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167 lines
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package net.t2code.alias.Spigot.cmdManagement;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.chat.ClickEvent;
import net.t2code.alias.Spigot.Main;
import net.t2code.alias.Spigot.config.config.SelectConfig;
import net.t2code.alias.Spigot.config.languages.SelectMessages;
import net.t2code.alias.Spigot.objects.Alias_Objekt;
import net.t2code.alias.Spigot.system.*;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.commands.Cmd;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.TextBuilder;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.messages.send;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.plugins.PluginCheck;
import net.t2code.lib.Spigot.Lib.replace.Replace;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class RegisterCommands extends Command {
private String alias;
private String prefix = Main.prefix;
public RegisterCommands(String alias) {
this.alias = alias;
public boolean execute(CommandSender sender, String commandLabel, String[] args) {
Alias_Objekt Alias = Main.aliasHashMap.get(alias);
if (!Alias.AliasEnable) {
send.sender(sender, SelectMessages.AliasDisabled);
return true;
if (sender instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) sender;
if (Alias.AdminEnable) {
if (player.hasPermission(Alias.AdminPermission)) {
if (Alias.AdminCommandEnable) {
for (String cmd : Alias.AdminCommands) {
if (Alias.AdminBungeeCommand) {
if (SelectConfig.Bungee) {
if (Alias.AdminCommandAsConsole) {
BCommand_Sender_Reciver.sendToBungee(player, cmd.replace("[player]", player.getName()), true);
} else BCommand_Sender_Reciver.sendToBungee(player, cmd.replace("[player]", player.getName()), false);
} else {
send.console(Main.prefix + " §4To use bungee commands, enable the Bungee option in the config.");
send.player(player, Main.prefix + " §4To use bungee commands, enable the Bungee option in the config.");
} else {
if (Alias.AdminCommandAsConsole) {
Cmd.console(cmd.replace("[player]", player.getName()));
} else {
Cmd.player(player, cmd.replace("[player]", player.getName()));
if (Alias.AdminMessageEnable) {
for (String msg : Alias.AdminMessages) {
String text;
String hover;
if (PluginCheck.papi()) {
text = Replace.replace(prefix, player, msg);
hover = Replace.replace(prefix, player, Alias.AdminHover);
} else {
text = Replace.replace(prefix, msg);
hover = Replace.replace(prefix, Alias.AdminHover);
if (Alias.AdminTextBuilder) {
TextBuilder textBuilder = new TextBuilder(text);
if (Alias.AdminClickEvent) {
textBuilder.addClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.valueOf(Alias.AdminAction), Alias.AdminActionValue);
} else {
send.player(player, text);
return true;
if (Alias.Perm_necessary) {
if (!(player.hasPermission("t2code.alias.use." + alias.toLowerCase()) || player.hasPermission("t2code.alias.admin"))) {
send.player(player, SelectMessages.NoPermissionForCommand.replace("[cmd]", "/" + alias.toLowerCase())
.replace("[perm]", "t2code.alias.use." + alias.toLowerCase()));
return true;
if (Alias.Command_Enable) {
for (String cmd : Alias.Command) {
if (Alias.BungeeCommand) {
if (SelectConfig.Bungee) {
if (Alias.CommandAsConsole) {
BCommand_Sender_Reciver.sendToBungee(player, cmd.replace("[player]", player.getName()), true);
} else BCommand_Sender_Reciver.sendToBungee(player, cmd.replace("[player]", player.getName()), false);
} else {
send.console(Main.prefix + " §4To use bungee commands, enable the Bungee option in the config.");
send.player(player, Main.prefix + " §4To use bungee commands, enable the Bungee option in the config.");
} else {
if (Alias.CommandAsConsole) {
Cmd.console(cmd.replace("[player]", player.getName()));
} else {
Cmd.player(player, cmd.replace("[player]", player.getName()));
if (Alias.Message_Enable) {
for (String msg : Alias.Messages) {
String text;
String hover;
if (PluginCheck.papi()) {
text = Replace.replace(prefix, player, msg);
hover = Replace.replace(prefix,player,Alias.Hover);
} else{
text = Replace.replace(prefix, msg);
hover = Replace.replace(prefix,Alias.Hover);
if (Alias.TextBuilder) {
TextBuilder textBuilder = new TextBuilder(text);
if (Alias.ClickEvent) {
textBuilder.addClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.valueOf(Alias.Action), Alias.ActionValue);
} else {
send.player(player, text);
} else {
if (Alias.ConsoleEnable) {
if (Alias.ConsoleCommandEnable) {
for (String cmd : Alias.ConsoleCommands) {
if (Alias.ConsoleBungeeCommand) {
if (SelectConfig.Bungee) {
BCommand_Sender_Reciver.sendToBungee(sender, cmd.replace("[player]", sender.getName()), true);
} else {
send.console(Main.prefix + " §4To use bungee commands, enable the Bungee option in the config.");
send.sender(sender, Main.prefix + " §4To use bungee commands, enable the Bungee option in the config.");
} else {
Cmd.console(cmd.replace("[player]", sender.getName()));
if (Alias.ConsoleMessageEnable) {
for (String msg : Alias.ConsoleMessages) {
send.console(Replace.replace(prefix, msg));
} else send.sender(sender, SelectMessages.OnlyForPlayer);
return true;