• 13.3 c049b8a032

    JaTiTV released this 2022-11-13 17:41:30 +00:00 | 100 commits to development since this release

    Bug fixed:

    • Fixed the known bug that T2CodeLib does not start on some Minecraft versions due to a bug with MiniMessage.

    PS: I hope it's finally fixed now :)

  • 12.6 7f706cce49

    JaTiTV released this 2022-08-05 23:21:45 +00:00 | 114 commits to development since this release

    The update checker now works asynchronously

  • 12.5 14741afb8d

    JaTiTV released this 2022-07-14 19:48:54 +00:00 | 119 commits to development since this release

    Version 12.4 was skipped as a stable version.

  • 12.4 8f05d5c677

    12.4 | add minimessag Pre-Release

    JaTiTV released this 2022-07-08 17:07:50 +00:00 | 120 commits to development since this release

  • 12.0 3ce11b3d12

    JaTiTV released this 2022-06-07 04:57:12 +00:00 | 127 commits to development since this release

    The API for Economy has been rebuilt.

    • Class renamed: net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.vault.Vault -> net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.eco.Eco

    • Methods renamed:

      • buy(String prefix, Player p, Double price) -> moneyRemove(String prefix, Player player, Double price)
      • addMoney(String prefix, Player p, Double price) -> moneyAdd(String prefix, Player player, Double price)
    • New methods:

      • itemRemove(Player player, String item, int amount)
      • itemAdd(Player player, String item, int amount)
      • votePointsRemove(String prefix, Player player, Integer amount) (for VotingPlugin)
      • votePointsAdd(String prefix, Player player, Integer amount) (for VotingPlugin)
    • VotingPlugin added to PluginCheck

  • 11.9 066496dea0

    JaTiTV released this 2022-05-31 22:04:46 +00:00 | 129 commits to development since this release

    ADD: HoverModule
    ADD: placeholder [nl] for next line

    Spigot: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/t2codelib.96388/update?update=458042

  • 11.8 d7cad5524c

    JaTiTV released this 2022-05-17 19:20:51 +00:00 | 130 commits to development since this release

    FIX: [d7cad55] Playerheads, Base64 Heads are now also available with 1.8 - 1.12

  • 11.6 df01efdfbd

    11.6 Stable

    JaTiTV released this 2022-04-26 16:28:32 +00:00 | 131 commits to development since this release

    • The option 'Plugin.UpdateCheck.OnJoin' activates / deactivates the UpdateCheck on join of all T2Code plugins using the T2CodeLib from now on
    • minor code changes
  • 11.1 810e61f0e2

    11.1 | Bugfix Stable

    JaTiTV released this 2022-02-09 13:42:52 +00:00 | 140 commits to development since this release

    Bugfix in '/t2code debug createReportLog'

  • 11.0 15f2a5d422

    11.0 | Bugfix Stable

    JaTiTV released this 2022-01-27 04:53:11 +00:00 | 141 commits to development since this release

    If a plugin of T2Code was unloaded for example by PlugMan, then an error came in the UpdateChecker, this was fixed.
