2022-05-17 02:00:18 +02:00

113 lines
5.3 KiB

# GUI title Placeholder: %booster_name%
Title: '&4Booster &8- &2%booster_name%'
# Number of rows in the GUI
Rows: 3
# The number represents the slot of the item
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material, Skull or ClickedItem (Item clicked to open this GUI)
Type: ClickedItem
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3,
Action: activate
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: ''
# If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage
Enable: true
# Nummer in stageheads.yml or AUTO_[BOOSTER]
Value: 1
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Stufe 1'
# Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_step1%, %status_step2%, %status_step3%
# If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Zum Aktivieren anklicken'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3,
Action: activate_step1
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: ''
# If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage
Enable: true
# Nummer in stageheads.yml
Value: 2
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Stufe 2'
# Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_step1%, %status_step2%, %status_step3%
# If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Zum Aktivieren anklicken'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3,
Action: activate_step2
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: ''
# If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage
Enable: true
# Nummer in stageheads.yml
Value: 3
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Stufe 3'
# Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_step1%, %status_step2%, %status_step3%
# If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Zum Aktivieren anklicken'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3,
Action: activate_step3
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYWQ3M2NmNjZkMzFiODNjZDhiODY0NGMxNTk1OGMxYjczYzhkOTczMjNiODAxMTcwYzFkODg2NGJiNmE4NDZkIn19fQ=='
# If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage
Stageheads: false
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6Zurück'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&7Zurück zu Hauptmenü'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: back
# This item is set in all places where no item is stored.
Enabled: true
Material: 'placeholder'