_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S3_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S3_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S3_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S3_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S3_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S3_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line5.slot3";
public static Boolean L5_S4_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S4_Item = "";
public static String L5_S4_Name = "";
public static List L5_S4_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S4_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S4_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S4_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S4_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S4_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S4_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S4_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S4_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S4_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line5.slot4";
public static Boolean L5_S5_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S5_Item = "";
public static String L5_S5_Name = "";
public static List L5_S5_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S5_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S5_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S5_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S5_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S5_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S5_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S5_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S5_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S5_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line5.slot5";
public static Boolean L5_S6_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S6_Item = "";
public static String L5_S6_Name = "";
public static List L5_S6_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S6_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S6_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S6_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S6_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S6_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S6_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S6_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S6_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S6_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line5.slot6";
public static Boolean L5_S7_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S7_Item = "";
public static String L5_S7_Name = "";
public static List L5_S7_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S7_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S7_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S7_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S7_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S7_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S7_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S7_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S7_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S7_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line5.slot7";
public static Boolean L5_S8_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S8_Item = "";
public static String L5_S8_Name = "";
public static List L5_S8_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S8_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S8_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S8_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S8_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S8_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S8_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S8_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S8_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S8_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line5.slot8";
public static Boolean L5_S9_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S9_Item = "";
public static String L5_S9_Name = "";
public static List L5_S9_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S9_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S9_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S9_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S9_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S9_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S9_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S9_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S9_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S9_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line5.slot9";
* line6
public static Boolean L6_S1_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S1_Item = "";
public static String L6_S1_Name = "";
public static List L6_S1_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S1_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S1_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S1_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S1_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S1_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S1_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S1_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S1_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S1_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line6.slot1";
public static Boolean L6_S2_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S2_Item = "";
public static String L6_S2_Name = "";
public static List L6_S2_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S2_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S2_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S2_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S2_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S2_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S2_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S2_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S2_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S2_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line6.slot2";
public static Boolean L6_S3_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S3_Item = "";
public static String L6_S3_Name = "";
public static List L6_S3_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S3_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S3_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S3_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S3_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S3_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S3_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S3_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S3_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S3_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line6.slot3";
public static Boolean L6_S4_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S4_Item = "";
public static String L6_S4_Name = "";
public static List L6_S4_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S4_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S4_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S4_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S4_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S4_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S4_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S4_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S4_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S4_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line6.slot4";
public static Boolean L6_S5_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S5_Item = "";
public static String L6_S5_Name = "";
public static List L6_S5_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S5_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S5_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S5_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S5_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S5_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S5_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S5_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S5_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S5_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line6.slot5";
public static Boolean L6_S6_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S6_Item = "";
public static String L6_S6_Name = "";
public static List L6_S6_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S6_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S6_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S6_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S6_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S6_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S6_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S6_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S6_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S6_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line6.slot6";
public static Boolean L6_S7_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S7_Item = "";
public static String L6_S7_Name = "";
public static List L6_S7_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S7_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S7_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S7_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S7_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S7_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S7_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S7_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S7_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S7_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line6.slot7";
public static Boolean L6_S8_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S8_Item = "";
public static String L6_S8_Name = "";
public static List L6_S8_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S8_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S8_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S8_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S8_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S8_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S8_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S8_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S8_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S8_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line6.slot8";
public static Boolean L6_S9_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S9_Item = "";
public static String L6_S9_Name = "";
public static List L6_S9_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S9_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S9_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S9_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S9_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S9_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S9_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S9_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S9_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S9_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui2.line6.slot9";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,834 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
// -----------------------------
// _____ _____ _ _ _____
// / ____/ ____| | | |_ _|
// | | | | __| | | | | |
// | | | | |_ | | | | | |
// | |___| |__| | |__| |_| |_
// \_____\_____|\____/|_____|
// -----------------------------
package de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class DefaultValue_GUI_3 {
public static Boolean GiveUseItemOnFirstJoin = false;
public static Boolean GiveUseItemOnFirstJoin_Permission_Enable = false;
public static Boolean GUI_Enable = false;
public static String GiveUseItemOnFirstJoin_Permission = "commandgui.giveuseitemonfirstjoin.gui3";
public static String UseItem_Item = "PAPER";
public static String UseItem_Name = "§7Open the: [guiname]";
public static List UseItem_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static String Command = "GUI3";
public static Boolean Command_Permission_Enable = true;
public static String GUIName = "§9GUI §53";
public static Boolean FillItem_Enable = true;
public static String FillItem = "BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE";
public static short FillItem_1_8 = 15;
public static Integer GUILines = 1;
public static Boolean Permission_Enable = false;
public static String Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3";
* line1
public static Boolean L1_S1_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S1_Playerhead = true;
public static String L1_S1_Item = "";
public static String L1_S1_Name = "";
public static List L1_S1_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S1_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S1_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S1_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S1_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S1_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S1_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S1_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S1_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S1_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line1.slot1";
public static Boolean L1_S2_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S2_Item = "";
public static String L1_S2_Name = "";
public static List L1_S2_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S2_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S2_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S2_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S2_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S2_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S2_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S2_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S2_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S2_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line1.slot2";
public static Boolean L1_S3_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S3_Item = "";
public static String L1_S3_Name = "";
public static List L1_S3_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S3_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S3_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S3_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S3_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S3_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S3_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S3_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S3_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S3_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line1.slot3";
public static Boolean L1_S4_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S4_Item = "";
public static String L1_S4_Name = "";
public static List L1_S4_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S4_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S4_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S4_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S4_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S4_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S4_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S4_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S4_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S4_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line1.slot4";
public static Boolean L1_S5_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S5_Item = "";
public static String L1_S5_Name = "";
public static List L1_S5_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S5_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S5_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S5_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S5_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S5_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S5_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S5_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S5_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S5_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line1.slot5";
public static Boolean L1_S6_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S6_Item = "";
public static String L1_S6_Name = "";
public static List L1_S6_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S6_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S6_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S6_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S6_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S6_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S6_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S6_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S6_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S6_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line1.slot6";
public static Boolean L1_S7_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S7_Item = "";
public static String L1_S7_Name = "";
public static List L1_S7_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S7_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S7_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S7_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S7_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S7_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S7_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S7_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S7_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S7_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line1.slot7";
public static Boolean L1_S8_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S8_Item = "";
public static String L1_S8_Name = "";
public static List L1_S8_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S8_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S8_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S8_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S8_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S8_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S8_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S8_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S8_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S8_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line1.slot8";
public static Boolean L1_S9_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S9_Item = "";
public static String L1_S9_Name = "";
public static List L1_S9_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L1_S9_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L1_S9_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L1_S9_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L1_S9_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L1_S9_Command = "";
public static Boolean L1_S9_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L1_S9_Message;
public static Boolean L1_S9_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L1_S9_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line1.slot9";
* line2
public static Boolean L2_S1_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S1_Item = "";
public static String L2_S1_Name = "";
public static List L2_S1_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S1_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S1_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S1_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S1_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S1_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S1_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S1_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S1_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S1_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line2.slot1";
public static Boolean L2_S2_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S2_Item = "";
public static String L2_S2_Name = "";
public static List L2_S2_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S2_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S2_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S2_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S2_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S2_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S2_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S2_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S2_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S2_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line2.slot2";
public static Boolean L2_S3_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S3_Item = "";
public static String L2_S3_Name = "";
public static List L2_S3_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S3_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S3_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S3_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S3_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S3_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S3_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S3_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S3_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S3_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line2.slot3";
public static Boolean L2_S4_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S4_Item = "";
public static String L2_S4_Name = "";
public static List L2_S4_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S4_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S4_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S4_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S4_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S4_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S4_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S4_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S4_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S4_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line2.slot4";
public static Boolean L2_S5_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S5_Item = "";
public static String L2_S5_Name = "";
public static List L2_S5_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S5_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S5_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S5_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S5_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S5_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S5_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S5_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S5_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S5_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line2.slot5";
public static Boolean L2_S6_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S6_Item = "";
public static String L2_S6_Name = "";
public static List L2_S6_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S6_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S6_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S6_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S6_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S6_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S6_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S6_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S6_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S6_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line2.slot6";
public static Boolean L2_S7_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S7_Item = "";
public static String L2_S7_Name = "";
public static List L2_S7_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S7_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S7_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S7_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S7_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S7_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S7_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S7_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S7_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S7_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line2.slot7";
public static Boolean L2_S8_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S8_Item = "";
public static String L2_S8_Name = "";
public static List L2_S8_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S8_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S8_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S8_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S8_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S8_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S8_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S8_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S8_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S8_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line2.slot8";
public static Boolean L2_S9_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S9_Item = "";
public static String L2_S9_Name = "";
public static List L2_S9_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L2_S9_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L2_S9_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L2_S9_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L2_S9_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L2_S9_Command = "";
public static Boolean L2_S9_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L2_S9_Message;
public static Boolean L2_S9_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L2_S9_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line2.slot9";
* line3
public static Boolean L3_S1_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S1_Item = "";
public static String L3_S1_Name = "";
public static List L3_S1_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S1_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S1_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S1_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S1_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S1_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S1_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S1_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S1_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S1_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line3.slot1";
public static Boolean L3_S2_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S2_Item = "";
public static String L3_S2_Name = "";
public static List L3_S2_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S2_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S2_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S2_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S2_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S2_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S2_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S2_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S2_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S2_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line3.slot2";
public static Boolean L3_S3_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S3_Item = "";
public static String L3_S3_Name = "";
public static List L3_S3_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S3_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S3_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S3_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S3_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S3_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S3_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S3_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S3_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S3_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line3.slot3";
public static Boolean L3_S4_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S4_Item = "";
public static String L3_S4_Name = "";
public static List L3_S4_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S4_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S4_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S4_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S4_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S4_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S4_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S4_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S4_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S4_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line3.slot4";
public static Boolean L3_S5_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S5_Item = "";
public static String L3_S5_Name = "";
public static List L3_S5_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S5_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S5_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S5_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S5_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S5_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S5_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S5_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S5_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S5_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line3.slot5";
public static Boolean L3_S6_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S6_Item = "";
public static String L3_S6_Name = "";
public static List L3_S6_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S6_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S6_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S6_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S6_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S6_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S6_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S6_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S6_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S6_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line3.slot6";
public static Boolean L3_S7_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S7_Item = "";
public static String L3_S7_Name = "";
public static List L3_S7_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S7_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S7_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S7_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S7_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S7_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S7_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S7_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S7_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S7_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line3.slot7";
public static Boolean L3_S8_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S8_Item = "";
public static String L3_S8_Name = "";
public static List L3_S8_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S8_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S8_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S8_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S8_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S8_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S8_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S8_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S8_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S8_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line3.slot8";
public static Boolean L3_S9_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S9_Item = "";
public static String L3_S9_Name = "";
public static List L3_S9_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L3_S9_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L3_S9_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L3_S9_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L3_S9_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L3_S9_Command = "";
public static Boolean L3_S9_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L3_S9_Message;
public static Boolean L3_S9_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L3_S9_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line3.slot9";
* line4
public static Boolean L4_S1_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S1_Item = "";
public static String L4_S1_Name = "";
public static List L4_S1_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S1_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S1_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S1_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S1_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S1_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S1_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S1_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S1_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S1_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line4.slot1";
public static Boolean L4_S2_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S2_Item = "";
public static String L4_S2_Name = "";
public static List L4_S2_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S2_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S2_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S2_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S2_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S2_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S2_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S2_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S2_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S2_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line4.slot2";
public static Boolean L4_S3_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S3_Item = "";
public static String L4_S3_Name = "";
public static List L4_S3_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S3_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S3_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S3_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S3_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S3_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S3_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S3_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S3_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S3_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line4.slot3";
public static Boolean L4_S4_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S4_Item = "";
public static String L4_S4_Name = "";
public static List L4_S4_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S4_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S4_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S4_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S4_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S4_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S4_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S4_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S4_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S4_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line4.slot4";
public static Boolean L4_S5_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S5_Item = "";
public static String L4_S5_Name = "";
public static List L4_S5_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S5_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S5_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S5_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S5_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S5_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S5_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S5_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S5_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S5_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line4.slot5";
public static Boolean L4_S6_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S6_Item = "";
public static String L4_S6_Name = "";
public static List L4_S6_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S6_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S6_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S6_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S6_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S6_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S6_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S6_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S6_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S6_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line4.slot6";
public static Boolean L4_S7_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S7_Item = "";
public static String L4_S7_Name = "";
public static List L4_S7_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S7_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S7_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S7_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S7_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S7_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S7_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S7_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S7_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S7_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line4.slot7";
public static Boolean L4_S8_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S8_Item = "";
public static String L4_S8_Name = "";
public static List L4_S8_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S8_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S8_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S8_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S8_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S8_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S8_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S8_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S8_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S8_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line4.slot8";
public static Boolean L4_S9_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S9_Item = "";
public static String L4_S9_Name = "";
public static List L4_S9_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L4_S9_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L4_S9_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L4_S9_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L4_S9_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L4_S9_Command = "";
public static Boolean L4_S9_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L4_S9_Message;
public static Boolean L4_S9_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L4_S9_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line4.slot9";
* line5
public static Boolean L5_S1_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S1_Item = "";
public static String L5_S1_Name = "";
public static List L5_S1_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S1_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S1_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S1_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S1_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S1_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S1_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S1_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S1_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S1_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line5.slot1";
public static Boolean L5_S2_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S2_Item = "";
public static String L5_S2_Name = "";
public static List L5_S2_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S2_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S2_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S2_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S2_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S2_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S2_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S2_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S2_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S2_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line5.slot2";
public static Boolean L5_S3_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S3_Item = "";
public static String L5_S3_Name = "";
public static List L5_S3_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S3_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S3_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S3_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S3_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S3_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S3_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S3_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S3_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S3_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line5.slot3";
public static Boolean L5_S4_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S4_Item = "";
public static String L5_S4_Name = "";
public static List L5_S4_Lore = Arrays.asList();
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public static Double L5_S4_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S4_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S4_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S4_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S4_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S4_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S4_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S4_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line5.slot4";
public static Boolean L5_S5_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S5_Item = "";
public static String L5_S5_Name = "";
public static List L5_S5_Lore = Arrays.asList();
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public static Double L5_S5_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S5_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S5_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S5_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S5_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S5_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S5_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S5_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line5.slot5";
public static Boolean L5_S6_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S6_Item = "";
public static String L5_S6_Name = "";
public static List L5_S6_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S6_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S6_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S6_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S6_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S6_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S6_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S6_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S6_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S6_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line5.slot6";
public static Boolean L5_S7_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S7_Item = "";
public static String L5_S7_Name = "";
public static List L5_S7_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S7_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S7_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S7_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S7_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S7_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S7_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S7_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S7_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S7_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line5.slot7";
public static Boolean L5_S8_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S8_Item = "";
public static String L5_S8_Name = "";
public static List L5_S8_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S8_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S8_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S8_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S8_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S8_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S8_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S8_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S8_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S8_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line5.slot8";
public static Boolean L5_S9_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S9_Item = "";
public static String L5_S9_Name = "";
public static List L5_S9_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L5_S9_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L5_S9_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L5_S9_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L5_S9_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L5_S9_Command = "";
public static Boolean L5_S9_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L5_S9_Message;
public static Boolean L5_S9_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L5_S9_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line5.slot9";
* line6
public static Boolean L6_S1_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S1_Item = "";
public static String L6_S1_Name = "";
public static List L6_S1_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S1_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S1_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S1_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S1_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S1_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S1_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S1_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S1_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S1_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line6.slot1";
public static Boolean L6_S2_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S2_Item = "";
public static String L6_S2_Name = "";
public static List L6_S2_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S2_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S2_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S2_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S2_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S2_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S2_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S2_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S2_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S2_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line6.slot2";
public static Boolean L6_S3_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S3_Item = "";
public static String L6_S3_Name = "";
public static List L6_S3_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S3_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S3_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S3_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S3_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S3_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S3_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S3_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S3_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S3_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line6.slot3";
public static Boolean L6_S4_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S4_Item = "";
public static String L6_S4_Name = "";
public static List L6_S4_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S4_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S4_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S4_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S4_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S4_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S4_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S4_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S4_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S4_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line6.slot4";
public static Boolean L6_S5_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S5_Item = "";
public static String L6_S5_Name = "";
public static List L6_S5_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S5_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S5_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S5_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S5_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S5_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S5_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S5_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S5_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S5_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line6.slot5";
public static Boolean L6_S6_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S6_Item = "";
public static String L6_S6_Name = "";
public static List L6_S6_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S6_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S6_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S6_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S6_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S6_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S6_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S6_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S6_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S6_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line6.slot6";
public static Boolean L6_S7_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S7_Item = "";
public static String L6_S7_Name = "";
public static List L6_S7_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S7_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S7_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S7_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S7_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S7_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S7_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S7_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S7_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S7_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line6.slot7";
public static Boolean L6_S8_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S8_Item = "";
public static String L6_S8_Name = "";
public static List L6_S8_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S8_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S8_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S8_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S8_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S8_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S8_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S8_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S8_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S8_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line6.slot8";
public static Boolean L6_S9_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S9_Item = "";
public static String L6_S9_Name = "";
public static List L6_S9_Lore = Arrays.asList();
public static Boolean L6_S9_Cost_Enable = false;
public static Double L6_S9_Price = 0.00;
public static Boolean L6_S9_Command_Enable = false;
public static Boolean L6_S9_CommandAsConsole = false;
public static String L6_S9_Command = "";
public static Boolean L6_S9_Message_Enable = false;
public static List<String> L6_S9_Message;
public static Boolean L6_S9_Permission_Enable = false;
public static String L6_S9_Permission = "commandgui.use.gui3.line6.slot9";

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
// ___________________________________________________________________________________
// __ __ _ ____ _____ _
// \ \ / / | | | _ \ / ____| |
// \ \ /\ / /__ _ __ __| | ___ _ __| |_) | __ _ __ _| (___ | |__ ___ _ __
// \ \/ \/ / _ \| '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ '__| _ < / _` |/ _` |\___ \| '_ \ / _ \| '_ \
// \ /\ / (_) | | | | (_| | __/ | | |_) | (_| | (_| |____) | | | | (_) | |_) |
// \/ \/ \___/|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_| |____/ \__,_|\__, |_____/|_| |_|\___/| .__/
// __/ | | |
// |___/ |_|
// ___________________________________________________________________________________
package de.jatitv.commandgui.listener;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.system.Main;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
public class JoinEvent implements Listener {
public void onJoinEvent(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
String foundVersion = Main.getPlugin().getDescription().getVersion();
if (player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin") || player.isOp()) {
if (!foundVersion.equals(Main.update_version)) {
String updateFound = (DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§6A new version of §8[§4Command§9GUI§8]§6 was found!");
String yourVersion = (DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§6Your version §c" + foundVersion);
String currentVersion = (DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§6Current version: §a" + Main.update_version);
String downloadVersion = (DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§6You can download it here: §e" + Main.Spigot);
String discord = (DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§6You can find more information about §8[§4Command§9GUI§8]§6 on Discord: §e" + Main.DiscordLink);
String Snapshot = (DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Please note!" +
"\n" + DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§cYou are using the §6" + foundVersion + " §cof §4Command§9GUI!" +
"\n" + DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§cThere may be errors and it is possible that not all functions work as they should!" +
"\n" + DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2If there are any bugs, please report them to me via Discord so I can fix them." +
"\n" + DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§7" + Main.DiscordLink);
if (Main.Snapshot) {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
player.sendMessage("\n \n \n \n \n \n" + Snapshot);
}.runTaskLater(Main.getPlugin(), 100L);
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
player.sendMessage("\n ");
}.runTaskLater(Main.getPlugin(), 200L);
if (DefaultValue.UpdateCheckOnJoin && !Main.Snapshot) {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
player.sendMessage("\n ");
}.runTaskLater(Main.getPlugin(), 200L);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package de.jatitv.commandgui.system;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.cmdManagement.RegisterCommands_GUI_1;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.cmdManagement.RegisterCommands_GUI_2;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.cmdManagement.RegisterCommands_GUI_3;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_1;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_2;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_3;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R1.CraftServer;
public class CmdRegister_13 {
public static void onregister(){
((CraftServer) Main.plugin.getServer()).getCommandMap().register(DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command, new RegisterCommands_GUI_1(DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command));
((CraftServer) Main.plugin.getServer()).getCommandMap().register(DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command, new RegisterCommands_GUI_2(DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command));
((CraftServer) Main.plugin.getServer()).getCommandMap().register(DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command, new RegisterCommands_GUI_3(DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package de.jatitv.commandgui.system;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.cmdManagement.RegisterCommands_GUI_1;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.cmdManagement.RegisterCommands_GUI_2;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.cmdManagement.RegisterCommands_GUI_3;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_1;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_2;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_3;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_14_R1.CraftServer;
public class CmdRegister_14 {
public static void onregister(){
((CraftServer) Main.plugin.getServer()).getCommandMap().register(DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command, new RegisterCommands_GUI_1(DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command));
((CraftServer) Main.plugin.getServer()).getCommandMap().register(DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command, new RegisterCommands_GUI_2(DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command));
((CraftServer) Main.plugin.getServer()).getCommandMap().register(DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command, new RegisterCommands_GUI_3(DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package de.jatitv.commandgui.system;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.cmdManagement.RegisterCommands_GUI_1;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.cmdManagement.RegisterCommands_GUI_2;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.cmdManagement.RegisterCommands_GUI_3;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_1;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_2;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_3;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_15_R1.CraftServer;
public class CmdRegister_15 {
public static void onregister(){
((CraftServer) Main.plugin.getServer()).getCommandMap().register(DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command, new RegisterCommands_GUI_1(DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command));
((CraftServer) Main.plugin.getServer()).getCommandMap().register(DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command, new RegisterCommands_GUI_2(DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command));
((CraftServer) Main.plugin.getServer()).getCommandMap().register(DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command, new RegisterCommands_GUI_3(DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package de.jatitv.commandgui.system;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.cmdManagement.RegisterCommands_GUI_1;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.cmdManagement.RegisterCommands_GUI_2;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.cmdManagement.RegisterCommands_GUI_3;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_1;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_2;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_3;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftServer;
public class CmdRegister_16 {
public static void onregister(){
((CraftServer) Main.plugin.getServer()).getCommandMap().register(DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command, new RegisterCommands_GUI_1(DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command));
((CraftServer) Main.plugin.getServer()).getCommandMap().register(DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command, new RegisterCommands_GUI_2(DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command));
((CraftServer) Main.plugin.getServer()).getCommandMap().register(DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command, new RegisterCommands_GUI_3(DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
package de.jatitv.commandgui.system;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
public class Disable {
public static void disableSend(String version){
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2 §4 _____ §9_____ _ _ _____");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2 §4 / ____§9/ ____| | | |_ _|");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2 §4| | §9| | __| | | | | |");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2 §4| | §9| | |_ | | | | | |");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2 §4| |___§9| |__| | |__| |_| |_");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2 §4 \\_____§9\\_____|\\____/|_____|");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Autor: §6JaTiTV");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Version: §6" + version);
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Plugin successfully disabled.");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
package de.jatitv.commandgui.system;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.config.*;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
public class Load {
public static void LoadSend(String version) throws InterruptedException {
File configYML = new File(Main.thisp().getDataFolder().getPath(), "Config.yml");
YamlConfiguration yamlConfiguration_config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configYML);
if (yamlConfiguration_config.getInt("Plugin.Debug.DebugStage_(1-3)") > 3) {
yamlConfiguration_config.set("Plugin.Debug.DebugStage_(1-3)", 3);
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2 §4 _____ §9_____ _ _ _____");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2 §4 / ____§9/ ____| | | |_ _|");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2 §4| | §9| | __| | | | | |");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2 §4| | §9| | |_ | | | | | |");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2 §4| |___§9| |__| | |__| |_| |_");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2 §4 \\_____§9\\_____|\\____/|_____|");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2Autor: §6JaTiTV");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2Version: §6" + version);
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2Spigot: §6" + Main.Spigot);
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2Discord: §6" + Main.DiscordLoad);
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
if (yamlConfiguration_config.getBoolean("Plugin.Debug.Enable")) {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Debugmodus is enable!!!");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Plugin load...");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
if (Main.UpdateMSG) {
String ver = (String) yamlConfiguration_config.get("Do_not_remove_or_change.Version");
if (configYML.isFile()) {
if (ver == null || !ver.equals(Main.getPlugin().getDescription().getVersion())) {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2");
} else {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§6Thanks for downloading and installing CommandGUI");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
if (Main.PaPi){
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2PlaceholderAPI successfully connected!");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4PlaceholderAPI could not be connected / found!");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§8-------------------------------");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2Plugin loaded successfully.");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
// -----------------------------
// _____ _____ _ _ _____
// / ____/ ____| | | |_ _|
// | | | | __| | | | | |
// | | | | |_ | | | | | |
// | |___| |__| | |__| |_| |_
// \_____\_____|\____/|_____|
// -----------------------------
package de.jatitv.commandgui.system;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.commands.cmdManagement.*;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_1;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_2;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_3;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.listener.GUI_1;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.listener.GUI_2;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.listener.GUI_3;
import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftServer;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public final class Main extends JavaPlugin {
// Debug Settings
public static Boolean Bstats = true;
public static Boolean Snapshot = false;
public static Boolean UpdateMSG = false;
public static String UpdateInfo = DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "";
public static String Autor = "JaTiTV";
public static String Spigot = "";
public static String DiscordLink = "";
public static String DiscordMSG = "You want to discuss and decide about current bugs, planned updates, new features?\n" +
"Then come to our Discord ➙ " + DiscordLink;
public static String DiscordLoad = "";
// ---------------------------------------------
public static Main plugin;
public static Plugin a;
public static Economy eco = null;
public static String update_version = null;
public static Boolean PaPi = false;
public static boolean minecraft1_8;
public static boolean minecraft1_9;
public static boolean minecraft1_10;
public static boolean minecraft1_11;
public static boolean minecraft1_12;
public static boolean minecraft1_13;
public static boolean minecraft1_14;
public static boolean minecraft1_15;
public static boolean minecraft1_16;
public static Main getPlugin() {
return plugin;
public static Plugin thisp() {
return plugin;
public void onEnable() {
// Plugin startup logic
Logger logger = this.getLogger();
plugin = this;
a = this;
minecraft1_8 = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName().contains("1_8");
minecraft1_9 = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName().contains("1_9");
minecraft1_10 = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName().contains("1_10");
minecraft1_11 = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName().contains("1_11");
minecraft1_12 = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName().contains("1_12");
minecraft1_13 = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName().contains("1_13");
minecraft1_14 = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName().contains("1_14");
minecraft1_15 = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName().contains("1_15");
minecraft1_16 = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName().contains("1_16");
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("PlaceholderAPI")) {
PaPi = true;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
getCommand("commandgui").setExecutor(new CmdExecuter());
getCommand("commandgui").setTabCompleter(new TabComplete());
if (minecraft1_13) {
} else if (minecraft1_14) {
} else if (minecraft1_15) {
} else if (minecraft1_16) {
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new GUI_1(), this);
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new GUI_2(), this);
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new GUI_3(), this);
if (Main.Bstats) {
int pluginId = 10840; // <-- Replace with the id of your plugin!
Metrics metrics = new Metrics(this, pluginId);
metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("updatecheckonjoin", () -> String.valueOf(DefaultValue.UpdateCheckOnJoin)));
} else {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " ");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " ");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " ");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " ");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4\n" + DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Bstats is disabled!");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " ");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " ");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " ");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " ");
}.runTaskLater(Main.getPlugin(), 200L);
// Optional: Add custom charts
// metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("chart_id", () -> "My value"));
int taskID = Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
(new UpdateChecker((JavaPlugin) Main.thisp(), 90671)).getVersion((version) -> {
String foundVersion = Main.thisp().getDescription().getVersion();
update_version = version;
if (!foundVersion.equalsIgnoreCase(version)) {
String updateFound = (DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§6A new version of §8[§4Command§9GUI§8]§6 was found!");
String yourVersion = (DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§6Your version §c" + foundVersion);
String currentVersion = (DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§6Current version: §a" + version);
String downloadVersion = (DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§6You can download it here: §e" + Spigot);
String discord = (DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§6You can find more information about §8[§4Command§9GUI§8]§6 on Discord: §e" + DiscordLink);
String SnapshotConsole = (DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§6" +
"\n" + DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Please note!§6" +
"\n" + DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4You are using the §6" + foundVersion + " §4of §4Command§9GUI!§6" +
"\n" + DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4There may be errors and it is possible that not all functions work as they should!§6" +
"\n" + DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2If there are any bugs, please report them to me via Discord so I can fix them!§6" +
"\n" + DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§7" + DiscordLink);
if (Main.Snapshot) {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " ");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " ");
}.runTaskLater(Main.getPlugin(), 300L);
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " ");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + " ");
}.runTaskLater(Main.getPlugin(), 600L);
} else {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2No update found");
}.runTaskLater(Main.getPlugin(), 120L);
}, 0L, 20 * 60 * 60L);
public void onDisable() {
// Plugin shutdown logic

View File

@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
package de.jatitv.commandgui.system;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
public class Metrics {
private final Plugin plugin;
private final MetricsBase metricsBase;
* Creates a new Metrics instance.
* @param plugin Your plugin instance.
* @param serviceId The id of the service. It can be found at <a
* href="">What is my plugin id?</a>
public Metrics(JavaPlugin plugin, int serviceId) {
this.plugin = plugin;
// Get the config file
File bStatsFolder = new File(plugin.getDataFolder().getParentFile(), "bStats");
File configFile = new File(bStatsFolder, "config.yml");
YamlConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configFile);
if (!config.isSet("serverUuid")) {
config.addDefault("enabled", true);
config.addDefault("serverUuid", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
config.addDefault("logFailedRequests", false);
config.addDefault("logSentData", false);
config.addDefault("logResponseStatusText", false);
// Inform the server owners about bStats
"bStats ( collects some basic information for plugin authors, like how\n"
+ "many people use their plugin and their total player count. It's recommended to keep bStats\n"
+ "enabled, but if you're not comfortable with this, you can turn this setting off. There is no\n"
+ "performance penalty associated with having metrics enabled, and data sent to bStats is fully\n"
+ "anonymous.")
try {;
} catch (IOException ignored) {
// Load the data
boolean enabled = config.getBoolean("enabled", true);
String serverUUID = config.getString("serverUuid");
boolean logErrors = config.getBoolean("logFailedRequests", false);
boolean logSentData = config.getBoolean("logSentData", false);
boolean logResponseStatusText = config.getBoolean("logResponseStatusText", false);
metricsBase =
new MetricsBase(
submitDataTask -> Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, submitDataTask),
(message, error) -> this.plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, message, error),
(message) -> this.plugin.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, message),
* Adds a custom chart.
* @param chart The chart to add.
public void addCustomChart(CustomChart chart) {
private void appendPlatformData(JsonObjectBuilder builder) {
builder.appendField("playerAmount", getPlayerAmount());
builder.appendField("onlineMode", Bukkit.getOnlineMode() ? 1 : 0);
builder.appendField("bukkitVersion", Bukkit.getVersion());
builder.appendField("bukkitName", Bukkit.getName());
builder.appendField("javaVersion", System.getProperty("java.version"));
builder.appendField("osName", System.getProperty(""));
builder.appendField("osArch", System.getProperty("os.arch"));
builder.appendField("osVersion", System.getProperty("os.version"));
builder.appendField("coreCount", Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
private void appendServiceData(JsonObjectBuilder builder) {
builder.appendField("pluginVersion", plugin.getDescription().getVersion());
private int getPlayerAmount() {
try {
// Around MC 1.8 the return type was changed from an array to a collection,
// This fixes java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
// org.bukkit.Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()Ljava/util/Collection;
Method onlinePlayersMethod = Class.forName("org.bukkit.Server").getMethod("getOnlinePlayers");
return onlinePlayersMethod.getReturnType().equals(Collection.class)
? ((Collection<?>) onlinePlayersMethod.invoke(Bukkit.getServer())).size()
: ((Player[]) onlinePlayersMethod.invoke(Bukkit.getServer())).length;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Just use the new method if the reflection failed
return Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().size();
public static class MetricsBase {
/** The version of the Metrics class. */
public static final String METRICS_VERSION = "2.2.1";
private static final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler =
Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, task -> new Thread(task, "bStats-Metrics"));
private static final String REPORT_URL = "";
private final String platform;
private final String serverUuid;
private final int serviceId;
private final Consumer<JsonObjectBuilder> appendPlatformDataConsumer;
private final Consumer<JsonObjectBuilder> appendServiceDataConsumer;
private final Consumer<Runnable> submitTaskConsumer;
private final Supplier<Boolean> checkServiceEnabledSupplier;
private final BiConsumer<String, Throwable> errorLogger;
private final Consumer<String> infoLogger;
private final boolean logErrors;
private final boolean logSentData;
private final boolean logResponseStatusText;
private final Set<CustomChart> customCharts = new HashSet<>();
private final boolean enabled;
* Creates a new MetricsBase class instance.
* @param platform The platform of the service.
* @param serviceId The id of the service.
* @param serverUuid The server uuid.
* @param enabled Whether or not data sending is enabled.
* @param appendPlatformDataConsumer A consumer that receives a {@code JsonObjectBuilder} and
* appends all platform-specific data.
* @param appendServiceDataConsumer A consumer that receives a {@code JsonObjectBuilder} and
* appends all service-specific data.
* @param submitTaskConsumer A consumer that takes a runnable with the submit task. This can be
* used to delegate the data collection to a another thread to prevent errors caused by
* concurrency. Can be {@code null}.
* @param checkServiceEnabledSupplier A supplier to check if the service is still enabled.
* @param errorLogger A consumer that accepts log message and an error.
* @param infoLogger A consumer that accepts info log messages.
* @param logErrors Whether or not errors should be logged.
* @param logSentData Whether or not the sent data should be logged.
* @param logResponseStatusText Whether or not the response status text should be logged.
public MetricsBase(
String platform,
String serverUuid,
int serviceId,
boolean enabled,
Consumer<JsonObjectBuilder> appendPlatformDataConsumer,
Consumer<JsonObjectBuilder> appendServiceDataConsumer,
Consumer<Runnable> submitTaskConsumer,
Supplier<Boolean> checkServiceEnabledSupplier,
BiConsumer<String, Throwable> errorLogger,
Consumer<String> infoLogger,
boolean logErrors,
boolean logSentData,
boolean logResponseStatusText) {
this.platform = platform;
this.serverUuid = serverUuid;
this.serviceId = serviceId;
this.enabled = enabled;
this.appendPlatformDataConsumer = appendPlatformDataConsumer;
this.appendServiceDataConsumer = appendServiceDataConsumer;
this.submitTaskConsumer = submitTaskConsumer;
this.checkServiceEnabledSupplier = checkServiceEnabledSupplier;
this.errorLogger = errorLogger;
this.infoLogger = infoLogger;
this.logErrors = logErrors;
this.logSentData = logSentData;
this.logResponseStatusText = logResponseStatusText;
if (enabled) {
public void addCustomChart(CustomChart chart) {
private void startSubmitting() {
final Runnable submitTask =
() -> {
if (!enabled || !checkServiceEnabledSupplier.get()) {
// Submitting data or service is disabled
if (submitTaskConsumer != null) {
} else {
// Many servers tend to restart at a fixed time at xx:00 which causes an uneven distribution
// of requests on the
// bStats backend. To circumvent this problem, we introduce some randomness into the initial
// and second delay.
// WARNING: You must not modify and part of this Metrics class, including the submit delay or
// frequency!
// WARNING: Modifying this code will get your plugin banned on bStats. Just don't do it!
long initialDelay = (long) (1000 * 60 * (3 + Math.random() * 3));
long secondDelay = (long) (1000 * 60 * (Math.random() * 30));
scheduler.schedule(submitTask, initialDelay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
submitTask, initialDelay + secondDelay, 1000 * 60 * 30, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
private void submitData() {
final JsonObjectBuilder baseJsonBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
final JsonObjectBuilder serviceJsonBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject[] chartData =
.map(customChart -> customChart.getRequestJsonObject(errorLogger, logErrors))
serviceJsonBuilder.appendField("id", serviceId);
serviceJsonBuilder.appendField("customCharts", chartData);
baseJsonBuilder.appendField("serverUUID", serverUuid);
baseJsonBuilder.appendField("metricsVersion", METRICS_VERSION);
JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject data =;
() -> {
try {
// Send the data
} catch (Exception e) {
// Something went wrong! :(
if (logErrors) {
errorLogger.accept("Could not submit bStats metrics data", e);
private void sendData(JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject data) throws Exception {
if (logSentData) {
infoLogger.accept("Sent bStats metrics data: " + data.toString());
String url = String.format(REPORT_URL, platform);
HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection();
// Compress the data to save bandwidth
byte[] compressedData = compress(data.toString());
connection.addRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
connection.addRequestProperty("Connection", "close");
connection.addRequestProperty("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
connection.addRequestProperty("Content-Length", String.valueOf(compressedData.length));
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Metrics-Service/1");
try (DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream())) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
try (BufferedReader bufferedReader =
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()))) {
String line;
while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
if (logResponseStatusText) {
infoLogger.accept("Sent data to bStats and received response: " + builder);
/** Checks that the class was properly relocated. */
private void checkRelocation() {
// You can use the property to disable the check in your test environment
if (System.getProperty("bstats.relocatecheck") == null
|| !System.getProperty("bstats.relocatecheck").equals("false")) {
// Maven's Relocate is clever and changes strings, too. So we have to use this little
// "trick" ... :D
final String defaultPackage =
new String(new byte[] {'o', 'r', 'g', '.', 'b', 's', 't', 'a', 't', 's'});
final String examplePackage =
new String(new byte[] {'y', 'o', 'u', 'r', '.', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'k', 'a', 'g', 'e'});
// We want to make sure no one just copy & pastes the example and uses the wrong package
// names
if (MetricsBase.class.getPackage().getName().startsWith(defaultPackage)
|| MetricsBase.class.getPackage().getName().startsWith(examplePackage)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("bStats Metrics class has not been relocated correctly!");
* Gzips the given string.
* @param str The string to gzip.
* @return The gzipped string.
private static byte[] compress(final String str) throws IOException {
if (str == null) {
return null;
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (GZIPOutputStream gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(outputStream)) {
return outputStream.toByteArray();
public static class AdvancedBarChart extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, int[]>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public AdvancedBarChart(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, int[]>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
Map<String, int[]> map =;
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
boolean allSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, int[]> entry : map.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().length == 0) {
// Skip this invalid
allSkipped = false;
valuesBuilder.appendField(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (allSkipped) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",;
public static class SimpleBarChart extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public SimpleBarChart(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
Map<String, Integer> map =;
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
valuesBuilder.appendField(entry.getKey(), new int[] {entry.getValue()});
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",;
public static class MultiLineChart extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public MultiLineChart(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
Map<String, Integer> map =;
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
boolean allSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue() == 0) {
// Skip this invalid
allSkipped = false;
valuesBuilder.appendField(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (allSkipped) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",;
public static class AdvancedPie extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public AdvancedPie(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
Map<String, Integer> map =;
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
boolean allSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue() == 0) {
// Skip this invalid
allSkipped = false;
valuesBuilder.appendField(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (allSkipped) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",;
public abstract static class CustomChart {
private final String chartId;
protected CustomChart(String chartId) {
if (chartId == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("chartId must not be null");
this.chartId = chartId;
public JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getRequestJsonObject(
BiConsumer<String, Throwable> errorLogger, boolean logErrors) {
JsonObjectBuilder builder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
builder.appendField("chartId", chartId);
try {
JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject data = getChartData();
if (data == null) {
// If the data is null we don't send the chart.
return null;
builder.appendField("data", data);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (logErrors) {
errorLogger.accept("Failed to get data for custom chart with id " + chartId, t);
return null;
protected abstract JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception;
public static class SingleLineChart extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Integer> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public SingleLineChart(String chartId, Callable<Integer> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
int value =;
if (value == 0) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("value", value).build();
public static class SimplePie extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<String> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public SimplePie(String chartId, Callable<String> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
String value =;
if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("value", value).build();
public static class DrilldownPie extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public DrilldownPie(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
public JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> map =;
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
boolean reallyAllSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Integer>> entryValues : map.entrySet()) {
JsonObjectBuilder valueBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
boolean allSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> valueEntry : map.get(entryValues.getKey()).entrySet()) {
valueBuilder.appendField(valueEntry.getKey(), valueEntry.getValue());
allSkipped = false;
if (!allSkipped) {
reallyAllSkipped = false;
if (reallyAllSkipped) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",;
* An extremely simple JSON builder.
* <p>While this class is neither feature-rich nor the most performant one, it's sufficient enough
* for its use-case.
public static class JsonObjectBuilder {
private StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
private boolean hasAtLeastOneField = false;
public JsonObjectBuilder() {
* Appends a null field to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendNull(String key) {
appendFieldUnescaped(key, "null");
return this;
* Appends a string field to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param value The value of the field.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, String value) {
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON value must not be null");
appendFieldUnescaped(key, "\"" + escape(value) + "\"");
return this;
* Appends an integer field to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param value The value of the field.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, int value) {
appendFieldUnescaped(key, String.valueOf(value));
return this;
* Appends an object to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param object The object.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, JsonObject object) {
if (object == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON object must not be null");
appendFieldUnescaped(key, object.toString());
return this;
* Appends a string array to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param values The string array.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, String[] values) {
if (values == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON values must not be null");
String escapedValues =
.map(value -> "\"" + escape(value) + "\"")
appendFieldUnescaped(key, "[" + escapedValues + "]");
return this;
* Appends an integer array to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param values The integer array.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, int[] values) {
if (values == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON values must not be null");
String escapedValues =","));
appendFieldUnescaped(key, "[" + escapedValues + "]");
return this;
* Appends an object array to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param values The integer array.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, JsonObject[] values) {
if (values == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON values must not be null");
String escapedValues =","));
appendFieldUnescaped(key, "[" + escapedValues + "]");
return this;
* Appends a field to the object.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param escapedValue The escaped value of the field.
private void appendFieldUnescaped(String key, String escapedValue) {
if (builder == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("JSON has already been built");
if (key == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON key must not be null");
if (hasAtLeastOneField) {
hasAtLeastOneField = true;
* Builds the JSON string and invalidates this builder.
* @return The built JSON string.
public JsonObject build() {
if (builder == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("JSON has already been built");
JsonObject object = new JsonObject(builder.append("}").toString());
builder = null;
return object;
* Escapes the given string like stated in
* <p>This method escapes only the necessary characters '"', '\'. and '\u0000' - '\u001F'.
* Compact escapes are not used (e.g., '\n' is escaped as "\u000a" and not as "\n").
* @param value The value to escape.
* @return The escaped value.
private static String escape(String value) {
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) {
char c = value.charAt(i);
if (c == '"') {
} else if (c == '\\') {
} else if (c <= '\u000F') {
} else if (c <= '\u001F') {
} else {
return builder.toString();
* A super simple representation of a JSON object.
* <p>This class only exists to make methods of the {@link JsonObjectBuilder} type-safe and not
* allow a raw string inputs for methods like {@link JsonObjectBuilder#appendField(String,
* JsonObject)}.
public static class JsonObject {
private final String value;
private JsonObject(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String toString() {
return value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
package de.jatitv.commandgui.system;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_1;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_2;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue_GUI_3;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.permissions.Permission;
public class Permissions extends JavaPlugin {
public static void addPermission(){
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.Command_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.command.gui1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.Command_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.command.gui2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.Command_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.command.gui3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.GiveUseItemOnFirstJoin_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.giveuseitemonfirstjoin.gui1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.GiveUseItemOnFirstJoin_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.giveuseitemonfirstjoin.gui2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.GiveUseItemOnFirstJoin_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.giveuseitemonfirstjoin.gui3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L1_S1_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line1.slot1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L1_S2_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line1.slot2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L1_S3_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line1.slot3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L1_S4_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line1.slot4"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L1_S5_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line1.slot5"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L1_S6_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line1.slot6"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L1_S7_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line1.slot7"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L1_S8_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line1.slot8"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L1_S9_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line1.slot9"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L2_S1_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line2.slot1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L2_S2_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line2.slot2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L2_S3_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line2.slot3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L2_S4_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line2.slot4"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L2_S5_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line2.slot5"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L2_S6_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line2.slot6"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L2_S7_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line2.slot7"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L2_S8_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line2.slot8"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L2_S9_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line2.slot9"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L3_S1_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line3.slot1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L3_S2_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line3.slot2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L3_S3_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line3.slot3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L3_S4_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line3.slot4"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L3_S5_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line3.slot5"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L3_S6_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line3.slot6"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L3_S7_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line3.slot7"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L3_S8_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line3.slot8"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L3_S9_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line3.slot9"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L4_S1_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line4.slot1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L4_S2_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line4.slot2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L4_S3_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line4.slot3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L4_S4_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line4.slot4"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L4_S5_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line4.slot5"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L4_S6_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line4.slot6"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L4_S7_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line4.slot7"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L4_S8_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line4.slot8"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L4_S9_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line4.slot9"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L5_S1_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line5.slot1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L5_S2_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line5.slot2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L5_S3_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line5.slot3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L5_S4_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line5.slot4"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L5_S5_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line5.slot5"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L5_S6_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line5.slot6"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L5_S7_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line5.slot7"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L5_S8_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line5.slot8"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L5_S9_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line5.slot9"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L6_S1_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line6.slot1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L6_S2_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line6.slot2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L6_S3_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line6.slot3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L6_S4_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line6.slot4"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L6_S5_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line6.slot5"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L6_S6_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line6.slot6"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L6_S7_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line6.slot7"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L6_S8_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line6.slot8"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_1.L6_S9_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui1.line6.slot9"));
* GUI2
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L1_S1_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line1.slot1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L1_S2_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line1.slot2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L1_S3_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line1.slot3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L1_S4_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line1.slot4"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L1_S5_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line1.slot5"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L1_S6_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line1.slot6"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L1_S7_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line1.slot7"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L1_S8_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line1.slot8"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L1_S9_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line1.slot9"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L2_S1_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line2.slot1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L2_S2_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line2.slot2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L2_S3_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line2.slot3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L2_S4_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line2.slot4"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L2_S5_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line2.slot5"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L2_S6_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line2.slot6"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L2_S7_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line2.slot7"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L2_S8_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line2.slot8"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L2_S9_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line2.slot9"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L3_S1_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line3.slot1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L3_S2_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line3.slot2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L3_S3_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line3.slot3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L3_S4_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line3.slot4"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L3_S5_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line3.slot5"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L3_S6_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line3.slot6"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L3_S7_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line3.slot7"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L3_S8_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line3.slot8"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L3_S9_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line3.slot9"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L4_S1_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line4.slot1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L4_S2_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line4.slot2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L4_S3_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line4.slot3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L4_S4_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line4.slot4"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L4_S5_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line4.slot5"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L4_S6_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line4.slot6"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L4_S7_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line4.slot7"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L4_S8_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line4.slot8"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L4_S9_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line4.slot9"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L5_S1_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line5.slot1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L5_S2_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line5.slot2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L5_S3_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line5.slot3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L5_S4_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line5.slot4"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L5_S5_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line5.slot5"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L5_S6_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line5.slot6"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L5_S7_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line5.slot7"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L5_S8_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line5.slot8"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L5_S9_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line5.slot9"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L6_S1_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line6.slot1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L6_S2_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line6.slot2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L6_S3_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line6.slot3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L6_S4_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line6.slot4"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L6_S5_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line6.slot5"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L6_S6_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line6.slot6"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L6_S7_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line6.slot7"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L6_S8_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line6.slot8"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_2.L6_S9_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui2.line6.slot9"));
* GUI3
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L1_S1_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line1.slot1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L1_S2_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line1.slot2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L1_S3_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line1.slot3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L1_S4_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line1.slot4"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L1_S5_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line1.slot5"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L1_S6_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line1.slot6"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L1_S7_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line1.slot7"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L1_S8_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line1.slot8"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L1_S9_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line1.slot9"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L2_S1_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line2.slot1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L2_S2_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line2.slot2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L2_S3_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line2.slot3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L2_S4_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line2.slot4"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L2_S5_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line2.slot5"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L2_S6_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line2.slot6"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L2_S7_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line2.slot7"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L2_S8_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line2.slot8"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L2_S9_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line2.slot9"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L3_S1_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line3.slot1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L3_S2_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line3.slot2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L3_S3_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line3.slot3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L3_S4_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line3.slot4"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L3_S5_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line3.slot5"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L3_S6_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line3.slot6"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L3_S7_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line3.slot7"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L3_S8_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line3.slot8"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L3_S9_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line3.slot9"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L4_S1_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line4.slot1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L4_S2_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line4.slot2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L4_S3_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line4.slot3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L4_S4_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line4.slot4"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L4_S5_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line4.slot5"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L4_S6_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line4.slot6"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L4_S7_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line4.slot7"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L4_S8_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line4.slot8"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L4_S9_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line4.slot9"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L5_S1_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line5.slot1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L5_S2_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line5.slot2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L5_S3_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line5.slot3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L5_S4_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line5.slot4"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L5_S5_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line5.slot5"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L5_S6_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line5.slot6"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L5_S7_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line5.slot7"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L5_S8_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line5.slot8"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L5_S9_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line5.slot9"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L6_S1_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line6.slot1"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L6_S2_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line6.slot2"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L6_S3_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line6.slot3"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L6_S4_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line6.slot4"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L6_S5_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line6.slot5"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L6_S6_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line6.slot6"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L6_S7_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line6.slot7"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L6_S8_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line6.slot8"));
if (DefaultValue_GUI_3.L6_S9_Permission_Enable) Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.use.gui3.line6.slot9"));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
// -----------------------------
// _____ _____ _ _ _____
// / ____/ ____| | | |_ _|
// | | | | __| | | | | |
// | | | | |_ | | | | | |
// | |___| |__| | |__| |_| |_
// \_____\_____|\____/|_____|
// -----------------------------
package de.jatitv.commandgui.system;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class UpdateChecker {
private JavaPlugin plugin;
private int resourceId;
public UpdateChecker(JavaPlugin plugin, int resourceId) {
this.plugin = plugin;
this.resourceId = resourceId;
public void getVersion(Consumer<String> consumer) {
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(this.plugin, () -> {
try {
InputStream inputStream = (new URL("" + this.resourceId)).openStream();
try {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(inputStream);
try {
if (scanner.hasNext()) {
} catch (Throwable var8) {
try {
} catch (Throwable var7) {
throw var8;
} catch (Throwable var9) {
if (inputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable var6) {
throw var9;
if (inputStream != null) {
} catch (IOException var10) {
this.plugin.getLogger().severe(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4 Cannot look for updates: " + var10.getMessage());

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
package de.jatitv.commandgui.system;
import de.jatitv.commandgui.defaultValue.DefaultValue;
import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider;
public class Vault {
public static void loadVault() throws InterruptedException {
if(Main.a.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("Vault") != null){
RegisteredServiceProvider<Economy> rsp = Main.a.getServer().getServicesManager().getRegistration(Economy.class);
if(rsp != null){ = rsp.getProvider();
if( != null){
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§2Vault / Economy successfully connected!");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Economy could not be connected / found!");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Economy could not be connected / found!");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Vault / Economy could not be connected / found!");
public static void vaultDisable(){
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(DefaultValue.PrefixHC + "§4Vault / Economy successfully deactivated.");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
name: CommandGUI
version: 1.2.2
api-version: 1.13
main: de.jatitv.commandgui.system.Main
authors: [ JaTiTV ]
- Vault
- Economy
- EssentialsX
- PlaceholderAPI
description: Open the CGUI
aliases: [cgui]
default: op
default: op
default: op
default: op

CommandGUI V2/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
# User-specific stuff
# IntelliJ
# Compiled class file
# Log file
# BlueJ files
# Package Files #
# virtual machine crash logs, see
# temporary files which can be created if a process still has a handle open of a deleted file
# KDE directory preferences
# Linux trash folder which might appear on any partition or disk
# .nfs files are created when an open file is removed but is still being accessed
# General
# Icon must end with two \r
# Thumbnails
# Files that might appear in the root of a volume
# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
Network Trash Folder
Temporary Items
# Windows thumbnail cache files
# Dump file
# Folder config file
# Recycle Bin used on file shares
# Windows Installer files
# Windows shortcuts
# Common working directory

CommandGUI V2/pom.xml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
Enable: true
Lines: 1
Name: '&5default &9GUI'
Enable: true
Alias: true
Required: true
Slot: 5
Enable: true
Empty: false
Amount: 1
Enable: true
Enable: true
Base64Value: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzg3M2MxMmJmZmI1MjUxYTBiODhkNWFlNzVjNzI0N2NiMzlhNzVmZjFhODFjYmU0YzhhMzliMzExZGRlZGEifX19
PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI: false
PlayerName: ''
Material: ''
Name: '&3Support Discord'
- '&8-----------------'
- '&bIf you need help setting up the plugin,'
- '&bfeel free to contact me on the Suport Discord.'
- '&8-----------------'
- '&eIf you find any errors or bugs,'
- '&eplease contact me so I can fix them.'
- '&8-----------------'
- '&5Discord: §7'
Enable: false
NoSound: false
Sound: ''
Enable: false
Price: 0.0
Enable: false
BungeeCommand: false
CommandAsConsole: false
- ''
Enable: false
GUI: ''
Enable: true
- '&6You can find more information on Discord: &e'
Required: false
Enable: false
Server: ''
Enable: false
Path: ''
Path: ''
Premat: String
ChatInput: false
String: ''
Boolean: false
Integer: 0
Double: 0.0
List: []
ChatInput: false
String: ''
Boolean: false
Integer: 0
Double: 0.0
List: []
Enable: false
Command: ''

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Bungee;
import net.md_5.bungee.config.Configuration;
import net.md_5.bungee.config.ConfigurationProvider;
import net.md_5.bungee.config.YamlConfiguration;
import java.nio.file.Files;
public class BConfig {
public static void create() {
if (!BMain.plugin.getDataFolder().exists())
File file = new File(BMain.plugin.getDataFolder(), "config.yml");
if (!file.exists()) {
try (InputStream in = BMain.plugin.getResourceAsStream("config.yml")) {
Files.copy(in, file.toPath());
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
Configuration configuration = ConfigurationProvider.getProvider(YamlConfiguration.class).load(new File(BMain.plugin.getDataFolder(), "config.yml"));
BMySQL.ip = configuration.getString("MySQL.IP");
BMySQL.port = configuration.getInt("MySQL.Port");
BMySQL.database = configuration.getString("MySQL.Database");
BMySQL.user = configuration.getString("MySQL.User");
BMySQL.password = configuration.getString("MySQL.Password");
BMySQL.SSL = configuration.getBoolean("MySQL.SSL");
} catch (IOException e) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Bungee;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config.SelectConfig;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.database.MySQL;
import net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.ProxyServer;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.connection.ProxiedPlayer;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.event.PlayerDisconnectEvent;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.event.PluginMessageEvent;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.event.PostLoginEvent;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.Listener;
import net.md_5.bungee.event.EventHandler;
import net.t2code.lib.Bungee.Lib.messages.Bsend;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class BListener implements Listener {
public void onPluginmessage(PluginMessageEvent event) {
if (event.getTag().equalsIgnoreCase("cgui:bungee")) {
DataInputStream stream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(event.getData()));
try {
String channel = stream.readUTF();
String input = stream.readUTF();
ProxiedPlayer player = BungeeCord.getInstance().getPlayer(channel);
if (player != null) {
BungeeCord.getInstance().getPluginManager().dispatchCommand(player, input);
} catch (IOException e) {
public void onJoin(PostLoginEvent e) {
ProxiedPlayer player = e.getPlayer();
sendToSpigotPlayer(player.getName(), true);
BMySQL.query("INSERT INTO `gui-bungeeplayer` (`UUID`, `Name`, `Online`) VALUES ('" + player.getUniqueId() + "', '" + player.getName()
+ "', 'true') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `Name` = '" + player.getName() + "', `Online` = 'true';");
public void onDisconnect(PlayerDisconnectEvent e) {
ProxiedPlayer player = e.getPlayer();
sendToSpigotPlayer(e.getPlayer().getName(), false);
BMySQL.query("INSERT INTO `gui-bungeeplayer` (`UUID`, `Name`, `Online`) VALUES ('" + player.getUniqueId() + "', '" + player.getName()
+ "', 'true') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `Name` = '" + player.getName() + "', `Online` = 'false';");
public static void sendToSpigotPlayer(String name, Boolean join) {
ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(stream);
try {
if (join) {
} else {
} catch (IOException e) {
BungeeCord.getInstance().getServers().values().stream().forEach((server) -> {
server.sendData("cgui:onlineplayers", stream.toByteArray());
public static void sendToSpigotDeleteAll() {
ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(stream);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
BungeeCord.getInstance().getServers().values().stream().forEach((server) -> {
server.sendData("cgui:onlineplayers", stream.toByteArray());

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Bungee;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Util;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.ProxyServer;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.Plugin;
import net.t2code.lib.Bungee.Lib.messages.Bsend;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.logging.Level;
public final class BMain extends Plugin {
private boolean enable = false;
public static Plugin plugin;
public static String update_version = null;
public static String prefix = "§8[§4C§9GUI§8]";
public static String version;
public static String autor;
public static Integer spigotID = 90671;
public static Integer bstatsID = 10840;
public static String spigot = "" + spigotID;
public static String discord = "";
public void onEnable() {
// Plugin startup logic
Long long_ = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
plugin = this;
autor = plugin.getDescription().getAuthor();
version = plugin.getDescription().getVersion();
if (pluginNotFound("T2CodeLib", 96388, Util.requiredT2CodeLibVersion)) return;
Bsend.console(prefix + "§4============================= §8[§4Command§9GUI§5BUNGEE§8] §4=============================");
Bsend.console(prefix + "§4 _____ §9_____ _ _ _____ §e ___ ");
Bsend.console(prefix + "§4 / ____§9/ ____| | | |_ _|§e |__ \\ ");
Bsend.console(prefix + "§4 | | §9| | __| | | | | |§e_ __ ) |");
Bsend.console(prefix + "§4 | | §9| | |_ | | | | | §e\\ \\ / // / ");
Bsend.console(prefix + "§4 | |___§9| |__| | |__| |_| |§e\\ V // /_ ");
Bsend.console(prefix + "§4 \\_____§9\\_____|\\____/|_____§e\\_/|____|");
Bsend.console(prefix + " §2Autor: §6" + String.valueOf(autor).replace("[", "").replace("]", ""));
Bsend.console(prefix + " §2Version: §6" + version);
Bsend.console(prefix + " §2Spigot: §6" + spigot);
Bsend.console(prefix + " §2Discord: §6" + discord);
plugin.getProxy().getPluginManager().registerListener(plugin, new BListener());
BMetrics metrics = new BMetrics(this, bstatsID);
BMySQL.query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `gui-bungeeplayer` (" +
" `UUID` VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci'," +
" `Name` TINYTEXT NOT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci'," +
" `Online` TINYTEXT NOT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci'," +
")" +
"COLLATE='utf8mb4_general_ci'" +
Bsend.console(prefix + " §2Plugin loaded successfully." + " §7- §e" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - long_.longValue()) + "ms");
Bsend.console(prefix + "§4==============================================================================");
enable = true;
public void onDisable() {
// Plugin shutdown logic
if (!enable) {
Bsend.console(prefix + "§4============================= §8[§4Command§9GUI§5BUNGEE§8] §4=============================");
Bsend.console(prefix + " §2Autor: §6" + String.valueOf(autor).replace("[", "").replace("]", ""));
Bsend.console(prefix + " §2Version: §6" + version);
Bsend.console(prefix + " §2Spigot: §6" + spigot);
Bsend.console(prefix + " §2Discord: §6" + discord);
Bsend.console(prefix + " §4Plugin successfully disabled.");
Bsend.console(prefix + "§4==============================================================================");
public static Boolean pluginNotFound(String pl, Integer spigotID, double ver) {
if (ProxyServer.getInstance().getPluginManager().getPlugin(pl) == null) {
plugin.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Plugin can not be loaded!");
ProxyServer.getInstance().getConsole().sendMessage(prefix + " §e" + pl + " §4could not be found. Please download it here: " +
"§6" + pl + "." + spigotID + " §4to be able to use this plugin.");
// BMain.plugin.getPluginLoader().disablePlugin(BMain.plugin);
return true;
} else {
if (Double.parseDouble(ProxyServer.getInstance().getPluginManager().getPlugin(pl).getDescription().getVersion()) < ver) {
plugin.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Plugin can not be loaded!");
ProxyServer.getInstance().getConsole().sendMessage(prefix + " §e" + pl + " §4is out of date! This plugin requires at least version §2" + ver + " §4of §6" + pl + " §4Please update it here: §6" + pl + "." + spigotID + " §4to use this version of " + plugin.getDescription().getName() + ".");
// BMain.plugin.getPluginLoader().disablePlugin(BMain.plugin);
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,857 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Bungee;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.Plugin;
import net.md_5.bungee.config.Configuration;
import net.md_5.bungee.config.ConfigurationProvider;
import net.md_5.bungee.config.YamlConfiguration;
public class BMetrics {
private final Plugin plugin;
private final MetricsBase metricsBase;
private boolean enabled;
private String serverUUID;
private boolean logErrors = false;
private boolean logSentData;
private boolean logResponseStatusText;
* Creates a new Metrics instance.
* @param plugin Your plugin instance.
* @param serviceId The id of the service. It can be found at <a
* href="">What is my plugin id?</a>
public BMetrics(Plugin plugin, int serviceId) {
this.plugin = plugin;
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// Failed to load configuration
plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load bStats config!", e);
metricsBase = null;
metricsBase =
new MetricsBase(
() -> true,
(message, error) -> this.plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, message, error),
(message) -> this.plugin.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, message),
/** Loads the bStats configuration. */
private void loadConfig() throws IOException {
File bStatsFolder = new File(plugin.getDataFolder().getParentFile(), "bStats");
File configFile = new File(bStatsFolder, "config.yml");
if (!configFile.exists()) {
"# bStats ( collects some basic information for plugin authors, like how",
"# many people use their plugin and their total player count. It's recommended to keep bStats",
"# enabled, but if you're not comfortable with this, you can turn this setting off. There is no",
"# performance penalty associated with having metrics enabled, and data sent to bStats is fully",
"# anonymous.",
"enabled: true",
"serverUuid: \"" + UUID.randomUUID() + "\"",
"logFailedRequests: false",
"logSentData: false",
"logResponseStatusText: false");
Configuration configuration =
// Load configuration
enabled = configuration.getBoolean("enabled", true);
serverUUID = configuration.getString("serverUuid");
logErrors = configuration.getBoolean("logFailedRequests", false);
logSentData = configuration.getBoolean("logSentData", false);
logResponseStatusText = configuration.getBoolean("logResponseStatusText", false);
private void writeFile(File file, String... lines) throws IOException {
try (BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file))) {
for (String line : lines) {
* Adds a custom chart.
* @param chart The chart to add.
public void addCustomChart(CustomChart chart) {
private void appendPlatformData(JsonObjectBuilder builder) {
builder.appendField("playerAmount", plugin.getProxy().getOnlineCount());
builder.appendField("managedServers", plugin.getProxy().getServers().size());
builder.appendField("onlineMode", plugin.getProxy().getConfig().isOnlineMode() ? 1 : 0);
builder.appendField("bungeecordVersion", plugin.getProxy().getVersion());
builder.appendField("javaVersion", System.getProperty("java.version"));
builder.appendField("osName", System.getProperty(""));
builder.appendField("osArch", System.getProperty("os.arch"));
builder.appendField("osVersion", System.getProperty("os.version"));
builder.appendField("coreCount", Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
private void appendServiceData(JsonObjectBuilder builder) {
builder.appendField("pluginVersion", plugin.getDescription().getVersion());
public static class MetricsBase {
/** The version of the Metrics class. */
public static final String METRICS_VERSION = "2.2.1";
private static final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler =
Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, task -> new Thread(task, "bStats-Metrics"));
private static final String REPORT_URL = "";
private final String platform;
private final String serverUuid;
private final int serviceId;
private final Consumer<JsonObjectBuilder> appendPlatformDataConsumer;
private final Consumer<JsonObjectBuilder> appendServiceDataConsumer;
private final Consumer<Runnable> submitTaskConsumer;
private final Supplier<Boolean> checkServiceEnabledSupplier;
private final BiConsumer<String, Throwable> errorLogger;
private final Consumer<String> infoLogger;
private final boolean logErrors;
private final boolean logSentData;
private final boolean logResponseStatusText;
private final Set<CustomChart> customCharts = new HashSet<>();
private final boolean enabled;
* Creates a new MetricsBase class instance.
* @param platform The platform of the service.
* @param serviceId The id of the service.
* @param serverUuid The server uuid.
* @param enabled Whether or not data sending is enabled.
* @param appendPlatformDataConsumer A consumer that receives a {@code JsonObjectBuilder} and
* appends all platform-specific data.
* @param appendServiceDataConsumer A consumer that receives a {@code JsonObjectBuilder} and
* appends all service-specific data.
* @param submitTaskConsumer A consumer that takes a runnable with the submit task. This can be
* used to delegate the data collection to a another thread to prevent errors caused by
* concurrency. Can be {@code null}.
* @param checkServiceEnabledSupplier A supplier to check if the service is still enabled.
* @param errorLogger A consumer that accepts log message and an error.
* @param infoLogger A consumer that accepts info log messages.
* @param logErrors Whether or not errors should be logged.
* @param logSentData Whether or not the sent data should be logged.
* @param logResponseStatusText Whether or not the response status text should be logged.
public MetricsBase(
String platform,
String serverUuid,
int serviceId,
boolean enabled,
Consumer<JsonObjectBuilder> appendPlatformDataConsumer,
Consumer<JsonObjectBuilder> appendServiceDataConsumer,
Consumer<Runnable> submitTaskConsumer,
Supplier<Boolean> checkServiceEnabledSupplier,
BiConsumer<String, Throwable> errorLogger,
Consumer<String> infoLogger,
boolean logErrors,
boolean logSentData,
boolean logResponseStatusText) {
this.platform = platform;
this.serverUuid = serverUuid;
this.serviceId = serviceId;
this.enabled = enabled;
this.appendPlatformDataConsumer = appendPlatformDataConsumer;
this.appendServiceDataConsumer = appendServiceDataConsumer;
this.submitTaskConsumer = submitTaskConsumer;
this.checkServiceEnabledSupplier = checkServiceEnabledSupplier;
this.errorLogger = errorLogger;
this.infoLogger = infoLogger;
this.logErrors = logErrors;
this.logSentData = logSentData;
this.logResponseStatusText = logResponseStatusText;
if (enabled) {
public void addCustomChart(CustomChart chart) {
private void startSubmitting() {
final Runnable submitTask =
() -> {
if (!enabled || !checkServiceEnabledSupplier.get()) {
// Submitting data or service is disabled
if (submitTaskConsumer != null) {
} else {
// Many servers tend to restart at a fixed time at xx:00 which causes an uneven distribution
// of requests on the
// bStats backend. To circumvent this problem, we introduce some randomness into the initial
// and second delay.
// WARNING: You must not modify and part of this Metrics class, including the submit delay or
// frequency!
// WARNING: Modifying this code will get your plugin banned on bStats. Just don't do it!
long initialDelay = (long) (1000 * 60 * (3 + Math.random() * 3));
long secondDelay = (long) (1000 * 60 * (Math.random() * 30));
scheduler.schedule(submitTask, initialDelay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
submitTask, initialDelay + secondDelay, 1000 * 60 * 30, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
private void submitData() {
final JsonObjectBuilder baseJsonBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
final JsonObjectBuilder serviceJsonBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject[] chartData =
.map(customChart -> customChart.getRequestJsonObject(errorLogger, logErrors))
serviceJsonBuilder.appendField("id", serviceId);
serviceJsonBuilder.appendField("customCharts", chartData);
baseJsonBuilder.appendField("serverUUID", serverUuid);
baseJsonBuilder.appendField("metricsVersion", METRICS_VERSION);
JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject data =;
() -> {
try {
// Send the data
} catch (Exception e) {
// Something went wrong! :(
if (logErrors) {
errorLogger.accept("Could not submit bStats metrics data", e);
private void sendData(JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject data) throws Exception {
if (logSentData) {
infoLogger.accept("Sent bStats metrics data: " + data.toString());
String url = String.format(REPORT_URL, platform);
HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection();
// Compress the data to save bandwidth
byte[] compressedData = compress(data.toString());
connection.addRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
connection.addRequestProperty("Connection", "close");
connection.addRequestProperty("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
connection.addRequestProperty("Content-Length", String.valueOf(compressedData.length));
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Metrics-Service/1");
try (DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream())) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
try (BufferedReader bufferedReader =
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()))) {
String line;
while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
if (logResponseStatusText) {
infoLogger.accept("Sent data to bStats and received response: " + builder);
/** Checks that the class was properly relocated. */
private void checkRelocation() {
// You can use the property to disable the check in your test environment
if (System.getProperty("bstats.relocatecheck") == null
|| !System.getProperty("bstats.relocatecheck").equals("false")) {
// Maven's Relocate is clever and changes strings, too. So we have to use this little
// "trick" ... :D
final String defaultPackage =
new String(new byte[] {'o', 'r', 'g', '.', 'b', 's', 't', 'a', 't', 's'});
final String examplePackage =
new String(new byte[] {'y', 'o', 'u', 'r', '.', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'k', 'a', 'g', 'e'});
// We want to make sure no one just copy & pastes the example and uses the wrong package
// names
if (MetricsBase.class.getPackage().getName().startsWith(defaultPackage)
|| MetricsBase.class.getPackage().getName().startsWith(examplePackage)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("bStats Metrics class has not been relocated correctly!");
* Gzips the given string.
* @param str The string to gzip.
* @return The gzipped string.
private static byte[] compress(final String str) throws IOException {
if (str == null) {
return null;
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (GZIPOutputStream gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(outputStream)) {
return outputStream.toByteArray();
public static class AdvancedBarChart extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, int[]>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public AdvancedBarChart(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, int[]>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
Map<String, int[]> map =;
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
boolean allSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, int[]> entry : map.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().length == 0) {
// Skip this invalid
allSkipped = false;
valuesBuilder.appendField(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (allSkipped) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",;
public static class SimpleBarChart extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public SimpleBarChart(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
Map<String, Integer> map =;
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
valuesBuilder.appendField(entry.getKey(), new int[] {entry.getValue()});
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",;
public static class MultiLineChart extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public MultiLineChart(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
Map<String, Integer> map =;
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
boolean allSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue() == 0) {
// Skip this invalid
allSkipped = false;
valuesBuilder.appendField(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (allSkipped) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",;
public static class AdvancedPie extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public AdvancedPie(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
Map<String, Integer> map =;
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
boolean allSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue() == 0) {
// Skip this invalid
allSkipped = false;
valuesBuilder.appendField(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (allSkipped) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",;
public abstract static class CustomChart {
private final String chartId;
protected CustomChart(String chartId) {
if (chartId == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("chartId must not be null");
this.chartId = chartId;
public JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getRequestJsonObject(
BiConsumer<String, Throwable> errorLogger, boolean logErrors) {
JsonObjectBuilder builder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
builder.appendField("chartId", chartId);
try {
JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject data = getChartData();
if (data == null) {
// If the data is null we don't send the chart.
return null;
builder.appendField("data", data);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (logErrors) {
errorLogger.accept("Failed to get data for custom chart with id " + chartId, t);
return null;
protected abstract JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception;
public static class SingleLineChart extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Integer> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public SingleLineChart(String chartId, Callable<Integer> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
int value =;
if (value == 0) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("value", value).build();
public static class SimplePie extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<String> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public SimplePie(String chartId, Callable<String> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
String value =;
if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("value", value).build();
public static class DrilldownPie extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public DrilldownPie(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
public JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> map =;
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
boolean reallyAllSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Integer>> entryValues : map.entrySet()) {
JsonObjectBuilder valueBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
boolean allSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> valueEntry : map.get(entryValues.getKey()).entrySet()) {
valueBuilder.appendField(valueEntry.getKey(), valueEntry.getValue());
allSkipped = false;
if (!allSkipped) {
reallyAllSkipped = false;
if (reallyAllSkipped) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",;
* An extremely simple JSON builder.
* <p>While this class is neither feature-rich nor the most performant one, it's sufficient enough
* for its use-case.
public static class JsonObjectBuilder {
private StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
private boolean hasAtLeastOneField = false;
public JsonObjectBuilder() {
* Appends a null field to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendNull(String key) {
appendFieldUnescaped(key, "null");
return this;
* Appends a string field to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param value The value of the field.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, String value) {
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON value must not be null");
appendFieldUnescaped(key, "\"" + escape(value) + "\"");
return this;
* Appends an integer field to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param value The value of the field.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, int value) {
appendFieldUnescaped(key, String.valueOf(value));
return this;
* Appends an object to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param object The object.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, JsonObject object) {
if (object == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON object must not be null");
appendFieldUnescaped(key, object.toString());
return this;
* Appends a string array to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param values The string array.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, String[] values) {
if (values == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON values must not be null");
String escapedValues =
.map(value -> "\"" + escape(value) + "\"")
appendFieldUnescaped(key, "[" + escapedValues + "]");
return this;
* Appends an integer array to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param values The integer array.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, int[] values) {
if (values == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON values must not be null");
String escapedValues =","));
appendFieldUnescaped(key, "[" + escapedValues + "]");
return this;
* Appends an object array to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param values The integer array.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, JsonObject[] values) {
if (values == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON values must not be null");
String escapedValues =","));
appendFieldUnescaped(key, "[" + escapedValues + "]");
return this;
* Appends a field to the object.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param escapedValue The escaped value of the field.
private void appendFieldUnescaped(String key, String escapedValue) {
if (builder == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("JSON has already been built");
if (key == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON key must not be null");
if (hasAtLeastOneField) {
hasAtLeastOneField = true;
* Builds the JSON string and invalidates this builder.
* @return The built JSON string.
public JsonObject build() {
if (builder == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("JSON has already been built");
JsonObject object = new JsonObject(builder.append("}").toString());
builder = null;
return object;
* Escapes the given string like stated in
* <p>This method escapes only the necessary characters '"', '\'. and '\u0000' - '\u001F'.
* Compact escapes are not used (e.g., '\n' is escaped as "\u000a" and not as "\n").
* @param value The value to escape.
* @return The escaped value.
private static String escape(String value) {
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) {
char c = value.charAt(i);
if (c == '"') {
} else if (c == '\\') {
} else if (c <= '\u000F') {
} else if (c <= '\u001F') {
} else {
return builder.toString();
* A super simple representation of a JSON object.
* <p>This class only exists to make methods of the {@link JsonObjectBuilder} type-safe and not
* allow a raw string inputs for methods like {@link JsonObjectBuilder#appendField(String,
* JsonObject)}.
public static class JsonObject {
private final String value;
private JsonObject(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String toString() {
return value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Bungee;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.Plugin;
import net.t2code.lib.Bungee.Lib.messages.Bsend;
import java.sql.*;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
public class BMySQL {
private static Plugin plugin = BMain.plugin;
protected static String ip = "localhost";
protected static Integer port = 3306;
protected static String database;
protected static String user = "root";
protected static String password = "";
protected static String url;
protected static Boolean SSL;
public static void main() {
Long long_ = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
ZoneId timeZone = now.getTimeZone().toZoneId();
Bsend.debug(plugin, "Server TimeZone is : " + timeZone);
url = "jdbc:mysql://" + ip + ":" + port + "/" + database + "?useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=" + timeZone;
// Europe/Berlin
if (SSL) {
url = url + "&useSSL=true";
} else url = url + "&useSSL=false";
Bsend.debug(plugin, url);
try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password)) {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
Bsend.console(BMain.prefix + " §2MySQL successfully connected." + " §7- §e" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - long_.longValue()) + "ms");
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Bsend.console(BMain.prefix + " §4MySQL not connected." + " §7- §e" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - long_.longValue()) + "ms");
Bsend.error(plugin, ex.getMessage() + " --- " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - long_.longValue()) + "ms");
public static void query(String query) {
try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password)) {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
} catch (SQLException ex) {
public static ArrayList<String> selectAll(String query) {
ArrayList<String> Result = new ArrayList<>();
try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password)) {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
int columns = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
while ( {
} catch (SQLException ex) {
return Result;
public static String select(String query) {
String Ausgabe = "";
try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password)) {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
int columns = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
while ( {
Ausgabe = String.valueOf(rs.getString(1));
} catch (SQLException ex) {
return Ausgabe;
public static int count(String query) {
Integer count = 0;
try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password)) {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
int columns = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
while ( {
} catch (SQLException ex) {
return count;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
// -----------------------------
// _____ _____ _ _ _____
// / ____/ ____| | | |_ _|
// | | | | __| | | | | |
// | | | | |_ | | | | | |
// | |___| |__| | |__| |_| |_
// \_____\_____|\____/|_____|
// -----------------------------
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Bungee;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.ProxyServer;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.Plugin;
import net.t2code.lib.Bungee.Lib.messages.Bsend;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class BUpdateChecker {
public static void sendUpdateMsg(String Prefix, String foundVersion, String update_version) {
Bsend.console("§4=========== " + Prefix + " §4===========");
Bsend.console("§6A new version was found!");
Bsend.console("§6Your version: §c" + foundVersion + " §7- §6Current version: §a" + update_version+"_Bungee");
Bsend.console("§6You can download it here: §e" + BMain.spigot);
Bsend.console("§6You can find more information on Discord: §e" + BMain.discord);
Bsend.console("§4=========== " + Prefix + " §4===========");
public static void onUpdateCheckTimer() {
ProxyServer.getInstance().getScheduler().schedule(BMain.plugin, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
(new BUpdateChecker(BMain.plugin, BMain.spigotID)).getVersion((update_version) -> {
String foundVersion = BMain.plugin.getDescription().getVersion();
BMain.update_version = update_version;
if (!foundVersion.replace("_Bungee", "").equalsIgnoreCase(update_version)) {
sendUpdateMsg(BMain.prefix, foundVersion, update_version);
}, 0, 20 * 60 * 60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public static void onUpdateCheck() {
(new BUpdateChecker(BMain.plugin, BMain.spigotID)).getVersion((update_version) -> {
String foundVersion = BMain.plugin.getDescription().getVersion();
BMain.update_version = update_version;
if (foundVersion.replace("_Bungee", "").equalsIgnoreCase(update_version)) {
Bsend.console(BMain.prefix + " §2No update found.");
private Plugin plugin;
private int resourceId;
public BUpdateChecker(Plugin plugin, int resourceId) {
this.plugin = plugin;
this.resourceId = resourceId;
public void getVersion(Consumer<String> consumer) {
ProxyServer.getInstance().getScheduler().runAsync(this.plugin, () -> {
try {
InputStream inputStream = (new URL("" + this.resourceId)).openStream();
try {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(inputStream);
try {
if (scanner.hasNext()) {
} catch (Throwable var8) {
try {
} catch (Throwable var7) {
throw var8;
} catch (Throwable var9) {
if (inputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable var6) {
throw var9;
if (inputStream != null) {
} catch (IOException var10) {
this.plugin.getLogger().severe(BMain.prefix + "§4 Cannot look for updates: " + var10.getMessage());

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Listener;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Objekte.Slot;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Objekte.Object;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class ConfigChat implements Listener {
public static HashMap<Player, String> EditChat = new HashMap<>();
public void onChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent playerChatEvent) {
Player player = playerChatEvent.getPlayer();
if (EditChat.containsKey(player)) {
if (playerChatEvent.getMessage().equals("cancel")) {
//player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.SettingsGUIchatIsCanceled.replace("[setting]", EditChat.get(player)));
} else {
for (Object gui : Main.guiHashMap.values()) {
for (Slot slot : gui.GUI_Slots) {
if (slot.ConfigOptionPath.equals(EditChat.get(player))) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Listener;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Objekte.Slot;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.Bungee_Sender_Reciver;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.languages.SelectMessages;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Objekte.Object;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.gui.OpenGUI;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config.SelectConfig;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.items.ItemVersion;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.replace.Replace;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.vault.Vault;
import net.t2code.lib.Util;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
public class GUI_Listener implements Listener {
private static String prefix = Util.Prefix;
public static String GUICode;
private static Plugin plugin = Main.plugin;
public void onInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent e) {
Player player = (Player) e.getWhoClicked();
if (e.getInventory() != null && e.getCurrentItem() != null) {
for (Object gui : Main.guiHashMap.values()) {
if (player.getOpenInventory().getTitle().equals(Replace.replace(prefix, GUICode + gui.GUI_Name))
|| (Main.PaPi && player.getOpenInventory().getTitle().equals(Replace.replace(prefix, player, GUICode + gui.GUI_Name)))) {
for (Slot slot : gui.GUI_Slots) {
/* if (!slot.ItemsRemovable) {
if (e.getSlot() == slot.Slot) {
if (!slot.Perm || player.hasPermission("commandgui.gui." + gui.Command_Command + ".slot." + (slot.Slot + 1))
|| player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin")) {
if (slot.Enable) {
if (e.getCurrentItem().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name))) {
if (e.getCurrentItem().getType() == ItemVersion.Head || e.getCurrentItem().getType() == Material.valueOf(slot.Item.toUpperCase().replace(".", "_"))) {
if (slot.Cost_Enable) {
if (slot.Command_Enable || slot.Message_Enable || slot.OpenGUI_Enable || slot.ServerChange) {
if (, player, slot.Price)) {
player.sendMessage(SelectMessages.Buy_msg.replace("[itemname]", Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name))
.replace("[price]", slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
if (slot.Command_Enable) {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
}.runTaskLater(plugin, 1L);
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
if (slot.Command_BungeeCommand && SelectConfig.Bungee) {
for (String cmd : slot.Command) {
Bungee_Sender_Reciver.sendToBungee(player, player.getName(), cmd.replace("[player]", player.getName()));
} else {
if (slot.CommandAsConsole) {
for (String cmd : slot.Command) {
Bukkit.getServer().dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender(), cmd.replace("[player]", player.getName()));
} else {
for (String cmd : slot.Command) {"/" + cmd.replace("[player]", player.getName()));
}.runTaskLater(plugin, 2L);
if (slot.OpenGUI_Enable) {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
}.runTaskLater(plugin, 1L);
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
OpenGUI.openGUI(player, Main.guiHashMap.get(slot.OpenGUI), slot.OpenGUI);
}.runTaskLater(plugin, 2L);
if (slot.Message_Enable) {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
}.runTaskLater(plugin, 1L);
for (String msg : slot.Message) {
if (Main.PaPi) {
player.sendMessage(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, player, msg, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
} else
player.sendMessage(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, msg, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
if (slot.ServerChange) {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
}.runTaskLater(plugin, 1L);
send.player(player, SelectMessages.onServerChange.replace("[server]", slot.ServerChangeServer));
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
ServerChange.send(player, slot.ServerChangeServer);
}.runTaskLater(Main.plugin, 20L);
if (slot.SetConfigEnable) {
File config = new File(slot.ConfigFilePath);
YamlConfiguration yamlConfiguration = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(config);
/*if (slot.ConfigChatInput){
ConfigChat.EditChat.put(player, slot.ConfigOptionPath);
player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.SettingsGUIchatSet.replace("[setting]", "Shop Name Chest small"));
} else
if (e.isLeftClick()) {
if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("String")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigStringValueLeft);
} else if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("Boolean")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigBooleanValueLeft);
} else if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("Integer")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigIntegerValueLeft);
} else if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("Double")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigDoubleValueLeft);
} else if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("List")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigListValueLeft);
} else {
player.sendMessage("§cCheck the Option §6SetConfig/Option/Premat"); //todo
if (e.isRightClick()) {
if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("String")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigStringValueRight);
} else if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("Boolean")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigBooleanValueRight);
} else if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("Integer")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigIntegerValueRight);
} else if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("Double")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigDoubleValueRight);
} else if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("List")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigListValueRight);
} else {
player.sendMessage("§cCheck the Option §6SetConfig/Option/Premat"); //todo
try {;
} catch (IOException tac) {
if (slot.PluginReloadEnable) {
Bukkit.getServer().dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender(), slot.PluginReloadCommand);
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
}.runTaskLater(plugin, 1L);
if (SelectConfig.Sound_Enable && SelectConfig.Sound_Click_Enable) {
if (slot.CustomSound_Enable) {
if (!slot.CustomSound_NoSound) {
try {
player.playSound(player.getLocation(), Sound.valueOf(slot.CustomSound_Sound.toUpperCase().replace(".", "_")), 3, 1);
} catch (Exception e1) {
send.console("§4\n§4\n§4\n" + SelectMessages.SoundNotFound.replace("[prefix]", prefix)
.replace("[sound]", "§6GUI: §e" + Replace.replace(prefix, gui.GUI_Name) + "§r §6Slot: §e" + slot.Slot + " §6CustomSound: §9" + slot.CustomSound_Sound));
player.playSound(player.getLocation(), SelectConfig.Sound_Click, 3, 1);
} else
player.playSound(player.getLocation(), SelectConfig.Sound_Click, 3, 1);
} else {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
}.runTaskLater(plugin, 1L);
if (SelectConfig.Sound_NoMoney_Enable && SelectConfig.Sound_Enable) {
player.playSound(player.getLocation(), SelectConfig.Sound_NoMoney, 3, 1);
} else {
if (slot.Command_Enable) {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
}.runTaskLater(plugin, 1L);
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
if (slot.Command_BungeeCommand) {
if (SelectConfig.Bungee) {
for (String cmd : slot.Command) {
Bungee_Sender_Reciver.sendToBungee(player, player.getName(), cmd.replace("[player]", player.getName()));
} else {
send.console(prefix + " §4To use bungee commands, enable the Bungee option in the config.");
send.player(player, prefix + " §4To use bungee commands, enable the Bungee option in the config.");
} else {
if (slot.CommandAsConsole) {
for (String cmd : slot.Command) {
Bukkit.getServer().dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender(), cmd.replace("[player]", player.getName()));
} else {
for (String cmd : slot.Command) {"/" + cmd);
}.runTaskLater(plugin, 2L);
if (slot.OpenGUI_Enable) {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
}.runTaskLater(plugin, 1L);
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
OpenGUI.openGUI(player, Main.guiHashMap.get(slot.OpenGUI), slot.OpenGUI);
}.runTaskLater(plugin, 2L);
if (slot.Message_Enable) {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
}.runTaskLater(plugin, 1L);
for (String msg : slot.Message) {
if (Main.PaPi) {
player.sendMessage(Replace.replace(prefix, player, msg.replace("[prefix]", prefix)));
} else
player.sendMessage(Replace.replace(prefix, msg.replace("[prefix]", prefix)));
if (slot.ServerChange) {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
}.runTaskLater(plugin, 1L);
send.player(player, SelectMessages.onServerChange.replace("[server]", slot.ServerChangeServer));
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
ServerChange.send(player, slot.ServerChangeServer);
}.runTaskLater(Main.plugin, 20L);
if (slot.SetConfigEnable) {
File config = new File(slot.ConfigFilePath);
YamlConfiguration yamlConfiguration = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(config);
/*if (slot.ConfigChatInput){
ConfigChat.EditChat.put(player, slot.ConfigOptionPath);
player.sendMessage(DefaultValue.SettingsGUIchatSet.replace("[setting]", "Shop Name Chest small"));
} else
if (e.isLeftClick()) {
if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("String")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigStringValueLeft);
} else if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("Boolean")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigBooleanValueLeft);
} else if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("Integer")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigIntegerValueLeft);
} else if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("Double")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigDoubleValueLeft);
} else if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("List")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigListValueLeft);
} else {
player.sendMessage("§cCheck the Option §6SetConfig/Option/Premat"); //todo
if (e.isRightClick()) {
if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("String")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigStringValueRight);
} else if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("Boolean")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigBooleanValueRight);
} else if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("Integer")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigIntegerValueRight);
} else if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("Double")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigDoubleValueRight);
} else if (slot.ConfigOptionPremat.equals("List")) {
yamlConfiguration.set(slot.ConfigOptionPath.replace("/", "."), slot.ConfigListValueRight);
} else {
player.sendMessage("§cCheck the Option §6SetConfig/Option/Premat"); //todo
try {;
} catch (IOException tac) {
if (slot.PluginReloadEnable) {
Bukkit.getServer().dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender(), slot.PluginReloadCommand);
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
}.runTaskLater(plugin, 1L);
if (SelectConfig.Sound_Enable && SelectConfig.Sound_Click_Enable) {
if (slot.CustomSound_Enable) {
if (!slot.CustomSound_NoSound) {
try {
player.playSound(player.getLocation(), Sound.valueOf(slot.CustomSound_Sound.toUpperCase().replace(".", "_")), 3, 1);
} catch (Exception e1) {
send.console("§4\n§4\n§4\n" + SelectMessages.SoundNotFound.replace("[prefix]", prefix)
.replace("[sound]", "§6GUI: §e" + Replace.replace(prefix, gui.GUI_Name) + "§r §6Slot: §e" + slot.Slot + " §6CustomSound: §9" + slot.CustomSound_Sound));
player.playSound(player.getLocation(), SelectConfig.Sound_Click, 3, 1);
} else
player.playSound(player.getLocation(), SelectConfig.Sound_Click, 3, 1);
} else {
player.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForItem.replace("[item]", Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name))
.replace("[perm]", "commandgui.gui." + gui.Command_Command + ".slot." + (slot.Slot + 1)));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Listener;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.Give_UseItem;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config.SelectConfig;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.database.Select_Database;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.items.ItemVersion;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
public class ItemChange {
public static void itemChange(Player player) {
Integer slot;
if (Select_Database.selectSlot(player) == null) {
slot = SelectConfig.UseItem_InventorySlot;
} else {
slot = Select_Database.selectSlot(player);
if (!SelectConfig.UseItem_Enable) {
if (SelectConfig.UseItem_GiveOnlyOnFirstJoin) {
if (!SelectConfig.UseItem_AllowToggle || Select_Database.selectItemStatus(player)) {
if (!player.hasPlayedBefore()) {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
}.runTaskLater(Main.plugin, 1L * 1);
if (SelectConfig.Cursor_ToGUIItem_OnlyOnFirstLogin || SelectConfig.Cursor_ToGUIItem_OnLogin) {
player.getInventory().setHeldItemSlot(slot - 1);
if (SelectConfig.UseItem_GiveOnEveryJoin) {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
for (int iam = 0; iam < player.getInventory().getSize() - 5; iam++) {
ItemStack itm = player.getInventory().getItem(iam);
if (itm != null) {
if (itm.getType() == Material.valueOf(SelectConfig.UseItem_Material) || itm.getType() == ItemVersion.Head) {
if (itm.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
if (!SelectConfig.UseItem_AllowToggle || Select_Database.selectItemStatus(player)) {
if (SelectConfig.UseItem_InventorySlotEnforce || player.getInventory().getItem(slot - 1) == null) {
if (SelectConfig.Cursor_ToGUIItem_OnLogin) {
if (SelectConfig.Cursor_ToGUIItem_OnlyOnFirstLogin) {
if (!player.hasPlayedBefore()) {
player.getInventory().setHeldItemSlot(slot - 1);
} else {
if (SelectConfig.Bungee) {
if (SelectConfig.UseItem_ServerChange) {
player.getInventory().setHeldItemSlot(slot - 1);
} else {
if (Main.bungeejoinplayers.contains(player.getName())) {
player.getInventory().setHeldItemSlot(slot - 1);
} else player.getInventory().setHeldItemSlot(slot - 1);
} else if (SelectConfig.UseItem_InventorySlot_FreeSlot) {
boolean empty = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
if (player.getInventory().getItem(i) == null) {
empty = true;
if (empty) {
}.runTaskLater(Main.plugin, 1L * 1);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Listener;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config.SelectConfig;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.database.Select_Database;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.update.UpdateAPI;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerLoginEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.server.ServerCommandEvent;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
public class PluginEvent implements Listener {
private static String prefix = Main.prefix;
public void onJoinEvent(PlayerLoginEvent event) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
UpdateAPI.join(Main.plugin,prefix, "commandgui.updatemsg", event.getPlayer(), Main.spigot, Main.discord);
public void onClearServer(ServerCommandEvent event) {
if (SelectConfig.UseItem_KeepAtCommandClear) {
if (event.getCommand().contains("clear " + event.getCommand().replace("/", "").replace("clear ", ""))) {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
try {
Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer(event.getCommand().replace("/", "").replace("clear ", ""));
if (player == null){
} catch (Exception ex){
}.runTaskLater(Main.plugin, 1L);
public void onClearPlayer(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent event) {
if (SelectConfig.UseItem_KeepAtCommandClear) {
if (event.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("clear")) {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
}.runTaskLater(Main.plugin, 1L);
if (event.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("clear " + event.getMessage().toLowerCase().replace("/", "").replace("clear ", ""))) {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
clearGive(Bukkit.getPlayer(event.getMessage().toLowerCase().replace("/", "").replace("clear ", "")));
}.runTaskLater(Main.plugin, 1L);
private static void clearGive(Player player) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Listener;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class ServerChange {
public static void send(Player player, String server){
ByteArrayOutputStream b = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(b);
try {
} catch (IOException i) {
player.sendPluginMessage(Main.plugin, "BungeeCord", b.toByteArray());

View File

@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Listener.UseItem_Listener;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Listener.ItemChange;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.cmdManagement.Commands;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.gui.OpenGUI;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.api.CGuiAPI;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.languages.SelectMessages;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config.SelectConfig;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.items.ItemVersion;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.minecraftVersion.MCVersion;
import org.bukkit.GameMode;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.PlayerDeathEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryDragEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryPickupItemEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.*;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class Events implements Listener {
public void onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent e) {
if (CGuiAPI.JoinDisable) return;
if (e.getPlayer().hasPermission("")) {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
}.runTaskLater(Main.plugin, 20L * 1);
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void onDeathDrop(PlayerDeathEvent e) {
Player player = e.getEntity().getPlayer();
for (int iam = 0; iam < player.getInventory().getSize() - 5; iam++) {
ItemStack itm = player.getInventory().getItem(iam);
if (itm != null) {
if (itm.getType() == Material.valueOf(SelectConfig.UseItem_Material) || itm.getType() == ItemVersion.Head) {
if (itm.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
if (!e.getDrops().isEmpty()) {
Iterator var3 = (new ArrayList(e.getDrops())).iterator();
while (var3.hasNext()) {
ItemStack items = (ItemStack);
if (items != null && items.hasItemMeta() && items.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName()
&& items.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void onRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent e) {
Player player = e.getPlayer();
if (SelectConfig.UseItem_Enable) {
//if (!SelectConfig.UseItem_AllowToggle || Select_Database.selectItemStatus(player)) {
// if (SelectConfig.UseItem_GiveOnlyOnFirstJoin) {
// if (!player.hasPlayedBefore()) {
// new BukkitRunnable() {
// @Override
// public void run() {
// Give_UseItem.onGive(player);
// }
// }.runTaskLater(Main.plugin, 20L * 1);
// }
// } else {
// new BukkitRunnable() {
// @Override
// public void run() {
// Give_UseItem.onGive(player);
// }
// }.runTaskLater(Main.plugin, 20L * 1);
// }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void onGameModeChange(PlayerGameModeChangeEvent e) {
Player player = e.getPlayer();
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
if (SelectConfig.UseItemGameModeChangeDisableInSpectator) {
if (player.getGameMode() != GameMode.SPECTATOR) {
for (int iam = 0; iam < player.getInventory().getSize() - 5; iam++) {
ItemStack itm = player.getInventory().getItem(iam);
if (itm != null) {
if (itm.getType() == Material.valueOf(SelectConfig.UseItem_Material) || itm.getType() == ItemVersion.Head) {
if (itm.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
} else ItemChange.itemChange(player);
}.runTaskLater(Main.plugin, 1L);
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent e) {
Player p = e.getPlayer();
if (SelectConfig.UseItem_Enable) {
if (SelectConfig.UseItem_PlayerHead_Enable) {
if (e.getItem() != null && p.getItemInHand().getType() == ItemVersion.Head) {
if (e.getItem().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
if (p.isSneaking()) {;
if (!legacy()) {
if (!topInventoryIsEmpty(p)) return;
if (!SelectConfig.UseItem_Permission || p.hasPermission("commandgui.useitem")) {
OpenGUI.openGUI(p, Main.guiHashMap.get(SelectConfig.UseItem_OpenGUI), SelectConfig.UseItem_OpenGUI);
if (SelectConfig.Sound_Enable && SelectConfig.Sound_OpenInventory_Enable) {
p.playSound(p.getLocation(), SelectConfig.Sound_OpenInventory, 3, 1);
} else {
p.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForUseItem.replace("[perm]", "commandgui.useitem")
.replace("[gui]", SelectConfig.UseItem_OpenGUI));
} else {
if (e.getItem() != null && p.getItemInHand().getType() == Material.valueOf(SelectConfig.UseItem_Material)) {
if (e.getItem().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
if (p.isSneaking()) {;
if (!legacy()) {
if (!topInventoryIsEmpty(p)) return;
if (!SelectConfig.UseItem_Permission || p.hasPermission("commandgui.useitem")) {
OpenGUI.openGUI(p, Main.guiHashMap.get(SelectConfig.UseItem_OpenGUI), SelectConfig.UseItem_OpenGUI);
if (SelectConfig.Sound_Enable && SelectConfig.Sound_OpenInventory_Enable) {
p.playSound(p.getLocation(), SelectConfig.Sound_OpenInventory, 3, 1);
} else {
p.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForUseItem.replace("[perm]", "commandgui.useitem")
.replace("[gui]", SelectConfig.UseItem_OpenGUI));
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void onItemMoveEvent(InventoryMoveItemEvent e) {
if (!SelectConfig.UseItem_BlockMoveAndDrop || !SelectConfig.UseItem_Enable) return;
if (e.getItem() != null && e.getItem().hasItemMeta() && e.getItem().getItemMeta().hasDisplayName()
&& e.getItem().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void onItemMove(InventoryDragEvent e) {
if (!SelectConfig.UseItem_BlockMoveAndDrop || !SelectConfig.UseItem_Enable) return;
if (e.getWhoClicked() instanceof Player) {
Player p = (Player) e.getWhoClicked();
if (e.getCursor() != null && e.getCursor().hasItemMeta() && e.getCursor().getItemMeta().hasDisplayName()
&& e.getCursor().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
if (e.getOldCursor() != null && e.getOldCursor().hasItemMeta() && e.getOldCursor().getItemMeta().hasDisplayName()
&& e.getOldCursor().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onItemMove(InventoryClickEvent e) {
if (!SelectConfig.UseItem_BlockMoveAndDrop || !SelectConfig.UseItem_Enable) return;
Player player = (Player) e.getWhoClicked();
if (e.getCursor() != null && e.getCursor().hasItemMeta() && e.getCursor().getItemMeta().hasDisplayName()
&& e.getCursor().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
if (e.getCurrentItem() != null && e.getCurrentItem().hasItemMeta() && e.getCurrentItem().getItemMeta().hasDisplayName()
&& e.getCurrentItem().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void onItemMove(InventoryPickupItemEvent e) {
if (!SelectConfig.UseItem_BlockMoveAndDrop || !SelectConfig.UseItem_Enable) return;
if (e.getItem() != null && e.getItem().getItemStack() != null) {
ItemStack item = e.getItem().getItemStack();
if (item.hasItemMeta() && item.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName()
&& item.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void onPlace(BlockPlaceEvent e) {
if (!SelectConfig.UseItem_BlockMoveAndDrop || !SelectConfig.UseItem_Enable) return;
if (e.getItemInHand() != null && e.getItemInHand().hasItemMeta() && e.getItemInHand().getItemMeta().hasDisplayName()
&& e.getItemInHand().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void onDrop(PlayerDropItemEvent e) {
if (!SelectConfig.UseItem_BlockMoveAndDrop || !SelectConfig.UseItem_Enable) return;
if (e.getItemDrop() != null && e.getItemDrop().getItemStack() != null) {
ItemStack item = e.getItemDrop().getItemStack();
if (item.hasItemMeta() && item.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName()
&& item.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
private static boolean legacy() {
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8 || MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12 || MCVersion.minecraft1_13 || MCVersion.minecraft1_14 || MCVersion.minecraft1_15) {
return true;
} else return false;
private static boolean topInventoryIsEmpty(Player p) {
return p.getOpenInventory().getTopInventory().isEmpty();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Listener.UseItem_Listener;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config.SelectConfig;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.minecraftVersion.MCVersion;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.player.*;
public class Events_from1_10 implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void onHandSwap(PlayerSwapHandItemsEvent e) {
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8 || MCVersion.minecraft1_9) return;
if (!SelectConfig.UseItem_BlockMoveAndDrop || !SelectConfig.UseItem_Enable) return;
if (e.getMainHandItem() != null && e.getMainHandItem().hasItemMeta() && e.getMainHandItem().getItemMeta().hasDisplayName()
&& e.getMainHandItem().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
if (e.getOffHandItem() != null && e.getOffHandItem().hasItemMeta() && e.getOffHandItem().getItemMeta().hasDisplayName()
&& e.getOffHandItem().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void onItemMove(PlayerSwapHandItemsEvent e) {
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8 || MCVersion.minecraft1_9) return;
if (!SelectConfig.UseItem_BlockMoveAndDrop || !SelectConfig.UseItem_Enable) return;
Player p = e.getPlayer();
if (e.getOffHandItem() != null && e.getOffHandItem().hasItemMeta() && e.getOffHandItem().getItemMeta().hasDisplayName()
&& e.getOffHandItem().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
if (e.getMainHandItem() != null && e.getMainHandItem().hasItemMeta() && e.getMainHandItem().getItemMeta().hasDisplayName()
&& e.getMainHandItem().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.Load;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Objekte.Object;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Util;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.T2CodeTemplate;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.plugins.PluginCheck;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public final class Main extends JavaPlugin {
public static ArrayList<String> bungeeplayers = new ArrayList<>();
public static ArrayList<String> bungeejoinplayers = new ArrayList<>();
public static File getPath() {
return plugin.getDataFolder();
private static Boolean enable = false;
public static String prefix = "§8[§4C§9GUI§8]";
public static String version;
public static List<String> autor;
public static Integer spigotID = Util.SpigotID;
public static Integer bstatsID = Util.BstatsID;
public static String spigot = Util.Spigot;
public static String discord = Util.Discord;
public static Main plugin;
public static List plugins;
public static String update_version = null;
public static Boolean PaPi = false;
public static Boolean PlotSquaredGUI = false;
public static Boolean PlugManGUI = false;
public static HashMap<String, Object> guiHashMap = new HashMap<>();
public static ArrayList<String> allAliases = new ArrayList<>();
public void onEnable() {
plugins = Arrays.asList(getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugins());
// Plugin startup logic
// Plugin startup logic
Logger logger = this.getLogger();
plugin = this;
autor = plugin.getDescription().getAuthors();
version = plugin.getDescription().getVersion();
if (pluginNotFound("T2CodeLib", 96388, Util.requiredT2CodeLibVersion)) return;
getServer().getMessenger().registerOutgoingPluginChannel(this, "BungeeCord");
if (PluginCheck.papi()) {
PaPi = true;
Load.onLoad(prefix, autor, version, spigot, spigotID, discord, bstatsID);
enable = true;
public static void addonLoad() {
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("PlotSquaredGUI") != null) {
PlotSquaredGUI = true;
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("PlugManGUI") != null) {
PlugManGUI = true;
public static void addonEnable(Plugin plugin) {
send.console(prefix + " §aAddon for: §e" + plugin.getName() + "§7 - Version: " + plugin.getDescription().getVersion() + " §aloaded successfully!");
public static Boolean pluginNotFound(String pl, Integer spigotID) {
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin(pl) == null) {
plugin.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Plugin can not be loaded!");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(prefix + " §e" + pl + " §4could not be found. Please download it here: " +
"§6" + pl + "." + spigotID + " §4to be able to use this plugin.");
return true;
} else return false;
public static Boolean pluginNotFound(String pl, Integer spigotID, double ver) {
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin(pl) == null) {
plugin.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Plugin can not be loaded!");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(prefix + " §e" + pl + " §4could not be found. Please download it here: " +
"§6" + pl + "." + spigotID + " §4to be able to use this plugin.");
return true;
} else {
if (Double.parseDouble(Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin(pl)).getDescription().getVersion()) < ver) {
plugin.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Plugin can not be loaded!");
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(prefix + " §e" + pl + " §4is out of date! This plugin requires at least version §2" + ver + " §4of §6" + pl + " §4Please update it here: §6" + pl + "." + spigotID + " §4to use this version of " + plugin.getDescription().getName() + ".");
return true;
return false;
public void onDisable() {
// Plugin shutdown logic
if (enable) T2CodeTemplate.onDisable(prefix, autor, version, spigot, discord);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Objekte;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.cmdManagement.CmdExecuter_GUI;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.minecraftVersion.MCVersion;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Obj_Select {
public static void onSelect() {
File f = new File(Main.getPath() + "/GUIs/");
File[] fileArray = f.listFiles();
for (File config_gui : fileArray) {
Main.allAliases.add(config_gui.getName().replace(".yml", ""));
String sub = config_gui.getName().substring(config_gui.getName().length() - 4);
if (sub.equals(".yml")) {
YamlConfiguration yamlConfiguration_gui = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(config_gui);
Boolean GUI_Enable = yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("GUI.Enable");
Integer GUI_Lines = yamlConfiguration_gui.getInt("GUI.Lines");
if (yamlConfiguration_gui.getInt("GUI.Lines") > 6) {
yamlConfiguration_gui.set("GUI.Lines", 6);
if (yamlConfiguration_gui.getInt("GUI.Lines") < 1) {
yamlConfiguration_gui.set("GUI.Lines", 1);
String GUI_Name = yamlConfiguration_gui.getString("GUI.Name");
Boolean GUI_FillItem_Enable = yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("GUI.FillItem.Enable");
String GUI_FillItem_Item;
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8 || MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12) {
GUI_FillItem_Item = yamlConfiguration_gui.getString("GUI.FillItem.GlassPaneCollor");
} else GUI_FillItem_Item = yamlConfiguration_gui.getString("GUI.FillItem.Item");
Boolean Command_Alias_Enable = yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Command.Alias");
Boolean Command_Permission = yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Command.Permission.Required");
ArrayList<Slot> slots = new ArrayList<>();
for (String key : yamlConfiguration_gui.getConfigurationSection("Slots").getKeys(false)) {
Slot slot = new Slot(yamlConfiguration_gui.getInt("Slots." + key + ".Slot") - 1,
yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".Enable"),
// yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".Item.Removable"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".Item.Empty"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getInt("Slots." + key + ".Item.Amount"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".Item.PlayerHead.Enable"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".Item.PlayerHead.Base64.Enable"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getString("Slots." + key + ".Item.PlayerHead.Base64.Base64Value"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".Item.PlayerHead.PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getString("Slots." + key + ".Item.PlayerHead.PlayerName"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getString("Slots." + key + ".Item.Material"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getString("Slots." + key + ".Item.Name"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getList("Slots." + key + ".Item.Lore"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".CustomSound.Enable"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".CustomSound.NoSound"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getString("Slots." + key + ".CustomSound.Sound"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".Cost.Enable"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getDouble("Slots." + key + ".Cost.Price"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".Command.Enable"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".Command.BungeeCommand"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".Command.CommandAsConsole"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getStringList("Slots." + key + ".Command.Command"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".ServerChange.Enable"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getString("Slots." + key + ".ServerChange.Server"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".OpenGUI.Enable"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getString("Slots." + key + ".OpenGUI.GUI"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".Message.Enable"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getStringList("Slots." + key + ".Message.Message"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".Permission.Required"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".SetConfig.Enable"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getString("Slots." + key + ".SetConfig.File.Path"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getString("Slots." + key + ".SetConfig.Option.Path"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getString("Slots." + key + ".SetConfig.Option.Premat"),
// yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".SetConfig.Value.ChatInput"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getString("Slots." + key + ".SetConfig.Value.LeftClick.String"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".SetConfig.Value.LeftClick.Boolean"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getInt("Slots." + key + ".SetConfig.Value.LeftClick.Integer"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getDouble("Slots." + key + ".SetConfig.Value.LeftClick.Double"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getStringList("Slots." + key + ".SetConfig.Value.LeftClick.List"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getString("Slots." + key + ".SetConfig.Value.RightClick.String"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".SetConfig.Value.RightClick.Boolean"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getInt("Slots." + key + ".SetConfig.Value.RightClick.Integer"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getDouble("Slots." + key + ".SetConfig.Value.RightClick.Double"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getStringList("Slots." + key + ".SetConfig.RightClick.Value.List"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getBoolean("Slots." + key + ".SetConfig.PluginReload.Enable"),
yamlConfiguration_gui.getString("Slots." + key + ".SetConfig.PluginReload.Command"));
Object objekt = new Object(GUI_Enable, GUI_Lines, GUI_Name, GUI_FillItem_Enable, GUI_FillItem_Item,
config_gui.getName().replace(".yml", ""), Command_Alias_Enable, Command_Permission, slots);
Main.guiHashMap.put(config_gui.getName().replace(".yml", ""), objekt);
CmdExecuter_GUI.arg1.put(config_gui.getName().replace(".yml", ""), "commandgui.gui." + config_gui.getName().replace(".yml", ""));
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Objekte;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Object {
public Boolean GUI_Enable;
public Integer GUI_Lines;
public String GUI_Name;
public Boolean GUI_FillItem_Enable;
public String GUI_FillItem_Item;
public String Command_Command;
public Boolean Command_Alias_Enable;
public Boolean Command_Permission_Enable;
public ArrayList<Slot> GUI_Slots;
public Object(Boolean GUI_Enable, Integer GUI_Lines, String GUI_Name, Boolean GUI_FillItem_Enable, String GUI_FillItem_Item,
String Command_Command, Boolean Command_Alias_Enable, Boolean Command_Permission_Enable, ArrayList<Slot> GUI_Slots){
this.GUI_Enable = GUI_Enable;
this.GUI_Lines = GUI_Lines;
this.GUI_Name = GUI_Name;
this.GUI_FillItem_Enable = GUI_FillItem_Enable;
this.GUI_FillItem_Item = GUI_FillItem_Item;
this.Command_Command = Command_Command;
this.Command_Alias_Enable = Command_Alias_Enable;
this.Command_Permission_Enable = Command_Permission_Enable;
this.GUI_Slots = GUI_Slots;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Objekte;
import java.util.List;
public class Slot {
public Integer Slot;
public Boolean Enable;
// public Boolean ItemsRemovable;
public Boolean Empty;
public Integer ItemAmount;
public Boolean PlayerHead_Enable;
public Boolean Base64_Enable;
public String Base64Value;
public Boolean PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI;
public String PlayerName;
public String Item;
public String Name;
public List Lore;
public Boolean CustomSound_Enable;
public Boolean CustomSound_NoSound;
public String CustomSound_Sound;
public Boolean Cost_Enable;
public Double Price;
public Boolean Command_Enable;
public Boolean Command_BungeeCommand;
public Boolean CommandAsConsole;
public Boolean ServerChange;
public String ServerChangeServer;
public List<String> Command;
public Boolean OpenGUI_Enable;
public String OpenGUI;
public Boolean Message_Enable;
public List<String> Message;
public Boolean Perm;
public Boolean SetConfigEnable;
public String ConfigFilePath;
public String ConfigOptionPath;
public String ConfigOptionPremat;
// public Boolean ConfigChatInput;
public String ConfigStringValueLeft;
public Boolean ConfigBooleanValueLeft;
public Integer ConfigIntegerValueLeft;
public Double ConfigDoubleValueLeft;
public List<String> ConfigListValueLeft;
public String ConfigStringValueRight;
public Boolean ConfigBooleanValueRight;
public Integer ConfigIntegerValueRight;
public Double ConfigDoubleValueRight;
public List<String> ConfigListValueRight;
public Boolean PluginReloadEnable;
public String PluginReloadCommand;
public Slot(Integer Slot,
Boolean Enable,
// Boolean ItemsRemovable,
Boolean Empty,
Integer ItemAmount,
Boolean PlayerHead_Enable,
Boolean Base64Value_Enable,
String Base64Value,
Boolean PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI,
String PlayerName,
String Item,
String Name,
List Lore,
Boolean CustomSound_Enable,
Boolean CustomSound_NoSound,
String CustomSound_Sound,
Boolean Cost_Enable,
Double Price,
Boolean Command_Enable,
Boolean Command_BungeeCommand,
Boolean CommandAsConsole,
List<String> Command,
Boolean ServerChange,
String ServerChangeServer,
Boolean OpenGUI_Enable,
String OpenGUI,
Boolean Message_Enable,
List<String> Message,
Boolean Perm,
Boolean SetConfigEnable,
String ConfigFilePath,
String ConfigOptionPath,
String ConfigOptionPremat,
// Boolean ConfigChatInput,
String ConfigStringValueLeft,
Boolean ConfigBooleanValueLeft,
Integer ConfigIntegerValueLeft,
Double ConfigDoubleValueLeft,
List<String> ConfigListValueLeft,
String ConfigStringValueRight,
Boolean ConfigBooleanValueRight,
Integer ConfigIntegerValueRight,
Double ConfigDoubleValueRight,
List<String> ConfigListValueRight,
Boolean PluginReloadEnable,
String PluginReloadCommand) {
this.Slot = Slot;
this.Enable = Enable;
// this.ItemsRemovable = ItemsRemovable;
this.Empty = Empty;
this.ItemAmount = ItemAmount;
this.PlayerHead_Enable = PlayerHead_Enable;
this.Base64_Enable = Base64Value_Enable;
this.Base64Value = Base64Value;
this.PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI = PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI;
this.PlayerName = PlayerName;
this.Item = Item;
this.Name = Name;
this.Lore = Lore;
this.CustomSound_Enable = CustomSound_Enable;
this.CustomSound_NoSound = CustomSound_NoSound;
this.CustomSound_Sound = CustomSound_Sound;
this.Cost_Enable = Cost_Enable;
this.Price = Price;
this.Command_Enable = Command_Enable;
this.Command_BungeeCommand = Command_BungeeCommand;
this.CommandAsConsole = CommandAsConsole;
this.Command = Command;
this.ServerChange = ServerChange;
this.ServerChangeServer = ServerChangeServer;
this.OpenGUI_Enable = OpenGUI_Enable;
this.OpenGUI = OpenGUI;
this.Message_Enable = Message_Enable;
this.Message = Message;
this.Perm = Perm;
this.SetConfigEnable = SetConfigEnable;
this.ConfigFilePath = ConfigFilePath;
this.ConfigOptionPath = ConfigOptionPath;
this.ConfigOptionPremat = ConfigOptionPremat;
// this.ConfigChatInput = ConfigChatInput;
this.ConfigStringValueLeft = ConfigStringValueLeft;
this.ConfigBooleanValueLeft = ConfigBooleanValueLeft;
this.ConfigIntegerValueLeft = ConfigIntegerValueLeft;
this.ConfigDoubleValueLeft = ConfigDoubleValueLeft;
this.ConfigListValueLeft = ConfigListValueLeft;
this.ConfigStringValueRight = ConfigStringValueRight;
this.ConfigBooleanValueRight = ConfigBooleanValueRight;
this.ConfigIntegerValueRight = ConfigIntegerValueRight;
this.ConfigDoubleValueRight = ConfigDoubleValueRight;
this.ConfigListValueRight = ConfigListValueRight;
this.PluginReloadEnable = PluginReloadEnable;
this.PluginReloadCommand = PluginReloadCommand;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.cmdManagement;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.Debug;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.DefaultGUICreate;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.languages.SelectMessages;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Util;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.command.TabCompleter;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
public class CmdExecuter_Admin implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter {
private static String prefix = Util.Prefix;
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
if (args.length == 0) {
Help.sendHelp(sender, prefix);
} else {
switch (args[0].toLowerCase()) {
case "info":
if (sender.hasPermission("")) {;
} else sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForCommand
.replace("[cmd]", "/commandguiadmin").replace("[perm]", ""));
case "reload":
case "rl":
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin")) {
} else sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForCommand
.replace("[cmd]", "/commandguiadmin").replace("[perm]", "commandgui.admin"));
case "createdefaultgui":
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin")) {
sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.DefaultGUIcreate.replace("[directory]", Main.getPath() + "/GUIs/default.yml"));
} else sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForCommand
.replace("[cmd]", "/commandguiadmin").replace("[perm]", "commandgui.admin"));
case "debug":
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin")) {
/*if (args.length == 2) {
if (args[1].equals("config")) {
if (args[1].equals("2")) {
} else Debug.debugmsg();
} else sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForCommand.replace("[cmd]", "/commandguiadmin").replace("[perm]", "commandgui.admin"));
case "give":
if (args.length == 2) {
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.giveitem.other")) {
Player target = Bukkit.getPlayer(args[1]);
Commands.give(sender, target);
} else sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForCommand.replace("[cmd]", "/commandgui give")
.replace("[perm]", "commandgui.command.give"));
} else Help.sendHelp(sender, prefix);
case "help":
Help.sendHelp(sender, prefix);
return false;
private static HashMap<String, String> arg1 = new HashMap<String, String>() {{
put("reload", "commandgui.admin");
put("rl", "commandgui.admin");
put("createdefaultgui", "commandgui.admin");
put("give", "commandgui.giveitem.other");
put("info", "");
public List<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String s, String[] args) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
if (sender instanceof Player) {
Player p = (Player) sender;
if (args.length == 1) {
for (String command : arg1.keySet()) {
Boolean passend = true;
for (int i = 0; i < args[0].length(); i++) {
if (args[0].length() >= command.length()) {
passend = false;
} else {
if (args[0].charAt(i) != command.charAt(i)) {
passend = false;
if (hasPermission(p, arg1.get(command)) && passend) {
if (args.length == 2 && args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("give")) {
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.giveitem.other")) {
Iterator var6 = Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().iterator();
while (var6.hasNext()) {
Player player1 = (Player);
return list;
return list;
public static boolean hasPermission(Player player, String permission) {
if (player.isOp()) {
return true;
String[] Permissions = permission.split(";");
for (String perm : Permissions) {
if (player.hasPermission(perm)) {
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.cmdManagement;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.Debug;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.DefaultGUICreate;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.languages.SelectMessages;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Util;
import net.t2code.lib.Bungee.Lib.commands.BTab;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.commands.Tab;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.command.TabCompleter;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
public class CmdExecuter_GUI implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter {
private static String prefix = Util.Prefix;
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
if (args.length == 0) {
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
return false;
Player player = (Player) sender;
} else {
if (args[0].equals("admin")) {
switch (args[1].toLowerCase()) {
case "info":
if (sender.hasPermission("")) {;
} else sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForCommand
.replace("[cmd]", "/commandguiadmin").replace("[perm]", ""));
case "reload":
case "rl":
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin")) {
} else sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForCommand
.replace("[cmd]", "/commandguiadmin").replace("[perm]", "commandgui.admin"));
case "createdefaultgui":
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin")) {
sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.DefaultGUIcreate.replace("[directory]", Main.getPath() + "/GUIs/default.yml"));
} else sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForCommand
.replace("[cmd]", "/commandguiadmin").replace("[perm]", "commandgui.admin"));
case "debug":
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin")) {
/*if (args.length == 2) {
if (args[1].equals("config")) {
if (args[1].equals("2")) {
} else Debug.debugmsg();
} else sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForCommand.replace("[cmd]", "/commandguiadmin").replace("[perm]", "commandgui.admin"));
case "give":
if (args.length == 3) {
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.giveitem.other")) {
Player target = Bukkit.getPlayer(args[2]);
Commands.give(sender, target);
} else sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForCommand.replace("[cmd]", "/commandgui give")
.replace("[perm]", "commandgui.command.give"));
} else Help.sendHelp(sender, prefix);
case "help":
Help.sendHelp(sender, prefix);
} else Help.sendHelp(sender, prefix);
return false;
public static HashMap<String, String> arg1 = new HashMap<String, String>();
private static HashMap<String, String> arg2 = new HashMap<String, String>() {{
put("reload", "commandgui.admin");
put("rl", "commandgui.admin");
put("createdefaultgui", "commandgui.admin");
put("give", "commandgui.giveitem.other");
put("info", "");
public List<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String s, String[] args) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();, sender, 0, args, arg1);, sender, 0, "admin", 1, args, arg2);, sender, 1, "give", 2, args, "commandgui.giveitem.other", true);
// if (args.length == 1) {
// for (String command : arg1.keySet()) {
// Boolean passend = true;
// for (int i = 0; i < args[0].length(); i++) {
// if (args[0].length() >= command.length()) {
// passend = false;
// } else {
// if (args[0].charAt(i) != command.charAt(i)) {
// passend = false;
// }
// }
// }
// if (hasPermission(sender, arg1.get(command)) && passend) {
// list.add(command);
// }
// }
// }
// if (args.length > 1) {
// if (args[0].toLowerCase().equals("admin")){
// return,1,args,arg2);
// }
// }
return list;
public static boolean hasPermission(CommandSender sender, String permission) {
if (permission.equals("")) {
return true;
String[] Permissions = permission.split(";");
for (String perm : Permissions) {
if (sender.hasPermission(perm)) {
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.cmdManagement;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.languages.SelectMessages;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config.SelectConfig;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Util;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.command.TabCompleter;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
public class CmdExecuter_GUIItem implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter {
private static String prefix = Util.Prefix;
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
Player player = (Player) sender;
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.useitem.toggle")) {
if (args.length == 0) {
Help.sendGUIItemHelp(sender, prefix);
} else {
if (args.length == 1 || args.length == 2) {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
if (SelectConfig.UseItem_AllowToggle) {
switch (args[0].toLowerCase()) {
case "on":
case "off":
case "slot":
if (args.length == 2) {
try {
Commands.onSetSlot(player, Integer.valueOf(args[1]));
} catch (Exception e5) {
send.player(player, SelectMessages.ItemSlot_wrongValue);
} else send.player(player, "§4Use: §7/gui-item slot [slot]");
Help.sendHelp(player, prefix);
} else sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.OnlyForPlayer);
} else sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForCommand.replace("[cmd]", "/commandgui-item").replace("[perm]", "commandgui.useitem.toggle"));
return false;
private static HashMap<String, String> arg1 = new HashMap<String, String>() {{
put("on", "commandgui.useitem.toggle");
put("off", "commandgui.useitem.toggle");
if (SelectConfig.UseItem_AllowSetSlot) {
put("slot", "commandgui.useitem.toggle");
public List<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String s, String[] args) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
if (sender instanceof Player) {
if (SelectConfig.UseItem_AllowToggle) {
Player p = (Player) sender;
if (args.length == 1) {
for (String command : arg1.keySet()) {
Boolean passend = true;
for (int i = 0; i < args[0].length(); i++) {
if (args[0].length() >= command.length()) {
passend = false;
} else {
if (args[0].charAt(i) != command.charAt(i)) {
passend = false;
if (hasPermission(p, arg1.get(command)) && passend) {
return list;
public static boolean hasPermission(Player player, String permission) {
if (player.isOp()) {
return true;
String[] Permissions = permission.split(";");
for (String perm : Permissions) {
if (player.hasPermission(perm)) {
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.cmdManagement;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Util;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
public class CmdExecuter_Help implements CommandExecutor {
private static String prefix = Util.Prefix;
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
if (args.length == 0) {
Help.sendHelp(sender, prefix);
} else Help.sendHelp(sender, prefix);
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.cmdManagement;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Objekte.Obj_Select;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Objekte.Object;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.cmdManagement.register.AliasRegister;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.gui.OpenGUI;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.Give_UseItem;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config.ConfigCreate;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.languages.LanguagesCreate;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config.SelectConfig;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.languages.SelectMessages;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.database.Select_Database;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Util;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.items.ItemVersion;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.TextBuilder;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.update.UpdateAPI;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
public class Commands {
private static Plugin plugin = Main.plugin;
private static String prefix = Util.Prefix;
private static String autor = String.valueOf(Main.autor);
private static String version = Main.version;
private static String spigot = Util.Spigot;
private static String discord = Util.Discord;
public static void info(CommandSender sender) {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) sender;
send.player(player, prefix + "§4======= §8[§4Command§9GUI§8] §4=======");
send.player(player, prefix + " §2Autor: §6" + String.valueOf(autor).replace("[", "").replace("]", ""));
if (UpdateAPI.PluginVersionen.get(plugin.getName()).publicVersion.equalsIgnoreCase(version)) {
send.player(player, prefix + " §2Version: §6" + version);
} else {
send.player(player, prefix + " §2Spigot: §6" + spigot);
send.player(player, prefix + " §2Discord: §6" + discord);
send.player(player, prefix + "§4======= §8[§4Command§9GUI§8] §4=======");
} else {
send.sender(sender, prefix + "§4======= §8[§4Command§9GUI§8] §4=======");
send.sender(sender, prefix + " §2Autor: §6" + String.valueOf(autor).replace("[", "").replace("]", ""));
if (UpdateAPI.PluginVersionen.get(plugin.getName()).publicVersion.equalsIgnoreCase(version)) {
send.sender(sender,prefix + " §2Version: §6" + version);
} else {
send.sender(sender, prefix + " §2Spigot: §6" + spigot);
send.sender(sender, prefix + " §2Discord: §6" + discord);
send.sender(sender, prefix + "§4======= §8[§4Command§9GUI§8] §4=======");
public static void reload(CommandSender sender) {
if (sender instanceof Player) sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.ReloadStart);
send.console(prefix + "§8-------------------------------");
send.console(prefix + " §6Plugin reload...");
send.console(prefix + "§8-------------------------------");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (SelectConfig.Bungee){
Bukkit.getMessenger().registerOutgoingPluginChannel(Main.plugin, "commandgui:bungee");
if (sender instanceof Player) sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.ReloadEnd);
send.console(prefix + "§8-------------------------------");
send.console(prefix + " §2Plugin successfully reloaded.");
send.console(prefix + "§8-------------------------------");
public static void give(CommandSender sender, Player target) {
if (Bukkit.getPlayer(target.getName()) != null) {
send.sender(sender, SelectMessages.Give_Sender.replace("[player]", target.getName()).replace("[item]", SelectConfig.UseItem_Name));
send.player(target, SelectMessages.Give_Receiver.replace("[sender]", sender.getName()).replace("[item]", SelectConfig.UseItem_Name));
if (SelectConfig.Sound_Give_Enable && SelectConfig.Sound_Enable) {
target.playSound(target.getLocation(), SelectConfig.Sound_Give, 3, 1);
} else {
sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.PlayerNotFond.replace("[player]", target.getName()));
if (SelectConfig.Sound_PlayerNotFound_Enable && SelectConfig.Sound_Enable) {
if (sender instanceof Player)
((Player) sender).playSound(((Player) sender).getLocation(), SelectConfig.Sound_PlayerNotFound, 3, 1);
public static void itemOn(Player player) {
for (int iam = 0; iam < player.getInventory().getSize() - 5; iam++) {
ItemStack itm = player.getInventory().getItem(iam);
if (itm != null) {
if (itm.getType() == Material.valueOf(SelectConfig.UseItem_Material) || itm.getType() == ItemVersion.Head) {
if (itm.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
Integer slot = null;
if (Select_Database.selectSlot(player) == null) {
slot = SelectConfig.UseItem_InventorySlot;
} else {
slot = Select_Database.selectSlot(player);
if (player.getInventory().getItem(slot - 1) == null) {
} else {
boolean empty = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
if (player.getInventory().getItem(i) == null) {
empty = true;
if (empty) {
send.player(player, SelectMessages.ItemON);
} else {
if (SelectConfig.Sound_NoInventorySpace_Enable && SelectConfig.Sound_Enable) {
player.playSound(player.getLocation(), SelectConfig.Sound_NoInventorySpace, 3, 1);
public static void itemOff(Player player) {
for (int iam = 0; iam < player.getInventory().getSize() - 5; iam++) {
ItemStack itm = player.getInventory().getItem(iam);
if (itm != null) {
if (itm.getType() == Material.valueOf(SelectConfig.UseItem_Material) || itm.getType() == ItemVersion.Head) {
if (itm.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
send.player(player, SelectMessages.ItemOFF);
public static void onSetSlot(Player player, Integer setSlot) {
if (SelectConfig.UseItem_AllowSetSlot) {
if (setSlot < 1) {
send.player(player, SelectMessages.ItemSlot_wrongValue);
if (setSlot > 9) {
send.player(player, SelectMessages.ItemSlot_wrongValue);
ItemStack itm1 = player.getInventory().getItem(setSlot - 1);
if (itm1 != null) {
if (itm1.getType() == Material.valueOf(SelectConfig.UseItem_Material) || itm1.getType() == ItemVersion.Head) {
if (itm1.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
player.sendMessage(SelectMessages.ItemSlotAlreadySet.replace("[slot]", setSlot.toString()));
if (SelectConfig.UseItem_InventorySlotEnforce || player.getInventory().getItem(setSlot - 1) != null) {
send.player(player, SelectMessages.ItemSlotNotEmpty.replace("[slot]", setSlot.toString()));
for (int iam = 0; iam < player.getInventory().getSize() - 5; iam++) {
ItemStack itm = player.getInventory().getItem(iam);
if (itm != null) {
if (itm.getType() == Material.valueOf(SelectConfig.UseItem_Material) || itm.getType() == ItemVersion.Head) {
if (itm.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(SelectConfig.UseItem_Name)) {
Select_Database.setSlot(player, setSlot);
if (Select_Database.selectItemStatus(player)) {
send.player(player, SelectMessages.ItemSlot.replace("[slot]", setSlot.toString()));
} else player.sendMessage(prefix + " §4Function disabled");
public static void gui(Player player) {
if (Main.guiHashMap.containsKey(SelectConfig.DefaultGUI)) {
Object gui = Main.guiHashMap.get(SelectConfig.DefaultGUI);
if (gui.GUI_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.bypass")) {
if (!gui.Command_Permission_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.command") || player.hasPermission("commandgui.bypass")) {
OpenGUI.openGUI(player, gui, SelectConfig.DefaultGUI);
if (SelectConfig.Sound_Enable && SelectConfig.Sound_OpenInventory_Enable) {
player.playSound(player.getLocation(), SelectConfig.Sound_OpenInventory, 3, 1);
} else player.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForCommand.replace("[cmd]", "/commandgui")
.replace("[perm]", "commandgui.command"));
} else player.sendMessage(SelectMessages.GUIIsDisabled.replace("[gui]", gui.GUI_Name));
public static void gui(Player player, String arg){
if (Main.guiHashMap.containsKey(arg)) {
Object gui = Main.guiHashMap.get(arg);
if (gui.GUI_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.bypass")) {
if (!gui.Command_Permission_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.command." + gui.Command_Command) || player.hasPermission("commandgui.bypass")) {
OpenGUI.openGUI(player, gui, arg);
if (SelectConfig.Sound_Enable && SelectConfig.Sound_OpenInventory_Enable) {
player.playSound(player.getLocation(), SelectConfig.Sound_OpenInventory, 3, 1);
} else player.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForCommand.replace("[cmd]", "/commandgui " + gui.Command_Command)
.replace("[perm]", "commandgui.command." + arg.toLowerCase()));
} else player.sendMessage(SelectMessages.GUIIsDisabled.replace("[gui]", gui.Command_Command));
} else player.sendMessage(SelectMessages.GUInotFound);

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.cmdManagement;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.languages.SelectMessages;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Objekte.Object;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config.SelectConfig;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Util;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.replace.Replace;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
public class Help {
private static String prefix = Util.Prefix;
public static void sendHelp(CommandSender sender, String Prefix) {
send.sender(sender, Prefix + " §8----- §4Command§9GUI §chelp §8-----");
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command")) {
Object gui = Main.guiHashMap.get(SelectConfig.DefaultGUI);
send.sender(sender, Prefix + " " + SelectMessages.HelpCgui.replace("[gui]", Replace.replace(prefix,gui.GUI_Name)));
for (String alias : Main.allAliases) {
if (Main.guiHashMap.get(alias).GUI_Enable || sender.hasPermission("commandgui.bypass")) {
send.sender(sender, Prefix + " " + SelectMessages.HelpOpen.replace("[gui]", alias).replace("[guiname]", Replace.replace(prefix,Main.guiHashMap.get(alias).GUI_Name)));
send.sender(sender, Prefix + " " + SelectMessages.HelpHelp);
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.useitem.toggle")) {
send.sender(sender, Prefix + " " + SelectMessages.GUIItemHelp_on);
send.sender(sender, Prefix + " " + SelectMessages.GUIItemHelp_off);
send.sender(sender, Prefix + " " + SelectMessages.GUIItemHelp_Slot);
if (sender.hasPermission("")) {
send.sender(sender, Prefix + " " + SelectMessages.HelpInfo);
// if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.command.give")) {
// send.sender(sender, Prefix + " " + Select_msg.HelpGive);
// }
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin")) {
send.sender(sender, Prefix + " " + SelectMessages.HelpCreateDefaultGUI.replace("[directory]", Main.getPath()+ "\\GUIs\\default.yml"));
send.sender(sender, Prefix + " " + SelectMessages.HelpReload);
send.sender(sender, Prefix + " §8-------------------------");
public static void sendGUIItemHelp(CommandSender sender, String Prefix) {
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.useitem.toggle")) {
send.sender(sender, Prefix + " §8------ §4Command§9GUI§2Item §chelp §8------");
send.sender(sender, Prefix + " " + SelectMessages.GUIItemHelp_on);
send.sender(sender, Prefix + " " + SelectMessages.GUIItemHelp_off);
send.sender(sender, Prefix + " " + SelectMessages.GUIItemHelp_Slot);
send.sender(sender, Prefix + " §8------------------------------");

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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.cmdManagement.register;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Util;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.minecraftVersion.NMSVersion;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
public class AliasRegister {
public static void onRegister() {
Plugin plugin = Main.plugin;
send.debug(plugin, Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName());
File f = new File(Main.getPath() + "/GUIs/");
File[] fileArray = f.listFiles();
if (Main.allAliases.toString().equals("[]")) {
send.console(Util.Prefix + " §4No GUI files available");
for (String alias : Main.allAliases) {
if (Main.guiHashMap.get(alias) != null) {
if (Main.guiHashMap.get(alias).Command_Alias_Enable) {
String version;
if (NMSVersion.v1_8_R1) {
send.debug(plugin, "Alias register 1.8_R1");
org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R1.CraftServer craftServer = (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R1.CraftServer) plugin.getServer();
craftServer.getCommandMap().register(alias, new RegisterCommand(alias));
if (NMSVersion.v1_8_R2) {
send.debug(plugin, "Alias register 1.8_R2");
org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R2.CraftServer craftServer = (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R2.CraftServer) plugin.getServer();
craftServer.getCommandMap().register(alias, new RegisterCommand(alias));
if (NMSVersion.v1_8_R3) {
send.debug(plugin, "Alias register 1.8_R3");
org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer craftServer = (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer) plugin.getServer();
craftServer.getCommandMap().register(alias, new RegisterCommand(alias));
if (NMSVersion.v1_9_R1) {
send.debug(plugin, "Alias register 1.9_R1");
org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_9_R1.CraftServer craftServer = (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_9_R1.CraftServer) plugin.getServer();
craftServer.getCommandMap().register(alias, new RegisterCommand(alias));
if (NMSVersion.v1_9_R2) {
send.debug(plugin, "Alias register 1.9_R2");
org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_9_R2.CraftServer craftServer = (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_9_R2.CraftServer) plugin.getServer();
craftServer.getCommandMap().register(alias, new RegisterCommand(alias));
if (NMSVersion.v1_10_R1) {
send.debug(plugin, "Alias register 1.10_R1");
org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_10_R1.CraftServer craftServer = (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_10_R1.CraftServer) plugin.getServer();
craftServer.getCommandMap().register(alias, new RegisterCommand(alias));
if (NMSVersion.v1_11_R1) {
send.debug(plugin, "Alias register 1.11_R1");
org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftServer craftServer = (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftServer) plugin.getServer();
craftServer.getCommandMap().register(alias, new RegisterCommand(alias));
if (NMSVersion.v1_12_R1) {
send.debug(plugin, "Alias register 1.12_R1");
org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.CraftServer craftServer = (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.CraftServer) plugin.getServer();
craftServer.getCommandMap().register(alias, new RegisterCommand(alias));
if (NMSVersion.v1_13_R1) {
send.debug(plugin, "Alias register 1.13_R1");
org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R1.CraftServer craftServer = (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R1.CraftServer) plugin.getServer();
craftServer.getCommandMap().register(alias, new RegisterCommand(alias));
if (NMSVersion.v1_13_R2) {
send.debug(plugin, "Alias register 1.13_R2");
org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R2.CraftServer craftServer = (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R2.CraftServer) plugin.getServer();
craftServer.getCommandMap().register(alias, new RegisterCommand(alias));
if (NMSVersion.v1_14_R1) {
send.debug(plugin, "Alias register 1.14_R1");
org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_14_R1.CraftServer craftServer = (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_14_R1.CraftServer) plugin.getServer();
craftServer.getCommandMap().register(alias, new RegisterCommand(alias));
if (NMSVersion.v1_15_R1) {
send.debug(plugin, "Alias register 1.15_R1");
org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_15_R1.CraftServer craftServer = (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_15_R1.CraftServer) plugin.getServer();
craftServer.getCommandMap().register(alias, new RegisterCommand(alias));
if (NMSVersion.v1_16_R1) {
send.debug(plugin, "Alias register 1.16_R1");
org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R1.CraftServer craftServer = (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R1.CraftServer) plugin.getServer();
craftServer.getCommandMap().register(alias, new RegisterCommand(alias));
if (NMSVersion.v1_16_R2) {
send.debug(plugin, "Alias register 1.16_R2");
org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R2.CraftServer craftServer = (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R2.CraftServer) plugin.getServer();
craftServer.getCommandMap().register(alias, new RegisterCommand(alias));
if (NMSVersion.v1_16_R3) {
send.debug(plugin, "Alias register 1.16_R3");
org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftServer craftServer = (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftServer) plugin.getServer();
craftServer.getCommandMap().register(alias, new RegisterCommand(alias));
if (NMSVersion.v1_17_R1) {
send.debug(plugin, "Alias register 1.17_R1");
org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.CraftServer craftServer = (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.CraftServer) plugin.getServer();
craftServer.getCommandMap().register(alias, new RegisterCommand(alias));
if (NMSVersion.v1_18_R1) {
send.debug(plugin, "Alias register 1.18_R1");
org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.CraftServer craftServer = (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.CraftServer) plugin.getServer();
craftServer.getCommandMap().register(alias, new RegisterCommand(alias));
if (Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName().contains("1_18_R1")) {
send.debug(plugin, "Alias register 1.18_R1");
send.warning(Main.plugin, "Alias commands of the GUIs not available! 1.18 is not yet supported with this version!");
// org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.CraftServer craftServer = (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.CraftServer) plugin.getServer();
// craftServer.getCommandMap().register(alias, new RegisterCommand(alias));
//todo 1.18

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.cmdManagement.register;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Objekte.Object;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.gui.OpenGUI;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config.SelectConfig;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.languages.SelectMessages;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class RegisterCommand extends Command {
private String alias;
public RegisterCommand(String alias) {
this.alias = alias;
public boolean execute(CommandSender sender, String commandLabel, String[] args) {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) sender;
Object gui = Main.guiHashMap.get(alias);
if (gui.GUI_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.bypass")) {
if (!gui.Command_Permission_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.command." + alias) || player.hasPermission("commandgui.bypass")) {
OpenGUI.openGUI(player, gui, alias);
if (SelectConfig.Sound_Enable && SelectConfig.Sound_OpenInventory_Enable) {
player.playSound(player.getLocation(), SelectConfig.Sound_OpenInventory, 3, 1);
} else player.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForCommand.replace("[cmd]", "/commandgui " + alias)
.replace("[perm]", "commandgui.command." + alias));
} else player.sendMessage(SelectMessages.GUIIsDisabled.replace("[gui]", gui.GUI_Name));
} else sender.sendMessage("§8[§6Command§9GUI§8] §cThis command is only for players!");
return true;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.gui;
import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Listener.GUI_Listener;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Objekte.Slot;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.languages.SelectMessages;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Objekte.Object;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config.SelectConfig;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Util;
import io.github.solyze.plugmangui.inventories.PluginListGUI;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.items.ItemVersion;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.minecraftVersion.MCVersion;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.replace.Replace;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.SkullMeta;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.UUID;
public class OpenGUI {
private static Plugin plugin = Main.plugin;
private static String prefix = Util.Prefix;
public static void openGUI(Player player, Object gui, String guiString) {
Long long_ = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
switch (guiString) {
//case "plugin.PlotSquaredGUI":
// if (Main.PlotSquaredGUI) {
// PlotSquaredGUIapi.openMainGUI(player);
// } else {
// if (player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin")) {
// send.player(player, prefix + " §4PlotSquaredGUI could not be found! §9Please download it here: " +
// "§6");
// }
// }
// return; todo
case "plugin.PlugManGUI":
if (Main.PlugManGUI) {
player.openInventory((new PluginListGUI(54, 1)).getInventory());
} else {
if (player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin")) {
send.player(player, prefix + " §4PlugManGUI could not be found! §9Please download it here: " +
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_13) {
GUI_Listener.GUICode = "";
} else GUI_Listener.GUICode = "§6§8§9§r";
if (gui.GUI_Enable || player.hasPermission("commandgui.bypass")) {
Inventory inventory;
if (Main.PaPi) {
inventory = Bukkit.createInventory((InventoryHolder) null, 9 * gui.GUI_Lines, (Replace.replace(prefix, player, GUI_Listener.GUICode + gui.GUI_Name)));
} else inventory = Bukkit.createInventory((InventoryHolder) null, 9 * gui.GUI_Lines, (Replace.replace(prefix, GUI_Listener.GUICode + gui.GUI_Name)));
if (gui.GUI_FillItem_Enable) {
ItemStack glass;
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8 || MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12) {
glass = new ItemStack(Material.valueOf("STAINED_GLASS_PANE"), 1, Short.valueOf(gui.GUI_FillItem_Item));
} else glass = new ItemStack(Material.valueOf(gui.GUI_FillItem_Item.toUpperCase().replace(".", "_")));
ItemMeta itemMetaglass = glass.getItemMeta();
itemMetaglass.setDisplayName(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < 9 * gui.GUI_Lines; i++) {
inventory.setItem(i, glass);
for (Slot slot : gui.GUI_Slots) {
if (slot.Enable) {
if (slot.Empty) {
ItemStack air = new ItemStack(Material.AIR);
inventory.setItem(slot.Slot, air);
} else {
if (slot.PlayerHead_Enable) {
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8 || MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12) {
send.player(player, prefix + "§c Playerheads are only available from version §61.13§c! §7- §bGUI: §6" + Replace.replace(prefix, gui.GUI_Name).toString() + " §bSlot: §6" + (slot.Slot + 1) + " §7- " + Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name));
send.error(plugin, "Playerheads are only available from version 1.13!");
send.console(prefix + " §bGUI: §6" + Replace.replace(prefix, gui.GUI_Name).toString() + " §bSlot: §6" + (slot.Slot + 1) + " §7- " + Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name));
} else {
if (slot.Base64_Enable) {
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(ItemVersion.Head);
SkullMeta itemMeta = (SkullMeta) item.getItemMeta();
if (Main.PaPi) {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, player, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, player, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
} else {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
GameProfile profile = new GameProfile(UUID.randomUUID(), "");
profile.getProperties().put("textures", new Property("textures", slot.Base64Value));
Field profileField = null;
try {
profileField = itemMeta.getClass().getDeclaredField("profile");
profileField.set(itemMeta, profile);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) {
Integer am;
if (slot.ItemAmount == 0) {
am = 1;
} else am = slot.ItemAmount;
inventory.setItem(slot.Slot, item);
} else {
if (slot.PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI) {
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(ItemVersion.Head);
SkullMeta itemMeta = (SkullMeta) item.getItemMeta();
if (Main.PaPi) {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, player, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, player, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
} else {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
Integer am;
if (slot.ItemAmount == 0) {
am = 1;
} else am = slot.ItemAmount;
inventory.setItem(slot.Slot, item);
} else {
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(ItemVersion.Head);
SkullMeta itemMeta = (SkullMeta) item.getItemMeta();
if (Main.PaPi) {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, player, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, player, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
} else {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, player, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
Integer am;
if (slot.ItemAmount == 0) {
am = 1;
} else am = slot.ItemAmount;
inventory.setItem(slot.Slot, item);
} else {
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.valueOf(slot.Item.toUpperCase().replace(".", "_")));
ItemMeta itemMeta = item.getItemMeta();
if (Main.PaPi) {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, player, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, player, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
} else {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
Integer am;
if (slot.ItemAmount == 0) {
am = 1;
} else am = slot.ItemAmount;
inventory.setItem(slot.Slot, item);
send.debug(plugin, "§6" + player.getName() + " §5Open §6" + Replace.replace(prefix, gui.GUI_Name) + " §5" + " §7- §e" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - long_.longValue()) + "ms");
} else player.sendMessage(SelectMessages.GUIIsDisabled.replace("[gui]", Replace.replace(prefix, gui.GUI_Name)));

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.PluginMessageListener;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
public class Bungee_Sender_Reciver implements PluginMessageListener {
public static void sendToBungee(Player player,String channel, String information) {
ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(stream);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
player.sendPluginMessage(Main.plugin, "cgui:bungee", stream.toByteArray());
public void onPluginMessageReceived(String channel, Player player, byte[] message) {
DataInputStream stream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(message));
try {
String subChannel = stream.readUTF();
String input = stream.readUTF();
switch (subChannel) {
case "join":
case "left":
case "clear":
} catch (IOException e) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.List;
public class Debug {
private static Plugin plugin = Main.plugin;
public static void debugmsg() {
send.debug(plugin,"§3Bukkit Version: §e" + Bukkit.getBukkitVersion());
send.debug(plugin,"§3NMS Version: §e" + Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName().replace("org.bukkit.craftbukkit.", ""));
send.debug(plugin,"§3Version: §e" + Bukkit.getVersion());
send.debug(plugin,"§3Java: §e" + System.getProperty("java.version"));
send.debug(plugin,"§3Worlds: §e" +String.valueOf(Bukkit.getServer().getWorlds()));
if (new File(Main.getPath(), "config.yml").exists()) {
File f = new File(String.valueOf(Main.getPath()));
File f2 = new File(String.valueOf(Main.getPath() + "/GUIs/"));
File f3 = new File(String.valueOf(Main.getPath() + "/languages/"));
File[] fileArray = f.listFiles();
File[] fileArray2 = f2.listFiles();
File[] fileArray3 = f3.listFiles();
for (File config : fileArray) {
send.debug(plugin,String.valueOf(config).replace("plugins/CommandGUI/", ""));
for (File config2 : fileArray2) {
send.debug(plugin,String.valueOf(config2).replace("plugins/CommandGUI/", ""));
for (File config3 : fileArray3) {
send.debug(plugin,String.valueOf(config3).replace("plugins/CommandGUI/", ""));
public static void onDebugFile(CommandSender sender){
String timeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("dd_MM_yyyy_HH_mm_ss").format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
String timeStampcfg = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
send.sender(sender, Main.prefix + " §5Debug file was createt: §e" + Main.getPath() + "\\debug\\commandgui_debug_"+ timeStamp +".yml");
File debug = new File(Main.getPath(), "debug/commandgui_debug_"+ timeStamp +".yml");
YamlConfiguration yamlConfiguration = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(debug);
set("Time", timeStampcfg, yamlConfiguration);
set("CommandGUI.Version", String.valueOf(plugin.getDescription().getVersion()), yamlConfiguration);
set("Server.Bukkit_Version", String.valueOf(Bukkit.getBukkitVersion()), yamlConfiguration);
set("Server.NMS_Version", String.valueOf(Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName().replace("org.bukkit.craftbukkit.", "")), yamlConfiguration);
set("Server.Version", String.valueOf(Bukkit.getVersion()), yamlConfiguration);
set("Server.Java", String.valueOf(System.getProperty("java.version")), yamlConfiguration);
set("Server.Worlds", String.valueOf(Bukkit.getServer().getWorlds()), yamlConfiguration);
set("Server.Plugins", String.valueOf(Main.plugins) , yamlConfiguration);
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
private static void set(String path, String value, YamlConfiguration config){
if (!config.contains(path)) {
config.set(path, value);
private static void set(String path, Integer value, YamlConfiguration config){
if (!config.contains(path)) {
config.set(path, value);
private static void set(String path, Boolean value, YamlConfiguration config){
if (!config.contains(path)) {
config.set(path, value);
private static void set(String path, List value, YamlConfiguration config){
if (!config.contains(path)) {
config.set(path, value);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system;
import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config.SelectConfig;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.database.Select_Database;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Util;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.items.ItemVersion;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.minecraftVersion.MCVersion;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.replace.Replace;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Item;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.SkullMeta;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.UUID;
public class Give_UseItem {
private static String prefix = Util.Prefix;
public static void onGive(Player player) {
Integer slot;
if (Select_Database.selectSlot(player) == null) {
slot = SelectConfig.UseItem_InventorySlot;
} else {
slot = Select_Database.selectSlot(player);
if (SelectConfig.UseItem_InventorySlot_FreeSlot) {
} else player.getInventory().setItem(slot - 1, itemStack(player));
public static void onGiveADD(Player player) {
if (SelectConfig.UseItem_InventorySlot_FreeSlot) {
} else player.getInventory().addItem(itemStack(player));
private static ItemStack itemStack(Player player) {
ItemStack item = null;
if (SelectConfig.UseItem_PlayerHead_Enable) {
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8 || MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12) {
send.player(player, Main.prefix + "§c Playerheads for UseItem are only available from version §61.13§c!");
send.error(Main.plugin, "Playerheads for UseItem are only available from version 1.13!");
} else {
item = new ItemStack(ItemVersion.Head);
SkullMeta playerheadmeta = (SkullMeta) item.getItemMeta();
if (SelectConfig.UseItem_Base64_Enable) {
if (Main.PaPi) {
playerheadmeta.setLore(Replace.replace(prefix, player, SelectConfig.UseItem_Lore));
} else playerheadmeta.setLore(Replace.replace(prefix, SelectConfig.UseItem_Lore));
GameProfile profile = new GameProfile(UUID.randomUUID(), "");
profile.getProperties().put("textures", new Property("textures", SelectConfig.UseItem_Base64value));
Field profileField = null;
try {
profileField = playerheadmeta.getClass().getDeclaredField("profile");
profileField.set(playerheadmeta, profile);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) {
} else {
String p;
if (SelectConfig.UseItem_PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI) {
p = player.getName();
} else p = SelectConfig.UseItem_PlayerName;
if (Main.PaPi) {
playerheadmeta.setLore(Replace.replace(prefix, player, SelectConfig.UseItem_Lore));
} else playerheadmeta.setLore(Replace.replace(prefix, SelectConfig.UseItem_Lore));
} else {
item = new ItemStack(Material.valueOf(SelectConfig.UseItem_Material));
ItemMeta itemMeta = item.getItemMeta();
if (Main.PaPi) {
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replace(prefix, player, SelectConfig.UseItem_Lore));
} else itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replace(prefix, SelectConfig.UseItem_Lore));
return item;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Listener.GUI_Listener;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Listener.UseItem_Listener.Events_from1_10;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.cmdManagement.CmdExecuter_Admin;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.cmdManagement.CmdExecuter_GUI;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.cmdManagement.CmdExecuter_GUIItem;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.cmdManagement.CmdExecuter_Help;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.cmdManagement.register.AliasRegister;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.DefaultGUICreate;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.languages.LanguagesCreate;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.languages.SelectMessages;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.database.MySQL;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Listener.PluginEvent;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Listener.UseItem_Listener.Events;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Objekte.Obj_Select;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config.ConfigCreate;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config.SelectConfig;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.T2CodeTemplate;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.minecraftVersion.MCVersion;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.update.UpdateAPI;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import java.util.List;
public class Load {
static Plugin plugin = Main.plugin;
public static void onLoad(String prefix, List autor, String version, String spigot, int spigotID, String discord, int bstatsID) {
Long long_ = T2CodeTemplate.onLoadHeader(prefix, autor, version, spigot, discord);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
send.console(prefix + " §8-------------------------------");
if (!new File(Main.getPath(), "config.yml").exists()) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (SelectConfig.Bungee) {
if (!Bukkit.getMessenger().isOutgoingChannelRegistered(plugin,"commandgui:bungee")){
send.debug(plugin, "registerIncomingPluginChannel §ecommandgui:bungee");
if (!Bukkit.getMessenger().isIncomingChannelRegistered(plugin,"cgui:onlineplayers")){
send.debug(plugin, "registerIncomingPluginChannel §ecgui:onlineplayers");
Bukkit.getMessenger().registerIncomingPluginChannel(plugin,"cgui:onlineplayers", new Bungee_Sender_Reciver());
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
CmdExecuter_GUI.arg1.put("admin", "commandgui.admin;commandgui.giveitem.other;");
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
send.console(prefix + " §8-------------------------------");
if (SelectConfig.Storage.equals("MYSQL")) {
try {
MySQL.query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `gui-item` (" +
" `UUID` VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci'," +
" `Name` TINYTEXT NOT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci'," +
" `Status` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'," +
")" +
"COLLATE='utf8mb4_general_ci'" +
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {
if (SelectConfig.Debug) send.console(prefix + " §6Storage medium §2YML §6is used.");
if (Main.PaPi) {
send.console(prefix + " §2PlaceholderAPI successfully connected!");
} else {
send.console(prefix + " §4PlaceholderAPI could not be connected / found!");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Main.plugin.getCommand("commandguiadmin").setExecutor(new CmdExecuter_Admin());
// send.debug(plugin, "Commandregister: commandguiadmin");
if (SelectConfig.HelpAlias) {
Main.plugin.getCommand("commandguihelp").setExecutor(new CmdExecuter_Help());
send.debug(plugin, "Commandregister: commandguihelp");
Main.plugin.getCommand("commandgui").setExecutor(new CmdExecuter_GUI());
send.debug(plugin, "Commandregister: commandgui");
Main.plugin.getCommand("commandgui-item").setExecutor(new CmdExecuter_GUIItem());
send.debug(plugin, "Commandregister: commandgui-item");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new GUI_Listener(), plugin);
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new PluginEvent(), plugin);
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new Events(), Main.plugin);
if (!MCVersion.minecraft1_8 && !MCVersion.minecraft1_9) {
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new Events_from1_10(), plugin);
UpdateAPI.onUpdateCheck(plugin, prefix, spigot, spigotID, discord);
T2CodeTemplate.onLoadFooter(prefix, long_);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,850 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config.SelectConfig;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.logging.Level;
public class Metrics {
public static void Bstats() {
int pluginId = Main.bstatsID; // <-- Replace with the id of your plugin!
Metrics metrics = new Metrics(Main.plugin, pluginId);
metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("updatecheckonjoin", () -> String.valueOf(SelectConfig.UpdateCheckOnJoin)));
metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("storage_type_mysql", () -> SelectConfig.Storage));
private final Plugin plugin;
private final MetricsBase metricsBase;
* Creates a new Metrics instance.
* @param plugin Your plugin instance.
* @param serviceId The id of the service. It can be found at <a
* href="">What is my plugin id?</a>
public Metrics(JavaPlugin plugin, int serviceId) {
this.plugin = plugin;
// Get the config file
File bStatsFolder = new File(plugin.getDataFolder().getParentFile(), "bStats");
File configFile = new File(bStatsFolder, "config.yml");
YamlConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configFile);
if (!config.isSet("serverUuid")) {
config.addDefault("enabled", true);
config.addDefault("serverUuid", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
config.addDefault("logFailedRequests", false);
config.addDefault("logSentData", false);
config.addDefault("logResponseStatusText", false);
// Inform the server owners about bStats
"bStats ( collects some basic information for plugin authors, like how\n"
+ "many people use their plugin and their total player count. It's recommended to keep bStats\n"
+ "enabled, but if you're not comfortable with this, you can turn this setting off. There is no\n"
+ "performance penalty associated with having metrics enabled, and data sent to bStats is fully\n"
+ "anonymous.")
try {;
} catch (IOException ignored) {
// Load the data
boolean enabled = config.getBoolean("enabled", true);
String serverUUID = config.getString("serverUuid");
boolean logErrors = config.getBoolean("logFailedRequests", false);
boolean logSentData = config.getBoolean("logSentData", false);
boolean logResponseStatusText = config.getBoolean("logResponseStatusText", false);
metricsBase =
new MetricsBase(
submitDataTask -> Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, submitDataTask),
(message, error) -> this.plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, message, error),
(message) -> this.plugin.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, message),
* Adds a custom chart.
* @param chart The chart to add.
public void addCustomChart(CustomChart chart) {
private void appendPlatformData(JsonObjectBuilder builder) {
builder.appendField("playerAmount", getPlayerAmount());
builder.appendField("onlineMode", Bukkit.getOnlineMode() ? 1 : 0);
builder.appendField("bukkitVersion", Bukkit.getVersion());
builder.appendField("bukkitName", Bukkit.getName());
builder.appendField("javaVersion", System.getProperty("java.version"));
builder.appendField("osName", System.getProperty(""));
builder.appendField("osArch", System.getProperty("os.arch"));
builder.appendField("osVersion", System.getProperty("os.version"));
builder.appendField("coreCount", Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
private void appendServiceData(JsonObjectBuilder builder) {
builder.appendField("pluginVersion", plugin.getDescription().getVersion());
private int getPlayerAmount() {
try {
// Around MC 1.8 the return type was changed from an array to a collection,
// This fixes java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
// org.bukkit.Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()Ljava/util/Collection;
Method onlinePlayersMethod = Class.forName("org.bukkit.Server").getMethod("getOnlinePlayers");
return onlinePlayersMethod.getReturnType().equals(Collection.class)
? ((Collection<?>) onlinePlayersMethod.invoke(Bukkit.getServer())).size()
: ((Player[]) onlinePlayersMethod.invoke(Bukkit.getServer())).length;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Just use the new method if the reflection failed
return Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().size();
public static class MetricsBase {
/** The version of the Metrics class. */
public static final String METRICS_VERSION = "2.2.1";
private static final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler =
Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, task -> new Thread(task, "bStats-Metrics"));
private static final String REPORT_URL = "";
private final String platform;
private final String serverUuid;
private final int serviceId;
private final Consumer<JsonObjectBuilder> appendPlatformDataConsumer;
private final Consumer<JsonObjectBuilder> appendServiceDataConsumer;
private final Consumer<Runnable> submitTaskConsumer;
private final Supplier<Boolean> checkServiceEnabledSupplier;
private final BiConsumer<String, Throwable> errorLogger;
private final Consumer<String> infoLogger;
private final boolean logErrors;
private final boolean logSentData;
private final boolean logResponseStatusText;
private final Set<CustomChart> customCharts = new HashSet<>();
private final boolean enabled;
* Creates a new MetricsBase class instance.
* @param platform The platform of the service.
* @param serviceId The id of the service.
* @param serverUuid The server uuid.
* @param enabled Whether or not data sending is enabled.
* @param appendPlatformDataConsumer A consumer that receives a {@code JsonObjectBuilder} and
* appends all platform-specific data.
* @param appendServiceDataConsumer A consumer that receives a {@code JsonObjectBuilder} and
* appends all service-specific data.
* @param submitTaskConsumer A consumer that takes a runnable with the submit task. This can be
* used to delegate the data collection to a another thread to prevent errors caused by
* concurrency. Can be {@code null}.
* @param checkServiceEnabledSupplier A supplier to check if the service is still enabled.
* @param errorLogger A consumer that accepts log message and an error.
* @param infoLogger A consumer that accepts info log messages.
* @param logErrors Whether or not errors should be logged.
* @param logSentData Whether or not the sent data should be logged.
* @param logResponseStatusText Whether or not the response status text should be logged.
public MetricsBase(
String platform,
String serverUuid,
int serviceId,
boolean enabled,
Consumer<JsonObjectBuilder> appendPlatformDataConsumer,
Consumer<JsonObjectBuilder> appendServiceDataConsumer,
Consumer<Runnable> submitTaskConsumer,
Supplier<Boolean> checkServiceEnabledSupplier,
BiConsumer<String, Throwable> errorLogger,
Consumer<String> infoLogger,
boolean logErrors,
boolean logSentData,
boolean logResponseStatusText) {
this.platform = platform;
this.serverUuid = serverUuid;
this.serviceId = serviceId;
this.enabled = enabled;
this.appendPlatformDataConsumer = appendPlatformDataConsumer;
this.appendServiceDataConsumer = appendServiceDataConsumer;
this.submitTaskConsumer = submitTaskConsumer;
this.checkServiceEnabledSupplier = checkServiceEnabledSupplier;
this.errorLogger = errorLogger;
this.infoLogger = infoLogger;
this.logErrors = logErrors;
this.logSentData = logSentData;
this.logResponseStatusText = logResponseStatusText;
if (enabled) {
public void addCustomChart(CustomChart chart) {
private void startSubmitting() {
final Runnable submitTask =
() -> {
if (!enabled || !checkServiceEnabledSupplier.get()) {
// Submitting data or service is disabled
if (submitTaskConsumer != null) {
} else {
// Many servers tend to restart at a fixed time at xx:00 which causes an uneven distribution
// of requests on the
// bStats backend. To circumvent this problem, we introduce some randomness into the initial
// and second delay.
// WARNING: You must not modify and part of this Metrics class, including the submit delay or
// frequency!
// WARNING: Modifying this code will get your plugin banned on bStats. Just don't do it!
long initialDelay = (long) (1000 * 60 * (3 + Math.random() * 3));
long secondDelay = (long) (1000 * 60 * (Math.random() * 30));
scheduler.schedule(submitTask, initialDelay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
submitTask, initialDelay + secondDelay, 1000 * 60 * 30, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
private void submitData() {
final JsonObjectBuilder baseJsonBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
final JsonObjectBuilder serviceJsonBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject[] chartData =
.map(customChart -> customChart.getRequestJsonObject(errorLogger, logErrors))
serviceJsonBuilder.appendField("id", serviceId);
serviceJsonBuilder.appendField("customCharts", chartData);
baseJsonBuilder.appendField("serverUUID", serverUuid);
baseJsonBuilder.appendField("metricsVersion", METRICS_VERSION);
JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject data =;
() -> {
try {
// Send the data
} catch (Exception e) {
// Something went wrong! :(
if (logErrors) {
errorLogger.accept("Could not submit bStats metrics data", e);
private void sendData(JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject data) throws Exception {
if (logSentData) {
infoLogger.accept("Sent bStats metrics data: " + data.toString());
String url = String.format(REPORT_URL, platform);
HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection();
// Compress the data to save bandwidth
byte[] compressedData = compress(data.toString());
connection.addRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
connection.addRequestProperty("Connection", "close");
connection.addRequestProperty("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
connection.addRequestProperty("Content-Length", String.valueOf(compressedData.length));
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Metrics-Service/1");
try (DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream())) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
try (BufferedReader bufferedReader =
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()))) {
String line;
while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
if (logResponseStatusText) {
infoLogger.accept("Sent data to bStats and received response: " + builder);
/** Checks that the class was properly relocated. */
private void checkRelocation() {
// You can use the property to disable the check in your test environment
if (System.getProperty("bstats.relocatecheck") == null
|| !System.getProperty("bstats.relocatecheck").equals("false")) {
// Maven's Relocate is clever and changes strings, too. So we have to use this little
// "trick" ... :D
final String defaultPackage =
new String(new byte[] {'o', 'r', 'g', '.', 'b', 's', 't', 'a', 't', 's'});
final String examplePackage =
new String(new byte[] {'y', 'o', 'u', 'r', '.', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'k', 'a', 'g', 'e'});
// We want to make sure no one just copy & pastes the example and uses the wrong package
// names
if (MetricsBase.class.getPackage().getName().startsWith(defaultPackage)
|| MetricsBase.class.getPackage().getName().startsWith(examplePackage)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("bStats Metrics class has not been relocated correctly!");
* Gzips the given string.
* @param str The string to gzip.
* @return The gzipped string.
private static byte[] compress(final String str) throws IOException {
if (str == null) {
return null;
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (GZIPOutputStream gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(outputStream)) {
return outputStream.toByteArray();
public static class AdvancedBarChart extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, int[]>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public AdvancedBarChart(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, int[]>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
Map<String, int[]> map =;
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
boolean allSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, int[]> entry : map.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().length == 0) {
// Skip this invalid
allSkipped = false;
valuesBuilder.appendField(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (allSkipped) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",;
public static class SimpleBarChart extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public SimpleBarChart(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
Map<String, Integer> map =;
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
valuesBuilder.appendField(entry.getKey(), new int[] {entry.getValue()});
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",;
public static class MultiLineChart extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public MultiLineChart(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
Map<String, Integer> map =;
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
boolean allSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue() == 0) {
// Skip this invalid
allSkipped = false;
valuesBuilder.appendField(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (allSkipped) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",;
public static class AdvancedPie extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public AdvancedPie(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, Integer>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
Map<String, Integer> map =;
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
boolean allSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue() == 0) {
// Skip this invalid
allSkipped = false;
valuesBuilder.appendField(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (allSkipped) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",;
public abstract static class CustomChart {
private final String chartId;
protected CustomChart(String chartId) {
if (chartId == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("chartId must not be null");
this.chartId = chartId;
public JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getRequestJsonObject(
BiConsumer<String, Throwable> errorLogger, boolean logErrors) {
JsonObjectBuilder builder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
builder.appendField("chartId", chartId);
try {
JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject data = getChartData();
if (data == null) {
// If the data is null we don't send the chart.
return null;
builder.appendField("data", data);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (logErrors) {
errorLogger.accept("Failed to get data for custom chart with id " + chartId, t);
return null;
protected abstract JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception;
public static class SingleLineChart extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Integer> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public SingleLineChart(String chartId, Callable<Integer> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
int value =;
if (value == 0) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("value", value).build();
public static class SimplePie extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<String> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public SimplePie(String chartId, Callable<String> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
protected JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
String value =;
if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("value", value).build();
public static class DrilldownPie extends CustomChart {
private final Callable<Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>> callable;
* Class constructor.
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
* @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
public DrilldownPie(String chartId, Callable<Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
public JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
JsonObjectBuilder valuesBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> map =;
if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
boolean reallyAllSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Integer>> entryValues : map.entrySet()) {
JsonObjectBuilder valueBuilder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
boolean allSkipped = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> valueEntry : map.get(entryValues.getKey()).entrySet()) {
valueBuilder.appendField(valueEntry.getKey(), valueEntry.getValue());
allSkipped = false;
if (!allSkipped) {
reallyAllSkipped = false;
if (reallyAllSkipped) {
// Null = skip the chart
return null;
return new JsonObjectBuilder().appendField("values",;
* An extremely simple JSON builder.
* <p>While this class is neither feature-rich nor the most performant one, it's sufficient enough
* for its use-case.
public static class JsonObjectBuilder {
private StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
private boolean hasAtLeastOneField = false;
public JsonObjectBuilder() {
* Appends a null field to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendNull(String key) {
appendFieldUnescaped(key, "null");
return this;
* Appends a string field to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param value The value of the field.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, String value) {
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON value must not be null");
appendFieldUnescaped(key, "\"" + escape(value) + "\"");
return this;
* Appends an integer field to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param value The value of the field.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, int value) {
appendFieldUnescaped(key, String.valueOf(value));
return this;
* Appends an object to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param object The object.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, JsonObject object) {
if (object == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON object must not be null");
appendFieldUnescaped(key, object.toString());
return this;
* Appends a string array to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param values The string array.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, String[] values) {
if (values == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON values must not be null");
String escapedValues =
.map(value -> "\"" + escape(value) + "\"")
appendFieldUnescaped(key, "[" + escapedValues + "]");
return this;
* Appends an integer array to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param values The integer array.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, int[] values) {
if (values == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON values must not be null");
String escapedValues =","));
appendFieldUnescaped(key, "[" + escapedValues + "]");
return this;
* Appends an object array to the JSON.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param values The integer array.
* @return A reference to this object.
public JsonObjectBuilder appendField(String key, JsonObject[] values) {
if (values == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON values must not be null");
String escapedValues =","));
appendFieldUnescaped(key, "[" + escapedValues + "]");
return this;
* Appends a field to the object.
* @param key The key of the field.
* @param escapedValue The escaped value of the field.
private void appendFieldUnescaped(String key, String escapedValue) {
if (builder == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("JSON has already been built");
if (key == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON key must not be null");
if (hasAtLeastOneField) {
hasAtLeastOneField = true;
* Builds the JSON string and invalidates this builder.
* @return The built JSON string.
public JsonObject build() {
if (builder == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("JSON has already been built");
JsonObject object = new JsonObject(builder.append("}").toString());
builder = null;
return object;
* Escapes the given string like stated in
* <p>This method escapes only the necessary characters '"', '\'. and '\u0000' - '\u001F'.
* Compact escapes are not used (e.g., '\n' is escaped as "\u000a" and not as "\n").
* @param value The value to escape.
* @return The escaped value.
private static String escape(String value) {
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) {
char c = value.charAt(i);
if (c == '"') {
} else if (c == '\\') {
} else if (c <= '\u000F') {
} else if (c <= '\u001F') {
} else {
return builder.toString();
* A super simple representation of a JSON object.
* <p>This class only exists to make methods of the {@link JsonObjectBuilder} type-safe and not
* allow a raw string inputs for methods like {@link JsonObjectBuilder#appendField(String,
* JsonObject)}.
public static class JsonObject {
private final String value;
private JsonObject(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String toString() {
return value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Objekte.Object;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Objekte.Slot;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.permissions.Permission;
public class RegisterPermissions {
public static void onPermRegister() {
for (Object gui : Main.guiHashMap.values()) {
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPermission("commandgui.command." + gui.Command_Command) == null) {
Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui.command." + gui.Command_Command));
for (Slot slot : gui.GUI_Slots) {
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPermission("commandgui." + gui.Command_Command + ".slot." + (slot.Slot + 1)) == null) {
Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission("commandgui." + gui.Command_Command + ".slot." + (slot.Slot + 1)));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.minecraftVersion.MCVersion;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class DefaultGUICreate {
private static Boolean GUI_Enable = true;
private static Integer GUI_Lines = 1;
private static String GUI_Name = "&5default &9GUI";
private static Boolean GUI_FillItem_Enable = true;
private static Integer GUI_FillItem_Item_1_8 = 15;
private static String GUI_FillItem_Item = "BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE";
private static Boolean Command_Alias = true;
private static Boolean Command_Permission = true;
private static Integer slot = 5;
private static Boolean enable = true;
private static Boolean ItemEmty = false;
private static Integer ItemAmout = 1;
private static Boolean Playerhead_enable = true;
private static Boolean base64_Enable = true;
private static String base64value = "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzg3M2MxMmJmZmI1MjUxYTBiODhkNWFlNzVjNzI0N2NiMzlhNzVmZjFhODFjYmU0YzhhMzliMzExZGRlZGEifX19";
private static Boolean PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI = false;
private static String PlayerName = "";
private static String Item = "";
private static String Itemname = "&3Support Discord";
private static List ItemLore = Arrays.asList(
"&bIf you need help setting up the plugin,",
"&bfeel free to contact me on the Suport Discord.",
"&eIf you find any errors or bugs,",
"&eplease contact me so I can fix them.",
"&5Discord: §7");
private static Boolean CustomSound = false;
private static Boolean CustomSound_NoSound = false;
private static String CustomSound_Sound = "";
private static Boolean Cost = false;
private static Double Cost_Price = 0.0;
private static Boolean Command = false;
private static Boolean BungeeCommand = false;
private static Boolean CommandAsConsole = false;
private static List Commands = Arrays.asList();
private static Boolean Server_Change = false;
private static String Server_Change_Server = "";
private static Boolean OpenGUI = false;
private static String OpenGUI_GUI = "";
private static Boolean Message = true;
private static List Messages = Arrays.asList("&6You can find more information on Discord: &e");
private static Boolean Permission = false;
private static Boolean SetConfig_Enable = false;
private static String SetConfig_FilePath = "";
private static String SetConfig_OptionPath = "";
private static String SetConfig_OptionPremat = "String";
private static String SetConfig_ValueLeftString = "";
private static Boolean SetConfig_ValueLeftBoolean = false;
private static Integer SetConfig_ValueLeftInteger = 0;
private static Double SetConfig_ValueLeftDouble = 0.0;
private static List SetConfig_ValueLeftList = Arrays.asList();
private static String SetConfig_ValueRightString = "";
private static Boolean SetConfig_ValueRightBoolean = false;
private static Integer SetConfig_ValueRightInteger = 0;
private static Double SetConfig_ValueRightDouble = 0.0;
private static List SetConfig_ValueRightList = Arrays.asList();
private static Boolean SetConfig_PluginReloadEnable = false;
private static String SetConfig_PluginReloadCommand = "";
public static void configCreate() {
Long long_ = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
send.console(Main.prefix + " §4Default GUI file (GUIs/default.yml) is loaded...");
File config = new File(Main.getPath(), "GUIs/default.yml");
YamlConfiguration yamlConfiguration = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(config);
set("GUI.Enable", GUI_Enable, yamlConfiguration);
set("GUI.Lines", GUI_Lines, yamlConfiguration);
set("GUI.Name", GUI_Name, yamlConfiguration);
set("GUI.FillItem.Enable", GUI_FillItem_Enable, yamlConfiguration);
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8 || MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12) {
set("GUI.FillItem.GlassPaneCollor", GUI_FillItem_Item_1_8, yamlConfiguration);
} else set("GUI.FillItem.Item", GUI_FillItem_Item, yamlConfiguration);
set("Command.Alias", Command_Alias, yamlConfiguration);
set("Command.Permission.Required", Command_Permission, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.Slot", slot, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.Enable", enable, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.Item.Empty", ItemEmty, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.Item.Amount", ItemAmout, yamlConfiguration);
if (!(MCVersion.minecraft1_8 || MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12)) {
set("Slots.Example.Item.PlayerHead.Enable", Playerhead_enable, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.Item.PlayerHead.Base64.Enable", base64_Enable, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.Item.PlayerHead.Base64.Base64Value", base64value, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.Item.PlayerHead.PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI", PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.Item.PlayerHead.PlayerName", PlayerName, yamlConfiguration);
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8 || MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12) {
set("Slots.Example.Item.Material", "TNT", yamlConfiguration);
} else set("Slots.Example.Item.Material", Item, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.Item.Name", Itemname, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.Item.Lore", ItemLore, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.CustomSound.Enable", CustomSound, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.CustomSound.NoSound", CustomSound_NoSound, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.CustomSound.Sound", CustomSound_Sound, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.Cost.Enable", Cost, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.Cost.Price", Cost_Price, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.Command.Enable", Command, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.Command.BungeeCommand", BungeeCommand, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.Command.CommandAsConsole", CommandAsConsole, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.Command.Command", Commands, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.ServerChange.Enable", Server_Change, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.ServerChange.Server", Server_Change_Server, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.OpenGUI.Enable", OpenGUI, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.OpenGUI.GUI", OpenGUI_GUI, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.Message.Enable", Message, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.Message.Message", Messages, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.Permission.Required", Permission, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.SetConfig.Enable", SetConfig_Enable, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.SetConfig.File.Path", SetConfig_FilePath, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.SetConfig.Option.Path", SetConfig_OptionPath, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.SetConfig.Option.Premat", SetConfig_OptionPremat, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.SetConfig.Value.LeftClick.String", SetConfig_ValueLeftString, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.SetConfig.Value.LeftClick.Boolean", SetConfig_ValueLeftBoolean, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.SetConfig.Value.LeftClick.Integer", SetConfig_ValueLeftInteger, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.SetConfig.Value.LeftClick.Double", SetConfig_ValueLeftDouble, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.SetConfig.Value.LeftClick.List", SetConfig_ValueLeftList, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.SetConfig.Value.RightClick.String", SetConfig_ValueRightString, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.SetConfig.Value.RightClick.Boolean", SetConfig_ValueRightBoolean, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.SetConfig.Value.RightClick.Integer", SetConfig_ValueRightInteger, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.SetConfig.Value.RightClick.Double", SetConfig_ValueRightDouble, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.SetConfig.Value.RightClick.List", SetConfig_ValueRightList, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.SetConfig.PluginReload.Enable", SetConfig_PluginReloadEnable, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Example.SetConfig.PluginReload.Command", SetConfig_PluginReloadCommand, yamlConfiguration);
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
send.console(Main.prefix + " §2Default GUI file (GUIs/default.yml) was loaded." + " §7- §e" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - long_.longValue()) + "ms");
private static void set(String path, String value, YamlConfiguration config) {
if (!config.contains(path)) {
config.set(path, value);
private static void set(String path, Integer value, YamlConfiguration config) {
if (!config.contains(path)) {
config.set(path, value);
private static void set(String path, Boolean value, YamlConfiguration config) {
if (!config.contains(path)) {
config.set(path, value);
private static void set(String path, List value, YamlConfiguration config) {
if (!config.contains(path)) {
config.set(path, value);
private static void set(String path, Double value, YamlConfiguration config) {
if (!config.contains(path)) {
config.set(path, value);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Util;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.minecraftVersion.MCVersion;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.yamlConfiguration.Config;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class ConfigCreate {
private static String prefix = Util.Prefix;
public static Integer ConfigVersion = 2;
private static Boolean UpdateCheckOnJoin = true;
private static Boolean Debug = false;
private static Boolean HelpAlias = true;
private static String language = "english";
private static String Currency = "$";
private static String DefaultGUI = "default";
private static String Storage = "YML";
private static String ip = "localhost";
private static Integer port = 3306;
private static String database = "database";
private static String user = "root";
private static String password = "password";
private static Boolean SSL = false;
private static Boolean Bungee = false;
private static String thisServer = "server";
private static Boolean UseItem_Enable = true;
private static Boolean UseItem_AllowToggle = true;
private static Boolean UseItem_AllowSetSlot = true;
private static Boolean UseItem_BlockMoveAndDrop = true;
private static String UseItem_OpenGUI = "default";
private static Boolean UseItem_Permission = true;
private static Boolean UseItem_KeepAtCommandClear = true;
private static Integer UseItem_InventorySlot = 1;
private static Boolean UseItem_InventorySlotEnforce = false;
private static Boolean UseItem_InventorySlot_FreeSlot = false;
private static String UseItem_Material = "paper";
private static Boolean UseItem_PlayerHead_Enable = false;
private static Boolean base64_Enable = false;
private static String base64value= "";
private static Boolean UseItem_PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI = false;
private static String UseItem_PlayerName = "";
private static String UseItem_Name = "&bDefault &6GUI";
private static List UseItem_Lore = Arrays.asList("&eThis is an example GUI");
private static Boolean UseItem_GiveOnEveryJoin = true;
private static Boolean UseItem_GiveOnlyOnFirstJoin = false;
private static Boolean Cursor_ToGUIItem_OnLogin = true;
private static Boolean Cursor_ToGUIItem_OnlyOnFirstLogin = true;
private static Boolean Cursor_ServerChange_EXPERIMENTELL = false;
private static int UseItemGameModeChangeDelayInTicks = 1;
private static boolean UseItemGameModeChangeDisableInSpectator = true;
private static Boolean Sound_Enable = true;
private static Boolean Sound_OpenInventory_Enable = true;
public static String Sound_OpenInventory_1_8 = "CHEST_OPEN";
public static String Sound_OpenInventory_ab_1_9 = "BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN";
private static Boolean Sound_Click_Enable = true;
public static String Sound_Click_1_8 = "NOTE_STICKS";
public static String Sound_Click_1_9_bis_1_12 = "BLOCK_NOTE_HAT";
public static String Sound_Click_ab_1_13 = "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HAT";
private static Boolean Sound_NoMoney_Enable = true;
public static String Sound_NoMoney_1_8 = "NOTE_PIANO";
public static String Sound_NoMoney_1_9_bis_1_12 = "BLOCK_NOTE_HARP";
public static String Sound_NoMoney_ab_1_13 = "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HARP";
private static Boolean Sound_NoInventorySpace_Enable = true;
public static String Sound_NoInventorySpace_1_8 = "NOTE_PIANO";
public static String Sound_NoInventorySpace_1_9_bis_1_12 = "BLOCK_NOTE_HARP";
public static String Sound_NoInventorySpace_ab_1_13 = "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HARP";
private static Boolean Sound_Give_Enable = true;
public static String Sound_Give_1_8 = "LEVEL_UP";
public static String Sound_Give_ab_1_9 = "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP";
private static Boolean Sound_PlayerNotFound_Enable = true;
public static String Sound_PlayerNotFound_1_8 = "NOTE_PIANO";
public static String Sound_PlayerNotFound_1_9_bis_1_12 = "BLOCK_NOTE_HARP";
public static String Sound_PlayerNotFound_ab_1_13 = "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HARP";
public static void configCreate() {
Long long_ = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
if (new File(Main.getPath(), "config.yml").exists()){
if (Main.plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("Plugin.Debug")) send.console(Main.prefix + " §5DEBUG: §6" + " §4config.yml are created / updated...");
} else send.console(Main.prefix + " §4config.yml are created...");
File config = new File(Main.getPath(), "config.yml");
YamlConfiguration yamlConfiguration = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(config);
yamlConfiguration.set("ConfigVersion", ConfigVersion);
Config.set("Plugin.UpdateCheckOnJoin", UpdateCheckOnJoin, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Plugin.Debug", Debug, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Plugin.HelpAlias", HelpAlias, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Plugin.language", language, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Plugin.Currency", Currency, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Plugin.DefaultGUI", DefaultGUI, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Storage.Type", Storage, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Storage.MySQL.IP", ip, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Storage.MySQL.Port", port, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Storage.MySQL.Database", database, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Storage.MySQL.User", user, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Storage.MySQL.Password", password, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Storage.MySQL.SSL", SSL, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("BungeeCord.Enable", Bungee, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("BungeeCord.ThisServer", thisServer, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.Enable", UseItem_Enable, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.AllowToggle", UseItem_AllowToggle, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.AllowSetSlot", UseItem_AllowSetSlot, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.BlockMoveAndDrop", UseItem_BlockMoveAndDrop, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.OpenGUI", UseItem_OpenGUI, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.Permission.NeededToUse", UseItem_Permission, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.KeepAtCommandClear", UseItem_KeepAtCommandClear, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.InventorySlot.Slot", UseItem_InventorySlot, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.InventorySlot.SlotEnforce", UseItem_InventorySlotEnforce, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.InventorySlot.FreeSlot", UseItem_InventorySlot_FreeSlot, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.Item.Material", UseItem_Material, yamlConfiguration);
if (!(MCVersion.minecraft1_8 || MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12)) {
Config.set("UseItem.Item.PlayerHead.Enable", UseItem_PlayerHead_Enable, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.Item.PlayerHead.Base64.Enable", base64_Enable, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.Item.PlayerHead.Base64.Base64Value", base64value, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.Item.PlayerHead.PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI", UseItem_PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.Item.PlayerHead.Playername", UseItem_PlayerName, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.Item.Name", UseItem_Name, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.Item.Lore", UseItem_Lore, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.Join.GiveOnEveryJoin", UseItem_GiveOnEveryJoin, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.Join.GiveOnlyOnFirstJoin", UseItem_GiveOnlyOnFirstJoin, yamlConfiguration);
if (yamlConfiguration.contains("UseItem.Join.Cursor.ToGUIItem.OnEveryLogin")){
Config.set("UseItem.Join.Cursor.ToGUIItem.OnEveryLogin", yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.Join.Cursor.ToGUIItem.OnLogin.Enable", yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("UseItem.Join.Cursor.ToGUIItem.OnEveryLogin"), yamlConfiguration);
if (yamlConfiguration.contains("UseItem.Join.Cursor.ToGUIItem.OnOnlyFirstLogin")){
Config.set("UseItem.Join.Cursor.ToGUIItem.OnOnlyFirstLogin", yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.Join.Cursor.ToGUIItem.Spigot.OnOnlyFirstLogin", yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("UseItem.Join.Cursor.ToGUIItem.OnOnlyFirstLogin"), yamlConfiguration);
if (yamlConfiguration.contains("UseItem.Join.Cursor.ToGUIItem.EXPERIMENTELL_ServerChange")){
Config.set("UseItem.Join.Cursor.ToGUIItem.EXPERIMENTELL_ServerChange", yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.Join.Cursor.ToGUIItem.Bungee.OnServerChange", yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("UseItem.Join.Cursor.ToGUIItem.EXPERIMENTELL_ServerChange"), yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.Join.Cursor.ToGUIItem.OnLogin.Enable", Cursor_ToGUIItem_OnLogin, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.Join.Cursor.ToGUIItem.Spigot.OnOnlyFirstLogin", Cursor_ToGUIItem_OnlyOnFirstLogin, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("UseItem.Join.Cursor.ToGUIItem.Bungee.OnServerChange", Cursor_ServerChange_EXPERIMENTELL, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Advanced.UseItem.GameModeChange.DelayInTicks", UseItemGameModeChangeDelayInTicks, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Advanced.UseItem.GameModeChange.DisableInSpectator", UseItemGameModeChangeDisableInSpectator, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Sound.Enable", Sound_Enable, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Sound.OpenInventory.Enable", Sound_OpenInventory_Enable, yamlConfiguration);
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8) {
Config.set("Sound.OpenInventory.Sound", Sound_OpenInventory_1_8, yamlConfiguration);
} else Config.set("Sound.OpenInventory.Sound", Sound_OpenInventory_ab_1_9, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Sound.Click.Enable", Sound_Click_Enable, yamlConfiguration);
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8) {
Config.set("Sound.Click.Sound", Sound_Click_1_8, yamlConfiguration);
} else if (MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12) {
Config.set("Sound.Click.Sound", Sound_Click_1_9_bis_1_12, yamlConfiguration);
} else Config.set("Sound.Click.Sound", Sound_Click_ab_1_13, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Sound.NoMoney.Enable", Sound_NoMoney_Enable, yamlConfiguration);
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8) {
Config.set("Sound.NoMoney.Sound", Sound_NoMoney_1_8, yamlConfiguration);
} else if (MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12) {
Config.set("Sound.NoMoney.Sound", Sound_NoMoney_1_9_bis_1_12, yamlConfiguration);
} else Config.set("Sound.NoMoney.Sound", Sound_NoMoney_ab_1_13, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Sound.NoInventorySpace.Enable", Sound_NoInventorySpace_Enable, yamlConfiguration);
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8) {
Config.set("Sound.NoInventorySpace.Sound", Sound_NoInventorySpace_1_8, yamlConfiguration);
} else if (MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12) {
Config.set("Sound.NoInventorySpace.Sound", Sound_NoInventorySpace_1_9_bis_1_12, yamlConfiguration);
} else Config.set("Sound.NoInventorySpace.Sound", Sound_NoInventorySpace_ab_1_13, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Sound.Give.Enable", Sound_Give_Enable, yamlConfiguration);
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8) {
Config.set("Sound.Give.Sound", Sound_Give_1_8, yamlConfiguration);
} else Config.set("Sound.Give.Sound", Sound_Give_ab_1_9, yamlConfiguration);
Config.set("Sound.PlayerNotFound.Enable", Sound_PlayerNotFound_Enable, yamlConfiguration);
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8) {
Config.set("Sound.PlayerNotFound.Sound", Sound_PlayerNotFound_1_8, yamlConfiguration);
} else if (MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12) {
Config.set("Sound.PlayerNotFound.Sound", Sound_PlayerNotFound_1_9_bis_1_12, yamlConfiguration);
} else Config.set("Sound.PlayerNotFound.Sound", Sound_PlayerNotFound_ab_1_13, yamlConfiguration);
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
send.console(Main.prefix + " §2config.yml were successfully created / updated." + " §7- §e" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - long_.longValue()) + "ms");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.languages.SelectMessages;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.database.MySQL;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.minecraftVersion.MCVersion;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.replace.Replace;
import net.t2code.lib.Util;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import java.util.List;
public class SelectConfig {private static String prefix = Util.Prefix;
public static Boolean DisableUpdateChecker;
public static Boolean UpdateCheckOnJoin;
public static Boolean Debug;
public static Boolean HelpAlias;
public static String language;
public static String Currency;
public static String Storage;
public static Boolean Bungee;
public static String thisServer;
public static String DefaultGUI;
public static Boolean UseItem_Enable;
public static Boolean UseItem_AllowToggle;
public static Boolean UseItem_AllowSetSlot;
public static Boolean UseItem_GiveOnEveryJoin;
public static Boolean UseItem_GiveOnlyOnFirstJoin;
public static Boolean UseItem_ServerChange;
public static Boolean Cursor_ToGUIItem_OnLogin;
public static Boolean Cursor_ToGUIItem_OnlyOnFirstLogin;
public static Boolean UseItem_BlockMoveAndDrop;
public static String UseItem_OpenGUI;
public static Boolean UseItem_Permission;
public static Boolean UseItem_KeepAtCommandClear;
public static int UseItemGameModeChangeDelayInTicks;
public static Boolean UseItemGameModeChangeDisableInSpectator;
public static Boolean UseItem_InventorySlot_FreeSlot;
public static Integer UseItem_InventorySlot;
public static Boolean UseItem_InventorySlotEnforce;
public static String UseItem_Material;
public static Boolean UseItem_PlayerHead_Enable;
public static Boolean UseItem_Base64_Enable;
public static String UseItem_Base64value;
public static Boolean UseItem_PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI;
public static String UseItem_PlayerName;
public static String UseItem_Name;
public static List UseItem_Lore;
public static Boolean Sound_Enable = true;
public static Boolean Sound_OpenInventory_Enable = true;
public static Sound Sound_OpenInventory;
public static String Sound_OpenInventory_input;
public static Boolean Sound_Click_Enable = true;
public static Sound Sound_Click;
public static String Sound_Click_input;
public static Boolean Sound_NoMoney_Enable = true;
public static Sound Sound_NoMoney;
public static String Sound_NoMoney_input;
public static Boolean Sound_NoInventorySpace_Enable = true;
public static Sound Sound_NoInventorySpace;
public static String Sound_NoInventorySpace_input;
public static Boolean Sound_Give_Enable = true;
public static Sound Sound_Give;
public static String Sound_Give_input;
public static Boolean Sound_PlayerNotFound_Enable = true;
public static Sound Sound_PlayerNotFound;
public static String Sound_PlayerNotFound_input;
public static void onSelect() {
File config = new File(Main.getPath(), "config.yml");
YamlConfiguration yamlConfiguration = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(config);
if (yamlConfiguration.get("Plugin.DisableUpdateChecker") == null) {
DisableUpdateChecker = false;
} else DisableUpdateChecker = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("Plugin.DisableUpdateChecker");
UpdateCheckOnJoin = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("Plugin.UpdateCheckOnJoin");
Debug = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("Plugin.Debug");
HelpAlias = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("Plugin.HelpAlias");
language = yamlConfiguration.getString("Plugin.language");
Currency = yamlConfiguration.getString("Plugin.Currency");
DefaultGUI = yamlConfiguration.getString("Plugin.DefaultGUI");
Storage = yamlConfiguration.getString("Storage.Type").toUpperCase();
MySQL.ip = yamlConfiguration.getString("Storage.MySQL.IP");
MySQL.port = yamlConfiguration.getInt("Storage.MySQL.Port");
MySQL.database = yamlConfiguration.getString("Storage.MySQL.Database");
MySQL.user = yamlConfiguration.getString("Storage.MySQL.User");
MySQL.password = yamlConfiguration.getString("Storage.MySQL.Password");
MySQL.SSL = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("Storage.MySQL.SSL");
Bungee = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("BungeeCord.Enable");
thisServer = yamlConfiguration.getString("BungeeCord.ThisServer");
UseItem_Enable = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("UseItem.Enable");
UseItem_AllowToggle = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("UseItem.AllowToggle");
UseItem_AllowSetSlot = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("UseItem.AllowSetSlot");
UseItem_BlockMoveAndDrop = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("UseItem.BlockMoveAndDrop");
UseItem_OpenGUI = yamlConfiguration.getString("UseItem.OpenGUI");
UseItem_Permission = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("UseItem.Permission.NeededToUse");
UseItem_KeepAtCommandClear = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("UseItem.KeepAtCommandClear");
UseItem_InventorySlot_FreeSlot = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("UseItem.InventorySlot.FreeSlot");
UseItem_InventorySlot = yamlConfiguration.getInt("UseItem.InventorySlot.Slot");
UseItem_InventorySlotEnforce = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("UseItem.InventorySlot.SlotEnforce");
UseItem_Material = yamlConfiguration.getString("UseItem.Item.Material").toUpperCase();
UseItem_PlayerHead_Enable = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("UseItem.Item.PlayerHead.Enable");
UseItem_Base64_Enable = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("UseItem.Item.PlayerHead.Base64.Enable");
UseItem_Base64value = yamlConfiguration.getString("UseItem.Item.PlayerHead.Base64.Base64Value");
UseItem_PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("UseItem.Item.PlayerHead.PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI");
UseItem_PlayerName = yamlConfiguration.getString("UseItem.Item.PlayerHead.PlayerName");
UseItem_Name = Replace.replace(prefix,yamlConfiguration.getString("UseItem.Item.Name"));
UseItem_Lore = yamlConfiguration.getList("UseItem.Item.Lore");
UseItem_GiveOnEveryJoin = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("UseItem.Join.GiveOnEveryJoin");
UseItem_GiveOnlyOnFirstJoin = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("UseItem.Join.GiveOnlyOnFirstJoin");
Cursor_ToGUIItem_OnLogin = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("UseItem.Join.Cursor.ToGUIItem.OnLogin.Enable");
Cursor_ToGUIItem_OnlyOnFirstLogin = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("UseItem.Join.Cursor.ToGUIItem.Spigot.OnlyOnFirstLogin");
UseItem_ServerChange = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("UseItem.Join.Cursor.ToGUIItem.Bungee.OnServerChange");
UseItemGameModeChangeDelayInTicks = yamlConfiguration.getInt("Advanced.UseItem.GameModeChange.DelayInTicks");
UseItemGameModeChangeDisableInSpectator = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("Advanced.UseItem.GameModeChange.DisableInSpectator");
Sound_Enable = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("Sound.Enable");
Sound_OpenInventory_Enable = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("Sound.OpenInventory.Enable");
Sound_OpenInventory_input = (yamlConfiguration.getString("Sound.OpenInventory.Sound").toUpperCase().replace(".", "_"));
Sound_Click_Enable = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("Sound.Click.Enable");
Sound_Click_input = (yamlConfiguration.getString("Sound.Click.Sound").toUpperCase().replace(".", "_"));
Sound_NoMoney_Enable = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("Sound.NoMoney.Enable");
Sound_NoMoney_input = (yamlConfiguration.getString("Sound.NoMoney.Sound").toUpperCase().replace(".", "_"));
Sound_NoInventorySpace_Enable = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("Sound.NoInventorySpace.Enable");
Sound_NoInventorySpace_input = (yamlConfiguration.getString("Sound.NoInventorySpace.Sound").toUpperCase().replace(".", "_"));
Sound_Give_Enable = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("Sound.Give.Enable");
Sound_Give_input = (yamlConfiguration.getString("Sound.Give.Sound").toUpperCase().replace(".", "_"));
Sound_PlayerNotFound_Enable = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("Sound.PlayerNotFound.Enable");
Sound_PlayerNotFound_input = (yamlConfiguration.getString("Sound.PlayerNotFound.Sound").toUpperCase().replace(".", "_"));
public static void sound(String Prefix) {
String soundOpenInventory;
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8) {
soundOpenInventory = ConfigCreate.Sound_OpenInventory_1_8;
} else {
soundOpenInventory = ConfigCreate.Sound_OpenInventory_ab_1_9;
String soundClick;
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8) {
soundClick = ConfigCreate.Sound_Click_1_8;
} else if (MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12) {
soundClick = ConfigCreate.Sound_Click_1_9_bis_1_12;
} else {
soundClick = ConfigCreate.Sound_Click_ab_1_13;
String soundNoMoney;
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8) {
soundNoMoney = ConfigCreate.Sound_NoMoney_1_8;
} else if (MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12) {
soundNoMoney = ConfigCreate.Sound_NoMoney_1_9_bis_1_12;
} else {
soundNoMoney = ConfigCreate.Sound_NoMoney_ab_1_13;
String soundNoInventorySpace;
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8) {
soundNoInventorySpace = "NOTE_PIANO";
} else if (MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12) {
soundNoInventorySpace = "BLOCK_NOTE_BASS";
} else {
soundNoInventorySpace = "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_GUITAR";
String soundGive;
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8) {
soundGive = "LEVEL_UP";
} else {
String soundPlayerNotFound;
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8) {
soundPlayerNotFound = "NOTE_PIANO";
} else if (MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12) {
soundPlayerNotFound = "BLOCK_NOTE_HARP";
} else {
soundPlayerNotFound = "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HARP";
try {
Sound sound_OpenInventory = Sound.valueOf(Sound_OpenInventory_input);
if (sound_OpenInventory != null) {
Sound_OpenInventory = sound_OpenInventory;
} catch (Exception e) {
send.console("§4\n§4\n§4\n" + SelectMessages.SoundNotFound.replace("[prefix]", Prefix)
.replace("[sound]", "§8OpenInventory: §6" + Sound_OpenInventory_input) + "§4\n§4\n§4\n");
Sound_OpenInventory = Sound.valueOf(soundOpenInventory);
try {
Sound sound_Click = Sound.valueOf(Sound_Click_input);
if (sound_Click != null) {
Sound_Click = sound_Click;
} catch (Exception e) {
send.console("§4\n§4\n§4\n" + SelectMessages.SoundNotFound.replace("[prefix]", Prefix)
.replace("[sound]", "§8Click: §6" + Sound_Click_input) + "§4\n§4\n§4\n");
Sound_Click = Sound.valueOf(soundClick);
try {
Sound sound_NoMoney = Sound.valueOf(Sound_NoMoney_input);
if (sound_NoMoney != null) {
Sound_Click = sound_NoMoney;
} catch (Exception e) {
send.console("§4\n§4\n§4\n" + SelectMessages.SoundNotFound.replace("[prefix]", Prefix)
.replace("[sound]", "§8NoMoney: §6" + Sound_NoMoney_input) + "§4\n§4\n§4\n");
Sound_NoMoney = Sound.valueOf(soundNoMoney);
try {
Sound sound_NoInventorySpace = Sound.valueOf(Sound_NoInventorySpace_input);
if (sound_NoInventorySpace != null) {
Sound_NoInventorySpace = sound_NoInventorySpace;
} catch (Exception e) {
send.console("§4\n§4\n§4\n" + SelectMessages.SoundNotFound.replace("[prefix]", Prefix)
.replace("[sound]", "§8NoInventorySpace: §6" + Sound_NoInventorySpace_input) + "§4\n§4\n§4\n");
Sound_NoInventorySpace = Sound.valueOf(soundNoInventorySpace);
try {
Sound sound_Give = Sound.valueOf(Sound_Give_input);
if (sound_Give != null) {
Sound_Give = sound_Give;
} catch (Exception e) {
send.console("§4\n§4\n§4\n" + SelectMessages.SoundNotFound.replace("[prefix]", Prefix)
.replace("[sound]", "§8Give: §6" + Sound_Give_input) + "§4\n§4\n§4\n");
Sound_Give = Sound.valueOf(soundGive);
try {
Sound sound_PlayerNotFound = Sound.valueOf(Sound_PlayerNotFound_input);
if (sound_PlayerNotFound != null) {
Sound_PlayerNotFound = sound_PlayerNotFound;
} catch (Exception e) {
send.console("§4\n§4\n§4\n" + SelectMessages.SoundNotFound.replace("[prefix]", Prefix)
.replace("[sound]", "§8PlayerNotFound: §6" + Sound_PlayerNotFound_input) + "§4\n§4\n§4\n");
Sound_PlayerNotFound = Sound.valueOf(soundPlayerNotFound);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.languages;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
public class LanguagesCreate {
private static Plugin plugin = Main.plugin;
public static void langCreate() {
send.debug(plugin,"§4Language files are created / updated...");
Long long_ = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
File messagesEN = new File(Main.getPath(), "languages/english_messages.yml");
YamlConfiguration yamlConfigurationEN = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(messagesEN);
set("Plugin.VaultNotSetUp", MSG.EN_VaultNotSetUp, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Plugin.SoundNotFound", MSG.EN_SoundNotFound, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Plugin.OnlyForPlayer", MSG.EN_OnlyForPlayer, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Plugin.DefaultGUI.create", MSG.EN_DefaultGUI, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Plugin.Reload.Start", MSG.EN_ReloadStart, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Plugin.Reload.End", MSG.EN_ReloadEnd, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("NoPermission.ForCommandGUI", MSG.EN_NoPermission, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("NoPermission.ForCommand", MSG.EN_NoPermissionForCommand, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("NoPermission.ForUseItem", MSG.EN_NoPermissionForUseItem, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("NoPermission.ForItem", MSG.EN_NoPermissionForItem, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("UseItem.UseItem_ON", MSG.EN_ItemON, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("UseItem.UseItem_OFF", MSG.EN_ItemOFF, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("UseItem.Change_Slot", MSG.EN_ItemSlot, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("UseItem.SlotNotEmpty", MSG.EN_ItemSlotNotEmpty, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("UseItem.SlotAlreadySet", MSG.EN_ItemSlotAlreadySet, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("UseItem.ItemSlot_wrongValue", MSG.EN_ItemSlot_wrongValue, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Cost.Buy_msg", MSG.EN_Buy_msg, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Cost.No_money", MSG.EN_No_money, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Cost.NoInventorySpace", MSG.EN_NoInventorySpace, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("ServerChange.onServerChange", MSG.EN_onServerChange, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("GUI.GUInotFound", MSG.EN_GUInotFound, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("GUI.GUIisDisabled", MSG.EN_GUIisDisabled, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Give.Sender", MSG.EN_GiveSender, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Give.Receiver", MSG.EN_GiveReceiver, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Player.PlayerNotFond", MSG.EN_PlayerNotFond, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Player.PlayerNoInventorySpace", MSG.EN_PlayerNoInventorySpace, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Help.CGUI", MSG.EN_Help_CGUI, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Help.Help", MSG.EN_Help_Help, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Help.Info", MSG.EN_Help_Info, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Help.Open", MSG.EN_Help_Open, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Help.Give", MSG.EN_Help_Give, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Help.CreateDefaultGUI", MSG.EN_Help_CreateDefaultGUI, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Help.Reload", MSG.EN_Help_Reload, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Help.UseItem_On", MSG.EN_GUIItemHelp_on, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Help.UseItem_Off", MSG.EN_GUIItemHelp_off, yamlConfigurationEN);
set("Help.UseItem_Slot", MSG.EN_GUIItemHelp_Slot, yamlConfigurationEN);
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
File messagesDE = new File(Main.getPath(), "languages/german_messages.yml");
YamlConfiguration yamlConfigurationDE = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(messagesDE);
set("Plugin.VaultNotSetUp", MSG.DE_VaultNotSetUp, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Plugin.SoundNotFound", MSG.DE_SoundNotFound, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Plugin.OnlyForPlayer", MSG.DE_OnlyForPlayer, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Plugin.DefaultGUI.create", MSG.DE_DefaultGUI, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Plugin.Reload.Start", MSG.DE_ReloadStart, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Plugin.Reload.End", MSG.DE_ReloadEnd, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("NoPermission.ForCommandGUI", MSG.DE_NoPermission, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("NoPermission.ForCommand", MSG.DE_NoPermissionForCommand, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("NoPermission.ForUseItem", MSG.DE_NoPermissionForUseItem, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("NoPermission.ForItem", MSG.DE_NoPermissionForItem, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("UseItem.UseItem_ON", MSG.DE_ItemON, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("UseItem.UseItem_OFF", MSG.DE_ItemOFF, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("UseItem.Change_Slot", MSG.DE_ItemSlot, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("UseItem.SlotNotEmpty", MSG.DE_ItemSlotNotEmpty, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("UseItem.SlotAlreadySet", MSG.DE_ItemSlotAlreadySet, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("UseItem.ItemSlot_wrongValue", MSG.DE_ItemSlot_wrongValue, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Cost.Buy_msg", MSG.DE_Buy_msg, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Cost.No_money", MSG.DE_No_money, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Cost.NoInventorySpace", MSG.DE_NoInventorySpace, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("ServerChange.onServerChange", MSG.DE_onServerChange, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("GUI.GUInotFound", MSG.DE_GUInotFound, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("GUI.GUIisDisabled", MSG.DE_GUIisDisabled, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Give.Sender", MSG.DE_GiveSender, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Give.Receiver", MSG.DE_GiveReceiver, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Player.PlayerNotFond", MSG.DE_PlayerNotFond, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Player.PlayerNoInventorySpace", MSG.DE_PlayerNoInventorySpace, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Help.CGUI", MSG.DE_Help_CGUI, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Help.Help", MSG.DE_Help_Help, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Help.Info", MSG.DE_Help_Info, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Help.Open", MSG.DE_Help_Open, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Help.Give", MSG.DE_Help_Give, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Help.CreateDefaultGUI", MSG.DE_Help_CreateDefaultGUI, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Help.Reload", MSG.DE_Help_Reload, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Help.UseItem_On", MSG.DE_GUIItemHelp_on, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Help.UseItem_Off", MSG.DE_GUIItemHelp_off, yamlConfigurationDE);
set("Help.UseItem_Slot", MSG.DE_GUIItemHelp_Slot, yamlConfigurationDE);
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
* norwegian
File messagesNO = new File(Main.getPath(), "languages/norwegian_messages.yml");
YamlConfiguration yamlConfigurationNO = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(messagesNO);
set("Plugin.VaultNotSetUp", MSG.NO_VaultNotSetUp, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Plugin.SoundNotFound", MSG.NO_SoundNotFound, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Plugin.OnlyForPlayer", MSG.NO_OnlyForPlayer, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Plugin.DefaultGUI.create", MSG.NO_DefaultGUI, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Plugin.Reload.Start", MSG.NO_ReloadStart, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Plugin.Reload.End", MSG.NO_ReloadEnd, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("NoPermission.ForCommandGUI", MSG.NO_NoPermission, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("NoPermission.ForCommand", MSG.NO_NoPermissionForCommand, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("NoPermission.ForUseItem", MSG.NO_NoPermissionForUseItem, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("NoPermission.ForItem", MSG.NO_NoPermissionForItem, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("UseItem.UseItem_ON", MSG.NO_ItemON, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("UseItem.UseItem_OFF", MSG.NO_ItemOFF, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("UseItem.Change_Slot", MSG.NO_ItemSlot, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("UseItem.SlotNotEmpty", MSG.NO_ItemSlotNotEmpty, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("UseItem.SlotAlreadySet", MSG.NO_ItemSlotAlreadySet, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("UseItem.ItemSlot_wrongValue", MSG.NO_ItemSlot_wrongValue, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Cost.Buy_msg", MSG.NO_Buy_msg, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Cost.No_money", MSG.NO_No_money, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Cost.NoInventorySpace", MSG.NO_NoInventorySpace, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("ServerChange.onServerChange", MSG.NO_onServerChange, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("GUI.GUInotFound", MSG.NO_GUInotFound, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("GUI.GUIisDisabled", MSG.NO_GUIisDisabled, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Give.Sender", MSG.NO_GiveSender, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Give.Receiver", MSG.NO_GiveReceiver, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Player.PlayerNotFond", MSG.NO_PlayerNotFond, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Player.PlayerNoInventorySpace", MSG.NO_PlayerNoInventorySpace, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Help.CGUI", MSG.NO_Help_CGUI, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Help.Help", MSG.NO_Help_Help, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Help.Info", MSG.NO_Help_Info, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Help.Open", MSG.NO_Help_Open, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Help.Give", MSG.NO_Help_Give, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Help.CreateDefaultGUI", MSG.NO_Help_CreateDefaultGUI, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Help.Reload", MSG.NO_Help_Reload, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Help.UseItem_On", MSG.NO_GUIItemHelp_on, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Help.UseItem_Off", MSG.NO_GUIItemHelp_off, yamlConfigurationNO);
set("Help.UseItem_Slot", MSG.NO_GUIItemHelp_Slot, yamlConfigurationNO);
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
send.console(Main.prefix + " §2Language files were successfully created / updated." + " §7- §e" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - long_.longValue()) + "ms");
private static void set(String path, String value, YamlConfiguration config) {
if (!config.contains(path)) {
config.set(path, value);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
// This claas was created by JaTiTV
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package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.languages;
public class MSG {
// EN
public static String EN_VaultNotSetUp = "[prefix] &4Vault / Economy not set up!";
public static String EN_SoundNotFound = "[prefix] &4The sound &6[sound] &4was not found! Please check the settings.";
public static String EN_OnlyForPlayer = "[prefix] &cThis command is for players only!";
public static String EN_DefaultGUI = "[prefix] &2DefaultGUI was created. You can find it in the directory: &e[directory]&2!";
public static String EN_ReloadStart = "[prefix] &6Plugin is reloaded...";
public static String EN_ReloadEnd = "[prefix] &2Plugin was successfully reloaded.";
public static String EN_NoPermission = "[prefix] &cYou do not have permission for &4Command&9GUI&c!";
public static String EN_NoPermissionForCommand = "[prefix] &cFor &b[cmd] &cyou lack the permission &6[perm]&c!";
public static String EN_NoPermissionForUseItem = "[prefix] &cYou lack the permission &6[perm] &cto use the item for the GUI: &6[gui].";
public static String EN_NoPermissionForItem = "[prefix] &cFor &b[item] &cyou lack the permission &6[perm]&c!";
public static String EN_Buy_msg = "[prefix] &2You bought [itemname] &2for &6[price]&2.";
public static String EN_No_money = "[prefix] &cYou don't have enough money!";
public static String EN_NoInventorySpace = "[prefix] &cYou have no room in your inventory!";
public static String EN_onServerChange = "[prefix] &2You will be connected to the server &e[server]§2.";
public static String EN_ItemON = "[prefix] &2You have activated the GUI item.";
public static String EN_ItemOFF = "[prefix] &2You have disabled the GUI item.";
public static String EN_ItemSlot = "[prefix] &2You have changed the GUI item to slot: &6[slot]&2.";
public static String EN_ItemSlotNotEmpty = "[prefix] &6The slot &e[slot] &6is currently occupied!";
public static String EN_ItemSlotAlreadySet = "[prefix] &6The slot §e[slot] §6is already set!";
public static String EN_ItemSlot_wrongValue = "[prefix] &cThe specified slot must be between 1 and 9!";
public static String EN_GUInotFound = "[prefix] &cThe GUI chosen by the does not exist.";
public static String EN_GUIisDisabled = "[prefix] &cThe GUI [gui] &cis currently Disabled!";
public static String EN_GiveSender = "[prefix] &2You have given &6[player] &2an [item] &2!";
public static String EN_GiveReceiver = "[prefix] &2You got &2, [item] &2from &6[sender]!";
public static String EN_PlayerNotFond = "[prefix] &cThe player &6[player] &cwas not found or is not online!";
public static String EN_PlayerNoInventorySpace = "[prefix] &6[player] &chas no free space in his inventory!";
public static String EN_Help_CGUI = "&8''&b/commandgui &8| &b/cgui&8'' &eOpen the default GUI &7(&r[gui]&7)&e.";
public static String EN_Help_Open = "&8''&b/commandgui [gui]&8'' &eOpen the GUI: &6[guiname]&e.";
public static String EN_Help_Help = "&8''&b/commandguihelp&8'' &eOpen this help.";
public static String EN_Help_Info = "&8''&b/commandguiadmin info&8'' &eCall the info from &4Command&9GUI &e.";
public static String EN_Help_Give = "&8''&b/commandguiadmin give &7<player>&8'' &eGive a player the GUI item.";
public static String EN_Help_CreateDefaultGUI = "&8''&b/commandguiadmin createdefaultgui&8'' &eCreate a default GUI &7([directory])&e.";
public static String EN_Help_Reload = "&8''&b/commandguiadmin reload&8'' &eReload the plugin.";
public static String EN_GUIItemHelp_on = "&8''&b/gui-item on&8'' &eActivate the GUIItem for you.";
public static String EN_GUIItemHelp_off = "&8''&b/gui-item off&8'' &eDisable the GUIItem for yourself.";
public static String EN_GUIItemHelp_Slot = "&8''&b/gui-item slot [slot]&8'' &eSet the slot for GUIItem for you.";
// DE
public static String DE_VaultNotSetUp = "[prefix] &4Vault / Economy nicht eingerichtet!";
public static String DE_SoundNotFound = "[prefix] &4Der Sound &6[sound] &4wurde nicht gefunden! Bitte [ue]berpr[ue]fe die Einstellungen.";
public static String DE_OnlyForPlayer = "[prefix] &cDieser Command ist nur f[ue]r Spieler!";
public static String DE_DefaultGUI = "[prefix] &2DefaultGUI wurde erstellt. Du findst sie im Verzeichnis: &e[directory]&2!";
public static String DE_ReloadStart = "[prefix] &6Plugin wird neu geladen...";
public static String DE_ReloadEnd = "[prefix] &2Plugin wurde erfolgreich neu geladen.";
public static String DE_NoPermission = "[prefix] &cDu hast keine Permission f[ue]r &4Command&9GUI&c!";
public static String DE_NoPermissionForCommand = "[prefix] &cF[ue]r &b[cmd] &cfehlt dir die Permission &6[perm]&c!";
public static String DE_NoPermissionForUseItem = "[prefix] &cDir fehlt die Permission &6[perm] &cum das Item f[ue]r die GUI: &6[gui] &cnutzen zu k[oe]nnen.";
public static String DE_NoPermissionForItem = "[prefix] &cF[ue]r &b[item] &cfehlt dir die Permission &6[perm]&c!";
public static String DE_ItemON = "[prefix] &2Du hast das GUI-Item aktiviert.";
public static String DE_ItemOFF = "[prefix] &2Du hast das GUI-Item deaktiviert.";
public static String DE_ItemSlot = "[prefix] &2Du hast das GUI-Item auf Slot &6[slot] &2umgestellt.";
public static String DE_ItemSlotNotEmpty = "[prefix] &6Der Slot §e[slot] §6ist derzeit belegt!.";
public static String DE_ItemSlotAlreadySet = "[prefix] &6Der Slot §e[slot] §6ist bereits eingestellt!";
public static String DE_ItemSlot_wrongValue = "[prefix] &cDer angegebene Slot muss sich zwischen 1 und 9 befinden!";
public static String DE_Buy_msg = "[prefix] &2Du hast dir [itemname] &2f[ue]r &6[price] &2gekauft.";
public static String DE_No_money = "[prefix] &cDu hast nicht gen[ue]gend Geld!";
public static String DE_NoInventorySpace = "[prefix] &cDu hast keinen Platz in deinem Inventar!";
public static String DE_onServerChange = "[prefix] &2Du wirst auf den Server §e[server] §2verbunden.";
public static String DE_GUInotFound = "[prefix] &cDie von die gew[ae]hlte GUI gibt es nicht.";
public static String DE_GUIisDisabled = "[prefix] &cDie GUI [gui] &cist derzeit Deaktiviert!";
public static String DE_GiveSender = "[prefix] &2Du hast &6[player] &2ein [item] &2gegeben!";
public static String DE_GiveReceiver = "[prefix] &2Du hast von &6[sender] &2, [item] &2bekommen!";
public static String DE_PlayerNotFond = "[prefix] &cDer Spieler &6[player] &cwurde nicht gefunden oder ist nicht Online!";
public static String DE_PlayerNoInventorySpace = "[prefix] &6[player] &chat keinen freien Platz in seinem Inventar!";
public static String DE_Help_CGUI = "&8''&b/commandgui &8| &b/cgui&8'' &e[OE]ffne die default GUI &7(&r[gui]&7)&e.";
public static String DE_Help_Open = "&8''&b/commandgui [gui]&8'' &e[OE]ffne die GUI: &6[guiname]&e.";
public static String DE_Help_Help = "&8''&b/commandguihelp&8'' &e[OE]ffne diese help.";
public static String DE_Help_Info = "&8''&b/commandguiadmin info&8'' &eRufe die Infos von &4Command&9GUI &eauf.";
public static String DE_Help_Give = "&8''&b/commandguiadmin give &7<player>&8'' &eGebe einem Spieler das GUI-Item.";
public static String DE_Help_CreateDefaultGUI = "&8''&b/commandguiadmin createdefaultgui&8'' &eLasse eine default GUI erstellen &7([directory])&e.";
public static String DE_Help_Reload = "&8''&b/commandguiadmin reload&8'' &eLade das Plugin neu.";
public static String DE_GUIItemHelp_on = "&8''&b/gui-item on&8'' &eAktiviere f[ue]r dich das GUIItem.";
public static String DE_GUIItemHelp_off = "&8''&b/gui-item off&8'' &eDeaktiviere f[ue]r dich das GUIItem.";
public static String DE_GUIItemHelp_Slot = "&8''&b/gui-item slot [slot]&8'' &eSetze den Slot für GUIItem für Sie einstellen.";
// FR
// NO
public static String NO_VaultNotSetUp = "[prefix] &4Vault / Økonomi har ikke blitt satt opp!";
public static String NO_SoundNotFound = "[prefix] &4Lyden &6[sound] &4ble ikke bli funnet! Vennligst sjekk innstillingene.";
public static String NO_OnlyForPlayer = "[prefix] &cDenne kommandoen er for spillere kun!";
public static String NO_DefaultGUI = "[prefix] &2DefaultGUI har blitt laget. Du kan finne den i mappen: &e[directory]&2!";
public static String NO_ReloadStart = "[prefix] &6Pluginet blir relastet...";
public static String NO_ReloadEnd = "[prefix] &2Pluginet har blitt lastet inn på nytt.";
public static String NO_NoPermission = "[prefix] &cDu har ikke tilgang til &4Command&9GUI&c!";
public static String NO_NoPermissionForCommand = "[prefix] &cFor &b[cmd] &cmangler du tillatelsen &6[perm]&c!";
public static String NO_NoPermissionForUseItem = "[prefix] &cDu mangler tillatelsen &6[perm] &cfor å bruke gjenstanden i GUI: &6[gui].";
public static String NO_NoPermissionForItem = "[prefix] &cFor &b[item] &cmangler du tillatelsen &6[perm]&c!";
public static String NO_ItemON = "[prefix] &2You have activated the GUI item.";
public static String NO_ItemOFF = "[prefix] &2You have disabled the GUI item.";
public static String NO_ItemSlot = "[prefix] &2You have changed the GUI item to slot: &6[slot]&2.";
public static String NO_ItemSlotNotEmpty = "[prefix] &6Plassen &e[slot] &6er opptatt for øyeblikket!";
public static String NO_ItemSlotAlreadySet = "[prefix] &6Plassen §e[slot] §6er allerede satt!";
public static String NO_ItemSlot_wrongValue = "[prefix] &cDen spesifiserte plassen må være mellom 1 og 9!";
public static String NO_Buy_msg = "[prefix] &2Du kjøpte [itemname] &2for &6[price]&2.";
public static String NO_No_money = "[prefix] &cDu har ikke nok penger!";
public static String NO_NoInventorySpace = "[prefix] &cDu har ikke nok plass i inventaret ditt!";
public static String NO_onServerChange = "[prefix] &2Du vil bli tilkoblet serveren &e[server]&2.";
public static String NO_GUInotFound = "[prefix] &cGUIen som ble spesifisert finnes ikke.";
public static String NO_GUIisDisabled = "[prefix] &cGUIen [gui] &cer slått av for øyeblikket!";
public static String NO_GiveSender = "[prefix] &2Du har gitt &6[player] &2en [item]&2!";
public static String NO_GiveReceiver = "[prefix] &2Du fikk &2, [item] &2fra &6[sender]!";
public static String NO_PlayerNotFond = "[prefix] &cSpilleren &6[player] &cble ikke funnet eller er ikke pålogget!";
public static String NO_PlayerNoInventorySpace = "[prefix] &6[player] &char ikke nok plass i inventaret sitt!";
public static String NO_Help_CGUI = "&8''&b/commandgui &8| &b/cgui&8'' &eÅpne default GUIen &7(&r[gui]&7)&e.";
public static String NO_Help_Open = "&8''&b/commandgui [gui]&8'' &eÅpne GUIen: &6[guiname]&e.";
public static String NO_Help_Help = "&8''&b/commandguihelp&8'' &eSender denne hjelpe meldingen.";
public static String NO_Help_Info = "&8''&b/commandguiadmin info&8'' &eKall informasjon fra &4Command&9GUI&e.";
public static String NO_Help_Give = "&8''&b/commandguiadmin give &7<player>&8'' &eGi en spiller GUI gjenstanden.";
public static String NO_Help_CreateDefaultGUI = "&8''&b/commandguiadmin createdefaultgui&8'' &eLag en normalverdi GUI &7([directory])&e.";
public static String NO_Help_Reload = "&8''&b/commandguiadmin reload&8'' &eLast inn pluginet på nytt.";
public static String NO_GUIItemHelp_on = "&8''&b/gui-item on&8'' &eAktiverer en GUI gjenstand for deg.";
public static String NO_GUIItemHelp_off = "&8''&b/gui-item off&8'' &eDeaktiverer en GUI gjenstand for deg.";
public static String NO_GUIItemHelp_Slot = "&8''&b/gui-item slot [slot]&8'' &eSett sporet for GUIItem for deg.";

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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.languages;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config.SelectConfig;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Util;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.replace.Replace;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
public class SelectMessages {
private static String prefix = Util.Prefix;
public static String selectMSG;
public static String VaultNotSetUp;
public static String SoundNotFound;
public static String OnlyForPlayer;
public static String DefaultGUIcreate;
public static String ReloadStart;
public static String ReloadEnd;
public static String NoPermission;
public static String NoPermissionForCommand;
public static String NoPermissionForUseItem;
public static String NoPermissionForItem;
public static String ItemON;
public static String ItemOFF;
public static String ItemSlot;
public static String ItemSlotNotEmpty;
public static String ItemSlotAlreadySet;
public static String ItemSlot_wrongValue;
public static String Buy_msg;
public static String No_money;
public static String NoInventorySpace;
public static String onServerChange;
public static String GUInotFound;
public static String GUIIsDisabled;
public static String Give_Sender;
public static String Give_Receiver;
public static String PlayerNotFond;
public static String PlayerNoInventorySpace;
public static String HelpCgui;
public static String HelpHelp;
public static String HelpInfo;
public static String HelpOpen;
public static String HelpGive;
public static String HelpCreateDefaultGUI;
public static String HelpReload;
public static String GUIItemHelp_on;
public static String GUIItemHelp_off;
public static String GUIItemHelp_Slot;
public static void onSelect(String Prefix) {
send.debug(Main.plugin, "§4Select language...");
Long long_ = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
File msg;
msg = new File(Main.getPath(), "languages/" + SelectConfig.language + "_messages.yml");
if (!msg.isFile()) {
send.console(Prefix + " §4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
send.console(Prefix + " §4The selected §c" + SelectConfig.language + " §4language file was not found.");
send.console(Prefix + " §6The default language §eEnglish §6is used!");
send.console(Prefix + " §4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
msg = new File(Main.getPath(), "languages/" + "english_messages.yml");
selectMSG = "english";
} else selectMSG = SelectConfig.language;
YamlConfiguration yamlConfiguration_msg = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(msg);
VaultNotSetUp = select("Plugin.VaultNotSetUp", yamlConfiguration_msg);
SoundNotFound = select("Plugin.SoundNotFound", yamlConfiguration_msg);
OnlyForPlayer = select("Plugin.OnlyForPlayer", yamlConfiguration_msg);
DefaultGUIcreate = select("Plugin.DefaultGUI.create", yamlConfiguration_msg);
ReloadStart = select("Plugin.Reload.Start", yamlConfiguration_msg);
ReloadEnd = select("Plugin.Reload.End", yamlConfiguration_msg);
NoPermission = select("NoPermission.ForCommandGUI", yamlConfiguration_msg);
NoPermissionForCommand = select("NoPermission.ForCommand", yamlConfiguration_msg);
NoPermissionForUseItem = select("NoPermission.ForUseItem", yamlConfiguration_msg);
NoPermissionForItem = select("NoPermission.ForItem", yamlConfiguration_msg);
ItemON = select("UseItem.UseItem_ON", yamlConfiguration_msg);
ItemOFF = select("UseItem.UseItem_OFF", yamlConfiguration_msg);
ItemSlot = select("UseItem.Change_Slot", yamlConfiguration_msg);
ItemSlotNotEmpty = select("UseItem.SlotNotEmpty", yamlConfiguration_msg);
ItemSlotAlreadySet = select("UseItem.SlotAlreadySet", yamlConfiguration_msg);
ItemSlot_wrongValue = select("UseItem.ItemSlot_wrongValue", yamlConfiguration_msg);
Buy_msg = select("Cost.Buy_msg", yamlConfiguration_msg);
No_money = select("Cost.No_money", yamlConfiguration_msg);
NoInventorySpace = select("Cost.NoInventorySpace", yamlConfiguration_msg);
onServerChange = select("ServerChange.onServerChange", yamlConfiguration_msg);
GUInotFound = select("GUI.GUInotFound", yamlConfiguration_msg);
GUIIsDisabled = select("GUI.GUIisDisabled", yamlConfiguration_msg);
Give_Sender = select("Give.Sender", yamlConfiguration_msg);
Give_Receiver = select("Give.Receiver", yamlConfiguration_msg);
PlayerNotFond = select("Player.PlayerNotFond", yamlConfiguration_msg);
PlayerNoInventorySpace = select("Player.PlayerNoInventorySpace", yamlConfiguration_msg);
HelpCgui = select("Help.CGUI", yamlConfiguration_msg);
HelpHelp = select("Help.Help", yamlConfiguration_msg);
HelpInfo = select("Help.Info", yamlConfiguration_msg);
HelpOpen = select("Help.Open", yamlConfiguration_msg);
HelpGive = select("Help.Give", yamlConfiguration_msg);
HelpCreateDefaultGUI = select("Help.CreateDefaultGUI", yamlConfiguration_msg);
HelpReload = select("Help.Reload", yamlConfiguration_msg);
GUIItemHelp_on = select("Help.UseItem_On", yamlConfiguration_msg);
GUIItemHelp_off = select("Help.UseItem_Off", yamlConfiguration_msg);
GUIItemHelp_Slot = select("Help.UseItem_Slot", yamlConfiguration_msg);
send.console(Prefix + " §2Language successfully selected to: §6" + selectMSG + " §7- §e" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - long_.longValue()) + "ms");
private static String select(String path, YamlConfiguration yamlConfiguration){
return Replace.replace(prefix,yamlConfiguration.getString(path));

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@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.database;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import java.sql.*;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
public class MySQL {
private static Plugin plugin = Main.plugin;
public static String ip = "localhost";
public static Integer port = 3306;
public static String database;
public static String user = "root";
public static String password = "";
public static String url;
public static Boolean SSL;
public static void main() {
Long long_ = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
ZoneId timeZone = now.getTimeZone().toZoneId();
send.debug(plugin, "Server TimeZone is : " + timeZone);
url = "jdbc:mysql://" + ip + ":" + port + "/" + database + "?useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=" + timeZone;
// Europe/Berlin
if (SSL) {
url = url + "&useSSL=true";
} else url = url + "&useSSL=false";
send.debug(plugin, url);
try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password)) {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
send.console(Main.prefix + " §2MySQL successfully connected." + " §7- §e" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - long_.longValue()) + "ms");
} catch (SQLException ex) {
send.console(Main.prefix + " §4MySQL not connected." + " §7- §e" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - long_.longValue()) + "ms");
send.error(plugin, ex.getMessage() + " --- " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - long_.longValue()) + "ms");
public static void query(String query) {
try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password)) {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
} catch (SQLException ex) {
public static ArrayList<String> selectAll(String query) {
ArrayList<String> Result = new ArrayList<>();
try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password)) {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
int columns = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
while ( {
} catch (SQLException ex) {
return Result;
public static String select(String query) {
String Ausgabe = "";
try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password)) {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
int columns = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
while ( {
Ausgabe = String.valueOf(rs.getString(1));
} catch (SQLException ex) {
return Ausgabe;
public static int count(String query) {
Integer count = 0;
try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password)) {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
int columns = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
while ( {
} catch (SQLException ex) {
return count;

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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.database;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.config.SelectConfig;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class Select_Database {
public static void nameCheck(Player player) {
if (SelectConfig.Storage.equals("MYSQL")) {
MySQL.query("UPDATE `gui-item` SET Name='" + player.getName() + "' WHERE UUID='" + player.getUniqueId() + "';");
public static void setSlot(Player player, Integer slot) {
if (SelectConfig.Storage.equals("MYSQL")) {
MySQL.query("INSERT INTO `gui-item` (`UUID`, `Name`, `Slot`) VALUES ('" + player.getUniqueId() + "', '" + player.getName()
+ "','" + slot + "') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `Name` = '" + player.getName() + "', `Slot` = '" + slot + "';");
} else {
YML.setGuiitemSlot(player, slot);
public static void setItemStatusTrue(Player player) {
if (SelectConfig.Storage.equals("MYSQL")) {
MySQL.query("INSERT INTO `gui-item` (`UUID`, `Name`) VALUES ('" + player.getUniqueId() + "', '" + player.getName()
+ "') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `Name` = '" + player.getName() + "', `Status` = '1';");
} else {
public static void setItemStatusFalse(Player player) {
if (SelectConfig.Storage.equals("MYSQL")) {
MySQL.query("INSERT INTO `gui-item` (`UUID`, `Name`, `Status`) VALUES ('" + player.getUniqueId() + "', '" + player.getName()
+ "', '0') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `Name` = '" + player.getName() + "', `Status` = '0';");
} else {
public static Boolean selectItemStatus(Player player) {
if (SelectConfig.Storage.equals("MYSQL")) {
if (MySQL.count("SELECT * FROM `gui-item` WHERE BINARY UUID='" + player.getUniqueId() + "'") > 0) {
if ("SELECT `Status` FROM `gui-item` WHERE `UUID`='" + player.getUniqueId() + "';").equals("1")) {
return true;
} else return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return YML.selectGuiitemOn(player);
public static Integer selectSlot(Player player) {
if (SelectConfig.Storage.equals("MYSQL")) {
if (MySQL.count("SELECT * FROM `gui-item` WHERE BINARY UUID='" + player.getUniqueId() + "'") > 0) {
if ("SELECT `Slot` FROM `gui-item` WHERE `UUID`='" + player.getUniqueId() + "';") != "null") {
return Integer.valueOf("SELECT `Slot` FROM `gui-item` WHERE `UUID`='" + player.getUniqueId() + "';"));
} else return null;
} else return null;
} else {
return YML.selectSlot(player);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.database;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
public class YML {
private static Plugin plugin = Main.plugin;
public static File storage = new File(Main.getPath(), "Storage/gui-item.yml");
public static YamlConfiguration yamlConfigurationStorage = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(storage);
public static void setGuiitemOn(Player player) {
yamlConfigurationStorage.set(player.getUniqueId() + ".Playername", player.getName());
yamlConfigurationStorage.set(player.getUniqueId() + ".Status", true);
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
public static void setGuiitemOff(Player player) {
yamlConfigurationStorage.set(player.getUniqueId() + ".Playername", player.getName());
yamlConfigurationStorage.set(player.getUniqueId() + ".Status", false);
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
public static void setGuiitemSlot(Player player, Integer slot) {
yamlConfigurationStorage.set(player.getUniqueId() + ".Playername", player.getName());
yamlConfigurationStorage.set(player.getUniqueId() + ".Slot", slot);
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
public static Boolean selectGuiitemOn(Player player){
if (!yamlConfigurationStorage.contains(String.valueOf(player.getUniqueId()))) return true;
return yamlConfigurationStorage.getBoolean(player.getUniqueId() + ".Status");
public static Integer selectSlot(Player player) {
send.debug(plugin, "yml-1");
if (!yamlConfigurationStorage.contains(String.valueOf(player.getUniqueId()))) return null;
if (yamlConfigurationStorage.getString(player.getUniqueId() + ".Slot") == null) return null;
send.debug(plugin, "yml-2");
send.debug(plugin, String.valueOf(yamlConfigurationStorage.getInt(player.getUniqueId() + ".Slot")));
return yamlConfigurationStorage.getInt(player.getUniqueId() + ".Slot");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2;
public class Util {
public static double requiredT2CodeLibVersion = 7.2;
public static String Prefix = "§8[§4C§9GUI§8]";
public static Integer SpigotID = 90671;
public static Integer BstatsID = 10840;
public static String Spigot = "" + SpigotID;
public static String Discord = "";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.api;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Listener.ItemChange;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Listener.UseItem_Listener.Events_from1_10;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.cmdManagement.Commands;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.cmdManagement.Help;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.DefaultGUICreate;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.config.languages.SelectMessages;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.system.database.Select_Database;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Listener.UseItem_Listener.Events;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.minecraftVersion.MCVersion;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class CGuiAPI {
public static Boolean JoinDisable = false;
public static void onItemChange(Player player) {
public static void disableItemGiveOnJoin(Boolean disableItemGiveOnJoin) {
JoinDisable = disableItemGiveOnJoin;
public static Boolean selectPlayerItemEnable(Player player) {
return Select_Database.selectItemStatus(player);
public static Integer selectPlayerItemSlot(Player player) {
return Select_Database.selectSlot(player);
public static void setPlayerItemEnable(Player player, Boolean value) {
if (value) {
} else Select_Database.setItemStatusFalse(player);
public static void setPlayerItemSlot(Player player, Integer value) {
Select_Database.setSlot(player, value);
public static void openDefaultGUI(Player player) {
public static void openGUI(Player player, String GUI_CommandName) {
Commands.gui(player, GUI_CommandName);
public static void sendHelp(CommandSender sender) {
Help.sendHelp(sender, Main.prefix);
public static void sendPluginInfo(CommandSender sender) {
if (sender.hasPermission("")) {;
} else sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForCommand
.replace("[cmd]", "/commandguiadmin").replace("[perm]", ""));
public static void createDefaultGUI(CommandSender sender) {
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin")) {
sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.DefaultGUIcreate.replace("[directory]", Main.getPath() + "\\GUIs\\default.yml"));
} else sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForCommand
.replace("[cmd]", "/commandguiadmin").replace("[perm]", "commandgui.admin"));
public static void reload(CommandSender sender) {
if (sender.hasPermission("commandgui.admin")) {
} else sender.sendMessage(SelectMessages.NoPermissionForCommand
.replace("[cmd]", "/commandguiadmin").replace("[perm]", "commandgui.admin"));

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
name: CommandGUI
version: ${project.version}
main: de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Bungee.BMain
author: JaTiTV

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
IP: localhost
Port: 3306
Database: database
User: user
Password: ''
SSL: false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
name: CommandGUI
version: ${project.version}
main: de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main
api-version: 1.13
prefix: CommandGUI
authors: [ JaTiTV ]
- T2CodeLib
- Vault
- PlaceholderAPI
- PlotSquaredGUI
- PlugManGUI
description: Open the CGUI
aliases: [cgui, gui]
description: CommandGUI Help
aliases: [cguihelp, guihelp]
# commandguiadmin:
# aliases: [cguiadmin, cguia]
aliases: [gui-item]
description: All permissions from CommandGUI
default: op
commandgui.updatemsg: true
commandgui.command: true true
commandgui.useitem: true
commandgui.useitem.toggle: true
commandgui.bypass: true true
commandgui.command.give: true
description: All permissions from CommandGUI
default: op
commandgui.command: true true
commandgui.useitem: true
commandgui.useitem.toggle: true
description: Players with this permission get the update message when joining if an update is available
default: op
description: Required permission to open GUIs via command
default: op
description: Only players with this permission will receive the GUI item
default: op
description: Required permission to use the GUI Item
default: op
description: Required permission to enable/disable the GUI Item for itself (if the function UseItem/AllowToggle is set to true)
default: op
description: Bypass to open disabled GUIs
default: op
description: Permission to view CommandGUI info
default: not op
description: Kommend in V2.1.0
default: op

Configs/GUIs/default.yml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
Enable: true
Lines: 1
Name: '&5default &9GUI'
Enable: true
Alias: true
Required: true
Slot: 5
Enable: true
Enable: true
Enable: true
Base64Value: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzg3M2MxMmJmZmI1MjUxYTBiODhkNWFlNzVjNzI0N2NiMzlhNzVmZjFhODFjYmU0YzhhMzliMzExZGRlZGEifX19
PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI: false
PlayerName: ''
Material: ''
Name: '&3Support Discord'
- '&8-----------------'
- '&bIf you need help setting up the plugin,'
- '&bfeel free to contact me on the Suport Discord.'
- '&8-----------------'
- '&eIf you find any errors or bugs,'
- '&eplease contact me so I can fix them.'
- '&8-----------------'
- '&5Discord: §7'
Enable: false
Sound: ''
Enable: false
Price: 0.0
Enable: false
BungeeCommand: false
CommandAsConsole: false
- ''
Enable: false
Server: ''
Enable: false
GUI: ''
Enable: true
- '&6You can find more information on Discord: &e'
Required: false

Configs/config.yml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
UpdateCheckOnJoin: true
Debug: false
HelpAlias: true
language: english
Currency: $
DefaultGUI: default
Type: YML
IP: localhost
Port: 3306
Database: database
User: root
Password: password
SSL: false
Enable: false
ThisServer: server
Enable: true
AllowToggle: true
AllowSetSlot: true
BlockMoveAndDrop: true
OpenGUI: default
NeededToUse: true
Slot: 1
SlotEnforce: false
FreeSlot: false
Material: paper
Enable: false
Enable: false
Base64Value: ''
PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI: false
Playername: ''
Name: '&bDefault &6GUI'
- '&eThis is an example GUI'
GiveOnEveryJoin: true
GiveOnlyOnFirstJoin: false
OnEveryLogin: true
OnOnlyFirstLogin: true
EXPERIMENTELL_ServerChhange: false
Enable: true
Enable: true
Enable: true
Enable: true
Enable: true
Enable: true
Enable: true

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
VaultNotSetUp: '[prefix] &4Vault / Economy not set up!'
SoundNotFound: '[prefix] &4The sound &6[sound] &4was not found! Please check the
OnlyForPlayer: '[prefix] &cThis command is for players only!'
create: '[prefix] &2DefaultGUI was created. You can find it in the directory::
Start: '[prefix] &6Plugin is reloaded...'
End: '[prefix] &2Plugin was successfully reloaded.'
Warning: '[prefix] &6To enable / disable alias commands, reload / restart the
ForCommandGUI: '[prefix] &cYou do not have permission for &4Command&9GUI&c!'
ForCommand: '[prefix] &cFor &b[cmd] &cyou lack the permission &6[perm]&c!'
ForUseItem: '[prefix] &cYou lack the permission &6[perm] &cto use the item for the
GUI: &6[gui].'
ForItem: '[prefix] &cFor &b[item] &cyou lack the permission &6[perm]&c!'
UseItem_ON: '[prefix] &2You have activated the GUI item.'
UseItem_OFF: '[prefix] &2You have disabled the GUI item.'
Change_Slot: '[prefix] &2You have changed the GUI item to slot: &6[slot]&2.'
SlotNotEmpty: '[prefix] &6The slot &e[slot] &6is currently occupied!'
SlotAlreadySet: '[prefix] &6The slot §e[slot] §6is already set!'
ItemSlot_wrongValue: '[prefix] &cThe specified slot must be between 1 and 9!'
Buy_msg: '[prefix] &2You bought [itemname] &2for &6[price]&2.'
No_money: '[prefix] &cYou don''t have enough money!'
NoInventorySpace: '[prefix] &cYou have no room in your inventory!'
onServerChange: '[prefix] &2You will be connected to the server &e[server]§2.'
GUInotFound: '[prefix] &cThe GUI chosen by the does not exist.'
GUIisDisabled: '[prefix] &cThe GUI [gui] &cis currently Disabled!'
Sender: '[prefix] &2You have given &6[player] &2an [item] &2!'
Receiver: '[prefix] &2You got &2, [item] &2from &6[sender]!'
PlayerNotFond: '[prefix] &cThe player &6[player] &cwas not found or is not online!'
PlayerNoInventorySpace: '[prefix] &6[player] &chas no free space in his inventory!'
CGUI: '&8''''&b/commandgui &8| &b/cgui&8'''' &eOpen the default GUI &7(&r[gui]&7)&e.'
Help: '&8''''&b/commandguihelp&8'''' &eOpen this help.'
Info: '&8''''&b/commandguiadmin info&8'''' &eCall the info from &4Command&9GUI &e.'
Open: '&8''''&b/commandgui [gui]&8'''' &eOpen the GUI: &6[guiname]&e.'
Give: '&8''''&b/commandguiadmin give &7<player>&8'''' &eGive a player the GUI item.'
CreateDefaultGUI: '&8''''&b/commandguiadmin createdefaultgui&8'''' &eCreate a default
GUI &7([directory])&e.'
Reload: '&8''''&b/commandguiadmin reload&8'''' &eReload the plugin.'
UseItem_On: '&8''''&b/gui-item on&8'''' &eActivate the GUIItem for you.'
UseItem_Off: '&8''''&b/gui-item off&8'''' &eDisable the GUIItem for yourself.'
UseItem_Slot: '&8''''&b/gui-item slot [slot]&8'''' &eSet the slot for GUIItem for

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
VaultNotSetUp: '[prefix] &4Vault / Economy nicht eingerichtet!'
SoundNotFound: '[prefix] &4Der Sound &6[sound] &4wurde nicht gefunden! Bitte [ue]berpr[ue]fe
die Einstellungen.'
OnlyForPlayer: '[prefix] &cDieser Command ist nur f[ue]r Spieler!'
create: '[prefix] &2DefaultGUI wurde erstellt. Du findst sie im Verzeichnis: &e[directory]&2!'
Start: '[prefix] &6Plugin wird neu geladen...'
End: '[prefix] &2Plugin wurde erfolgreich neu geladen.'
Warning: '[prefix] &6Um Alias-Befehle zu aktivieren / deaktivieren, lade / starte
den Server neu!!'
ForCommandGUI: '[prefix] &cDu hast keine Permission f[ue]r &4Command&9GUI&c!'
ForCommand: '[prefix] &cF[ue]r &b[cmd] &cfehlt dir die Permission &6[perm]&c!'
ForUseItem: '[prefix] &cDir fehlt die Permission &6[perm] &cum das Item f[ue]r die
GUI: &6[gui] &cnutzen zu k[oe]nnen.'
ForItem: '[prefix] &cF[ue]r &b[item] &cfehlt dir die Permission &6[perm]&c!'
UseItem_ON: '[prefix] &2Du hast das GUI-Item aktiviert.'
UseItem_OFF: '[prefix] &2Du hast das GUI-Item deaktiviert.'
Change_Slot: '[prefix] &2Du hast das GUI-Item auf Slot &6[slot] &2umgestellt.'
SlotNotEmpty: '[prefix] &6Der Slot §e[slot] §6ist derzeit belegt!.'
SlotAlreadySet: '[prefix] &6Der Slot §e[slot] §6ist bereits eingestellt!'
ItemSlot_wrongValue: '[prefix] &cDer angegebene Slot muss sich zwischen 1 und 9
Buy_msg: '[prefix] &2Du hast dir [itemname] &2f[ue]r &6[price] &2gekauft.'
No_money: '[prefix] &cDu hast nicht gen[ue]gend Geld!'
NoInventorySpace: '[prefix] &cDu hast keinen Platz in deinem Inventar!'
onServerChange: '[prefix] &2Du wirst auf den Server §e[server] §2verbunden.'
GUInotFound: '[prefix] &cDie von die gew[ae]hlte GUI gibt es nicht.'
GUIisDisabled: '[prefix] &cDie GUI [gui] &cist derzeit Deaktiviert!'
Sender: '[prefix] &2Du hast &6[player] &2ein [item] &2gegeben!'
Receiver: '[prefix] &2Du hast von &6[sender] &2, [item] &2bekommen!'
PlayerNotFond: '[prefix] &cDer Spieler &6[player] &cwurde nicht gefunden oder ist
nicht Online!'
PlayerNoInventorySpace: '[prefix] &6[player] &chat keinen freien Platz in seinem
CGUI: '&8''''&b/commandgui &8| &b/cgui&8'''' &e[OE]ffne die default GUI &7(&r[gui]&7)&e.'
Help: '&8''''&b/commandguihelp&8'''' &e[OE]ffne diese help.'
Info: '&8''''&b/commandguiadmin info&8'''' &eRufe die Infos von &4Command&9GUI &eauf.'
Open: '&8''''&b/commandgui [gui]&8'''' &e[OE]ffne die GUI: &6[guiname]&e.'
Give: '&8''''&b/commandguiadmin give &7<player>&8'''' &eGebe einem Spieler das GUI-Item.'
CreateDefaultGUI: '&8''''&b/commandguiadmin createdefaultgui&8'''' &eLasse eine
default GUI erstellen &7([directory])&e.'
Reload: '&8''''&b/commandguiadmin reload&8'''' &eLade das Plugin neu.'
UseItem_On: '&8''''&b/gui-item on&8'''' &eAktiviere f[ue]r dich das GUIItem.'
UseItem_Off: '&8''''&b/gui-item off&8'''' &eDeaktiviere f[ue]r dich das GUIItem.'
UseItem_Slot: '&8''''&b/gui-item slot [slot]&8'''' &eSetze den Slot für GUIItem
für Sie einstellen.'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
VaultNotSetUp: '[prefix] &4Vault / Økonomi har ikke blitt satt opp!'
SoundNotFound: '[prefix] &4Lyden &6[sound] &4ble ikke bli funnet! Vennligst sjekk
OnlyForPlayer: '[prefix] &cDenne kommandoen er for spillere kun!'
create: '[prefix] &2DefaultGUI har blitt laget. Du kan finne den i mappen: &e[directory]&2!'
Start: '[prefix] &6Pluginet blir relastet...'
End: '[prefix] &2Pluginet har blitt lastet inn på nytt.'
Warning: '[prefix] &6For å skru på / skru av alias kommandoer, relast / restart
ForCommandGUI: '[prefix] &cDu har ikke tilgang til &4Command&9GUI&c!'
ForCommand: '[prefix] &cFor &b[cmd] &cmangler du tillatelsen &6[perm]&c!'
ForUseItem: '[prefix] &cDu mangler tillatelsen &6[perm] &cfor å bruke gjenstanden
i GUI: &6[gui].'
ForItem: '[prefix] &cFor &b[item] &cmangler du tillatelsen &6[perm]&c!'
UseItem_ON: '[prefix] &2You have activated the GUI item.'
UseItem_OFF: '[prefix] &2You have disabled the GUI item.'
Change_Slot: '[prefix] &2You have changed the GUI item to slot: &6[slot]&2.'
SlotNotEmpty: '[prefix] &6Plassen &e[slot] &6er opptatt for øyeblikket!'
SlotAlreadySet: '[prefix] &6Plassen §e[slot] §6er allerede satt!'
ItemSlot_wrongValue: '[prefix] &cDen spesifiserte plassen må være mellom 1 og 9!'
Buy_msg: '[prefix] &2Du kjøpte [itemname] &2for &6[price]&2.'
No_money: '[prefix] &cDu har ikke nok penger!'
NoInventorySpace: '[prefix] &cDu har ikke nok plass i inventaret ditt!'
onServerChange: '[prefix] &2Du vil bli tilkoblet serveren &e[server]&2.'
GUInotFound: '[prefix] &cGUIen som ble spesifisert finnes ikke.'
GUIisDisabled: '[prefix] &cGUIen [gui] &cer slått av for øyeblikket!'
Sender: '[prefix] &2Du har gitt &6[player] &2en [item]&2!'
Receiver: '[prefix] &2Du fikk &2, [item] &2fra &6[sender]!'
PlayerNotFond: '[prefix] &cSpilleren &6[player] &cble ikke funnet eller er ikke
PlayerNoInventorySpace: '[prefix] &6[player] &char ikke nok plass i inventaret sitt!'
CGUI: '&8''''&b/commandgui &8| &b/cgui&8'''' &eÅpne default GUIen &7(&r[gui]&7)&e.'
Help: '&8''''&b/commandguihelp&8'''' &eSender denne hjelpe meldingen.'
Info: '&8''''&b/commandguiadmin info&8'''' &eKall informasjon fra &4Command&9GUI&e.'
Open: '&8''''&b/commandgui [gui]&8'''' &eÅpne GUIen: &6[guiname]&e.'
Give: '&8''''&b/commandguiadmin give &7<player>&8'''' &eGi en spiller GUI gjenstanden.'
CreateDefaultGUI: '&8''''&b/commandguiadmin createdefaultgui&8'''' &eLag en normalverdi
GUI &7([directory])&e.'
Reload: '&8''''&b/commandguiadmin reload&8'''' &eLast inn pluginet på nytt.'
UseItem_On: '&8''''&b/gui-item on&8'''' &eAktiverer en GUI gjenstand for deg.'
UseItem_Off: '&8''''&b/gui-item off&8'''' &eDeaktiverer en GUI gjenstand for deg.'
UseItem_Slot: '&8''''&b/gui-item slot [slot]&8'''' &eSett sporet for GUIItem for

56 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
<p align="center">
<img src="" width="400">
# Links
* [Download](
* [Discord](
<img src="" width="600">
CommandGUI | FunctionsGUI is a handy plugin that allows you to create as many and different GUIs (user interfaces) as you need for your server.
- With CommandGUI you can send commands, messages to players.
- You can also charge money for it via Economy (Vault and Economy plugin required).
- You can decide per slot if the players need certain permissions or not.
- You can play a custom sound for each slot.
- You can also open another GUI directly via slots.
- You can also just display information by setting a lore for the items in the GUIs, these also support placeholders.
- There is an item that players can get in the inventory, with which they can open a specific GUI.
<img src="" width="600">
- Permission Plugin
LuckPerms recommended
- Vault
- Economy Plugin
Recommendations: Economy, EssentialsX, CMI (Paid) (more possible)
<img src="" width="600">
/commandgui - Open the default GUI (adjustable)
/commandgui [gui] - Open the selected GUI
/gui-item on - Activate the GUIItem for you.
/gui-item off - Disable the GUIItem for you.
/commandguihelp - Open the help file.
/commandguiadmin info - Open the CommandGUI info.
/commandguiadmin createdefaultgui - create a default GUI
/commandguiadmin reload - Reload the plugin.
* [Permissions](
<img src="" width="600">