T2C-CommandGUI/CommandGUI V2/src/main/resources/plugin.yml

72 lines
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name: CommandGUI
version: ${project.version}
main: de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main
api-version: 1.13
prefix: CommandGUI
authors: [ JaTiTV ]
- T2CodeLib
- Vault
- PlaceholderAPI
- PlotSquaredGUI
- PlugManGUI
description: Open the CGUI
aliases: [cgui, gui]
description: CommandGUI Help
aliases: [cguihelp, guihelp]
aliases: [gui-item]
# commandgui.admin:
# description: All permissions from CommandGUI
# default: op
# children:
# commandgui.command: true
# commandgui.get.guiitem.at.login: true
# commandgui.useitem: true
# commandgui.useitem.toggle: true
# commandgui.updatemsg: true
# commandgui.bypass: true
# commandgui.command.info: true
# commandgui.command.give: true
# commandgui.player:
# description: All permissions from CommandGUI
# default: op
# children:
# commandgui.command: true
# commandgui.get.guiitem.at.login: true
# commandgui.useitem: true
# commandgui.useitem.toggle: true
# commandgui.updatemsg:
# description: Players with this permission get the update message when joining if an update is available
# default: op
# commandgui.command:
# description: Required permission to open GUIs via command
# default: op
# commandgui.get.guiitem.at.login:
# description: Only players with this permission will receive the GUI item
# default: op
# commandgui.useitem:
# description: Required permission to use the GUI Item
# default: op
# commandgui.useitem.toggle:
# description: Required permission to enable/disable the GUI Item for itself (if the function UseItem/AllowToggle is set to true)
# default: op
# commandgui.bypass:
# description: Bypass to open disabled GUIs
# default: op
# commandgui.command.info:
# description: Permission to view CommandGUI info
# default: not op
# commandgui.command.give:
# description: Kommend in V2.1.0
# default: op