######################################### ## Please do not change ConfigVersion! ## ######################################### configVersion: 6 plugin: # Here you can set the debug mode of the plugin. # It is recommended not to activate this on productive systems. Only if it is really needed! debug: false # Here you can set whether the Helpalias command (/commandguihelp) should be activated. # If this is changed the server MUST be restarted to change this! helpAlias: true # Here you set which subcommand should be for the admin functions. # (/commandgui 'admin' reload) adminSubCommand: admin # here you set the language to be used language: english # Here you set the character or word that will be used as currency currency: $ # Here you set which GUI should be opened at '/commandgui' / '/gui'. defaultGUI: default storage: # Set here if MySQL, SQLITE or YML should be used as storage. type: SQLITE # Enter here the access data to the database you want to use, if you use MySQL mySQL: ip: localhost port: 3306 database: database user: root password: password ssl: false toggle: # Set the items to be used with the Toggle function here items: # Set here the item that should be used if you have the permission or the UseItem is active. onOrYes: item: base64: # Set here if a Base64 head should be used enable: false # Here you can set the Base64 Value. # You can find the Base64 Value for example on https://minecraft-heads.com. base64Value: '' # Set the material to be used here material: GREEN_WOOL # Set here the item to be used if you have the permission or the UseItem is disabled offOrNo: item: base64: # Set here if a Base64 head should be used enable: false # Here you can set the Base64 Value. # You can find the Base64 Value for example on https://minecraft-heads.com. base64Value: '' # Set the material to be used here material: RED_WOOL permission: # Set here the commands to be used for Toggle.Permission commands: 'true': luckperms user [player] permission set [perm] true 'false': luckperms user [player] permission set [perm] false # Set the design of the placeholders here placeholder: # Placeholder for true / enabled 'true': '&2true' # Placeholder for false / disabled 'false': '&4false' sound: # Here you can disable all sounds enable: true # Set here At which action which sound should be played or none at all openInventory: enable: true sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN click: enable: true sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HAT noMoney: enable: true sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HARP noInventorySpace: enable: true sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HARP give: enable: true sound: ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP playerNotFound: enable: true sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HARP useItemSettings: cursor: toGUIItem: # useItem: Here you define on which UseItem the cursor should be set. useItem: default onLogin: # Here you define whether the UseItem should be selected when joining the server. enable: true spigot: # Set here if the UseItem should only be selected at the first join onOnlyFirstLogin: true bungee: # Set here if the UseItem should be selected even if you change the server of the bungee network. # The option BungeeCord must be activated for this! onServerChange: false gameMode: change: # Set here if the UseItem should be reset when the GameMode is changed. enable: true # Set the delay with which the UseItem should be reset (time in Minecraft ticks. 20 is one second). delayInTicks: 1 world: change: # This specifies whether the UseItem should be reset when the world is changed. enable: true # Set the delay with which the UseItem should be reset (time in Minecraft ticks. 20 is one second). delayInTicks: 1 # Set here for which blocks the UseItem is blocked and the function of the block you are looking at should be used. itemBlockBlacklist: - CHEST - CRAFTING_TABLE - FURNACE - OAK_FENCE - SPRUCE_FENCE - BIRCH_FENCE - JUNGLE_FENCE - ACACIA_FENCE - DARK_OAK_FENCE - MANGROVE_FENCE - CRIMSON_FENCE - WARPED_FENCE - NETHER_BRICK_FENCE - ENDER_CHEST - BEACON - ANVIL - CHIPPED_ANVIL - DAMAGED_ANVIL - REPEATER - COMPARATOR - HOPPER - DISPENSER - DROPPER - LEVER - DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR - TRAPPED_CHEST - NOTE_BLOCK - STONE_BUTTON - POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BUTTON - OAK_BUTTON - SPRUCE_BUTTON - BIRCH_BUTTON - JUNGLE_BUTTON - ACACIA_BUTTON - DARK_OAK_BUTTON - MANGROVE_BUTTON - CRIMSON_BUTTON - WARPED_BUTTON - IRON_DOOR - OAK_DOOR - SPRUCE_DOOR - BIRCH_DOOR - JUNGLE_DOOR - ACACIA_DOOR - DARK_OAK_DOOR - MANGROVE_DOOR - CRIMSON_DOOR - WARPED_DOOR - IRON_TRAPDOOR - IRON_TRAPDOOR - OAK_TRAPDOOR - OAK_TRAPDOOR - SPRUCE_TRAPDOOR - SPRUCE_TRAPDOOR - BIRCH_TRAPDOOR - BIRCH_TRAPDOOR - JUNGLE_TRAPDOOR - JUNGLE_TRAPDOOR - ACACIA_TRAPDOOR - ACACIA_TRAPDOOR - DARK_OAK_TRAPDOOR - DARK_OAK_TRAPDOOR - MANGROVE_TRAPDOOR - MANGROVE_TRAPDOOR - CRIMSON_TRAPDOOR - CRIMSON_TRAPDOOR - WARPED_TRAPDOOR - WARPED_TRAPDOOR - OAK_FENCE_GATE - SPRUCE_FENCE_GATE - BIRCH_FENCE_GATE - JUNGLE_FENCE_GATE - ACACIA_FENCE_GATE - DARK_OAK_FENCE_GATE - MANGROVE_FENCE_GATE - CRIMSON_FENCE_GATE - WARPED_FENCE_GATE - CHEST_MINECART - FURNACE_MINECART - HOPPER_MINECART - OAK_CHEST_BOAT - SPRUCE_CHEST_BOAT - BIRCH_CHEST_BOAT - JUNGLE_CHEST_BOAT - ACACIA_CHEST_BOAT - DARK_OAK_CHEST_BOAT - MANGROVE_CHEST_BOAT - LEATHER_CHESTPLATE - CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE - IRON_CHESTPLATE - DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE - NETHERITE_CHESTPLATE - BREWING_STAND - LOOM - COMPOSTER - BARREL - SMOKER - BLAST_FURNACE - BLAST_FURNACE - CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE - FLETCHING_TABLE - GRINDSTONE - SMITHING_TABLE - STONECUTTER