diff --git a/Configs/English/GUIs/activation.yml b/Configs/English/GUIs/activation.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..770baf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Configs/English/GUIs/activation.yml @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +# GUI title Placeholder: %booster_name% +Title: '&4Booster &8- &2%booster_name%' +# Number of rows in the GUI +Rows: 3 +Slots: + # The number represents the slot of the item + 11: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material, Skull or ClickedItem (Item clicked to open this GUI) + Type: ClickedItem + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3, + Action: activate + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 14: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: '' + # If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage + Stageheads: + Enable: true + # Nummer in stageheads.yml or AUTO_[BOOSTER] + Value: 1 + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Stufe 1' + # Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_step1%, %status_step2%, %status_step3% + # If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Click to activate' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3, + Action: activate_step1 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 15: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: '' + # If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage + Stageheads: + Enable: true + # Nummer in stageheads.yml + Value: 2 + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Stufe 2' + # Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_step1%, %status_step2%, %status_step3% + # If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Click to activate' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3, + Action: activate_step2 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 16: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: '' + # If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage + Stageheads: + Enable: true + # Nummer in stageheads.yml + Value: 3 + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Stufe 3' + # Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_step1%, %status_step2%, %status_step3% + # If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Click to activate' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3, + Action: activate_step3 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 27: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYWQ3M2NmNjZkMzFiODNjZDhiODY0NGMxNTk1OGMxYjczYzhkOTczMjNiODAxMTcwYzFkODg2NGJiNmE4NDZkIn19fQ==' + # If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage + Stageheads: false + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6Zurück' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&7Menu' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back + Action: back + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' +# This item is set in all places where no item is stored. +Background: + Enabled: true + Material: 'placeholder' diff --git a/Configs/English/GUIs/confirmation.yml b/Configs/English/GUIs/confirmation.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..772e5b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Configs/English/GUIs/confirmation.yml @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# GUI title Placeholder: %booster_name% +Title: '&4Booster &8- &2Bestätigen' +# Number of rows in the GUI +Rows: 4 +Slots: + # The number represents the slot of the item + 14: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: paper + # The name of the item + Title: '&2Confirm' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder: %count% (How many boosters are withdrawn) + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&4&6%count% %type%-Booster' + - '&4will be removed from your account.' + - '' + - '&6%count% %type%-Booster &2will be activated' + 21: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: emerald_block + # The name of the item + Title: '&2Confirm' + # Lore of the item. + Lore: [] + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible actions: accept, deny, close + Action: accept + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 25: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: redstone_block + # The name of the item + Title: '&4Cancel' + # Lore of the item. + Lore: [] + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible actions: accept, deny, close + Action: deny + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' +# This item is set in all places where no item is stored. +Background: + Enabled: true + Material: 'placeholder' diff --git a/Configs/English/GUIs/overview.yml b/Configs/English/GUIs/overview.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d93eba9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Configs/English/GUIs/overview.yml @@ -0,0 +1,249 @@ +# This is the GUI +# GUI title +Title: '&4Booster &8- &2Übersicht' +# Number of rows in the GUI +Rows: 6 +# Slots listing +Slots: + # The number represents the slot of the item + 13: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzk2Y2UxM2ZmNjE1NWZkZjMyMzVkOGQyMjE3NGM1ZGU0YmY1NTEyZjFhZGVkYTFhZmEzZmMyODE4MGYzZjcifX19' + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Boosters:' + # Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_fly%, %status_break%, %status_drop%, %status_mob%, %status_xp% + # If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&7Break-Booster: &e%count_break%' + - '&7Drop-Booster: &e%count_drop%' + - '&7Fly-Booster: &e%count_fly%' + - '&7Mob-Booster: &e%count_mob%' + - '&7XP-Booster: &e%count_xp%' + 15: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: gold_ingot + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Shop' + # Lore of the item. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&7Shop' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible actions: activate_break, activate_drop, activate_fly, activate_mob, activate_xp, shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), open_shop + Action: open_shop + # Permission to display the item + Permission: 'booster.shop' + 30: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: iron_pickaxe + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Break-Booster' + # Lore of the item. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&aClick to activate a &6Break-Booster' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible actions: activate_break, activate_drop, activate_fly, activate_mob, activate_xp, shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), open_shop + Action: activate_break + # Permission to display the item + Permission: 'booster.break' + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 31: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: iron_ingot + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Drop-Booster' + # Lore of the item. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&aClick to activate a &6Drop-Booster' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible actions: activate_break, activate_drop, activate_fly, activate_mob, activate_xp, shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), open_shop + Action: activate_drop + # Permission to display the item + Permission: 'booster.drop' + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 32: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: feather + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Fly-Booster' + # Lore of the item. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&aClick to activate a &6Fly-Booster ' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible actions: activate_break, activate_drop, activate_fly, activate_mob, activate_xp, shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), open_shop + Action: activate_fly + # Permission to display the item + Permission: 'booster.fly' + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 33: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: bone + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Mob-Booster' + # Lore of the item. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&aClick to activate a &6Mob-Booster' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible actions: activate_break, activate_drop, activate_fly, activate_mob, activate_xp, shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), open_shop + Action: activate_mob + # Permission to display the item + Permission: 'booster.mob' + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 34: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: 'placeholder_xp' + # The name of the item + Title: '&6XP-Booster' + # Lore of the item. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&aClick to activate a &6XP-Booster ' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible actions: activate_break, activate_drop, activate_fly, activate_mob, activate_xp, shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), open_shop + Action: activate_xp + # Permission to display the item + Permission: 'booster.xp' + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 39: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: '' + # If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage + Stageheads: + Enable: true + # Nummer in stageheads.yml or AUTO_[BOOSTER] + Value: AUTO_BREAK + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Current Stage' + # Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_fly%, %status_break%, %status_drop%, %status_mob%, %status_xp% + # If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&c%status_break%' + 40: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: '' + # If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage + Stageheads: + Enable: true + # Nummer in stageheads.yml or AUTO_[BOOSTER] + Value: AUTO_DROP + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Current Stage' + # Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_fly%, %status_break%, %status_drop%, %status_mob%, %status_xp% + # If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&c%status_drop%' + 41: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: '' + # If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage + Stageheads: + Enable: true + # Nummer in stageheads.yml or AUTO_[BOOSTER] + Value: AUTO_FLY + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Current Stage' + # Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_fly%, %status_break%, %status_drop%, %status_mob%, %status_xp% + # If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&c%status_fly%' + 42: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: '' + # If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage + Stageheads: + Enable: true + # Nummer in stageheads.yml or AUTO_[BOOSTER] + Value: AUTO_MOB + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Current Stage' + # Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_fly%, %status_break%, %status_drop%, %status_mob%, %status_xp% + # If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&c%status_mob%' + 43: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: '' + # If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage + Stageheads: + Enable: true + # Nummer in stageheads.yml or AUTO_[BOOSTER] + Value: AUTO_XP + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Current Stage' + # Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_fly%, %status_break%, %status_drop%, %status_mob%, %status_xp% + # If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&c%status_xp%' +# This item is set in all places where no item is stored. +Background: + Enabled: true + Material: 'placeholder' diff --git a/Configs/English/GUIs/selection.yml b/Configs/English/GUIs/selection.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5c3f73 --- /dev/null +++ b/Configs/English/GUIs/selection.yml @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +# GUI title +Title: '&4Booster' +# Number of rows in the GUI +Rows: 3 +# This item is set in all places where no item is stored. +Background: + Enabled: true + Material: 'placeholder' +Slots: + # The number represents the slot of the item + 12: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: iron_pickaxe + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Break-Booster' + # Lore of the item. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&aClick to get a &6Break-Booster' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: get (Requires Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly]) + Action: get + # Possible Types: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly + Booster: Break + # Permission to display the item + Permission: 'booster.break' + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 13: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: iron_ingot + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Drop-Booster' + # Lore of the item. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&aClick to get a &6Drop-Booster' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: get (Requires Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly]) + Action: get + # Possible Types: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly + Booster: Drop + # Permission to display the item + Permission: 'booster.drop' + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 14: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: feather + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Fly-Booster' + # Lore of the item. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&aClick to get a &6Fly-Booster' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: get (Requires Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly]) + Action: get + # Possible Types: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly + Booster: Fly + # Permission to display the item + Permission: 'booster.fly' + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 15: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: bone + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Mob-Booster' + # Lore of the item. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&aClickt to get a &6Mob-Booster' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: get (Requires Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly]) + Action: get + # Possible Types: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly + Booster: Mob + # Permission to display the item + Permission: 'booster.mob' + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 16: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: 'placeholder_xp' + # The name of the item + Title: '&6XP-Booster' + # Lore of the item. + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&aClick to get a &6XP-Booster' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: get (Requires Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly]) + Action: get + # Possible Types: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly + Booster: XP + # Permission to display the item + Permission: 'booster.xp' + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Configs/English/GUIs/shop.yml b/Configs/English/GUIs/shop.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54b40bf --- /dev/null +++ b/Configs/English/GUIs/shop.yml @@ -0,0 +1,546 @@ +# Shop GUI +Shop: + # The config is divided into GlobalBooster and SingelBooster. This is the setting in config.yml + GlobalBoosters: + # GUI title + Title: '&4Booster &7- &2Shop' + # Number of rows in the GUI + Rows: 3 + Slots: + # The number represents the slot of the item + 11: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: iron_block + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6%count% Booster' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Booster' + - '&2Price: &6%price%$' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count and Price), back + Action: shop + Count: 1 + Price: 1000 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 14: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: gold_block + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6%count% Booster' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Booster' + - '&2Price: &6%price%$' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count and Price), back + Action: shop + Count: 5 + Price: 4000 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 17: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: diamond_block + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6%count% Booster' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Booster' + - '&2Price: &6%price%$' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count and Price), back + Action: shop + Count: 10 + Price: 7000 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 27: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: 'MHF_ArrowLeft' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: false + Value: '' + # If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage + Stageheads: false + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6Back' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&7Menu' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count and Price), back + Action: back + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + # This item is set in all places where no item is stored. + Background: + Enabled: true + Material: 'placeholder' + SingelBoosters: + # GUI title + Title: '&4Booster &7- &2Shop' + # Number of rows in the GUI + Rows: 5 + Slots: + # The number represents the slot of the item + 1: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: iron_pickaxe + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Break-Booster' + # Lore of the item. + Lore: [] + 10: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: iron_ingot + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Drop-Booster' + # Lore of the item. + Lore: [] + 19: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: feather + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Fly-Booster' + # Lore of the item. + Lore: [] + 28: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: bone + # The name of the item + Title: '&6Mob-Booster' + # Lore of the item. + Lore: [] + 37: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Material + # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). + Material: 'placeholder_xp' + # The name of the item + Title: '&6XP-Booster' + # Lore of the item. + Lore: [] + 3: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ==' + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6%count% Break-Booster' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Break-Booster' + - '&2Price: &6%price%$' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back + Action: shop + Count: 1 + Booster: Break + Price: 1000 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 5: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0=' + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6%count% Break-Booster' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Break-Booster' + - '&2Price: &6%price%$' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back + Action: shop + Count: 5 + Booster: Break + Price: 4000 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 7: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19' + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6%count% Break-Booster' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Break-Booster' + - '&2Price: &6%price%$' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back + Action: shop + Count: 10 + Booster: Break + Price: 7000 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 12: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ==' + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6%count% Drop-Booster' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Drop-Booster' + - '&2Price: &6%price%$' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back + Action: shop + Count: 1 + Booster: Drop + Price: 1000 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 14: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0=' + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6%count% Drop-Booster' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Drop-Booster' + - '&2Price: &6%price%$' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back + Action: shop + Count: 5 + Booster: Drop + Price: 4000 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 16: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19' + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6%count% Drop-Booster' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Drop-Booster' + - '&2Price: &6%price%$' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back + Action: shop + Count: 10 + Booster: Drop + Price: 7000 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 21: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ==' + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6%count% Fly-Booster' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Fly-Booster' + - '&2Price: &6%price%$' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back + Action: shop + Count: 1 + Booster: Fly + Price: 1000 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 23: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0=' + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6%count% Fly-Booster' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Fly-Booster' + - '&2Price: &6%price%$' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back + Action: shop + Count: 5 + Booster: Fly + Price: 4000 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 25: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19' + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6%count% Fly-Booster' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Fly-Booster' + - '&2Price: &6%price%$' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back + Action: shop + Count: 10 + Booster: Fly + Price: 7000 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 30: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ==' + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6%count% Mob-Booster' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Mob-Booster' + - '&2Price: &6%price%$' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back + Action: shop + Count: 1 + Booster: Mob + Price: 1000 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 32: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0=' + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6%count% Mob-Booster' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Mob-Booster' + - '&2Price: &6%price%$' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back + Action: shop + Count: 5 + Booster: Mob + Price: 4000 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 34: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19' + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6%count% Mob-Booster' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Mob-Booster' + - '&2Price: &6%price%$' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back + Action: shop + Count: 10 + Booster: Mob + Price: 7000 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 39: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ==' + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6%count% XP-Booster' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Buy &6%count% &2XP-Booster' + - '&2Price: &6%price%$' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back + Action: shop + Count: 1 + Booster: XP + Price: 1000 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 41: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0=' + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6%count% XP-Booster' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Buy &6%count% &2XP-Booster' + - '&2Price: &6%price%$' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back + Action: shop + Count: 5 + Booster: XP + Price: 4000 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 43: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19' + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6%count% XP-Booster' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&2Buy &6%count% &2XP-Booster' + - '&2Price: &6%price%$' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back + Action: shop + Count: 10 + Booster: XP + Price: 7000 + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + 45: + # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull + Type: Skull + Playerhead: + # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. + Owner: '' + Base64: + # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. + Enable: true + Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYWQ3M2NmNjZkMzFiODNjZDhiODY0NGMxNTk1OGMxYjczYzhkOTczMjNiODAxMTcwYzFkODg2NGJiNmE4NDZkIn19fQ==' + # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Title: '&6Back' + # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% + Lore: + - '&8--------------------' + - '&7Menu' + # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. + # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back + Action: back + # Sound on click + Sound: 'placeholder' + # This item is set in all places where no item is stored. + Background: + Enabled: true + Material: 'placeholder' diff --git a/Configs/config.yml b/Configs/English/config.yml similarity index 100% rename from Configs/config.yml rename to Configs/English/config.yml diff --git a/Configs/English/messages.yml b/Configs/English/messages.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3445f79 --- /dev/null +++ b/Configs/English/messages.yml @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +Prefix: '&8[&4Booster&8]' +Reload: '%prefix% &2loaded successfully.' +ConsoleName: 'Console' +NoPermission: '%prefix% &cinsufficient permissions.' +PlayerNotFound: '%prefix% &ctarget not found.' +OnlyPlayers: '%prefix% &conly players can execute this command' +Shop: + Not_Setup: '%prefix% &cvault missing!' + Success: '%prefix% &2You have bought &6%count% &6%type%-Booster &2vor &6%price%.' + No_Money: '%prefix% &cinsufficient money reserves.' +Overview: '%prefix% &8------ &4Booster &8------%newline%%prefix%%newline%%prefix% &The &6Break-Booster &2is &ex%status_break%&2. You own: &6%count_break%%newline%%prefix% &2The &6Drop-Booster &2is &ex%status_drop%&2. You own: &6%count_drop%%newline%%prefix% &2The &6Mob-Booster &2is &ex%status_mob%&2. You own: &6%count_mob%%newline%%prefix% &2The &6Fly-Booster &2is &ex%status_fly%&2. You own: &6%count_fly%%newline%%prefix% &2The &6XP-Booster &2is &ex%status_xp%&2. You own: &6%count_xp%%newline%%prefix% &8------ &4Booster &8------' +Stopallbooster: + Player: '%prefix% &2You have stopped all Boosts.' + Broadcast: '%prefix% &2All Boosts have been stopped.' +Stopbooster: + Player: '%prefix% &2You have stopped the &6%type%-Booster.' + Broadcast: '%prefix% &2All &6%type%-Booster &2were stopped.' + Help: '%prefix% &cUsage: &b/booster stop ' +Placeholder: + Active: 'active' + Disabled: 'inactive' +Help: + Header: '%prefix% &8------ &4Booster help &8------%newline%%prefix%' + Footer: '%prefix%%newline%%prefix% &8--------------------------' + Status: '%prefix% &b/booster status &8- &alists all Booster.' + GUI: '%prefix% &b/booster &8- &aopens the GUI.' + Shop: '%prefix% &b/booster buy &8- &aopens the Shop.' + Bonus: '%prefix% &b/bonusbooster &2| &b/bb &8- &adeaktiviert.' + Update: '%prefix% &b/booster update &8- &aReloads your Boosters.' + Send: '%prefix% &b/booster send &7 &8- &aSends your Booster to .' + Break: '%prefix% &b/booster break &8- &aActivates the Break-Booster.' + Drop: '%prefix% &b/booster drop &8- &aActivates the Drop-Booster.' + Fly: '%prefix% &b/booster fly &8- &aActivates the Fly-Booster.' + Mob: '%prefix% &b/booster mob &8- &aActivates the Mob-Booster.' + XP: '%prefix% &b/booster xp &8- &aActivates the XP-Booster.' + Add: '%prefix% &b/booster add &7 &8- &aGives the Target of -Booster.' + Giveall: '%prefix% &b/booster giveall &7 &8- &aGives every online player Booster.' + Remove: '%prefix% &b/booster remove &7 &8- &aRemoves Players Booster.' + Set: '%prefix% &b/booster set &7 &8- &aGives the Player Booster.' + See: '%prefix% &b/booster see &7 &8- &aShows Players Booster.' + Reload: '%prefix% &b/booster reload &2| &b/booster rl &8- &aReloads the Plugin.' +Player: + Refresh: '%prefix% &2New Boosters were activated.' +AddBooster: + Success: '%prefix% &2You have given &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2new Booster' + Reciver: '%prefix% &2You have been send &6%count%, %type%-Boosters,&2 by &6%sender% ' + Help: '%prefix% &cUsage: &b/booster add ' +SetBooster: + Success: '%prefix% &2You have set &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster.' + Reciver: '%prefix% &2You have been send &6%count% &2Booster Type: &6%type% &2by &6%sender%&2.' + Help: '%prefix% &cUsage: &b/booster set ' +See: + Success: '%prefix% &6%player% &has &6%count% &6%type%-&2Booster.' + Help: '%prefix% &cUsage: &b/booster add ' +RemoveBooster: + Success: '%prefix% &2You have removed &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster.' + Not_Enough: '%prefix% &c%reciver% does not have enough boosters.' + Reciver: '%prefix% &2You got from &6%sender%&2, &6%count% &2booster of type &6%type% &2removed.' + Help: '%prefix% &cPlease use: &b/booster remove ' +Giveall: + Success: '%prefix% &2You added &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster.' + Reciver: '%prefix% &2You have received from &6%sender%&2, &6%count% &2booster of type &6%type% &2.' + Help: '%prefix% &cPlease use: &b/booster giveall ' +Send: + Success: '%prefix% &2You send &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster.' + Reciver: '%prefix% &2You got &6%count% &6%type%-&2Booster &2by &6%sender%&2.' + Help: '%prefix% &cUsage: &b/booster send ' +Bonusbooster: + Disabled: '%prefix% &cBonusBooster is currently deactivated :(.' + Recive: '%prefix% &2You got &6%count% %type% &2booster.' + Wait: '%prefix% &2You still have to wait &6%days% days&2, &6%hours% hours&2, &6%minutes% minutes &2.' + Reset: + Help: '%prefix% &cPlease use: &b/booster bbreset ' + Success: '%prefix% &2You have reset from &6%player% &2the time.' +Booster: + MaxStep: '%prefix% &cThe maximum amount of &6%type%-Boosters&c have been reached.' + Not_Enough: '%prefix% &cYou dont own enough Booster.' + Wrong_World: '%prefix% &cYou cannot start the booster in this world.' + Infinity: 'unlimited' + BREAK: + StartCountdown: '%prefix% Break Booster activates in &6%time% &cSeconds !' + Executer: '%prefix% &2You have activated a &6Break-Booster &2!' + Broadcast: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6%player% &2has activated a &6Break-Booster&8[&6x%stage%&8] &2! ' + EndCounter: '%prefix% &cThe &6Break-Booster &cends in &6%counter% &cSeconds !' + Downgrade: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Break-Booster &ex%oldstage% &2has been deactivated! Now &8[&6x%newstage%&8]' + End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Break-Booster &2has been deactivated!' + Join: '%prefix% &2A &6Break-Booster &2is currently active!' + Disabled: '%prefix% &2The &6Break-Booster &2has been deactivated!' + FLY: + StartCountdown: '%prefix% Fly Booster activates in &6%time% &cSeconds !' + Executer: '%prefix% &2You have activated a &6Fly-Booster &2!' + Broadcast: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6%player% &2has activated a &6Fly-Booster&8[&6x%stage%&8] &2! ' + EndCounter: '%prefix% &cThe &6Fly-Booster &cends in &6%counter% &cSeconds !' + Downgrade: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Fly-Booster &ex%oldstage% &2has been deactivated! Now &8[&6x%newstage%&8]' + End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Fly-Booster &2has been deactivated!' + Join: '%prefix% &2A &6Fly-Booster &2is currently active!' + Disabled: '%prefix% &2The &6Fly-Booster &2has been deactivated!' + DROP: + StartCountdown: '%prefix% Drop Booster activates in &6%time% &cSeconds !' + Executer: '%prefix% &2You have activated a &6Drop-Booster &2!' + Broadcast: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6%player% &2has activated a &6Drop-Booster&8[&6x%stage%&8] &2! ' + EndCounter: '%prefix% &cThe &6Drop-Booster &cends in &6%counter% &cSeconds !' + Downgrade: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Drop-Booster &ex%oldstage% &2has been deactivated! Now &8[&6x%newstage%&8]' + End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Drop-Booster &2has been deactivated!' + Join: '%prefix% &2A &6Drop-Booster &2is currently active!' + Disabled: '%prefix% &2The &6Drop-Booster &2has been deactivated!' + MOB: + StartCountdown: '%prefix% Mob-Booster activates in &6%time% &cSeconds !' + Executer: '%prefix% &2You have activated a &6Mob-Booster &2!' + Broadcast: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6%player% &2has activated a &6Mob-Booster&8[&6x%stage%&8] &2! ' + EndCounter: '%prefix% &cThe &6Mob-Booster &cends in &6%counter% &cSeconds !' + Downgrade: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Mob-Booster &ex%oldstage% &2has been deactivated! Now &8[&6x%newstage%&8]' + End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Mob-Booster &2has been deactivated!' + Join: '%prefix% &2A &6Mob-Booster &2is currently active!' + Disabled: '%prefix% &2The &6Mob-Booster &2has been deactivated!' + XP: + StartCountdown: '%prefix% XP-Booster activates in &6%time% &cSeconds !' + Executer: '%prefix% &2You have activated a &6XP-Booster &2!' + Broadcast: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6%player% &2has activated a &6XP-Booster&8[&6x%stage%&8] &2! ' + EndCounter: '%prefix% &cThe &6XP-Booster &cends in &6%counter% &cSeconds !' + Downgrade: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6XP-Booster &ex%oldstage% &2has been deactivated! Now &8[&6x%newstage%&8]' + End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6XP-Booster &2has been deactivated!' + Join: '%prefix% &2A &6XP-Booster &2is currently active!' + Disabled: '%prefix% &2The &6XP-Booster &2has been deactivated!' \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Configs/stageheads.yml b/Configs/English/stageheads.yml similarity index 100% rename from Configs/stageheads.yml rename to Configs/English/stageheads.yml diff --git a/Configs/GUIs/activation.yml b/Configs/German/GUIs/activation.yml similarity index 100% rename from Configs/GUIs/activation.yml rename to Configs/German/GUIs/activation.yml diff --git a/Configs/GUIs/confirmation.yml b/Configs/German/GUIs/confirmation.yml similarity index 100% rename from Configs/GUIs/confirmation.yml rename to Configs/German/GUIs/confirmation.yml diff --git a/Configs/GUIs/overview.yml b/Configs/German/GUIs/overview.yml similarity index 100% rename from Configs/GUIs/overview.yml rename to Configs/German/GUIs/overview.yml diff --git a/Configs/GUIs/selection.yml b/Configs/German/GUIs/selection.yml similarity index 100% rename from Configs/GUIs/selection.yml rename to Configs/German/GUIs/selection.yml diff --git a/Configs/GUIs/shop.yml b/Configs/German/GUIs/shop.yml similarity index 100% rename from Configs/GUIs/shop.yml rename to Configs/German/GUIs/shop.yml diff --git a/Configs/German/config.yml b/Configs/German/config.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04d0c73 --- /dev/null +++ b/Configs/German/config.yml @@ -0,0 +1,261 @@ +# Datastore Types: YML or MySQL +Datastore: + Type: 'YML' + Ip: 'localhost' + Port: 3306 + Database: 'Booster' + User: 'root' + Password: 'Secret' + +# Would you recive Update-Messages +UpdateMessage: true +# Compatibility with MySQLPlayerDataBridge +MySQLPlayerDataBridge: false +# Messages are not sent globally but as private messages +SendAsPrivateMessage: false +# Enable Logging +Logging: true +Placeholder: + # Should 2 digits always be displayed for Second placeholders + TwoDigitsS: false + # Should 2 digits always be displayed for Minute placeholders + TwoDigitsM: false +# What should happen at the '/booster' command. Options: GUI, OVERVIEW +Maincommand: GUI +# Disable Booster-Messages on Join +DisableJoinMessages: false +Booster: + XP: + # Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it + Time: 10 + # Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist + ListMode: Blacklist + # List of worlds of the filter + List: + - World1 + - World2 + # Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated + FireworkOnStart: true + Stages: + # How many levels the booster should have. You can expand it by copy-paste or reduce it by delete. + # Attention There must not be a duplicate name! + # Require Numbers + 1: + # By how much the XP should be multiplied + Strength: 1 + 2: + Strength: 2 + 3: + Strength: 3 + # Sound that is played at the start of the booster + Startsound: + Enable: true + Sound: 'placeholder' + # Delay before a booster starts + StartDelay: + Enable: false + # Delay before start in seconds + Time: 3 + # Time when messages are issued in seconds + Messages: 3,2,1 + # Time before a booster expires and a message should come in the chat. + EndWarnigs: 20,10,5,3,2,1 + EndSound: + # Time before a booster expires and a sound is to be played. + Time: 20,10,5,3,2,1 + # Sound to be played + Sound: 'placeholder' + Break: + # Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it + Time: 10 + # Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist + ListMode: Blacklist + # List of worlds of the filter + List: + - World1 + - World2 + # Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated + FireworkOnStart: true + Stages: + # How many levels the booster should have. You can expand it by copy-paste or reduce it by delete. + # Attention There must not be a duplicate name! + # Require Numbers + 1: + # Strength of the break effect + Strength: 10 + 2: + Strength: 24 + 3: + Strength: 40 + # Sound that is played at the start of the booster + Startsound: + Enable: true + Sound: 'placeholder' + # Delay before a booster starts + StartDelay: + Enable: true + # Delay before start in seconds + Time: 3 + # Time when messages are issued in seconds + Messages: 3,2,1 + # Time before a booster expires and a message should come in the chat. + EndWarnigs: 20,10,5,3,2,1 + EndSound: + # Time before a booster expires and a sound is to be played. + Time: 20,10,5,3,2,1 + # Sound to be played + Sound: 'placeholder' + Drop: + # Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it + Time: 10 + # Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist + ListMode: Blacklist + # List of worlds of the filter + List: + - World1 + - World2 + # Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated + FireworkOnStart: true + Stages: + # How many levels the booster should have. You can expand it by copy-paste or reduce it by delete. + # Attention There must not be a duplicate name! + # Require Numbers + 1: + # By how much the Drop should be multiplied + Strength: 1 + 2: + Strength: 2 + 3: + Strength: 3 + # If the drops of a wither are to be multiplied. + Witherdrops: false + # Should block drops also be multiplied + Oredrops: true + # If Oredrops is active, fortune should be taken into account + Fortune: true + # Sound that is played at the start of the booster + Startsound: + Enable: true + Sound: 'placeholder' + # Delay before a booster starts + StartDelay: + Enable: false + # Delay before start in seconds + Time: 3 + # Time when messages are issued in seconds + Messages: 3,2,1 + # Time before a booster expires and a message should come in the chat. + EndWarnigs: 20,10,5,3,2,1 + EndSound: + # Time before a booster expires and a sound is to be played. + Time: 20,10,5,3,2,1 + # Sound to be played + Sound: 'placeholder' + Mob: + # Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it + Time: 10 + # Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist + ListMode: Blacklist + # List of worlds of the filter + List: + - World1 + - World2 + # Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated + FireworkOnStart: true + # If Enabled Natural Mob Spawning will be multiplied (Not only Spawner) + NaturalSpawning: false + Stages: + # How many levels the booster should have. You can expand it by copy-paste or reduce it by delete. + # Attention There must not be a duplicate name! + # Require Numbers + 1: + # How much the mob spawn should be multiplied + Strength: 1 + 2: + Strength: 2 + 3: + Strength: 3 + # Sound that is played at the start of the booster + Startsound: + Enable: true + Sound: 'placeholder' + # Delay before a booster starts + StartDelay: + Enable: false + # Delay before start in seconds + Time: 3 + # Time when messages are issued in seconds + Messages: 3,2,1 + # Time before a booster expires and a message should come in the chat. + EndWarnigs: 20,10,5,3,2,1 + EndSound: + # Time before a booster expires and a sound is to be played. + Time: 20,10,5,3,2,1 + # Sound to be played + Sound: 'placeholder' + Fly: + # Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it + Time: 10 + # When this option is active, players with a special permission will not have the fly effect removed any more + FlyBypassEnable: false + # Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist + ListMode: Blacklist + # List of worlds of the filter + List: + - World1 + - World2 + # Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated + FireworkOnStart: true + # There are no steps with the Fly-Booster + # Sound that is played at the start of the booster + Startsound: + Enable: true + Sound: 'placeholder' + # Delay before a booster starts + StartDelay: + Enable: false + # Delay before start in seconds + Time: 3 + # Time when messages are issued in seconds + Messages: 3,2,1 + # Time before a booster expires and a message should come in the chat. + EndWarnigs: 20,10,5,3,2,1 + EndSound: + # Time before a booster expires and a sound is to be played. + Time: 20,10,5,3,2,1 + # Sound to be played + Sound: 'placeholder' + # Delay when a fly booster ends and players do not get fall damage + FallDamageDelay: + Enable: true + # Time where players do not get fall damage after finishing in seconds + Time: 5 +Shop: + # If this is disabled, you must buy each booster type separately. If this setting is active, a purchased booster is usable for all types + GlobalBoosters: false + # Sound to be played when the store is opened. Set it to null to disable it + Sound: 'placeholder' +# Booster that players get for free after a certain period of time (With Permission) +Bonusbooster: + # Priority of Bonus + # Require Numbers + 1: + # Time until you can get a bonus booster in hours + Time: 168 + # Number of boosters you get + Count: 2 + # What booster Man should get guys: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly, ALL, Random + # You can also set it like this, for example: XP,Break,Mob, Random, Select + Type: ALL + # Permission + Permission: 'booster.bonusbooster.admin' + 2: + # Time until you can get a bonus booster in hours + Time: 168 + # Number of boosters you get + Count: 1 + # What booster Man should get guys: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly, ALL, Random + # You can also set it like this, for example: XP,Break,Mob, Random, Select + Type: Random + # Permission + Permission: 'booster.bonusbooster.mod' diff --git a/Configs/messages.yml b/Configs/German/messages.yml similarity index 100% rename from Configs/messages.yml rename to Configs/German/messages.yml diff --git a/Configs/German/stageheads.yml b/Configs/German/stageheads.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..693dfdb --- /dev/null +++ b/Configs/German/stageheads.yml @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +Overview: + Stages: + 0: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvM2YwOTAxOGY0NmYzNDllNTUzNDQ2OTQ2YTM4NjQ5ZmNmY2Y5ZmRmZDYyOTE2YWVjMzNlYmNhOTZiYjIxYjUifX19' + 1: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ==' + 2: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0=' + 3: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19' +Activator: + Stages: + 1: + Enable: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODg5OTE2OTc0Njk2NTNjOWFmODM1MmZkZjE4ZDBjYzljNjc3NjNjZmU2NjE3NWMxNTU2YWVkMzMyNDZjNyJ9fX0=' + Disable: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOGQyNDU0ZTRjNjdiMzIzZDViZTk1M2I1YjNkNTQxNzRhYTI3MTQ2MDM3NGVlMjg0MTBjNWFlYWUyYzExZjUifX19' + 2: + Enable: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTQ5NmMxNjJkN2M5ZTFiYzhjZjM2M2YxYmZhNmY0YjJlZTVkZWM2MjI2YzIyOGY1MmViNjVkOTZhNDYzNWMifX19' + Disable: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjEzYjc3OGM2ZTUxMjgwMjQyMTRmODU5YjRmYWRjNzczOGM3YmUzNjdlZTRiOWI4ZGJhZDc5NTRjZmYzYSJ9fX0=' + 3: + Enable: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYzQyMjZmMmViNjRhYmM4NmIzOGI2MWQxNDk3NzY0Y2JhMDNkMTc4YWZjMzNiN2I4MDIzY2Y0OGI0OTMxMSJ9fX0=' + Disable: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMDMxZjY2YmUwOTUwNTg4NTk4ZmVlZWE3ZTZjNjc3OTM1NWU1N2NjNmRlOGI5MWE0NDM5MWIyZTlmZDcyIn19fQ==' \ No newline at end of file