- Bugfix: If a t2code plugin could not be checked for an update, it was not possible to use the info command of the respective plugin and the command '/t2c updateinfo <plugin>'.
- The message at the command '/t2code updatinfo <plugin>' was slightly adjusted
- The command '/t2code serverid' has been added to display the server ID assigned by the T2CodeLib.
- The command '/t2code bcmd <command>' was added to execute a bungee command from a spigot plugin
- The number of offline players is now displayed in T2CoderLog.txt
- The offline players as well as the plugins in the T2CoderLog.txt are now listed in alphabetical order
- Smaller code changes
Fixed a small performance bug: If the update check interval was set to 0, it could crash the server and cause spam in the console both to the update check server of T2Code.
- T2CLibConfig was added to the API to access the T2CodeLib config.yml
- Create ReportLog was slightly rewritten to make it easier to copy the T2CodePlugins into the zip and to improve performance
- added a feedback to the command /t2c reloadconfig
- change plugin info design
- Methods with objects have been added to T2Csend
- Methods with objects have been added to T2Creplace
- Methods with objects have been added to T2Cconfig
- The plugin messaging channel for T2C-Commendgui was not properly registered on the proxy
- Fixed a small bug in the Update Checker where a NullPointExeption appeared in the console when the UpdateCheck server was unreachable
- A new method has been added for Tab (tab(List<String> matches, CommandSender sender, int arg, String[] args, HashMap<String, String> permMap, Boolean onlinePlayer, String permForPlayer)).
- The class net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.player. NameHistory was added
- Minor code changes