# Shop GUI Shop: # The config is divided into GlobalBooster and SingelBooster. This is the setting in config.yml GlobalBoosters: # GUI title Title: '&4Booster &7- &2Shop' # Number of rows in the GUI Rows: 3 Slots: # The number represents the slot of the item 11: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Material # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). Material: iron_block # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6%count% Booster' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Booster' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count and Price), back Action: shop Count: 1 Price: 1000 # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' 14: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Material # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). Material: gold_block # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6%count% Booster' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Booster' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count and Price), back Action: shop Count: 5 Price: 4000 # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' 17: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Material # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). Material: diamond_block # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6%count% Booster' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Booster' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count and Price), back Action: shop Count: 10 Price: 7000 # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' 27: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Skull Playerhead: # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. Owner: 'MHF_ArrowLeft' Base64: # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. Enable: false Value: '' # If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage Stageheads: false # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6Back' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&7Zurück zu Hauptmenü' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count and Price), back Action: back # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' # This item is set in all places where no item is stored. Background: Enabled: true Material: 'placeholder' SingelBoosters: # GUI title Title: '&4Booster &7- &2Shop' # Number of rows in the GUI Rows: 5 Slots: # The number represents the slot of the item 1: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Material # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). Material: iron_pickaxe # The name of the item Title: '&6Break-Booster' # Lore of the item. Lore: [] 10: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Material # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). Material: iron_ingot # The name of the item Title: '&6Drop-Booster' # Lore of the item. Lore: [] 19: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Material # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). Material: feather # The name of the item Title: '&6Fly-Booster' # Lore of the item. Lore: [] 28: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Material # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). Material: bone # The name of the item Title: '&6Mob-Booster' # Lore of the item. Lore: [] 37: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Material # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). Material: 'placeholder_xp' # The name of the item Title: '&6XP-Booster' # Lore of the item. Lore: [] 3: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Skull Playerhead: # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. Owner: '' Base64: # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. Enable: true Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ==' # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6%count% Break-Booster' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Break-Booster' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back Action: shop Count: 1 Booster: Break Price: 1000 # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' 5: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Skull Playerhead: # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. Owner: '' Base64: # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. Enable: true Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0=' # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6%count% Break-Booster' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Break-Booster' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back Action: shop Count: 5 Booster: Break Price: 4000 # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' 7: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Skull Playerhead: # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. Owner: '' Base64: # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. Enable: true Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19' # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6%count% Break-Booster' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Break-Booster' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back Action: shop Count: 10 Booster: Break Price: 7000 # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' 12: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Skull Playerhead: # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. Owner: '' Base64: # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. Enable: true Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ==' # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6%count% Drop-Booster' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Drop-Booster' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back Action: shop Count: 1 Booster: Drop Price: 1000 # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' 14: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Skull Playerhead: # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. Owner: '' Base64: # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. Enable: true Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0=' # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6%count% Drop-Booster' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Drop-Booster' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back Action: shop Count: 5 Booster: Drop Price: 4000 # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' 16: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Skull Playerhead: # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. Owner: '' Base64: # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. Enable: true Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19' # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6%count% Drop-Booster' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Drop-Booster' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back Action: shop Count: 10 Booster: Drop Price: 7000 # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' 21: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Skull Playerhead: # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. Owner: '' Base64: # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. Enable: true Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ==' # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6%count% Fly-Booster' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Fly-Booster' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back Action: shop Count: 1 Booster: Fly Price: 1000 # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' 23: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Skull Playerhead: # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. Owner: '' Base64: # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. Enable: true Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0=' # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6%count% Fly-Booster' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Fly-Booster' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back Action: shop Count: 5 Booster: Fly Price: 4000 # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' 25: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Skull Playerhead: # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. Owner: '' Base64: # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. Enable: true Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19' # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6%count% Fly-Booster' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Fly-Booster' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back Action: shop Count: 10 Booster: Fly Price: 7000 # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' 30: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Skull Playerhead: # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. Owner: '' Base64: # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. Enable: true Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ==' # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6%count% Mob-Booster' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Mob-Booster' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back Action: shop Count: 1 Booster: Mob Price: 1000 # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' 32: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Skull Playerhead: # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. Owner: '' Base64: # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. Enable: true Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0=' # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6%count% Mob-Booster' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Mob-Booster' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back Action: shop Count: 5 Booster: Mob Price: 4000 # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' 34: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Skull Playerhead: # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. Owner: '' Base64: # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. Enable: true Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19' # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6%count% Mob-Booster' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Mob-Booster' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back Action: shop Count: 10 Booster: Mob Price: 7000 # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' 39: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Skull Playerhead: # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. Owner: '' Base64: # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. Enable: true Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ==' # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6%count% XP-Booster' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2XP-Booster' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back Action: shop Count: 1 Booster: XP Price: 1000 # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' 41: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Skull Playerhead: # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. Owner: '' Base64: # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. Enable: true Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0=' # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6%count% XP-Booster' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2XP-Booster' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back Action: shop Count: 5 Booster: XP Price: 4000 # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' 43: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Skull Playerhead: # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. Owner: '' Base64: # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. Enable: true Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19' # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6%count% XP-Booster' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2XP-Booster' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back Action: shop Count: 10 Booster: XP Price: 7000 # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' 45: # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull Type: Skull Playerhead: # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used. Owner: '' Base64: # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner. Enable: true Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYWQ3M2NmNjZkMzFiODNjZDhiODY0NGMxNTk1OGMxYjczYzhkOTczMjNiODAxMTcwYzFkODg2NGJiNmE4NDZkIn19fQ==' # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Title: '&6Zurück' # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% Lore: - '&8--------------------' - '&7Zurück zu Hauptmenü' # Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back Action: back # Sound on click Sound: 'placeholder' # This item is set in all places where no item is stored. Background: Enabled: true Material: 'placeholder'