T2C-CommandGUI/CommandGUI V2/src/main/java/de/jatitv/commandguiv2/Spigot/config
JaTiTV 32c1219bb2 2.7.2
ADD: Added a UseItem Item/Block Blacklist so that when you look at one of these blocks, the GUI does not open but the block (for example: CHEST, CRAFTING_TABLE, or buttons).
2022-05-17 00:19:39 +02:00
config 2.7.2 2022-05-17 00:19:39 +02:00
configConverter 2.7.0_Snapshot-2 | small change 2022-04-19 08:32:07 +02:00
functions 2.7.0 Snapshot 1 2022-04-19 07:08:33 +02:00
gui 2.7.0_Snapshot-2 | small change 2022-04-19 08:32:07 +02:00
languages 2.5.19 | Add UseItem World Protection and Change and minor code changes 2022-01-07 20:32:59 +01:00