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2021-12-21 05:57:29 +01:00
VaultNotSetUp: '[prefix] &4Vault / Economy not set up!'
SoundNotFound: '[prefix] &4The sound &6[sound] &4was not found! Please check the
OnlyForPlayer: '[prefix] &cThis command is for players only!'
2022-04-19 07:14:35 +02:00
create: '[prefix] &2DefaultGUI was created. You can find it in the directory:
2021-12-21 05:57:29 +01:00
Start: '[prefix] &6Plugin is reloaded...'
End: '[prefix] &2Plugin was successfully reloaded.'
ForCommandGUI: '[prefix] &cYou do not have permission for &4Command&9GUI&c!'
ForCommand: '[prefix] &cFor &b[cmd] &cyou lack the permission &6[perm]&c!'
ForUseItem: '[prefix] &cYou lack the permission &6[perm] &cto use the item for the
GUI: &6[gui].'
ForItem: '[prefix] &cFor &b[item] &cyou lack the permission &6[perm]&c!'
UseItem_ON: '[prefix] &2You have activated the GUI item.'
UseItem_OFF: '[prefix] &2You have disabled the GUI item.'
Change_Slot: '[prefix] &2You have changed the GUI item to slot: &6[slot]&2.'
SlotNotEmpty: '[prefix] &6The slot &e[slot] &6is currently occupied!'
SlotAlreadySet: '[prefix] &6The slot §e[slot] §6is already set!'
ItemSlot_wrongValue: '[prefix] &cThe specified slot must be between 1 and 9!'
2022-04-19 07:14:35 +02:00
DisabledInGameMode: '[prefix] &cThe UseItem is disabled in this GameMode!'
DisabledInWorld: '[prefix] &cThe UseItem is disabled in this World!'
2021-12-21 05:57:29 +01:00
Buy_msg: '[prefix] &2You bought [itemname] &2for &6[price]&2.'
2022-06-08 06:01:47 +02:00
Money: '[prefix] &cYou don''t have enough money!/*/&cYou need: &6[price]&c.'
Item: '[prefix] &cYou don''t have enough items of &6[item] &cin your inventory!/*/&cYou
need: &6[amount]&c.'
Vote: '[prefix] &cYou do not have enough vote points!/*/&cYou need: &6[amount]&c.'
2021-12-21 05:57:29 +01:00
NoInventorySpace: '[prefix] &cYou have no room in your inventory!'
onServerChange: '[prefix] &2You will be connected to the server &e[server]§2.'
GUInotFound: '[prefix] &cThe GUI chosen by the does not exist.'
GUIisDisabled: '[prefix] &cThe GUI [gui] &cis currently Disabled!'
Sender: '[prefix] &2You have given &6[player] &2an [item] &2!'
Receiver: '[prefix] &2You got &2, [item] &2from &6[sender]!'
PlayerNotFond: '[prefix] &cThe player &6[player] &cwas not found or is not online!'
PlayerNoInventorySpace: '[prefix] &6[player] &chas no free space in his inventory!'
2022-06-08 06:01:47 +02:00
Add: '[prefix] &2You have &6[amount] [item] &2placed in your inventory.'
Remove: '[prefix] &2You have been &6[amount] [item] &2removed.'
RemoveError: '[prefix] &cYou don''t have so many items!/*/&cYou need &6[amount]
Add: '[prefix] &2You were given &6[amount] &2Vote points.'
Remove: '[prefix] &2You have been removed &6[amount] &2Vote points.'
RemoveError: '[prefix] &cYou don''t have so many VotePoints!/*/&cYou need &6[amount]&c!'
2021-12-21 05:57:29 +01:00
CGUI: '&8''''&b/commandgui &8| &b/cgui&8'''' &eOpen the default GUI &7(&r[gui]&7)&e.'
Help: '&8''''&b/commandguihelp&8'''' &eOpen this help.'
2022-04-19 07:14:35 +02:00
Info: '&8''''&b/commandgui admin info&8'''' &eCall the info from &4Command&9GUI
2021-12-21 05:57:29 +01:00
Open: '&8''''&b/commandgui [gui]&8'''' &eOpen the GUI: &6[guiname]&e.'
2022-04-19 07:14:35 +02:00
Give: '&8''''&b/commandgui admin give &7<player>&8'''' &eGive a player the GUI item.'
CreateDefaultGUI: '&8''''&b/commandgui admin createdefaultgui&8'''' &eCreate a default
2021-12-21 05:57:29 +01:00
GUI &7([directory])&e.'
2022-04-19 07:14:35 +02:00
Reload: '&8''''&b/commandgui admin reload&8'''' &eReload the plugin.'
2021-12-21 05:57:29 +01:00
UseItem_On: '&8''''&b/gui-item on&8'''' &eActivate the GUIItem for you.'
UseItem_Off: '&8''''&b/gui-item off&8'''' &eDisable the GUIItem for yourself.'
2022-06-08 06:01:47 +02:00
UseItem_Slot: '&8''''&b/gui-item slot &7<slot>&8'''' &eSet the slot where you want
to have the GUIItem.'
CGUI: '&b/commandgui &8| &b/cgui/*/&eOpen the default GUI &7(&r[gui]&7)&e./*/SUGGEST_COMMAND/*//commandgui'
Help: '&b/commandguihelp/*/&eOpen this help./*/SUGGEST_COMMAND/*//commandguihelp'
Info: '&b/commandgui admin info/*/&eCall the info from &4Command&9GUI &e./*/SUGGEST_COMMAND/*//commandgui
admin info'
Open: '&b/commandgui [gui]/*/&eOpen the GUI: &6[guiname]&e./*/SUGGEST_COMMAND/*//commandgui '
Give: '&b/commandgui admin give &7<player>/*/&eGive a player the GUI item./*/SUGGEST_COMMAND/*//commandgui
admin give '
CreateDefaultGUI: '&b/commandgui admin createdefaultgui/*/&eCreate a default GUI
&7([directory])&e./*/SUGGEST_COMMAND/*//commandgui admin createdefaultgui'
Reload: '&b/commandgui admin reload/*/&eReload the plugin./*/SUGGEST_COMMAND/*//commandgui
admin reload'
UseItem_On: '&b/gui-item on/*/&eActivate the GUIItem for you./*/SUGGEST_COMMAND/*//gui-item
UseItem_Off: '&b/gui-item off/*/&eDisable the GUIItem for yourself./*/SUGGEST_COMMAND/*//gui-item
UseItem_Slot: '&b/gui-item slot &7<slot>/*/&eSet the slot where you want to have
the GUIItem./*/SUGGEST_COMMAND/*//gui-item slot '