This commit is contained in:
JaTiTV 2022-03-21 22:21:54 +01:00
parent e98c047ff0
commit 92d4c86aa0
3 changed files with 79 additions and 75 deletions

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@

View File

@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ public class GUI_Listener implements Listener {
if (e.getSlot() == slot.Slot) {
if (!slot.Perm || player.hasPermission("commandgui.gui." + gui.Command_Command + ".slot." + (slot.Slot + 1))
if (!slot.Perm
|| player.hasPermission("commandgui.gui." + gui.Command_Command + ".slot." + (slot.Slot + 1))
|| player.hasPermission("commandgui.gui." + gui.Command_Command + ".slot." + (slot.Slot + 1) + ".use")
|| player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin")) {
if (slot.Enable) {
if (e.getCurrentItem().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name))) {
if (e.getCurrentItem().getType() == ItemVersion.getHead() || e.getCurrentItem().getType() == Material.valueOf(slot.Item.toUpperCase().replace(".", "_"))) {

View File

@ -90,47 +90,25 @@ public class OpenGUI {
for (Slot slot : gui.GUI_Slots) {
if (slot.Enable) {
if (slot.Empty) {
ItemStack air = new ItemStack(Material.AIR);
inventory.setItem(slot.Slot, air);
} else {
if (slot.PlayerHead_Enable) {
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8 || MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12) {
send.player(player, prefix + "§c Playerheads are only available from version §61.13§c! §7- §bGUI: §6" + Replace.replace(prefix, gui.GUI_Name).toString() + " §bSlot: §6" + (slot.Slot + 1) + " §7- " + Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name));
send.error(plugin, "Playerheads are only available from version 1.13!");
send.console(prefix + " §bGUI: §6" + Replace.replace(prefix, gui.GUI_Name).toString() + " §bSlot: §6" + (slot.Slot + 1) + " §7- " + Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name));
} else {
ItemStack item = ItemVersion.getHeadIS();
SkullMeta itemMeta = (SkullMeta) item.getItemMeta();
if (slot.Base64_Enable) {
if (Main.PaPi) {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, player, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, player, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
} else {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
GameProfile profile = new GameProfile(UUID.randomUUID(), "");
profile.getProperties().put("textures", new Property("textures", slot.Base64Value));
Field profileField = null;
try {
profileField = itemMeta.getClass().getDeclaredField("profile");
profileField.set(itemMeta, profile);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) {
Integer am;
if (slot.ItemAmount == 0) {
am = 1;
} else am = slot.ItemAmount;
inventory.setItem(slot.Slot, item);
if (!slot.Perm
|| player.hasPermission("commandgui.gui." + gui.Command_Command + ".slot." + (slot.Slot + 1))
|| player.hasPermission("commandgui.gui." + gui.Command_Command + ".slot." + (slot.Slot + 1)+".see")
|| player.hasPermission("commandgui.admin")) {
if (slot.Enable) {
if (slot.Empty) {
ItemStack air = new ItemStack(Material.AIR);
inventory.setItem(slot.Slot, air);
} else {
if (slot.PlayerHead_Enable) {
if (MCVersion.minecraft1_8 || MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12) {
send.player(player, prefix + "§c Playerheads are only available from version §61.13§c! §7- §bGUI: §6" + Replace.replace(prefix, gui.GUI_Name).toString() + " §bSlot: §6" + (slot.Slot + 1) + " §7- " + Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name));
send.error(plugin, "Playerheads are only available from version 1.13!");
send.console(prefix + " §bGUI: §6" + Replace.replace(prefix, gui.GUI_Name).toString() + " §bSlot: §6" + (slot.Slot + 1) + " §7- " + Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name));
} else {
if (slot.PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI) {
ItemStack item = ItemVersion.getHeadIS();
SkullMeta itemMeta = (SkullMeta) item.getItemMeta();
if (slot.Base64_Enable) {
if (Main.PaPi) {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, player, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, player, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
@ -138,7 +116,16 @@ public class OpenGUI {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
GameProfile profile = new GameProfile(UUID.randomUUID(), "");
profile.getProperties().put("textures", new Property("textures", slot.Base64Value));
Field profileField = null;
try {
profileField = itemMeta.getClass().getDeclaredField("profile");
profileField.set(itemMeta, profile);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) {
Integer am;
if (slot.ItemAmount == 0) {
@ -147,46 +134,63 @@ public class OpenGUI {
inventory.setItem(slot.Slot, item);
} else {
if (Main.PaPi) {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, player, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, player, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
if (slot.PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI) {
if (Main.PaPi) {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, player, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, player, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
} else {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
Integer am;
if (slot.ItemAmount == 0) {
am = 1;
} else am = slot.ItemAmount;
inventory.setItem(slot.Slot, item);
} else {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, player, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
if (Main.PaPi) {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, player, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, player, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
} else {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, player, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
Integer am;
if (slot.ItemAmount == 0) {
am = 1;
} else am = slot.ItemAmount;
inventory.setItem(slot.Slot, item);
Integer am;
if (slot.ItemAmount == 0) {
am = 1;
} else am = slot.ItemAmount;
inventory.setItem(slot.Slot, item);
} else {
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.valueOf(slot.Item.toUpperCase().replace(".", "_")));
ItemMeta itemMeta = item.getItemMeta();
if (Main.PaPi) {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, player, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, player, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
} else {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.valueOf(slot.Item.toUpperCase().replace(".", "_")));
ItemMeta itemMeta = item.getItemMeta();
if (Main.PaPi) {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, player, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, player, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
} else {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(Replace.replace(prefix, slot.Name.replace("[player]", player.getName())));
itemMeta.setLore(Replace.replacePrice(prefix, slot.Lore, slot.Price + " " + SelectConfig.Currency));
Integer am;
if (slot.ItemAmount == 0) {
am = 1;
} else am = slot.ItemAmount;
inventory.setItem(slot.Slot, item);
Integer am;
if (slot.ItemAmount == 0) {
am = 1;
} else am = slot.ItemAmount;
inventory.setItem(slot.Slot, item);
send.debug(plugin, "§6" + player.getName() + " §5Open §6" + Replace.replace(prefix, gui.GUI_Name) + " §5" + " §7- §e" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - long_.longValue()) + "ms");
} else player.sendMessage(SelectMessages.GUIIsDisabled.replace("[gui]", Replace.replace(prefix, gui.GUI_Name)));