This commit is contained in:
Jkobs 2022-09-16 15:35:58 +02:00
parent 07df167cc6
commit 084dc0bd3c
9 changed files with 485 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -243,6 +243,52 @@ Slots:
Lore: Lore:
- '&8--------------------' - '&8--------------------'
- '&c%status_xp%' - '&c%status_xp%'
# Can be commented out if Dropheads add-on is active
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: SKULL
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjQ1MjhiMzIyOTY2MGYzZGZhYjQyNDE0ZjU5ZWU4ZmQwMWU4MDA4MWRkM2RmMzA4Njk1MzZiYTliNDE0ZTA4OSJ9fX0='
# # The name of the item
# Title: '&6Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item.
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&aClick to activate a &6Drophead-Booster'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible actions: activate_break, activate_drop, activate_fly, activate_mob, activate_xp, shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), open_shop
# Action: activate_dropheads
# # Permission to display the item
# Permission: 'booster.drophead'
# # Sound on click
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: Skull
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: ''
# # If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage
# Stageheads:
# Enable: true
# # Nummer in stageheads.yml or AUTO_[BOOSTER]
# # The name of the item
# Title: '&6Current Stage'
# # Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_fly%, %status_break%, %status_drop%, %status_mob%, %status_xp%
# # If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%.
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&c%status_dropheads%'
# This item is set in all places where no item is stored. # This item is set in all places where no item is stored.
Background: Background:
Enabled: true Enabled: true

View File

@ -107,4 +107,30 @@ Slots:
# Permission to display the item # Permission to display the item
Permission: 'booster.xp' Permission: 'booster.xp'
# Sound on click # Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder' Sound: 'placeholder'
# Can be commented out if Dropheads add-on is active
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: SKULL
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjQ1MjhiMzIyOTY2MGYzZGZhYjQyNDE0ZjU5ZWU4ZmQwMWU4MDA4MWRkM2RmMzA4Njk1MzZiYTliNDE0ZTA4OSJ9fX0='
# # The name of the item
# Title: '&6Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item.
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&aKlicke, um einen &6Dropheads-Booster &2zu bekommen'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible Actions: get (Requires Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly])
# Action: get
# # Possible Types: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly
# Booster: dropheads
# # Permission to display the item
# Permission: 'booster.dropheads'
# # Sound on click

View File

@ -519,6 +519,97 @@ Shop:
Price: 7000 Price: 7000
# Sound on click # Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder' Sound: 'placeholder'
# If Dropheads is activated please increase number of rows in line 99 to 6
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: SKULL
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjQ1MjhiMzIyOTY2MGYzZGZhYjQyNDE0ZjU5ZWU4ZmQwMWU4MDA4MWRkM2RmMzA4Njk1MzZiYTliNDE0ZTA4OSJ9fX0='
# # The name of the item
# Title: '&6Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item.
# Lore: []
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: Skull
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ=='
# # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Title: '&6%count% Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Dropheads-Booster'
# - '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
# Action: shop
# Count: 1
# Booster: Dropheads
# Price: 1000
# # Sound on click
# Sound: 'placeholder'
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: Skull
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0='
# # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Title: '&6%count% Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Dropheads-Booster'
# - '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
# Action: shop
# Count: 5
# Booster: Dropheads
# Price: 4000
# # Sound on click
# Sound: 'placeholder'
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: Skull
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19'
# # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Title: '&6%count% Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Dropheads-Booster'
# - '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
# Action: shop
# Count: 10
# Booster: Dropheads
# Price: 7000
# # Sound on click
# Sound: 'placeholder'
# For dropheads, change the return slot to 54.
45: 45:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull

View File

@ -4,6 +4,16 @@ ConsoleName: 'Console'
NoPermission: '%prefix% &cinsufficient permissions.' NoPermission: '%prefix% &cinsufficient permissions.'
PlayerNotFound: '%prefix% &ctarget not found.' PlayerNotFound: '%prefix% &ctarget not found.'
OnlyPlayers: '%prefix% &conly players can execute this command' OnlyPlayers: '%prefix% &conly players can execute this command'
Help: '%prefix% &cPlease use: &b/booster module load/unload/info/list <AddOn>'
AddOnNotFound: '%prefix% &cAddOn not found.'
Loaded: '%prefix% &2AddOn loaded.'
AlreadyLoaded: '%prefix% &cAddOn already loaded.'
Unloaded: '%prefix% &2Unload AddOn.'
Reloaded: '%prefix% &2AddOn reloaded.'
NotLoaded: '%prefix% &cAddOn not loaded.'
AlreadyUnloaded: '%prefix% &cAddOn already unloaded.'
List: '%prefix% &8--------------------------%newline%%prefix%&2 AddOn: &6%addon%%newline%%prefix%&2 - Version: &6%version%%newline%%prefix%&2 - Loaded: &6%loaded%%newline%%prefix%&2 - Description: &6%description%%newline%%prefix%'
Shop: Shop:
Not_Setup: '%prefix% &cvault missing!' Not_Setup: '%prefix% &cvault missing!'
Success: '%prefix% &2You have bought &6%count% &6%type%-Booster &2vor &6%price%.' Success: '%prefix% &2You have bought &6%count% &6%type%-Booster &2vor &6%price%.'
@ -39,6 +49,7 @@ Help:
Set: '%prefix% &b/booster set &7<Player> <Anzahl> <Type> &8- &aGives the Player Booster.' Set: '%prefix% &b/booster set &7<Player> <Anzahl> <Type> &8- &aGives the Player Booster.'
See: '%prefix% &b/booster see &7<Player> <Type> &8- &aShows Players Booster.' See: '%prefix% &b/booster see &7<Player> <Type> &8- &aShows Players Booster.'
Reload: '%prefix% &b/booster reload &2| &b/booster rl &8- &aReloads the Plugin.' Reload: '%prefix% &b/booster reload &2| &b/booster rl &8- &aReloads the Plugin.'
Module: '%prefix% &b/booster module load/unload/info/list <AddOn> &8- &aManage AddOns.'
Player: Player:
Refresh: '%prefix% &2New Boosters were activated.' Refresh: '%prefix% &2New Boosters were activated.'
AddBooster: AddBooster:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
Prefix: '&8[&4Booster&8]'
Reload: '%prefix% &2loaded successfully.'
ConsoleName: 'Console'
NoPermission: '%prefix% &cinsufficient permissions.'
PlayerNotFound: '%prefix% &ctarget not found.'
OnlyPlayers: '%prefix% &conly players can execute this command'
Help: '%prefix% &cPlease use: &b/booster module load/unload/info/list <AddOn>'
AddOnNotFound: '%prefix% &cAddOn not found.'
Loaded: '%prefix% &2AddOn loaded.'
AlreadyLoaded: '%prefix% &cAddOn already loaded.'
Unloaded: '%prefix% &2Unload AddOn.'
Reloaded: '%prefix% &2AddOn reloaded.'
NotLoaded: '%prefix% &cAddOn not loaded.'
AlreadyUnloaded: '%prefix% &cAddOn already unloaded.'
List: '%prefix% &8--------------------------%newline%%prefix%&2 AddOn: &6%addon%%newline%%prefix%&2 - Version: &6%version%%newline%%prefix%&2 - Loaded: &6%loaded%%newline%%prefix%&2 - Description: &6%description%%newline%%prefix%'
Not_Setup: '%prefix% &cvault missing!'
Success: '%prefix% &2You have bought &6%count% &6%type%-Booster &2vor &6%price%.'
No_Money: '%prefix% &cinsufficient money reserves.'
Overview: '%prefix% &8------ &4Booster &8------%newline%%prefix%%newline%%prefix% &The &6Break-Booster &2is &ex%status_break%&2. You own: &6%count_break%%newline%%prefix% &2The &6Drop-Booster &2is &ex%status_drop%&2. You own: &6%count_drop%%newline%%prefix% &2The &6Mob-Booster &2is &ex%status_mob%&2. You own: &6%count_mob%%newline%%prefix% &2The &6Fly-Booster &2is &ex%status_fly%&2. You own: &6%count_fly%%newline%%prefix% &2The &6XP-Booster &2is &ex%status_xp%&2. You own: &6%count_xp%%newline%%prefix% &8------ &4Booster &8------'
Player: '%prefix% &2You have stopped all Boosts.'
Broadcast: '%prefix% &2All Boosts have been stopped.'
Player: '%prefix% &2You have stopped the &6%type%-Booster.'
Broadcast: '%prefix% &2All &6%type%-Booster &2were stopped.'
Help: '%prefix% &cUsage: &b/booster stop <type>'
Active: 'active'
Disabled: 'inactive'
Header: '%prefix% &8------ &4Booster help &8------%newline%%prefix%'
Footer: '%prefix%%newline%%prefix% &8--------------------------'
Status: '%prefix% &b/booster status &8- &alists all Booster.'
GUI: '%prefix% &b/booster &8- &aopens the GUI.'
Shop: '%prefix% &b/booster buy &8- &aopens the Shop.'
Bonus: '%prefix% &b/bonusbooster &2| &b/bb &8- &adeaktiviert.'
Update: '%prefix% &b/booster update &8- &aReloads your Boosters.'
Send: '%prefix% &b/booster send &7<Player> <Number> &8- &aSends your Booster to <Player>.'
Break: '%prefix% &b/booster break &8- &aActivates the Break-Booster.'
Drop: '%prefix% &b/booster drop &8- &aActivates the Drop-Booster.'
Fly: '%prefix% &b/booster fly &8- &aActivates the Fly-Booster.'
Mob: '%prefix% &b/booster mob &8- &aActivates the Mob-Booster.'
XP: '%prefix% &b/booster xp &8- &aActivates the XP-Booster.'
Add: '%prefix% &b/booster add &7<Player> <Number> <Type> &8- &aGives the Target <Number> of <Type>-Booster.'
Giveall: '%prefix% &b/booster giveall &7<Anzahl> <Type> &8- &aGives every online player Booster.'
Remove: '%prefix% &b/booster remove &7<Player> <Anzahl> <Type> &8- &aRemoves Players Booster.'
Set: '%prefix% &b/booster set &7<Player> <Anzahl> <Type> &8- &aGives the Player Booster.'
See: '%prefix% &b/booster see &7<Player> <Type> &8- &aShows Players Booster.'
Reload: '%prefix% &b/booster reload &2| &b/booster rl &8- &aReloads the Plugin.'
Refresh: '%prefix% &2New Boosters were activated.'
Success: '%prefix% &2You have given &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2new Booster'
Reciver: '%prefix% &2You have been send &6%count%, %type%-Boosters,&2 by &6%sender% '
Help: '%prefix% &cUsage: &b/booster add <player> <amount> <type>'
Success: '%prefix% &2You have set &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster.'
Reciver: '%prefix% &2You have been send &6%count% &2Booster Type: &6%type% &2by &6%sender%&2.'
Help: '%prefix% &cUsage: &b/booster set <player> <amount> <type>'
Success: '%prefix% &6%player% &has &6%count% &6%type%-&2Booster.'
Help: '%prefix% &cUsage: &b/booster add <player> <type>'
Success: '%prefix% &2You have removed &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster.'
Not_Enough: '%prefix% &c%reciver% does not have enough boosters.'
Reciver: '%prefix% &2You got from &6%sender%&2, &6%count% &2booster of type &6%type% &2removed.'
Help: '%prefix% &cPlease use: &b/booster remove <player> <amount> <type>'
Success: '%prefix% &2You added &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster.'
Reciver: '%prefix% &2You have received from &6%sender%&2, &6%count% &2booster of type &6%type% &2.'
Help: '%prefix% &cPlease use: &b/booster giveall <amount> <type>'
Success: '%prefix% &2You send &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster.'
Reciver: '%prefix% &2You got &6%count% &6%type%-&2Booster &2by &6%sender%&2.'
Help: '%prefix% &cUsage: &b/booster send <player> <amount> <type>'
Disabled: '%prefix% &cBonusBooster is currently deactivated :(.'
Recive: '%prefix% &2You got &6%count% %type% &2booster.'
Wait: '%prefix% &2You still have to wait &6%days% days&2, &6%hours% hours&2, &6%minutes% minutes &2.'
Help: '%prefix% &cPlease use: &b/booster bbreset <player>'
Success: '%prefix% &2You have reset from &6%player% &2the time.'
MaxStep: '%prefix% &cThe maximum amount of &6%type%-Boosters&c have been reached.'
Not_Enough: '%prefix% &cYou dont own enough Booster.'
Wrong_World: '%prefix% &cYou cannot start the booster in this world.'
Infinity: 'unlimited'
StartCountdown: '%prefix% Break Booster activates in &6%time% &cSeconds !'
Executer: '%prefix% &2You have activated a &6Break-Booster &2!'
Broadcast: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6%player% &2has activated a &6Break-Booster&8[&6x%stage%&8] &2! '
EndCounter: '%prefix% &cThe &6Break-Booster &cends in &6%counter% &cSeconds !'
Downgrade: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Break-Booster &ex%oldstage% &2has been deactivated! Now &8[&6x%newstage%&8]'
End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Break-Booster &2has been deactivated!'
Join: '%prefix% &2A &6Break-Booster &2is currently active!'
Disabled: '%prefix% &2The &6Break-Booster &2has been deactivated!'
StartCountdown: '%prefix% Fly Booster activates in &6%time% &cSeconds !'
Executer: '%prefix% &2You have activated a &6Fly-Booster &2!'
Broadcast: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6%player% &2has activated a &6Fly-Booster&8[&6x%stage%&8] &2! '
EndCounter: '%prefix% &cThe &6Fly-Booster &cends in &6%counter% &cSeconds !'
Downgrade: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Fly-Booster &ex%oldstage% &2has been deactivated! Now &8[&6x%newstage%&8]'
End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Fly-Booster &2has been deactivated!'
Join: '%prefix% &2A &6Fly-Booster &2is currently active!'
Disabled: '%prefix% &2The &6Fly-Booster &2has been deactivated!'
StartCountdown: '%prefix% Drop Booster activates in &6%time% &cSeconds !'
Executer: '%prefix% &2You have activated a &6Drop-Booster &2!'
Broadcast: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6%player% &2has activated a &6Drop-Booster&8[&6x%stage%&8] &2! '
EndCounter: '%prefix% &cThe &6Drop-Booster &cends in &6%counter% &cSeconds !'
Downgrade: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Drop-Booster &ex%oldstage% &2has been deactivated! Now &8[&6x%newstage%&8]'
End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Drop-Booster &2has been deactivated!'
Join: '%prefix% &2A &6Drop-Booster &2is currently active!'
Disabled: '%prefix% &2The &6Drop-Booster &2has been deactivated!'
StartCountdown: '%prefix% Mob-Booster activates in &6%time% &cSeconds !'
Executer: '%prefix% &2You have activated a &6Mob-Booster &2!'
Broadcast: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6%player% &2has activated a &6Mob-Booster&8[&6x%stage%&8] &2! '
EndCounter: '%prefix% &cThe &6Mob-Booster &cends in &6%counter% &cSeconds !'
Downgrade: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Mob-Booster &ex%oldstage% &2has been deactivated! Now &8[&6x%newstage%&8]'
End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Mob-Booster &2has been deactivated!'
Join: '%prefix% &2A &6Mob-Booster &2is currently active!'
Disabled: '%prefix% &2The &6Mob-Booster &2has been deactivated!'
StartCountdown: '%prefix% XP-Booster activates in &6%time% &cSeconds !'
Executer: '%prefix% &2You have activated a &6XP-Booster &2!'
Broadcast: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6%player% &2has activated a &6XP-Booster&8[&6x%stage%&8] &2! '
EndCounter: '%prefix% &cThe &6XP-Booster &cends in &6%counter% &cSeconds !'
Downgrade: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6XP-Booster &ex%oldstage% &2has been deactivated! Now &8[&6x%newstage%&8]'
End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6XP-Booster &2has been deactivated!'
Join: '%prefix% &2A &6XP-Booster &2is currently active!'
Disabled: '%prefix% &2The &6XP-Booster &2has been deactivated!'

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Slots:
- '&7Fly-Booster: &e%count_fly%' - '&7Fly-Booster: &e%count_fly%'
- '&7Mob-Booster: &e%count_mob%' - '&7Mob-Booster: &e%count_mob%'
- '&7XP-Booster: &e%count_xp%' - '&7XP-Booster: &e%count_xp%'
#- '&7Dropheads-Booster: &e%count_dropheads%'
15: 15:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material Type: Material
@ -243,6 +244,52 @@ Slots:
Lore: Lore:
- '&8--------------------' - '&8--------------------'
- '&c%status_xp%' - '&c%status_xp%'
# Can be commented out if Dropheads add-on is active
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: SKULL
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjQ1MjhiMzIyOTY2MGYzZGZhYjQyNDE0ZjU5ZWU4ZmQwMWU4MDA4MWRkM2RmMzA4Njk1MzZiYTliNDE0ZTA4OSJ9fX0='
# # The name of the item
# Title: '&6Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item.
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&aKlicke, um einen &6Drophead-Booster &2zu aktivieren'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible actions: activate_break, activate_drop, activate_fly, activate_mob, activate_xp, shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), open_shop
# Action: activate_dropheads
# # Permission to display the item
# Permission: 'booster.drophead'
# # Sound on click
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: Skull
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: ''
# # If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage
# Stageheads:
# Enable: true
# # Nummer in stageheads.yml or AUTO_[BOOSTER]
# # The name of the item
# Title: '&6Aktuelle Stufe'
# # Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_fly%, %status_break%, %status_drop%, %status_mob%, %status_xp%
# # If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%.
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&c%status_dropheads%'
# This item is set in all places where no item is stored. # This item is set in all places where no item is stored.
Background: Background:
Enabled: true Enabled: true

View File

@ -107,4 +107,30 @@ Slots:
# Permission to display the item # Permission to display the item
Permission: 'booster.xp' Permission: 'booster.xp'
# Sound on click # Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder' Sound: 'placeholder'
# Can be commented out if Dropheads add-on is active
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: SKULL
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjQ1MjhiMzIyOTY2MGYzZGZhYjQyNDE0ZjU5ZWU4ZmQwMWU4MDA4MWRkM2RmMzA4Njk1MzZiYTliNDE0ZTA4OSJ9fX0='
# # The name of the item
# Title: '&6Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item.
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&aKlicke, um einen &6Dropheads-Booster &2zu bekommen'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible Actions: get (Requires Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly])
# Action: get
# # Possible Types: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly
# Booster: dropheads
# # Permission to display the item
# Permission: 'booster.dropheads'
# # Sound on click

View File

@ -519,6 +519,97 @@ Shop:
Price: 7000 Price: 7000
# Sound on click # Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder' Sound: 'placeholder'
# If Dropheads is activated please increase number of rows in line 99 to 6
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: SKULL
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjQ1MjhiMzIyOTY2MGYzZGZhYjQyNDE0ZjU5ZWU4ZmQwMWU4MDA4MWRkM2RmMzA4Njk1MzZiYTliNDE0ZTA4OSJ9fX0='
# # The name of the item
# Title: '&6Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item.
# Lore: []
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: Skull
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ=='
# # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Title: '&6%count% Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Dropheads-Booster'
# - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
# Action: shop
# Count: 1
# Booster: Dropheads
# Price: 1000
# # Sound on click
# Sound: 'placeholder'
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: Skull
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0='
# # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Title: '&6%count% Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Dropheads-Booster'
# - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
# Action: shop
# Count: 5
# Booster: Dropheads
# Price: 4000
# # Sound on click
# Sound: 'placeholder'
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: Skull
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19'
# # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Title: '&6%count% Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Dropheads-Booster'
# - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
# Action: shop
# Count: 10
# Booster: Dropheads
# Price: 7000
# # Sound on click
# Sound: 'placeholder'
# For dropheads, change the return slot to 54.
45: 45:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull

View File

@ -4,6 +4,16 @@ ConsoleName: 'Server'
NoPermission: '%prefix% &cDafür hast du keine Rechte.' NoPermission: '%prefix% &cDafür hast du keine Rechte.'
PlayerNotFound: '%prefix% &cDer Spieler wurde nicht gefunden.' PlayerNotFound: '%prefix% &cDer Spieler wurde nicht gefunden.'
OnlyPlayers: '%prefix% &cDiesen Befehl können nur Spieler ausführen!' OnlyPlayers: '%prefix% &cDiesen Befehl können nur Spieler ausführen!'
Help: '%prefix% &cBitte nutze: &b/booster module load/unload/info/list <AddOn>'
AddOnNotFound: '%prefix% &cAddOn nicht gefunden.'
Loaded: '%prefix% &2AddOn geladen.'
AlreadyLoaded: '%prefix% &cAddOn bereits geladen.'
Unloaded: '%prefix% &2AddOn entladen.'
Reloaded: '%prefix% &2AddOn reloaded.'
NotLoaded: '%prefix% &cAddOn nicht geladen.'
AlreadyUnloaded: '%prefix% &cAddOn bereits entladen.'
List: '%prefix% &8--------------------------%newline%%prefix%&2 AddOn: &6%addon%%newline%%prefix%&2 - Version: &6%version%%newline%%prefix%&2 - Loaded: &6%loaded%%newline%%prefix%&2 - Description: &6%description%%newline%%prefix%'
Shop: Shop:
Not_Setup: '%prefix% &cVault nicht eingerichtet!' Not_Setup: '%prefix% &cVault nicht eingerichtet!'
Success: '%prefix% &2Du hast &6%count% &2Booster von &6%type%-Booster &2für &6%price% &2gekauft.' Success: '%prefix% &2Du hast &6%count% &2Booster von &6%type%-Booster &2für &6%price% &2gekauft.'
@ -39,6 +49,7 @@ Help:
Set: '%prefix% &b/booster set &7<Player> <Anzahl> <Type> &8- &aSetzt dem Spieler Booster.' Set: '%prefix% &b/booster set &7<Player> <Anzahl> <Type> &8- &aSetzt dem Spieler Booster.'
See: '%prefix% &b/booster see &7<Player> <Type> &8- &aZeigt die Anzahl der Booster des Spielers an.' See: '%prefix% &b/booster see &7<Player> <Type> &8- &aZeigt die Anzahl der Booster des Spielers an.'
Reload: '%prefix% &b/booster reload &2| &b/booster rl &8- &aReloaded die Config.' Reload: '%prefix% &b/booster reload &2| &b/booster rl &8- &aReloaded die Config.'
Module: '%prefix% &b/booster module load/unload/info/list <AddOn> &8- &aManage AddOns.'
Player: Player:
Refresh: '%prefix% &2Die Booster wurden angewandt.' Refresh: '%prefix% &2Die Booster wurden angewandt.'
AddBooster: AddBooster: