# GUI title Placeholder: %booster_name% Title: '&4Booster &8- &2Bestätigen' # Number of rows in the GUI Rows: 4 Slots: # The number represents the slot of the item 14: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Material # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). Material: paper # The name of the item Title: '&2Confirm' # Lore of the item. Placeholder: %count% (How many boosters are withdrawn) Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&4&6%count% %type%-Booster' - '&4will be removed from your account.' - '' - '&6%count% %type%-Booster &2will be activated' 21: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Material # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). Material: emerald_block # The name of the item Title: '&2Confirm' # Lore of the item. Lore: [] # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible actions: accept, deny, close Action: accept # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' 25: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Material # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). Material: redstone_block # The name of the item Title: '&4Cancel' # Lore of the item. Lore: [] # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible actions: accept, deny, close Action: deny # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' # This item is set in all places where no item is stored. Background: Enabled: true Material: 'placeholder'