add ConfigWriter for Language Files / smal changes
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
<item index="0" class="java.lang.String" itemvalue="net.md_5.bungee.event.EventHandler" />
<item index="1" class="java.lang.String" itemvalue="org.bukkit.event.EventHandler" />
<writeAnnotation name="lombok.Getter" />
<component name="ExternalStorageConfigurationManager" enabled="true" />
<component name="MavenProjectsManager">
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
@ -58,15 +58,30 @@ public class T2Csend {
player.sendTitle(title, subtitle, fadeIn, stay, fadeOut);
* Use: T2Cdebug.debug(Plugin plugin, String msg) or T2Cdebug.debug(Plugin plugin, String msg, Integer stage)
public static void debug(Plugin plugin, String msg) {
debug(plugin, msg, null);
* Use: T2Cdebug.debug(Plugin plugin, String msg) or T2Cdebug.debug(Plugin plugin, String msg, Integer stage)
public static void debug(Plugin plugin, String msg, Integer stage) {
// if (!new File(Main.getPath(), "config.yml").exists()) return;
T2Cdebug.debug(plugin, msg, stage);
* Use: T2Cdebug.debugmsg(plugin, msg)
public static void debugmsg(Plugin plugin, String msg) {
T2Cdebug.debugmsg(plugin, msg);
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.api.messages;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.api.update.T2CupdateAPI;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.system.T2CodeLibMain;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.T2CconfigItem;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.T2CupdateWebData;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.Util;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
@ -35,10 +36,9 @@ public class T2Ctemplate {
T2Csend.console(prefix + " §e╔════════════════════════════════════");
for (String s : Util.getLoadLogo()) {
onStartMsg(prefix, s);
T2Csend.console(prefix + " §e" + s);
onStartMsg(prefix,"§2Author §6" + String.valueOf(autor).replace("[", "").replace("]", ""));
@ -58,8 +58,14 @@ public class T2Ctemplate {
if (version.toLowerCase().contains("dev") || version.toLowerCase().contains("snapshot") || version.toLowerCase().contains("beta")) {
T2Csend.console(prefix + " §eYou are running §4" + version + " §eof " + prefix + "§e! Some features may not be working as expected. Please report all" +
" bugs here: §4UpdateChecker & bStats may be disabled!");
T2Csend.warning(T2CodeLibMain.getPlugin(), "");
T2Csend.warning(T2CodeLibMain.getPlugin(), "");
onStartMsg(prefix, "§eYou are running §4" + version + " §eof " + prefix + "§e!");
onStartMsg(prefix, "§eSome features may not be working as expected.");
onStartMsg(prefix, "§ePlease report all bugs here:");
onStartMsg(prefix, "§4UpdateChecker & bStats may be disabled!");
T2Csend.warning(T2CodeLibMain.getPlugin(), "");
T2Csend.warning(T2CodeLibMain.getPlugin(), "");
try {
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ public class T2CmcVersion {
mc1_19 = mcVersion.contains("MC: 1.19");
mc1_20 = mcVersion.contains("MC: 1.20");
mc1_21 = mcVersion.contains("MC: 1.21");
mc1_22 = mcVersion.contains("MC: 1.22");
nms1_8_R1 = nms.contains("1_8_R1");
nms1_8_R2 = nms.contains("1_8_R2");
@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ public class T2CmcVersion {
nms1_20_R3 = nms.contains("1_20_R3");
nms1_20_R4 = nms.contains("1_20_R4");
nms1_21_R1 = nms.contains("1_21_R1");
nms1_21_R2 = nms.contains("1_21_R2");
private static String mcVersion;
@ -75,6 +77,7 @@ public class T2CmcVersion {
private static boolean mc1_19;
private static boolean mc1_20;
private static boolean mc1_21;
private static boolean mc1_22;
private static String nms;
private static boolean nms1_8_R1;
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@ public class T2CmcVersion {
private static boolean nms1_20_R3;
private static boolean nms1_20_R4;
private static boolean nms1_21_R1;
private static boolean nms1_21_R2;
public static String getMcVersion() {
return mcVersion;
@ -167,6 +171,10 @@ public class T2CmcVersion {
return mc1_21;
public static boolean isMc1_22() {
return mc1_22;
public static String getNms() {
return nms;
@ -28,4 +28,5 @@ public enum T2CnmsEnum {
@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ public class T2CconfigWriter {
addSection((ConfigurationSection) value, comments, builder, fullKey, indentLevel + 1);
} else {
// Add value with proper indentation
// builder.append(indent).append(key).append(": ").append(value).append("\n");
if (value instanceof List) {
builder.append(indent).append(key).append(": ").append("\n");
List<Object> zw = (List<Object>) value;
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
// This class was created by JaTiTV.
package net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.newLanguageFileBuilder;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.system.T2CodeLibMain;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.system.config.config.T2CLibConfig;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.Util;
import java.util.*;
public class Languages {
public enum VALUES implements T2CconfigItemLanguages {
new T2ClanguageObject("english", "[prefix] &4Vault / Economy not set up!"),
new T2ClanguageObject("german", "[prefix] &4Vault / Economy nicht eingerichtet!"))
, "comment 1"),
List.of(new T2ClanguageObject("english", "[prefix] &4VotingPlugin is not present on the server!"),
new T2ClanguageObject("german", "[prefix] &4VotingPlugin ist auf dem Server nicht vorhanden!"))
, "comment 2"),
List.of(new T2ClanguageObject("english", "[prefix] &4The sound &6[sound] &4was not found! Please check the settings."),
new T2ClanguageObject("german", "[prefix] &4Der Sound &6[sound] &4wurde nicht gefunden! Bitte [ue]berpr[ue]fe die Einstellungen."))
, "comment 3"),
private final String path;
private Object value;
private final List<T2ClanguageObject> lang;
private final List<String> comments;
VALUES(String path, Object value, List<T2ClanguageObject> lang, String... comments) {
this.path = path;
this.value = value;
this.lang = lang;
this.comments = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(comments));
public String getPath() {
return path;
public Object getValue() {
return value;
public List<T2ClanguageObject> getLanguage() {
return lang;
public List<String> getComments() {
return comments;
public void setValue(Object newValue) {
value = newValue;
public static void set() {
T2CconfigWriterLanguage.createConfig(T2CodeLibMain.getPath(), Arrays.asList("german", "english"), VALUES.values(), T2CLibConfig.VALUES.language.getValue().toString(), Util.getConfigLogo());
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
package net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.newLanguageFileBuilder;
import java.util.List;
public interface T2CconfigItemLanguages {
* Returns the path of the option for the config
* @return Config path of the option
String getPath();
* Returns the default value of the option and, after reading the config, the value from the config
* @return Value of the option
Object getValue();
List<T2ClanguageObject> getLanguage();
* Set the description of the option here, the '# ' is automatically set in front of it
List<String> getComments();
* This @void is used to reset the value of @getValue()
default void setValue(Object newValue) {
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
// This class was created by JaTiTV.
package net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.newLanguageFileBuilder;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.api.debug.T2Cdebug;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.api.messages.T2Ctemplate;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.system.T2CodeLibMain;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.Util;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class T2CconfigWriterLanguage {
private static FileConfiguration config;
public static void createConfig(File path, List<String> languages, T2CconfigItemLanguages[] values, String loadConfig, String... header) {
for (String l : languages) {
File configFile = new File(path, "languages/" + l + ".yml");
if (!configFile.exists()) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Map<String, List<String>> comments = new LinkedHashMap<>();
// Copy default values if they are missing
config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configFile);
for (T2CconfigItemLanguages item : values) {
for (T2ClanguageObject object : item.getLanguage()) {
if (object.getLanguage().equals(l)) {
config.addDefault(item.getPath(), object.getText());
comments.put(item.getPath(), item.getComments());
saveConfigWithComments(configFile, comments, header);
readConfig(values, loadConfig);
private static void readConfig(T2CconfigItemLanguages[] values, String loadConfig) {
String selectMSG;
File msg;
msg = new File(T2CodeLibMain.getPath(), "languages/" + loadConfig + ".yml");
if (!msg.isFile()) {
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(Util.getPrefix(), "");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(Util.getPrefix(), "§4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(Util.getPrefix(), "§4The selected §c" + loadConfig + " §4language file was not found.");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(Util.getPrefix(), "§6The default language §eEnglish §6is used!");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(Util.getPrefix(), "§4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(Util.getPrefix(), "");
msg = new File(T2CodeLibMain.getPath(), "languages/" + "english.yml");
selectMSG = "english";
} else selectMSG = loadConfig;
YamlConfiguration yml = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(msg);
for (T2CconfigItemLanguages value : values) {
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(Util.getPrefix(), "§2Language successfully selected to: §6" + selectMSG);
private static void saveConfigWithComments(File file, Map<String, List<String>> comments, String... headers) {
try {
StringBuilder configContent = new StringBuilder();
for (String h : headers) {
addSection(config, comments, configContent, "", 0);
// Write the content to the file
Files.write(file.toPath(), configContent.toString().getBytes());
} catch (IOException e) {
private static void addSection(ConfigurationSection section, Map<String, List<String>> comments, StringBuilder builder, String prefix, int indentLevel) {
String indent = " ".repeat(indentLevel);
for (String key : section.getKeys(false)) {
String fullKey = prefix.isEmpty() ? key : prefix + "." + key;
Object value = section.get(key);
// Add comment if it exists for this key
List<String> commentList = comments.get(fullKey);
if (commentList != null) {
for (String c : commentList) {
builder.append(indent).append("# ").append(c).append("\n");
// Check if the value is a section (nested map)
if (value instanceof ConfigurationSection) {
// Correctly add the section
addSection((ConfigurationSection) value, comments, builder, fullKey, indentLevel + 1);
} else {
// Add value with proper indentation
// builder.append(indent).append(key).append(": ").append(value).append("\n");
if (value instanceof List) {
builder.append(indent).append(key).append(": ").append("\n");
List<Object> zw = (List<Object>) value;
for (Object s : zw) {
if (s instanceof String) {
builder.append(indent).append("- \"").append(s).append("\"\n");
} else builder.append(indent).append("- ").append(s).append("\n");
} else {
if (value instanceof String) {
builder.append(indent).append(key).append(": \"").append(value).append("\"\n");
} else builder.append(indent).append(key).append(": ").append(value).append("\n");
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// This class was created by JaTiTV.
package net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.newLanguageFileBuilder;
import lombok.Getter;
public class T2ClanguageObject {
private String language;
private String text;
public T2ClanguageObject(String language,
String text) {
this.language = language;
this.text = text;
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import net.kyori.adventure.platform.bukkit.BukkitAudiences;
import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy;
import net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.api.bungeePlayers.T2CbungeePlayers;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.api.debug.T2Cdebug;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.api.items.T2CitemVersion;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.api.messages.T2Csend;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.api.messages.T2Ctemplate;
@ -18,8 +19,7 @@ import net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.system.cmd.CmdExecuter;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.system.cmd.Development;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.system.cmd.ReportLogStorage;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.system.config.config.T2CLibConfig;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.system.config.languages.LanguagesCreate;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.system.config.languages.SelectLibMsg;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.SPIGOT.newLanguageFileBuilder.Languages;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.T2CplatformDetector;
import net.t2code.t2codelib.Util;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
@ -31,15 +31,21 @@ import;
import java.util.List;
public final class T2CodeLibMain extends JavaPlugin {
private static T2CodeLibMain plugin;
private static Economy eco = null;
private static Permission perm = null;
private static List<String> autor;
private static String version;
private static Boolean mmIsLoad = true;
private static Boolean load = false;
private static T2CplatformDetector.PlatformType plattform;
@ -49,7 +55,7 @@ public final class T2CodeLibMain extends JavaPlugin {
// Plugin startup logic
plugin = this;
autor = plugin.getDescription().getAuthors();
// logger = getLogger();
// logger = getLogger();
version = plugin.getDescription().getVersion();
try {
@ -71,25 +77,40 @@ public final class T2CodeLibMain extends JavaPlugin {
if (T2CnmsVersions.getT2CnmsEnum() == T2CnmsEnum.not_support) {
T2Csend.warning(plugin, "");
T2Csend.warning(plugin, "");
T2Csend.warning(plugin, "");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "§4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "");
T2Csend.warning(plugin, "The " + T2CmcVersion.getMcVersion() + " is a very fresh / new version.");
T2Csend.warning(plugin, "The plugin may not yet be supported on this server! If there are any bugs in our plugins, please report them to us via our Discord:");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "The " + T2CmcVersion.getMcVersion() + " is a very fresh / new version.");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "The plugin may not yet be supported on this server!");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "If there are any bugs in our plugins,");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "please report them to us via our Discord:");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "§4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
T2Csend.warning(plugin, "");
T2Csend.warning(plugin, "");
T2Csend.warning(plugin, "");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (T2CmcVersion.isMc1_21()) {
if (T2CmcVersion.isMc1_22()) {
T2Csend.warning(plugin, "");
T2Csend.warning(plugin, "");
T2Csend.warning(plugin, "");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "§4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "");
T2Csend.warning(plugin, "The 1.21 is a very fresh / new version. If there are any bugs in our plugins, please report them to us via our Discord:");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "The 1.22 is a very fresh / new version.");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "If there are any bugs in our plugins,");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "please report them to us via our Discord:");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "§4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
T2Csend.warning(plugin, "");
T2Csend.warning(plugin, "");
T2Csend.warning(plugin, "");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
@ -99,9 +120,9 @@ public final class T2CodeLibMain extends JavaPlugin {
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "§2Server run on:");
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "§3Platform: §6" +;
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "§3mcVersion: §6" + T2CmcVersion.getMcVersion());
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "§3bukkitVersion: §6" + T2CmcVersion.getBukkitVersion());
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "§3nms: §6" + T2CmcVersion.getNms());
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "§3Server Version: §6" + T2CmcVersion.getMcVersion());
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "§3Bukkit Version: §6" + T2CmcVersion.getBukkitVersion());
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "§3NMS: §6" + T2CmcVersion.getNms());
if (eco != null) {
String st = eco.getName();
@ -131,14 +152,18 @@ public final class T2CodeLibMain extends JavaPlugin {
plugin.getCommand("t2code").setExecutor(new CmdExecuter());
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "§3Use Proxy: §6" + (boolean)T2CLibConfig.VALUES.proxy.getValue());
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "§3serverUUID: §6" + T2CLibConfig.VALUES.serverUUID.getValue());
// LanguagesCreate.langCreate(); todo
// SelectLibMsg.onSelect();
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "§3Use Proxy: §6" + (boolean) T2CLibConfig.VALUES.proxy.getValue());
T2Ctemplate.onStartMsg(prefix, "§3serverUUID: §6" + T2CLibConfig.VALUES.serverUUID.getValue());
T2CupdateAPI.onUpdateCheck(plugin, prefix, Util.getGit(), Util.getSpigotID(), Util.getDiscord(),
(boolean) T2CLibConfig.VALUES.updateCheckOnJoin.getValue(),
@ -147,11 +172,11 @@ public final class T2CodeLibMain extends JavaPlugin {
Metrics.Bstats(plugin, Util.getBstatsID());
if ((boolean) T2CLibConfig.VALUES.proxy.getValue()) {
Bukkit.getMessenger().registerOutgoingPluginChannel(plugin, "t2c:bcmd");
T2Csend.debug(plugin, "registerIncomingPluginChannel §et2c:bcmd");
T2Cdebug.debug(plugin, "registerIncomingPluginChannel §et2c:bcmd");
Bukkit.getMessenger().registerOutgoingPluginChannel(plugin, "t2c:bonlp");
if (!Bukkit.getMessenger().isIncomingChannelRegistered(plugin, "t2c:bonlp")) {
T2Csend.debug(plugin, "registerIncomingPluginChannel §et2c:bonlp");
T2Cdebug.debug(plugin, "registerIncomingPluginChannel §et2c:bonlp");
Bukkit.getMessenger().registerIncomingPluginChannel(plugin, "t2c:bonlp", new T2CbungeePlayers());
@ -197,26 +222,6 @@ public final class T2CodeLibMain extends JavaPlugin {
T2CodeLibMain.perm = perm;
public static T2CodeLibMain getPlugin() {
return plugin;
public static Economy getEco() {
return eco;
public static Permission getPerm() {
return perm;
public static List<String> getAutor() {
return autor;
public static String getVersion() {
return version;
private static BukkitAudiences adventure;
public BukkitAudiences getAdventure() {
@ -233,13 +238,7 @@ public final class T2CodeLibMain extends JavaPlugin {
isBungee = yamlConfiguration.getBoolean("settings.bungeecord");
private static Boolean isBungee;
public static Boolean getIsBungee() {
return isBungee;
public static Boolean getMmIsLoad() {
return mmIsLoad;
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ public class SelectLibMsg {
long long_ = System.currentTimeMillis();
File msg;
msg = new File(T2CodeLibMain.getPath(), "languages/" + T2CLibConfig.VALUES.language.getValue() + ".yml");
if (!msg.isFile()) {
@ -32,4 +32,62 @@ public interface T2CconfigItem {
default void setValue(Object newValue){
* Set in your Class
* public enum VALUES implements T2CconfigItem {
* VALUE1("path", VALUE, true, "DESCRIPTION"),
* VALUE2("path", VALUE, true, "DESCRIPTION"),
* ;
* private final String path;
* private Object value;
* private final boolean forceSet;
* private final List<String> comments;
* VALUES(String path, Object value,boolean forceSet, String... comments) {
* this.path = path;
* this.value = value;
* this.forceSet=forceSet;
* this.comments = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(comments));
* }
* @Override
* public String getPath() {
* return path;
* }
* @Override
* public Object getValue() {
* return value;
* }
* @Override
* public boolean getForceSet() {
* return forceSet;
* }
* @Override
* public List<String> getComments() {
* return comments;
* }
* @Override
* public void setValue(Object newValue) {
* value = newValue;
* }
* }
* public static void set(){
* try {
* ConvertT2CBlibConfig.convert();
* } catch (IOException e) {
* throw new RuntimeException(e);
* }
* T2CBconfigWriter.createConfig(new File(getPlugin().getDataFolder(), "config.yml"), VALUES.values(), FILEHEADER);
* }
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import java.util.UUID;
public class Util {
// private static final UUID serverUUID = UUID.randomUUID();
// private static final UUID serverUUID = UUID.randomUUID();
public static String getInfoText() {
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ public class Util {
public static String getPrefix() {
return "<dark_gray>[<dark_red>T2Code</dark_red><dark_purple>Lib</dark_purple>]</dark_gray>";
private static String vPrefix = "[T2CodeLib]";
@ -79,8 +80,9 @@ public class Util {
"## ##",
public static String[] loadLogo = new String[]{
private static String[] loadLogo2 = new String[]{
"## ##",
"## _______ ___ _____ _ _ ##",
@ -95,4 +97,20 @@ public class Util {
"## ##",
private static String[] loadLogo = new String[]{
"║ _______ ___ _____ _ _ ║",
"║ |__ __| |__ \\ / ____| | | | | ║",
"║ | | ) | | | ___ __| | ___ _ __ ___ | |_ ║",
"║ | | / / | | / _ \\ / _` | / _ \\ | '_ \\ / _ \\ | __| ║",
"║ | | / /_ | |____ | (_) | | (_| | | __/ _ | | | | | __/ | |_ ║",
"║ |_| |____| \\_____| \\___/ \\__,_| \\___| (_) |_| |_| \\___| \\__| ║",
"║ ║",
"║ This plugin is from ║",
"║ Development Team: JaTiTV & Jkobs ║",
"║ Feel free to come to our Discord for support: ║",
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ public class T2CVconfigWriter {
// Add value with proper indentation
// builder.append(indent).append(key.getKey()).append(": ").append(value).append("\n");
if (value instanceof List) {
builder.append(indent).append(key).append(": ").append("\n");
builder.append(indent).append(key.getKey()).append(": ").append("\n");
List<Object> zw = (List<Object>) value;
for (Object s : zw) {
if (s instanceof String) {
@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ public class T2CVconfigWriter {
} else {
if (value instanceof String) {
builder.append(indent).append(key).append(": \"").append(value).append("\"\n");
} else builder.append(indent).append(key).append(": ").append(value).append("\n");
builder.append(indent).append(key.getKey()).append(": \"").append(value).append("\"\n");
} else builder.append(indent).append(key.getKey()).append(": ").append(value).append("\n");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user