Bugfix: If in a function the CustomSound was deactivated, the message came that the CustomSound does not exist, if none was specified and if one was specified, the CustomSound was played additionally. This has been fixed.
- With this update the plugin has been renamed from 'CommandGUI' to 'T2C-CommandGUI'.
- The plugin folder is now called 'T2C-CommandGUI'.
- The commands 't2c-commandgui', 't2c-commandguihelp' and 't2c-commandgui-item' have been added
- A new tab 'NoPermission' has been added to the functions, where it is adjustable:
- Whether a message should be displayed if you click on the function but don't have permission for it.
- CustomNoPermMessage
- Whether a custom lore should be displayed if you don't have a permission for this function.