T2C-CommandGUI/CommandGUI V2/src/main/java/de/jatitv/commandguiv2/Spigot/config/functions/CreateFunctions.java

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2.7.0 Snapshot 1 In this update some functions were rewritten, changed and added. Also some minor bugs have been fixed. The GUIs files have been split into GUI files and function files, this provides more clarity in the complete plugin structure and offers the possibility to access a function from multiple GUIs. Thus, for example, you can create a back button as a function and open it from 3 GUIs, the item, the function can also be in different places, because the slot is set in the GUI file. In the GUI files is thus specified on which slot which function should be located. In addition, the permission for See and for Use of the functions can now be set individually in the GUI Config. In the functions also 2 new functions were added, with which players can switch permissions on and off and an option to switch the UseItem on and off. Placeholders have been added. This update includes a converter that builds the new structure from the old config structure. Your options should be taken over. For security reasons your old GUI files are saved under the path 'plugins/CommandGUI/OldConfig/GUIs/Version4'. Bug fixes: - Fixed a bug that prevented GUIs from opening. - The OpenGUI option, the command '/cgui <guiname>' did not work. The GUI that was set as default GUI in UseItem was always opened. This was fixed New features: - Placeholders - %commandgui_useitem% - Shows if you have activated or deactivated the UseItem (in color, customizable in config.yml) - %commandgui_useitem_boolean% - Shows if you have enabled or disabled the UseItem - %commandgui_useitem_slot% - shows on which slot you have set the UseItem - ToggleUseItem as new option for slots - TogglePermission as new option for slots Changes: - The config structure has been revised.
2022-04-19 05:08:33 +00:00
package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.config.functions;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.Main;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.enums.FunctionItemEnum;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.enums.FunctionVoteEnum;
import de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Util;
2.7.0 Snapshot 1 In this update some functions were rewritten, changed and added. Also some minor bugs have been fixed. The GUIs files have been split into GUI files and function files, this provides more clarity in the complete plugin structure and offers the possibility to access a function from multiple GUIs. Thus, for example, you can create a back button as a function and open it from 3 GUIs, the item, the function can also be in different places, because the slot is set in the GUI file. In the GUI files is thus specified on which slot which function should be located. In addition, the permission for See and for Use of the functions can now be set individually in the GUI Config. In the functions also 2 new functions were added, with which players can switch permissions on and off and an option to switch the UseItem on and off. Placeholders have been added. This update includes a converter that builds the new structure from the old config structure. Your options should be taken over. For security reasons your old GUI files are saved under the path 'plugins/CommandGUI/OldConfig/GUIs/Version4'. Bug fixes: - Fixed a bug that prevented GUIs from opening. - The OpenGUI option, the command '/cgui <guiname>' did not work. The GUI that was set as default GUI in UseItem was always opened. This was fixed New features: - Placeholders - %commandgui_useitem% - Shows if you have activated or deactivated the UseItem (in color, customizable in config.yml) - %commandgui_useitem_boolean% - Shows if you have enabled or disabled the UseItem - %commandgui_useitem_slot% - shows on which slot you have set the UseItem - ToggleUseItem as new option for slots - TogglePermission as new option for slots Changes: - The config structure has been revised.
2022-04-19 05:08:33 +00:00
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class CreateFunctions {
public static void create() {
createFunction("UseItem", false, 1, false, false, "", false, "", "",
"&6Toggle UseItem", Arrays.asList("&bYou currently have the UseItem set to: %commandgui_useitem%"), false, false,
"", false, "VAULT", "DIRT;5", 0, 0.0, false, false, false, Arrays.asList(), false,
2.7.0 Snapshot 1 In this update some functions were rewritten, changed and added. Also some minor bugs have been fixed. The GUIs files have been split into GUI files and function files, this provides more clarity in the complete plugin structure and offers the possibility to access a function from multiple GUIs. Thus, for example, you can create a back button as a function and open it from 3 GUIs, the item, the function can also be in different places, because the slot is set in the GUI file. In the GUI files is thus specified on which slot which function should be located. In addition, the permission for See and for Use of the functions can now be set individually in the GUI Config. In the functions also 2 new functions were added, with which players can switch permissions on and off and an option to switch the UseItem on and off. Placeholders have been added. This update includes a converter that builds the new structure from the old config structure. Your options should be taken over. For security reasons your old GUI files are saved under the path 'plugins/CommandGUI/OldConfig/GUIs/Version4'. Bug fixes: - Fixed a bug that prevented GUIs from opening. - The OpenGUI option, the command '/cgui <guiname>' did not work. The GUI that was set as default GUI in UseItem was always opened. This was fixed New features: - Placeholders - %commandgui_useitem% - Shows if you have activated or deactivated the UseItem (in color, customizable in config.yml) - %commandgui_useitem_boolean% - Shows if you have enabled or disabled the UseItem - %commandgui_useitem_slot% - shows on which slot you have set the UseItem - ToggleUseItem as new option for slots - TogglePermission as new option for slots Changes: - The config structure has been revised.
2022-04-19 05:08:33 +00:00
"", false, "", false, "", true, true,
Arrays.asList("&bYour UseItem was set to: %commandgui_useitem%&b."), false, "", "", "String",
"", false, 0, 0.0, Arrays.asList(), "", false,
0, 0.0, Arrays.asList(), false, "",
false, FunctionVoteEnum.ADD, 0, false, FunctionItemEnum.REMOVE, "DIRT;5");
2.7.0 Snapshot 1 In this update some functions were rewritten, changed and added. Also some minor bugs have been fixed. The GUIs files have been split into GUI files and function files, this provides more clarity in the complete plugin structure and offers the possibility to access a function from multiple GUIs. Thus, for example, you can create a back button as a function and open it from 3 GUIs, the item, the function can also be in different places, because the slot is set in the GUI file. In the GUI files is thus specified on which slot which function should be located. In addition, the permission for See and for Use of the functions can now be set individually in the GUI Config. In the functions also 2 new functions were added, with which players can switch permissions on and off and an option to switch the UseItem on and off. Placeholders have been added. This update includes a converter that builds the new structure from the old config structure. Your options should be taken over. For security reasons your old GUI files are saved under the path 'plugins/CommandGUI/OldConfig/GUIs/Version4'. Bug fixes: - Fixed a bug that prevented GUIs from opening. - The OpenGUI option, the command '/cgui <guiname>' did not work. The GUI that was set as default GUI in UseItem was always opened. This was fixed New features: - Placeholders - %commandgui_useitem% - Shows if you have activated or deactivated the UseItem (in color, customizable in config.yml) - %commandgui_useitem_boolean% - Shows if you have enabled or disabled the UseItem - %commandgui_useitem_slot% - shows on which slot you have set the UseItem - ToggleUseItem as new option for slots - TogglePermission as new option for slots Changes: - The config structure has been revised.
2022-04-19 05:08:33 +00:00
createFunction("SupportDiscord", false, 1, true, true, "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzg3M2MxMmJmZmI1MjUxYTBiODhkNWFlNzVjNzI0N2NiMzlhNzVmZjFhODFjYmU0YzhhMzliMzExZGRlZGEifX19",
false, "", "",
2.7.0 Snapshot 1 In this update some functions were rewritten, changed and added. Also some minor bugs have been fixed. The GUIs files have been split into GUI files and function files, this provides more clarity in the complete plugin structure and offers the possibility to access a function from multiple GUIs. Thus, for example, you can create a back button as a function and open it from 3 GUIs, the item, the function can also be in different places, because the slot is set in the GUI file. In the GUI files is thus specified on which slot which function should be located. In addition, the permission for See and for Use of the functions can now be set individually in the GUI Config. In the functions also 2 new functions were added, with which players can switch permissions on and off and an option to switch the UseItem on and off. Placeholders have been added. This update includes a converter that builds the new structure from the old config structure. Your options should be taken over. For security reasons your old GUI files are saved under the path 'plugins/CommandGUI/OldConfig/GUIs/Version4'. Bug fixes: - Fixed a bug that prevented GUIs from opening. - The OpenGUI option, the command '/cgui <guiname>' did not work. The GUI that was set as default GUI in UseItem was always opened. This was fixed New features: - Placeholders - %commandgui_useitem% - Shows if you have activated or deactivated the UseItem (in color, customizable in config.yml) - %commandgui_useitem_boolean% - Shows if you have enabled or disabled the UseItem - %commandgui_useitem_slot% - shows on which slot you have set the UseItem - ToggleUseItem as new option for slots - TogglePermission as new option for slots Changes: - The config structure has been revised.
2022-04-19 05:08:33 +00:00
"&3Support Discord", Arrays.asList("&8-----------------", "&bIf you need help setting up the plugin,", "&bfeel free to contact me on the Suport Discord.",
"&8-----------------", "&eIf you find any errors or bugs,", "&eplease contact me so I can fix them.", "&8-----------------", "&5Discord: §7http://dc.t2code.net"),
false, false, "", false, "VAULT", "DIRT;5", 0, 0.0, false, false,
2.7.0 Snapshot 1 In this update some functions were rewritten, changed and added. Also some minor bugs have been fixed. The GUIs files have been split into GUI files and function files, this provides more clarity in the complete plugin structure and offers the possibility to access a function from multiple GUIs. Thus, for example, you can create a back button as a function and open it from 3 GUIs, the item, the function can also be in different places, because the slot is set in the GUI file. In the GUI files is thus specified on which slot which function should be located. In addition, the permission for See and for Use of the functions can now be set individually in the GUI Config. In the functions also 2 new functions were added, with which players can switch permissions on and off and an option to switch the UseItem on and off. Placeholders have been added. This update includes a converter that builds the new structure from the old config structure. Your options should be taken over. For security reasons your old GUI files are saved under the path 'plugins/CommandGUI/OldConfig/GUIs/Version4'. Bug fixes: - Fixed a bug that prevented GUIs from opening. - The OpenGUI option, the command '/cgui <guiname>' did not work. The GUI that was set as default GUI in UseItem was always opened. This was fixed New features: - Placeholders - %commandgui_useitem% - Shows if you have activated or deactivated the UseItem (in color, customizable in config.yml) - %commandgui_useitem_boolean% - Shows if you have enabled or disabled the UseItem - %commandgui_useitem_slot% - shows on which slot you have set the UseItem - ToggleUseItem as new option for slots - TogglePermission as new option for slots Changes: - The config structure has been revised.
2022-04-19 05:08:33 +00:00
false, Arrays.asList(), false, "", false, "", false, "",
false, true, Arrays.asList("&6You can find more information on Discord: &ehttp://dc.t2code.net"), false, "",
"", "String", "", false, 0, 0.0, Arrays.asList(),
"", false, 0, 0.0, Arrays.asList(), false, "",
false, FunctionVoteEnum.ADD, 0, false, FunctionItemEnum.REMOVE, "DIRT;5");
2.7.0 Snapshot 1 In this update some functions were rewritten, changed and added. Also some minor bugs have been fixed. The GUIs files have been split into GUI files and function files, this provides more clarity in the complete plugin structure and offers the possibility to access a function from multiple GUIs. Thus, for example, you can create a back button as a function and open it from 3 GUIs, the item, the function can also be in different places, because the slot is set in the GUI file. In the GUI files is thus specified on which slot which function should be located. In addition, the permission for See and for Use of the functions can now be set individually in the GUI Config. In the functions also 2 new functions were added, with which players can switch permissions on and off and an option to switch the UseItem on and off. Placeholders have been added. This update includes a converter that builds the new structure from the old config structure. Your options should be taken over. For security reasons your old GUI files are saved under the path 'plugins/CommandGUI/OldConfig/GUIs/Version4'. Bug fixes: - Fixed a bug that prevented GUIs from opening. - The OpenGUI option, the command '/cgui <guiname>' did not work. The GUI that was set as default GUI in UseItem was always opened. This was fixed New features: - Placeholders - %commandgui_useitem% - Shows if you have activated or deactivated the UseItem (in color, customizable in config.yml) - %commandgui_useitem_boolean% - Shows if you have enabled or disabled the UseItem - %commandgui_useitem_slot% - shows on which slot you have set the UseItem - ToggleUseItem as new option for slots - TogglePermission as new option for slots Changes: - The config structure has been revised.
2022-04-19 05:08:33 +00:00
public static void createFunction(String fileName, Boolean empty, Integer itemAmount, Boolean playerHeadEnable, Boolean base64Enable, String base64Value, Boolean playerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI,
String playerName, String itemMaterial, String name, List<String> lore, Boolean customSoundEnable, Boolean customSoundNoSound, String customSoundSound,
Boolean costEnable, String ecoModule, String ecoItem, Integer ecoVotePoints, Double ecoPrice, Boolean commandEnable, Boolean commandBungeeCommand,
Boolean commandAsConsole, List<String> command, Boolean serverChange, String serverChangeServer, Boolean openGUIEnable, String openGUI,
Boolean togglePermission, String togglePermissionPerm, Boolean toggleUseItem, Boolean messageEnable, List<String> message, Boolean setConfigEnable,
String configFilePath, String configOptionPath, String configOptionPremat, String configStringValueLeft, Boolean configBooleanValueLeft,
Integer configIntegerValueLeft, Double configDoubleValueLeft, List<String> configListValueLeft, String configStringValueRight,
Boolean configBooleanValueRight, Integer configIntegerValueRight, Double configDoubleValueRight, List<String> configListValueRight,
Boolean pluginReloadEnable, String pluginReloadCommand, Boolean functionVotePoints, FunctionVoteEnum functionVotePointsMode,
Integer functionVotePointsAmount, Boolean functionItem, FunctionItemEnum functionItemMode, String functionItemItem) {
2.7.0 Snapshot 1 In this update some functions were rewritten, changed and added. Also some minor bugs have been fixed. The GUIs files have been split into GUI files and function files, this provides more clarity in the complete plugin structure and offers the possibility to access a function from multiple GUIs. Thus, for example, you can create a back button as a function and open it from 3 GUIs, the item, the function can also be in different places, because the slot is set in the GUI file. In the GUI files is thus specified on which slot which function should be located. In addition, the permission for See and for Use of the functions can now be set individually in the GUI Config. In the functions also 2 new functions were added, with which players can switch permissions on and off and an option to switch the UseItem on and off. Placeholders have been added. This update includes a converter that builds the new structure from the old config structure. Your options should be taken over. For security reasons your old GUI files are saved under the path 'plugins/CommandGUI/OldConfig/GUIs/Version4'. Bug fixes: - Fixed a bug that prevented GUIs from opening. - The OpenGUI option, the command '/cgui <guiname>' did not work. The GUI that was set as default GUI in UseItem was always opened. This was fixed New features: - Placeholders - %commandgui_useitem% - Shows if you have activated or deactivated the UseItem (in color, customizable in config.yml) - %commandgui_useitem_boolean% - Shows if you have enabled or disabled the UseItem - %commandgui_useitem_slot% - shows on which slot you have set the UseItem - ToggleUseItem as new option for slots - TogglePermission as new option for slots Changes: - The config structure has been revised.
2022-04-19 05:08:33 +00:00
long long_ = System.currentTimeMillis();
File config = new File(Main.getPath(), "Functions/" + fileName + ".yml");
int i = 1;
while (config.exists()) {
config = new File(Main.getPath(), "Functions/" + fileName + "-" + i + ".yml");
send.console(Util.getPrefix() + " §4Function GUI file (Functions/" + config.getName() + ") is loaded...");
2.7.0 Snapshot 1 In this update some functions were rewritten, changed and added. Also some minor bugs have been fixed. The GUIs files have been split into GUI files and function files, this provides more clarity in the complete plugin structure and offers the possibility to access a function from multiple GUIs. Thus, for example, you can create a back button as a function and open it from 3 GUIs, the item, the function can also be in different places, because the slot is set in the GUI file. In the GUI files is thus specified on which slot which function should be located. In addition, the permission for See and for Use of the functions can now be set individually in the GUI Config. In the functions also 2 new functions were added, with which players can switch permissions on and off and an option to switch the UseItem on and off. Placeholders have been added. This update includes a converter that builds the new structure from the old config structure. Your options should be taken over. For security reasons your old GUI files are saved under the path 'plugins/CommandGUI/OldConfig/GUIs/Version4'. Bug fixes: - Fixed a bug that prevented GUIs from opening. - The OpenGUI option, the command '/cgui <guiname>' did not work. The GUI that was set as default GUI in UseItem was always opened. This was fixed New features: - Placeholders - %commandgui_useitem% - Shows if you have activated or deactivated the UseItem (in color, customizable in config.yml) - %commandgui_useitem_boolean% - Shows if you have enabled or disabled the UseItem - %commandgui_useitem_slot% - shows on which slot you have set the UseItem - ToggleUseItem as new option for slots - TogglePermission as new option for slots Changes: - The config structure has been revised.
2022-04-19 05:08:33 +00:00
YamlConfiguration yamlConfiguration = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(config);
set("Slots.Function.Item.Empty", empty, yamlConfiguration);
2.7.0 Snapshot 1 In this update some functions were rewritten, changed and added. Also some minor bugs have been fixed. The GUIs files have been split into GUI files and function files, this provides more clarity in the complete plugin structure and offers the possibility to access a function from multiple GUIs. Thus, for example, you can create a back button as a function and open it from 3 GUIs, the item, the function can also be in different places, because the slot is set in the GUI file. In the GUI files is thus specified on which slot which function should be located. In addition, the permission for See and for Use of the functions can now be set individually in the GUI Config. In the functions also 2 new functions were added, with which players can switch permissions on and off and an option to switch the UseItem on and off. Placeholders have been added. This update includes a converter that builds the new structure from the old config structure. Your options should be taken over. For security reasons your old GUI files are saved under the path 'plugins/CommandGUI/OldConfig/GUIs/Version4'. Bug fixes: - Fixed a bug that prevented GUIs from opening. - The OpenGUI option, the command '/cgui <guiname>' did not work. The GUI that was set as default GUI in UseItem was always opened. This was fixed New features: - Placeholders - %commandgui_useitem% - Shows if you have activated or deactivated the UseItem (in color, customizable in config.yml) - %commandgui_useitem_boolean% - Shows if you have enabled or disabled the UseItem - %commandgui_useitem_slot% - shows on which slot you have set the UseItem - ToggleUseItem as new option for slots - TogglePermission as new option for slots Changes: - The config structure has been revised.
2022-04-19 05:08:33 +00:00
set("Slots.Function.Item.Amount", itemAmount, yamlConfiguration);
// if (!(MCVersion.minecraft1_8 || MCVersion.minecraft1_9 || MCVersion.minecraft1_10 || MCVersion.minecraft1_11 || MCVersion.minecraft1_12)) {
set("Slots.Function.Item.PlayerHead.Enable", playerHeadEnable, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.Item.PlayerHead.Base64.Enable", base64Enable, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.Item.PlayerHead.Base64.Base64Value", base64Value, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.Item.PlayerHead.PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI", playerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.Item.PlayerHead.PlayerName", playerName, yamlConfiguration);
// }
set("Slots.Function.Item.Material", itemMaterial == null ? "" : itemMaterial, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.Item.Name", name == null ? "" : name, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.Item.Lore", lore, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.CustomSound.Enable", customSoundEnable, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.CustomSound.NoSound", customSoundNoSound, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.CustomSound.Sound", customSoundSound == null ? "" : customSoundSound, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.Cost.Enable", costEnable, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.Cost.EcoModule", ecoModule, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.Cost.Item", ecoItem, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.Cost.VotePoints", ecoVotePoints, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.Cost.Price", ecoPrice, yamlConfiguration);
2.7.0 Snapshot 1 In this update some functions were rewritten, changed and added. Also some minor bugs have been fixed. The GUIs files have been split into GUI files and function files, this provides more clarity in the complete plugin structure and offers the possibility to access a function from multiple GUIs. Thus, for example, you can create a back button as a function and open it from 3 GUIs, the item, the function can also be in different places, because the slot is set in the GUI file. In the GUI files is thus specified on which slot which function should be located. In addition, the permission for See and for Use of the functions can now be set individually in the GUI Config. In the functions also 2 new functions were added, with which players can switch permissions on and off and an option to switch the UseItem on and off. Placeholders have been added. This update includes a converter that builds the new structure from the old config structure. Your options should be taken over. For security reasons your old GUI files are saved under the path 'plugins/CommandGUI/OldConfig/GUIs/Version4'. Bug fixes: - Fixed a bug that prevented GUIs from opening. - The OpenGUI option, the command '/cgui <guiname>' did not work. The GUI that was set as default GUI in UseItem was always opened. This was fixed New features: - Placeholders - %commandgui_useitem% - Shows if you have activated or deactivated the UseItem (in color, customizable in config.yml) - %commandgui_useitem_boolean% - Shows if you have enabled or disabled the UseItem - %commandgui_useitem_slot% - shows on which slot you have set the UseItem - ToggleUseItem as new option for slots - TogglePermission as new option for slots Changes: - The config structure has been revised.
2022-04-19 05:08:33 +00:00
set("Slots.Function.Command.Enable", commandEnable, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.Command.BungeeCommand", commandBungeeCommand, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.Command.CommandAsConsole", commandAsConsole, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.Command.Command", command, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.ServerChange.Enable", serverChange, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.ServerChange.Server", serverChangeServer == null ? "" : serverChangeServer, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.OpenGUI.Enable", openGUIEnable, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.OpenGUI.GUI", openGUI == null ? "" : openGUI, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.Toggle.Permission.Enable", togglePermission, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.Toggle.Permission.Permission", togglePermissionPerm == null ? "" : togglePermissionPerm, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.Toggle.UseItem.Enable", toggleUseItem, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.Message.Enable", messageEnable, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.Message.Message", message, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.SetConfig.Enable", setConfigEnable, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.SetConfig.File.Path", configFilePath == null ? "" : configFilePath, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.SetConfig.Option.Path", configOptionPath == null ? "" : configOptionPath, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.SetConfig.Option.Premat", configOptionPremat == null ? "" : configOptionPremat, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.SetConfig.Value.LeftClick.String", configStringValueLeft == null ? "" : configStringValueLeft, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.SetConfig.Value.LeftClick.Boolean", configBooleanValueLeft, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.SetConfig.Value.LeftClick.Integer", configIntegerValueLeft, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.SetConfig.Value.LeftClick.Double", configDoubleValueLeft, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.SetConfig.Value.LeftClick.List", configListValueLeft, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.SetConfig.Value.RightClick.String", configStringValueRight == null ? "" : configStringValueRight, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.SetConfig.Value.RightClick.Boolean", configBooleanValueRight, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.SetConfig.Value.RightClick.Integer", configIntegerValueRight, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.SetConfig.Value.RightClick.Double", configDoubleValueRight, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.SetConfig.Value.RightClick.List", configListValueRight, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.SetConfig.PluginReload.Enable", pluginReloadEnable, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.SetConfig.PluginReload.Command", pluginReloadCommand == null ? "" : pluginReloadCommand, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.FunctionVotePoints.Enable", functionVotePoints, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.FunctionVotePoints.Mode", functionVotePointsMode.toString(), yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.FunctionVotePoints.Amount", functionVotePointsAmount, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.FunctionItem.Enable", functionItem, yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.FunctionItem.Mode", functionItemMode.toString(), yamlConfiguration);
set("Slots.Function.FunctionItem.Item", functionItemItem, yamlConfiguration);
2.7.0 Snapshot 1 In this update some functions were rewritten, changed and added. Also some minor bugs have been fixed. The GUIs files have been split into GUI files and function files, this provides more clarity in the complete plugin structure and offers the possibility to access a function from multiple GUIs. Thus, for example, you can create a back button as a function and open it from 3 GUIs, the item, the function can also be in different places, because the slot is set in the GUI file. In the GUI files is thus specified on which slot which function should be located. In addition, the permission for See and for Use of the functions can now be set individually in the GUI Config. In the functions also 2 new functions were added, with which players can switch permissions on and off and an option to switch the UseItem on and off. Placeholders have been added. This update includes a converter that builds the new structure from the old config structure. Your options should be taken over. For security reasons your old GUI files are saved under the path 'plugins/CommandGUI/OldConfig/GUIs/Version4'. Bug fixes: - Fixed a bug that prevented GUIs from opening. - The OpenGUI option, the command '/cgui <guiname>' did not work. The GUI that was set as default GUI in UseItem was always opened. This was fixed New features: - Placeholders - %commandgui_useitem% - Shows if you have activated or deactivated the UseItem (in color, customizable in config.yml) - %commandgui_useitem_boolean% - Shows if you have enabled or disabled the UseItem - %commandgui_useitem_slot% - shows on which slot you have set the UseItem - ToggleUseItem as new option for slots - TogglePermission as new option for slots Changes: - The config structure has been revised.
2022-04-19 05:08:33 +00:00
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
send.console(Util.getPrefix() + " §2Function file (Functions/" + config.getName() + ") was loaded." + " §7- §e" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - long_) + "ms");
2.7.0 Snapshot 1 In this update some functions were rewritten, changed and added. Also some minor bugs have been fixed. The GUIs files have been split into GUI files and function files, this provides more clarity in the complete plugin structure and offers the possibility to access a function from multiple GUIs. Thus, for example, you can create a back button as a function and open it from 3 GUIs, the item, the function can also be in different places, because the slot is set in the GUI file. In the GUI files is thus specified on which slot which function should be located. In addition, the permission for See and for Use of the functions can now be set individually in the GUI Config. In the functions also 2 new functions were added, with which players can switch permissions on and off and an option to switch the UseItem on and off. Placeholders have been added. This update includes a converter that builds the new structure from the old config structure. Your options should be taken over. For security reasons your old GUI files are saved under the path 'plugins/CommandGUI/OldConfig/GUIs/Version4'. Bug fixes: - Fixed a bug that prevented GUIs from opening. - The OpenGUI option, the command '/cgui <guiname>' did not work. The GUI that was set as default GUI in UseItem was always opened. This was fixed New features: - Placeholders - %commandgui_useitem% - Shows if you have activated or deactivated the UseItem (in color, customizable in config.yml) - %commandgui_useitem_boolean% - Shows if you have enabled or disabled the UseItem - %commandgui_useitem_slot% - shows on which slot you have set the UseItem - ToggleUseItem as new option for slots - TogglePermission as new option for slots Changes: - The config structure has been revised.
2022-04-19 05:08:33 +00:00
private static void set(String path, String value, YamlConfiguration config) {
if (!config.contains(path)) {
config.set(path, value);
private static void set(String path, Integer value, YamlConfiguration config) {
if (!config.contains(path)) {
config.set(path, value);
private static void set(String path, Boolean value, YamlConfiguration config) {
if (!config.contains(path)) {
config.set(path, value);
private static void set(String path, List value, YamlConfiguration config) {
if (!config.contains(path)) {
config.set(path, value);
private static void set(String path, Double value, YamlConfiguration config) {
if (!config.contains(path)) {
config.set(path, value);