2022-06-08 06:01:47 +02:00

159 lines
6.4 KiB

## To add another Function just create a new file. ##
# Here you can create an empty slot.
# Note: When this is enabled, no functions will work.
Empty: false
# Here you can set the number of items
Amount: 1
# Here you can set if the item should be a player head
Enable: false
# Here you can specify whether a Base64 player header should be used
Enable: false
# Here you can set the Base64 Value.
# You can find the Base64 Value for example on https://minecraft-heads.com.
Base64Value: ''
# Here you can set whether the player head should be used by the player who has opened the GUI.
PlayerWhoHasOpenedTheGUI: false
# Here you can set a specific player from which the player head should be used
PlayerName: ''
# Here you can set a Minecraft material to be used. This is ignored when PlayerHead is used
Material: 'DIRT'
# Here you set the DisplayName of the item
Name: 'Item Title'
# Here you set the lore of the item
- '&8-----------------'
- '&bLine 1'
- '&bLine 2'
- '&8-----------------'
# Here you can set whether a specific sound or the default sound from the config.yml should be used.
Enable: false
# Here you can deactivate the sound for this item. CustomSound must be activated for this!
NoSound: false
# Here you set the custom sound
Sound: ''
# Here you can specify whether the function should cost or not
Enable: false
# Here you set which economy mode should be used.
# Use 'VAULT' / 'MONEY' for money via vault.
# Use 'ITEM' to pay with items.
# Use 'VOTEPOINTS' to pay with vote points from VotingPlugin (https://spigotmc.org/resources/votingplugin.15358/).
EcoModule: VAULT
# Set the item and the quantity for the ITEM mode here. (ITEM;AMOUNT)
Item: DIRT;5
# Set here the VotePoints for the VOTEPOINTS mode.
VotePoints: 0
# Set the money here for the mode VAULT or MONEY
Price: 0.0
# Here you can enable or disable the Command function
# Placeholder: [player] = PlayerName
Enable: false
# Here you can specify if this command should be executed on the bugee
BungeeCommand: false
# Here you can set if the command should be executed from the console
# Example: You can also create a store with this command.
# /give [player] stone | So all commands can be executed even those for which the player has no permission.
CommandAsConsole: false
# Here you can set commands. Several commands are also possible.
# They are processed from top to bottom and executed one after the other!
- 'command 1'
- 'command 2'
# Here you can enable or disable the function ServerChange
# To use this function the function BungeeCord must be activated in the conig.yml and the plugin must be installed on the proxy!
Enable: false
# # Here you can say which server the player should be moved to.
Server: ''
# Here you can enable or disable the OpenGUI feature
Enable: false
# Here you can set which GUI should be opened.
# Use the file name of the GUI without .yml
GUI: ''
# Here you can enable a feature that allows players to give or remove permissions to each other
# The commands for the permission plugin can be set in the config (default for LuckPerms)
# Activate this function here
Enable: false
# Set the permission here
Permission: ''
# When this function is enabled, players can toggle the UseItem on and off.
# For this function 'UseItem.AllowToggle' must be activated in config.yml!
Enable: false
# Here you can enable or disable the Message function
Enable: false
# Here you can set the messages to be sent to the player
# Placeholder: [player] = PlayerName | [prefix] = PluginPrefix | [price] = price if function Cost is activated
- 'Message line 1'
- 'Message line 2'
# Here you can enable or disable the SetConfig function
Enable: false
# Here you define in which file something should be changed
# Example at this file: 'plugins/CommandGUI/GUIs/default.yml'.
Path: ''
# Here you set the option to be changed
# Example on the option of this example slots: 'Slots.Example.Slot'
Path: ''
# Here you set which format should be set
# String = text in one line
# Boolean = true / false
# Integer = numbers without comma
# Double = number with comma | Please use . as comma
# List = text with multiple lines (- 'hi')
Premat: String
# Here you can set which value should be set when you click with the left mouse button.
String: ''
Boolean: false
Integer: 0
Double: 0.0
List: []
# Here you set which value should be set when clicking with the right mouse button
String: ''
Boolean: false
Integer: 0
Double: 0.0
List: []
# Here you can set if the plugin to which a file was changed should be reloaded directly
Enable: false
# Here you set the reload command to be used
# The command is executed by the console! No / is needed!
Command: ''
# With this function you can give or subtract VotePoints from VotingPlugin to a player.
Enable: false
# Use to add: ADD
# Use to subtract: REMOVE
Mode: ADD
# Set the number of vote points to be subtracted / added here
Amount: 0
# With this function you can give or remove items to a player
Enable: false
# Use to add: ADD
# Use to subtract: REMOVE
# Enter the item (material) and the number behind it. Separate them with ; (ITEM;AMOUNT)
Item: DIRT;5