T2C-CommandGUI/CommandGUI V2/src/main/java/de/jatitv/commandguiv2/Spigot/config/languages/MSG.java

167 lines
12 KiB

// This claas was created by JaTiTV
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package de.jatitv.commandguiv2.Spigot.config.languages;
public class MSG {
// EN
public static String EN_VaultNotSetUp = "[prefix] &4Vault / Economy not set up!";
public static String EN_SoundNotFound = "[prefix] &4The sound &6[sound] &4was not found! Please check the settings.";
public static String EN_OnlyForPlayer = "[prefix] &cThis command is for players only!";
public static String EN_DefaultGUI = "[prefix] &2DefaultGUI was created. You can find it in the directory: &e[directory]&2!";
public static String EN_ReloadStart = "[prefix] &6Plugin is reloaded...";
public static String EN_ReloadEnd = "[prefix] &2Plugin was successfully reloaded.";
public static String EN_NoPermission = "[prefix] &cYou do not have permission for &4Command&9GUI&c!";
public static String EN_NoPermissionForCommand = "[prefix] &cFor &b[cmd] &cyou lack the permission &6[perm]&c!";
public static String EN_NoPermissionForUseItem = "[prefix] &cYou lack the permission &6[perm] &cto use the item for the GUI: &6[gui].";
public static String EN_NoPermissionForItem = "[prefix] &cFor &b[item] &cyou lack the permission &6[perm]&c!";
public static String EN_Buy_msg = "[prefix] &2You bought [itemname] &2for &6[price]&2.";
public static String EN_No_money = "[prefix] &cYou don't have enough money!";
public static String EN_NoInventorySpace = "[prefix] &cYou have no room in your inventory!";
public static String EN_onServerChange = "[prefix] &2You will be connected to the server &e[server]§2.";
public static String EN_ItemON = "[prefix] &2You have activated the GUI item.";
public static String EN_ItemOFF = "[prefix] &2You have disabled the GUI item.";
public static String EN_ItemSlot = "[prefix] &2You have changed the GUI item to slot: &6[slot]&2.";
public static String EN_ItemSlotNotEmpty = "[prefix] &6The slot &e[slot] &6is currently occupied!";
public static String EN_ItemSlotAlreadySet = "[prefix] &6The slot §e[slot] §6is already set!";
public static String EN_ItemSlot_wrongValue = "[prefix] &cThe specified slot must be between 1 and 9!";
public static String EN_UseItemDisabledInGameMode = "[prefix] &cThe UseItem is disabled in this GameMode!";
public static String EN_UseItemDisabledInWorld = "[prefix] &cThe UseItem is disabled in this World!";
public static String EN_GUInotFound = "[prefix] &cThe GUI chosen by the does not exist.";
public static String EN_GUIisDisabled = "[prefix] &cThe GUI [gui] &cis currently Disabled!";
public static String EN_GiveSender = "[prefix] &2You have given &6[player] &2an [item] &2!";
public static String EN_GiveReceiver = "[prefix] &2You got &2, [item] &2from &6[sender]!";
public static String EN_PlayerNotFond = "[prefix] &cThe player &6[player] &cwas not found or is not online!";
public static String EN_PlayerNoInventorySpace = "[prefix] &6[player] &chas no free space in his inventory!";
public static String EN_Help_CGUI = "&8''&b/commandgui &8| &b/cgui&8'' &eOpen the default GUI &7(&r[gui]&7)&e.";
public static String EN_Help_Open = "&8''&b/commandgui [gui]&8'' &eOpen the GUI: &6[guiname]&e.";
public static String EN_Help_Help = "&8''&b/commandguihelp&8'' &eOpen this help.";
public static String EN_Help_Info = "&8''&b/commandgui admin info&8'' &eCall the info from &4Command&9GUI &e.";
public static String EN_Help_Give = "&8''&b/commandgui admin give &7<player>&8'' &eGive a player the GUI item.";
public static String EN_Help_CreateDefaultGUI = "&8''&b/commandgui admin createdefaultgui&8'' &eCreate a default GUI &7([directory])&e.";
public static String EN_Help_Reload = "&8''&b/commandgui admin reload&8'' &eReload the plugin.";
public static String EN_GUIItemHelp_on = "&8''&b/gui-item on&8'' &eActivate the GUIItem for you.";
public static String EN_GUIItemHelp_off = "&8''&b/gui-item off&8'' &eDisable the GUIItem for yourself.";
public static String EN_GUIItemHelp_Slot = "&8''&b/gui-item slot [slot]&8'' &eSet the slot for GUIItem for you.";
// DE
public static String DE_VaultNotSetUp = "[prefix] &4Vault / Economy nicht eingerichtet!";
public static String DE_SoundNotFound = "[prefix] &4Der Sound &6[sound] &4wurde nicht gefunden! Bitte [ue]berpr[ue]fe die Einstellungen.";
public static String DE_OnlyForPlayer = "[prefix] &cDieser Command ist nur f[ue]r Spieler!";
public static String DE_DefaultGUI = "[prefix] &2DefaultGUI wurde erstellt. Du findst sie im Verzeichnis: &e[directory]&2!";
public static String DE_ReloadStart = "[prefix] &6Plugin wird neu geladen...";
public static String DE_ReloadEnd = "[prefix] &2Plugin wurde erfolgreich neu geladen.";
public static String DE_NoPermission = "[prefix] &cDu hast keine Permission f[ue]r &4Command&9GUI&c!";
public static String DE_NoPermissionForCommand = "[prefix] &cF[ue]r &b[cmd] &cfehlt dir die Permission &6[perm]&c!";
public static String DE_NoPermissionForUseItem = "[prefix] &cDir fehlt die Permission &6[perm] &cum das Item f[ue]r die GUI: &6[gui] &cnutzen zu k[oe]nnen.";
public static String DE_NoPermissionForItem = "[prefix] &cF[ue]r &b[item] &cfehlt dir die Permission &6[perm]&c!";
public static String DE_ItemON = "[prefix] &2Du hast das GUI-Item aktiviert.";
public static String DE_ItemOFF = "[prefix] &2Du hast das GUI-Item deaktiviert.";
public static String DE_ItemSlot = "[prefix] &2Du hast das GUI-Item auf Slot &6[slot] &2umgestellt.";
public static String DE_ItemSlotNotEmpty = "[prefix] &6Der Slot §e[slot] §6ist derzeit belegt!.";
public static String DE_ItemSlotAlreadySet = "[prefix] &6Der Slot §e[slot] §6ist bereits eingestellt!";
public static String DE_ItemSlot_wrongValue = "[prefix] &cDer angegebene Slot muss sich zwischen 1 und 9 befinden!";
public static String DE_UseItemDisabledInGameMode = "[prefix] &cDas UseItem ist in diesem GameMode deaktiviert!";
public static String DE_UseItemDisabledInWorld = "[prefix] &cDas UseItem ist in dieser Welt deaktiviert!";
public static String DE_Buy_msg = "[prefix] &2Du hast dir [itemname] &2f[ue]r &6[price] &2gekauft.";
public static String DE_No_money = "[prefix] &cDu hast nicht gen[ue]gend Geld!";
public static String DE_NoInventorySpace = "[prefix] &cDu hast keinen Platz in deinem Inventar!";
public static String DE_onServerChange = "[prefix] &2Du wirst auf den Server §e[server] §2verbunden.";
public static String DE_GUInotFound = "[prefix] &cDie von die gew[ae]hlte GUI gibt es nicht.";
public static String DE_GUIisDisabled = "[prefix] &cDie GUI [gui] &cist derzeit Deaktiviert!";
public static String DE_GiveSender = "[prefix] &2Du hast &6[player] &2ein [item] &2gegeben!";
public static String DE_GiveReceiver = "[prefix] &2Du hast von &6[sender] &2, [item] &2bekommen!";
public static String DE_PlayerNotFond = "[prefix] &cDer Spieler &6[player] &cwurde nicht gefunden oder ist nicht Online!";
public static String DE_PlayerNoInventorySpace = "[prefix] &6[player] &chat keinen freien Platz in seinem Inventar!";
public static String DE_Help_CGUI = "&8''&b/commandgui &8| &b/cgui&8'' &e[OE]ffne die default GUI &7(&r[gui]&7)&e.";
public static String DE_Help_Open = "&8''&b/commandgui [gui]&8'' &e[OE]ffne die GUI: &6[guiname]&e.";
public static String DE_Help_Help = "&8''&b/commandguihelp&8'' &e[OE]ffne diese help.";
public static String DE_Help_Info = "&8''&b/commandgui admin info&8'' &eRufe die Infos von &4Command&9GUI &eauf.";
public static String DE_Help_Give = "&8''&b/commandgui admin give &7<player>&8'' &eGebe einem Spieler das GUI-Item.";
public static String DE_Help_CreateDefaultGUI = "&8''&b/commandgui admin createdefaultgui&8'' &eLasse eine default GUI erstellen &7([directory])&e.";
public static String DE_Help_Reload = "&8''&b/commandgui admin reload&8'' &eLade das Plugin neu.";
public static String DE_GUIItemHelp_on = "&8''&b/gui-item on&8'' &eAktiviere f[ue]r dich das GUIItem.";
public static String DE_GUIItemHelp_off = "&8''&b/gui-item off&8'' &eDeaktiviere f[ue]r dich das GUIItem.";
public static String DE_GUIItemHelp_Slot = "&8''&b/gui-item slot [slot]&8'' &eSetze den Slot für GUIItem für Sie einstellen.";
// FR
// NO
public static String NO_VaultNotSetUp = "[prefix] &4Vault / Økonomi har ikke blitt satt opp!";
public static String NO_SoundNotFound = "[prefix] &4Lyden &6[sound] &4ble ikke bli funnet! Vennligst sjekk innstillingene.";
public static String NO_OnlyForPlayer = "[prefix] &cDenne kommandoen er for spillere kun!";
public static String NO_DefaultGUI = "[prefix] &2DefaultGUI har blitt laget. Du kan finne den i mappen: &e[directory]&2!";
public static String NO_ReloadStart = "[prefix] &6Pluginet blir relastet...";
public static String NO_ReloadEnd = "[prefix] &2Pluginet har blitt lastet inn på nytt.";
public static String NO_NoPermission = "[prefix] &cDu har ikke tilgang til &4Command&9GUI&c!";
public static String NO_NoPermissionForCommand = "[prefix] &cFor &b[cmd] &cmangler du tillatelsen &6[perm]&c!";
public static String NO_NoPermissionForUseItem = "[prefix] &cDu mangler tillatelsen &6[perm] &cfor å bruke gjenstanden i GUI: &6[gui].";
public static String NO_NoPermissionForItem = "[prefix] &cFor &b[item] &cmangler du tillatelsen &6[perm]&c!";
public static String NO_ItemON = "[prefix] &2You have activated the GUI item.";
public static String NO_ItemOFF = "[prefix] &2You have disabled the GUI item.";
public static String NO_ItemSlot = "[prefix] &2You have changed the GUI item to slot: &6[slot]&2.";
public static String NO_ItemSlotNotEmpty = "[prefix] &6Plassen &e[slot] &6er opptatt for øyeblikket!";
public static String NO_ItemSlotAlreadySet = "[prefix] &6Plassen §e[slot] §6er allerede satt!";
public static String NO_ItemSlot_wrongValue = "[prefix] &cDen spesifiserte plassen må være mellom 1 og 9!";
public static String NO_UseItemDisabledInGameMode = "[prefix] &cBrukselementet er deaktivert i denne spillmodusen!!";
public static String NO_UseItemDisabledInWorld = "[prefix] &cUseItem er deaktivert i denne verden!";
public static String NO_Buy_msg = "[prefix] &2Du kjøpte [itemname] &2for &6[price]&2.";
public static String NO_No_money = "[prefix] &cDu har ikke nok penger!";
public static String NO_NoInventorySpace = "[prefix] &cDu har ikke nok plass i inventaret ditt!";
public static String NO_onServerChange = "[prefix] &2Du vil bli tilkoblet serveren &e[server]&2.";
public static String NO_GUInotFound = "[prefix] &cGUIen som ble spesifisert finnes ikke.";
public static String NO_GUIisDisabled = "[prefix] &cGUIen [gui] &cer slått av for øyeblikket!";
public static String NO_GiveSender = "[prefix] &2Du har gitt &6[player] &2en [item]&2!";
public static String NO_GiveReceiver = "[prefix] &2Du fikk &2, [item] &2fra &6[sender]!";
public static String NO_PlayerNotFond = "[prefix] &cSpilleren &6[player] &cble ikke funnet eller er ikke pålogget!";
public static String NO_PlayerNoInventorySpace = "[prefix] &6[player] &char ikke nok plass i inventaret sitt!";
public static String NO_Help_CGUI = "&8''&b/commandgui &8| &b/cgui&8'' &eÅpne default GUIen &7(&r[gui]&7)&e.";
public static String NO_Help_Open = "&8''&b/commandgui [gui]&8'' &eÅpne GUIen: &6[guiname]&e.";
public static String NO_Help_Help = "&8''&b/commandguihelp&8'' &eSender denne hjelpe meldingen.";
public static String NO_Help_Info = "&8''&b/commandgui admin info&8'' &eKall informasjon fra &4Command&9GUI&e.";
public static String NO_Help_Give = "&8''&b/commandgui admin give &7<player>&8'' &eGi en spiller GUI gjenstanden.";
public static String NO_Help_CreateDefaultGUI = "&8''&b/commandgui admin createdefaultgui&8'' &eLag en normalverdi GUI &7([directory])&e.";
public static String NO_Help_Reload = "&8''&b/commandgui admin reload&8'' &eLast inn pluginet på nytt.";
public static String NO_GUIItemHelp_on = "&8''&b/gui-item on&8'' &eAktiverer en GUI gjenstand for deg.";
public static String NO_GUIItemHelp_off = "&8''&b/gui-item off&8'' &eDeaktiverer en GUI gjenstand for deg.";
public static String NO_GUIItemHelp_Slot = "&8''&b/gui-item slot [slot]&8'' &eSett sporet for GUIItem for deg.";