Slots: Function: Item: Empty: false Amount: 1 PlayerHead: Enable: false Base64: Enable: false Base64Value: '' PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI: false PlayerName: '' Material: '' Name: '&6Toggle UseItem' Lore: - '&bYou currently have the UseItem set to: %commandgui_useitem%' CustomSound: Enable: false NoSound: false Sound: '' Cost: Enable: false Price: 0.0 Command: Enable: false BungeeCommand: false CommandAsConsole: false Command: [] ServerChange: Enable: false Server: '' OpenGUI: Enable: false GUI: '' Toggle: Permission: Enable: false Permission: '' UseItem: Enable: true Message: Enable: true Message: - '&bYour UseItem was set to: %commandgui_useitem%&b.' SetConfig: Enable: false File: Path: '' Option: Path: '' Premat: String Value: LeftClick: String: '' Boolean: false Integer: 0 Double: 0.0 List: [] RightClick: String: '' Boolean: false Integer: 0 Double: 0.0 List: [] PluginReload: Enable: false Command: ''