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29 Commits
5.2 ... main

Author SHA1 Message Date
Jkobs 900d84b722 Update config.yml 2023-08-30 19:18:37 +02:00
Jkobs fbd2b2ccf6 8.8 2023-08-30 19:00:46 +02:00
Jkobs ab619ba76f 8.6 2023-07-12 10:51:11 +02:00
Jkobs ee381aaa2b 8.6 2023-07-12 10:49:17 +02:00
Jakob Grundgeir 4288054c61 „Configs/English/messages.yml“ ändern 2023-05-16 20:11:20 +00:00
Jkobs 9610dce1d3 8.5 2023-03-02 08:57:00 +01:00
Jkobs 0a214b18b5 Update 2023-01-04 10:36:30 +01:00
Jkobs 052d9c32da Merge branch 'main' of 2022-11-26 18:03:26 +01:00
Jkobs fbba14a065 Update messages.yml 2022-11-26 18:03:23 +01:00
Jakob Grundgeir f27691f5b2 „Configs/English/config.yml“ ändern 2022-11-25 10:12:52 +00:00
Jakob Grundgeir 9eb1f2714f „Configs/German/config.yml“ ändern 2022-11-25 10:12:29 +00:00
Jkobs 4fc3a3a02a 7.8 2022-11-04 22:52:26 +01:00
Jkobs 527f521b2b Update 2022-10-07 19:19:16 +02:00
Jkobs 084dc0bd3c AddOns 2022-09-16 15:35:58 +02:00
Jakob Grundgeir 07df167cc6 „“ ändern 2022-08-08 09:27:14 +02:00
Jakob Grundgeir 2e92ccf7a6 „“ ändern 2022-08-08 09:27:07 +02:00
Jakob Grundgeir 7433e74e46 „“ ändern 2022-08-08 09:26:53 +02:00
Jakob Grundgeir 287e6b5737 „“ ändern 2022-08-08 09:26:45 +02:00
Jakob Grundgeir a5d2b205aa „“ ändern 2022-08-08 09:25:31 +02:00
Jkobs a66b0a9611 Lanugages 2022-08-08 09:07:46 +02:00
Jakob Grundgeir 7a335a0b79 „“ ändern 2022-07-18 16:27:14 +02:00
Jakob Grundgeir 52ab308ade „“ ändern 2022-07-18 00:39:39 +02:00
Jkobs f50ad9e8bb v 6.6 2022-07-14 23:35:45 +02:00
Jakob Grundgeir be5abaf47d „Configs/config.yml“ ändern 2022-07-14 09:30:46 +02:00
Jkobs 8c08605940 Changes 2022-07-11 17:38:34 +02:00
Jakob Grundgeir 5f61bc894c „Configs/GUIs/shop.yml“ ändern 2022-05-20 20:21:07 +02:00
Jakob Grundgeir fe2c061d7e „Configs/messages.yml“ ändern 2022-05-20 20:20:23 +02:00
Jakob Grundgeir 3f40aab928 „Configs/config.yml“ ändern 2022-05-20 20:20:11 +02:00
Jkobs a224499f37 Update 2022-05-19 15:37:23 +02:00
17 changed files with 2375 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
# GUI title Placeholder: %booster_name%
Title: '&4Booster &8- &2%booster_name%'
# Number of rows in the GUI
Rows: 3
# The number represents the slot of the item
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material, Skull or ClickedItem (Item clicked to open this GUI)
Type: ClickedItem
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3,
Action: activate
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: ''
# If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage
Enable: true
# Nummer in stageheads.yml or AUTO_[BOOSTER]
Value: 1
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Stufe 1'
# Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_step1%, %status_step2%, %status_step3%
# If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Click to activate'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3,
Action: activate_step1
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: ''
# If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage
Enable: true
# Nummer in stageheads.yml
Value: 2
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Stufe 2'
# Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_step1%, %status_step2%, %status_step3%
# If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Click to activate'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3,
Action: activate_step2
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: ''
# If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage
Enable: true
# Nummer in stageheads.yml
Value: 3
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Stufe 3'
# Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_step1%, %status_step2%, %status_step3%
# If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Click to activate'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3,
Action: activate_step3
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYWQ3M2NmNjZkMzFiODNjZDhiODY0NGMxNTk1OGMxYjczYzhkOTczMjNiODAxMTcwYzFkODg2NGJiNmE4NDZkIn19fQ=='
# If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage
Stageheads: false
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6Zurück'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&7Menu'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: back
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# This item is set in all places where no item is stored.
Enabled: true
Material: 'placeholder'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# GUI title Placeholder: %booster_name%
Title: '&4Booster &8- &2Bestätigen'
# Number of rows in the GUI
Rows: 4
# The number represents the slot of the item
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: paper
# The name of the item
Title: '&2Confirm'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder: %count% (How many boosters are withdrawn)
- '&8--------------------'
- '&4&6%count% %type%-Booster'
- '&4will be removed from your account.'
- ''
- '&6%count% %type%-Booster &2will be activated'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: emerald_block
# The name of the item
Title: '&2Confirm'
# Lore of the item.
Lore: []
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: accept, deny, close
Action: accept
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: redstone_block
# The name of the item
Title: '&4Cancel'
# Lore of the item.
Lore: []
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: accept, deny, close
Action: deny
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# This item is set in all places where no item is stored.
Enabled: true
Material: 'placeholder'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
# This is the GUI
# GUI title
Title: '&4Booster &8- &2Übersicht'
# Number of rows in the GUI
Rows: 6
# Slots listing
# The number represents the slot of the item
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzk2Y2UxM2ZmNjE1NWZkZjMyMzVkOGQyMjE3NGM1ZGU0YmY1NTEyZjFhZGVkYTFhZmEzZmMyODE4MGYzZjcifX19'
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Boosters:'
# Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_fly%, %status_break%, %status_drop%, %status_mob%, %status_xp%
# If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&7Break-Booster: &e%count_break%'
- '&7Drop-Booster: &e%count_drop%'
- '&7Fly-Booster: &e%count_fly%'
- '&7Mob-Booster: &e%count_mob%'
- '&7XP-Booster: &e%count_xp%'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: gold_ingot
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Shop'
# Lore of the item.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&7Shop'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: activate_break, activate_drop, activate_fly, activate_mob, activate_xp, shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), open_shop
Action: open_shop
# Permission to display the item
Permission: ''
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: iron_pickaxe
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Break-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&aClick to activate a &6Break-Booster'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: activate_break, activate_drop, activate_fly, activate_mob, activate_xp, shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), open_shop
Action: activate_break
# Permission to display the item
Permission: 'booster.break'
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: iron_ingot
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Drop-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&aClick to activate a &6Drop-Booster'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: activate_break, activate_drop, activate_fly, activate_mob, activate_xp, shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), open_shop
Action: activate_drop
# Permission to display the item
Permission: 'booster.drop'
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: feather
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Fly-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&aClick to activate a &6Fly-Booster '
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: activate_break, activate_drop, activate_fly, activate_mob, activate_xp, shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), open_shop
Action: activate_fly
# Permission to display the item
Permission: ''
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: bone
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Mob-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&aClick to activate a &6Mob-Booster'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: activate_break, activate_drop, activate_fly, activate_mob, activate_xp, shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), open_shop
Action: activate_mob
# Permission to display the item
Permission: 'booster.mob'
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: 'placeholder_xp'
# The name of the item
Title: '&6XP-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&aClick to activate a &6XP-Booster '
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: activate_break, activate_drop, activate_fly, activate_mob, activate_xp, shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), open_shop
Action: activate_xp
# Permission to display the item
Permission: 'booster.xp'
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: ''
# If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage
Enable: true
# Nummer in stageheads.yml or AUTO_[BOOSTER]
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Current Stage'
# Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_fly%, %status_break%, %status_drop%, %status_mob%, %status_xp%
# If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&c%status_break%'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: ''
# If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage
Enable: true
# Nummer in stageheads.yml or AUTO_[BOOSTER]
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Current Stage'
# Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_fly%, %status_break%, %status_drop%, %status_mob%, %status_xp%
# If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&c%status_drop%'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: ''
# If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage
Enable: true
# Nummer in stageheads.yml or AUTO_[BOOSTER]
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Current Stage'
# Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_fly%, %status_break%, %status_drop%, %status_mob%, %status_xp%
# If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&c%status_fly%'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: ''
# If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage
Enable: true
# Nummer in stageheads.yml or AUTO_[BOOSTER]
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Current Stage'
# Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_fly%, %status_break%, %status_drop%, %status_mob%, %status_xp%
# If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&c%status_mob%'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: ''
# If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage
Enable: true
# Nummer in stageheads.yml or AUTO_[BOOSTER]
Value: AUTO_XP
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Current Stage'
# Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_fly%, %status_break%, %status_drop%, %status_mob%, %status_xp%
# If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&c%status_xp%'
# Can be commented out if Dropheads add-on is active
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: SKULL
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjQ1MjhiMzIyOTY2MGYzZGZhYjQyNDE0ZjU5ZWU4ZmQwMWU4MDA4MWRkM2RmMzA4Njk1MzZiYTliNDE0ZTA4OSJ9fX0='
# # The name of the item
# Title: '&6Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item.
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&aClick to activate a &6Drophead-Booster'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible actions: activate_break, activate_drop, activate_fly, activate_mob, activate_xp, shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), open_shop
# Action: activate_dropheads
# # Permission to display the item
# Permission: 'booster.drophead'
# # Sound on click
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: Skull
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: ''
# # If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage
# Stageheads:
# Enable: true
# # Nummer in stageheads.yml or AUTO_[BOOSTER]
# # The name of the item
# Title: '&6Current Stage'
# # Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_fly%, %status_break%, %status_drop%, %status_mob%, %status_xp%
# # If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%.
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&c%status_dropheads%'
# This item is set in all places where no item is stored.
Enabled: true
Material: 'placeholder'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
# GUI title
Title: '&4Booster'
# Number of rows in the GUI
Rows: 3
# This item is set in all places where no item is stored.
Enabled: true
Material: 'placeholder'
# The number represents the slot of the item
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: iron_pickaxe
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Break-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&aClick to get a &6Break-Booster'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: get (Requires Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly])
Action: get
# Possible Types: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly
Booster: Break
# Permission to display the item
Permission: 'booster.break'
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: iron_ingot
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Drop-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&aClick to get a &6Drop-Booster'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: get (Requires Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly])
Action: get
# Possible Types: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly
Booster: Drop
# Permission to display the item
Permission: 'booster.drop'
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: feather
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Fly-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&aClick to get a &6Fly-Booster'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: get (Requires Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly])
Action: get
# Possible Types: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly
Booster: Fly
# Permission to display the item
Permission: ''
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: bone
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Mob-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&aClickt to get a &6Mob-Booster'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: get (Requires Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly])
Action: get
# Possible Types: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly
Booster: Mob
# Permission to display the item
Permission: 'booster.mob'
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: 'placeholder_xp'
# The name of the item
Title: '&6XP-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&aClick to get a &6XP-Booster'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: get (Requires Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly])
Action: get
# Possible Types: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly
Booster: XP
# Permission to display the item
Permission: 'booster.xp'
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# Can be commented out if Dropheads add-on is active
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: SKULL
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjQ1MjhiMzIyOTY2MGYzZGZhYjQyNDE0ZjU5ZWU4ZmQwMWU4MDA4MWRkM2RmMzA4Njk1MzZiYTliNDE0ZTA4OSJ9fX0='
# # The name of the item
# Title: '&6Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item.
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&aKlicke, um einen &6Dropheads-Booster &2zu bekommen'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible Actions: get (Requires Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly])
# Action: get
# # Possible Types: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly
# Booster: dropheads
# # Permission to display the item
# Permission: 'booster.dropheads'
# # Sound on click

View File

@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
# Shop GUI
# The config is divided into GlobalBooster and SingelBooster. This is the setting in config.yml
# GUI title
Title: '&4Booster &7- &2Shop'
# Number of rows in the GUI
Rows: 3
# The number represents the slot of the item
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: iron_block
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6%count% Booster'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Buy &6%count% &2Booster'
- '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count and Price), back
Action: shop
Count: 1
Price: 1000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: gold_block
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6%count% Booster'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Buy &6%count% &2Booster'
- '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count and Price), back
Action: shop
Count: 5
Price: 4000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: diamond_block
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6%count% Booster'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Buy &6%count% &2Booster'
- '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count and Price), back
Action: shop
Count: 10
Price: 7000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: 'MHF_ArrowLeft'
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: false
Value: ''
# If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage
Stageheads: false
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6Back'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&7Menu'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count and Price), back
Action: back
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# This item is set in all places where no item is stored.
Enabled: true
Material: 'placeholder'
# GUI title
Title: '&4Booster &7- &2Shop'
# Number of rows in the GUI
Rows: 5
# The number represents the slot of the item
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: iron_pickaxe
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Break-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
Lore: []
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: iron_ingot
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Drop-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
Lore: []
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: feather
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Fly-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
Lore: []
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: bone
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Mob-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
Lore: []
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: 'placeholder_xp'
# The name of the item
Title: '&6XP-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
Lore: []
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ=='
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6%count% Break-Booster'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Buy &6%count% &2Break-Booster'
- '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: shop
Count: 1
Booster: Break
Price: 1000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0='
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6%count% Break-Booster'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Buy &6%count% &2Break-Booster'
- '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: shop
Count: 5
Booster: Break
Price: 4000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19'
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6%count% Break-Booster'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Buy &6%count% &2Break-Booster'
- '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: shop
Count: 10
Booster: Break
Price: 7000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ=='
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6%count% Drop-Booster'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Buy &6%count% &2Drop-Booster'
- '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: shop
Count: 1
Booster: Drop
Price: 1000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0='
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6%count% Drop-Booster'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Buy &6%count% &2Drop-Booster'
- '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: shop
Count: 5
Booster: Drop
Price: 4000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19'
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6%count% Drop-Booster'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Buy &6%count% &2Drop-Booster'
- '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: shop
Count: 10
Booster: Drop
Price: 7000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ=='
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6%count% Fly-Booster'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Buy &6%count% &2Fly-Booster'
- '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: shop
Count: 1
Booster: Fly
Price: 1000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0='
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6%count% Fly-Booster'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Buy &6%count% &2Fly-Booster'
- '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: shop
Count: 5
Booster: Fly
Price: 4000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19'
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6%count% Fly-Booster'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Buy &6%count% &2Fly-Booster'
- '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: shop
Count: 10
Booster: Fly
Price: 7000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ=='
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6%count% Mob-Booster'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Buy &6%count% &2Mob-Booster'
- '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: shop
Count: 1
Booster: Mob
Price: 1000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0='
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6%count% Mob-Booster'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Buy &6%count% &2Mob-Booster'
- '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: shop
Count: 5
Booster: Mob
Price: 4000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19'
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6%count% Mob-Booster'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Buy &6%count% &2Mob-Booster'
- '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: shop
Count: 10
Booster: Mob
Price: 7000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ=='
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6%count% XP-Booster'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Buy &6%count% &2XP-Booster'
- '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: shop
Count: 1
Booster: XP
Price: 1000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0='
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6%count% XP-Booster'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Buy &6%count% &2XP-Booster'
- '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: shop
Count: 5
Booster: XP
Price: 4000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19'
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6%count% XP-Booster'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&2Buy &6%count% &2XP-Booster'
- '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: shop
Count: 10
Booster: XP
Price: 7000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# If Dropheads is activated please increase number of rows in line 99 to 6
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: SKULL
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjQ1MjhiMzIyOTY2MGYzZGZhYjQyNDE0ZjU5ZWU4ZmQwMWU4MDA4MWRkM2RmMzA4Njk1MzZiYTliNDE0ZTA4OSJ9fX0='
# # The name of the item
# Title: '&6Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item.
# Lore: []
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: Skull
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ=='
# # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Title: '&6%count% Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Dropheads-Booster'
# - '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
# Action: shop
# Count: 1
# Booster: Dropheads
# Price: 1000
# # Sound on click
# Sound: 'placeholder'
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: Skull
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0='
# # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Title: '&6%count% Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Dropheads-Booster'
# - '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
# Action: shop
# Count: 5
# Booster: Dropheads
# Price: 4000
# # Sound on click
# Sound: 'placeholder'
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: Skull
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19'
# # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Title: '&6%count% Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&2Buy &6%count% &2Dropheads-Booster'
# - '&2Price: &6%price%$'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
# Action: shop
# Count: 10
# Booster: Dropheads
# Price: 7000
# # Sound on click
# Sound: 'placeholder'
# For dropheads, change the return slot to 54.
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull
# The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
Owner: ''
# If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
Enable: true
Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYWQ3M2NmNjZkMzFiODNjZDhiODY0NGMxNTk1OGMxYjczYzhkOTczMjNiODAxMTcwYzFkODg2NGJiNmE4NDZkIn19fQ=='
# The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Title: '&6Back'
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
- '&8--------------------'
- '&7Menu'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: back
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# This item is set in all places where no item is stored.
Enabled: true
Material: 'placeholder'

View File

@ -11,22 +11,56 @@ Datastore:
UpdateMessage: true UpdateMessage: true
# Compatibility with MySQLPlayerDataBridge # Compatibility with MySQLPlayerDataBridge
MySQLPlayerDataBridge: false MySQLPlayerDataBridge: false
# Compatibility with Lands
Lands: false
# Compatibility with Jobs
Jobs: false
# Compatibility with WorldGuard
# Enable Compatibility
Enable: false
# Time Refreshing the Player in Seconds
RefreshTimer: 3
# Enable MiniMessage Support for messages. No GUI! (
MiniMessageSupport: false
# Messages are not sent globally but as private messages # Messages are not sent globally but as private messages
SendAsPrivateMessage: false SendAsPrivateMessage: false
# Enable Logging # Enable Logging
Logging: true Logging: true
# If a booster is started, but one is already running, it will be put on hold and started as soon as the other one runs out. The Booster with higher step will start first
BiggerBoosterFirst: true
# Should 2 digits always be displayed for Second placeholders
TwoDigitsS: false
# Should 2 digits always be displayed for Minute placeholders
TwoDigitsM: false
# What should happen at the '/booster' command. Options: GUI, OVERVIEW # What should happen at the '/booster' command. Options: GUI, OVERVIEW
Maincommand: GUI Maincommand: GUI
# Disable Booster-Messages on Join
DisableJoinMessages: false
Booster: Booster:
# BoosterPermission + .[stage] Example: booster.break.1, booster.break.2, booster.break.3
PermissionPerStage: false
# Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it # Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it
Time: 10 Time: 10
# Each player must activate the booster itself.
PerPlayer: false
# No XP bottles can be used during an XP booster
DisableXPBottles: false
# Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist # Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist
ListMode: Blacklist ListMode: Blacklist
# List of worlds of the filter # List of worlds of the filter
List: List:
- World1 - World1
- World2 - World2
# Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist for WorldGuard
WG_ListMode: Blacklist
# List of Regions of the filter (WorldGuard)
- Spawn
- Spawn2
# Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated # Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated
FireworkOnStart: true FireworkOnStart: true
Stages: Stages:
@ -58,15 +92,30 @@ Booster:
Time: 20,10,5,3,2,1 Time: 20,10,5,3,2,1
# Sound to be played # Sound to be played
Sound: 'placeholder' Sound: 'placeholder'
# If a booster is started, but one is already running, it will be put on hold and started as soon as the other one runs out.
Enable: false
# Cooldown before a new one can be started. Time in Seconds Queue will be disabled.
Enable: false
Time: 1200
Break: Break:
# Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it # Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it
Time: 10 Time: 10
# Each player must activate the booster itself.
PerPlayer: false
# Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist # Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist
ListMode: Blacklist ListMode: Blacklist
# List of worlds of the filter # List of worlds of the filter
List: List:
- World1 - World1
- World2 - World2
# Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist for WorldGuard
WG_ListMode: Blacklist
# List of Regions of the filter (WorldGuard)
- Spawn
- Spawn2
# Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated # Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated
FireworkOnStart: true FireworkOnStart: true
Stages: Stages:
@ -98,15 +147,30 @@ Booster:
Time: 20,10,5,3,2,1 Time: 20,10,5,3,2,1
# Sound to be played # Sound to be played
Sound: 'placeholder' Sound: 'placeholder'
# If a booster is started, but one is already running, it will be put on hold and started as soon as the other one runs out.
Enable: false
# Cooldown before a new one can be started. Time in Seconds Queue will be disabled.
Enable: false
Time: 1200
Drop: Drop:
# Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it # Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it
Time: 10 Time: 10
# Each player must activate the booster itself.
PerPlayer: false
# Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist # Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist
ListMode: Blacklist ListMode: Blacklist
# List of worlds of the filter # List of worlds of the filter
List: List:
- World1 - World1
- World2 - World2
# Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist for WorldGuard
WG_ListMode: Blacklist
# List of Regions of the filter (WorldGuard)
- Spawn
- Spawn2
# Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated # Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated
FireworkOnStart: true FireworkOnStart: true
Stages: Stages:
@ -144,6 +208,13 @@ Booster:
Time: 20,10,5,3,2,1 Time: 20,10,5,3,2,1
# Sound to be played # Sound to be played
Sound: 'placeholder' Sound: 'placeholder'
# If a booster is started, but one is already running, it will be put on hold and started as soon as the other one runs out.
Enable: false
# Cooldown before a new one can be started. Time in Seconds Queue will be disabled.
Enable: false
Time: 1200
Mob: Mob:
# Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it # Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it
Time: 10 Time: 10
@ -153,8 +224,18 @@ Booster:
List: List:
- World1 - World1
- World2 - World2
# Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist for WorldGuard
WG_ListMode: Blacklist
# List of Regions of the filter (WorldGuard)
- Spawn
- Spawn2
# Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated # Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated
FireworkOnStart: true FireworkOnStart: true
# If Enabled Natural Mob Spawning will be multiplied
NaturalSpawning: false
# If Enabled Spawner will not be multiplied
DisableSpawnerSpawning: false
Stages: Stages:
# How many levels the booster should have. You can expand it by copy-paste or reduce it by delete. # How many levels the booster should have. You can expand it by copy-paste or reduce it by delete.
# Attention There must not be a duplicate name! # Attention There must not be a duplicate name!
@ -184,9 +265,18 @@ Booster:
Time: 20,10,5,3,2,1 Time: 20,10,5,3,2,1
# Sound to be played # Sound to be played
Sound: 'placeholder' Sound: 'placeholder'
# If a booster is started, but one is already running, it will be put on hold and started as soon as the other one runs out.
Enable: false
# Cooldown before a new one can be started. Time in Seconds Queue will be disabled.
Enable: false
Time: 1200
Fly: Fly:
# Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it # Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it
Time: 10 Time: 10
# Each player must activate the booster itself.
PerPlayer: false
# When this option is active, players with a special permission will not have the fly effect removed any more # When this option is active, players with a special permission will not have the fly effect removed any more
FlyBypassEnable: false FlyBypassEnable: false
# Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist # Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist
@ -195,6 +285,12 @@ Booster:
List: List:
- World1 - World1
- World2 - World2
# Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist for WorldGuard
WG_ListMode: Blacklist
# List of Regions of the filter (WorldGuard)
- Spawn
- Spawn2
# Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated # Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated
FireworkOnStart: true FireworkOnStart: true
# There are no steps with the Fly-Booster # There are no steps with the Fly-Booster
@ -219,19 +315,43 @@ Booster:
# Delay when a fly booster ends and players do not get fall damage # Delay when a fly booster ends and players do not get fall damage
FallDamageDelay: FallDamageDelay:
Enable: true Enable: true
# Time where players do not get fall damage after finishing in seconds # Time when players do not get fall damage after finishing in seconds
Time: 5 Time: 5
# If a booster is started, but one is already running, it will be put on hold and started as soon as the other one runs out.
Enable: false
# Cooldown before a new one can be started. Time in Seconds Queue will be disabled.
Enable: false
Time: 1200
Shop: Shop:
# If this is disabled, you must buy each booster type separately. If this setting is active, a purchased booster is usable for all types # If this is disabled, you must buy each booster type separately. If this setting is active, a purchased booster is usable for all types
GlobalBoosters: false GlobalBoosters: false
# Sound to be played when the store is opened. Set it to null to disable it # Sound to be played when the store is opened. Set it to null to disable it
Sound: 'placeholder' Sound: 'placeholder'
# Player get a notification at join if he can get a BonusBooster
BonusBoosterReminder: true
# Booster that players get for free after a certain period of time (With Permission) # Booster that players get for free after a certain period of time (With Permission)
Bonusbooster: Bonusbooster:
# Time until you can get a bonus booster in hours (Set to -1 to disable) # Priority of Bonus
Time: 168 # Require Numbers
# Number of boosters you get 1:
Count: 1 # Time until you can get a bonus booster in hours
# What booster Man should get guys: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly, ALL, Random Time: 168
# You can also set it like this, for example: XP,Break,Mob, Random # Number of boosters you get
Type: Random Count: 2
# What booster Man should get guys: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly, ALL, Random
# You can also set it like this, for example: XP,Break,Mob, Random, Select
Type: ALL
# Permission
Permission: 'booster.bonusbooster.admin'
# Time until you can get a bonus booster in hours
Time: 168
# Number of boosters you get
Count: 1
# What booster Man should get guys: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly, ALL, Random
# You can also set it like this, for example: XP,Break,Mob, Random, Select
Type: Random
# Permission
Permission: 'booster.bonusbooster.mod'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
Prefix: '&8[&4Booster&8]'
Reload: '%prefix% &2loaded successfully.'
ConsoleName: 'Console'
NoPermission: '%prefix% &cinsufficient permissions.'
PlayerNotFound: '%prefix% &ctarget not found.'
OnlyPlayers: '%prefix% &conly players can execute this command'
Paused: '%prefix% &2The booster was paused because a stronger one was started.'
InQueue: '%prefix% &2The booster is in the queue and will be started as soon as the current one is over.'
Help: '%prefix% &cPlease use: &b/booster module load/unload/info/list <AddOn>'
AddOnNotFound: '%prefix% &cAddOn not found.'
Loaded: '%prefix% &2AddOn loaded.'
AlreadyLoaded: '%prefix% &cAddOn already loaded.'
Unloaded: '%prefix% &2Unload AddOn.'
Reloaded: '%prefix% &2AddOn reloaded.'
NotLoaded: '%prefix% &cAddOn not loaded.'
AlreadyUnloaded: '%prefix% &cAddOn already unloaded.'
List: '%prefix% &8--------------------------%newline%%prefix%&2 AddOn: &6%addon%%newline%%prefix%&2 - Version: &6%version%%newline%%prefix%&2 - Loaded: &6%loaded%%newline%%prefix%&2 - Description: &6%description%%newline%%prefix%'
Not_Setup: '%prefix% &cvault missing!'
Success: '%prefix% &2You have bought &6%count% &6%type%-Booster &2vor &6%price%.'
No_Money: '%prefix% &cinsufficient money reserves.'
Help: '%prefix% &cPlease use: &b/booster shop <Player>'
NoMySQL: '%prefix% &cPlease enable MySQL in Config.yml!'
NoFile: '%prefix% &cThe Booster.yml does not exist!'
Success: '%prefix% &2Convert completed.'
Help: '%prefix% &cPlease use: &b/booster convert <typ>'
Overview: '%prefix% &8------ &4Booster &8------%newline%%prefix%%newline%%prefix% &The &6Break-Booster &2is &ex%status_break%&2. You own: &6%count_break%%newline%%prefix% &2The &6Drop-Booster &2is &ex%status_drop%&2. You own: &6%count_drop%%newline%%prefix% &2The &6Mob-Booster &2is &ex%status_mob%&2. You own: &6%count_mob%%newline%%prefix% &2The &6Fly-Booster &2is &ex%status_fly%&2. You own: &6%count_fly%%newline%%prefix% &2The &6XP-Booster &2is &ex%status_xp%&2. You own: &6%count_xp%%newline%%prefix% &8------ &4Booster &8------'
Player: '%prefix% &2You have stopped all Boosts.'
Broadcast: '%prefix% &2All Boosts have been stopped.'
Player: '%prefix% &2You have stopped the &6%type%-Booster.'
Broadcast: '%prefix% &2All &6%type%-Booster &2were stopped.'
Help: '%prefix% &cUsage: &b/booster stop <type>'
Help: '%prefix% &cPlease use: &b/booster ignore <type>'
Ignoring: '%prefix% &cYou are now ignoring the &6%type%-Booster&c!'
UnIgnoring: '%prefix% &2You no longer ignore the &6%type%-Booster&2!'
Active: 'active'
Disabled: 'inactive'
Header: '%prefix% &8------ &4Booster help &8------%newline%%prefix%'
Footer: '%prefix%%newline%%prefix% &8--------------------------'
Status: '%prefix% &b/booster status &8- &alists all Booster.'
GUI: '%prefix% &b/booster &8- &aopens the GUI.'
Shop: '%prefix% &b/booster buy &8- &aopens the Shop.'
Bonus: '%prefix% &b/bonusbooster &2| &b/bb &8- &adeaktiviert.'
Update: '%prefix% &b/booster update &8- &aReloads your Boosters.'
Send: '%prefix% &b/booster send &7<Player> <Number> &8- &aSends your Booster to <Player>.'
Break: '%prefix% &b/booster break &8- &aActivates the Break-Booster.'
Drop: '%prefix% &b/booster drop &8- &aActivates the Drop-Booster.'
Fly: '%prefix% &b/booster fly &8- &aActivates the Fly-Booster.'
Mob: '%prefix% &b/booster mob &8- &aActivates the Mob-Booster.'
XP: '%prefix% &b/booster xp &8- &aActivates the XP-Booster.'
Add: '%prefix% &b/booster add &7<Player> <Number> <Type> &8- &aGives the Target <Number> of <Type>-Booster.'
Giveall: '%prefix% &b/booster giveall &7<Count> <Type> &8- &aGives every online player Booster.'
Remove: '%prefix% &b/booster remove &7<Player> <Count> <Type> &8- &aRemoves Players Booster.'
Set: '%prefix% &b/booster set &7<Player> <Count> <Type> &8- &aGives the Player Booster.'
See: '%prefix% &b/booster see &7<Player> <Type> &8- &aShows Players Booster.'
Reload: '%prefix% &b/booster reload &2| &b/booster rl &8- &aReloads the Plugin.'
Module: '%prefix% &b/booster module load/unload/info/list <AddOn> &8- &aManage AddOns.'
Refresh: '%prefix% &2New Boosters were activated.'
Success: '%prefix% &2You have given &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2new Booster'
Reciver: '%prefix% &2You have been send &6%count%, %type%-Boosters,&2 by &6%sender% '
Help: '%prefix% &cUsage: &b/booster add <player> <amount> <type>'
Success: '%prefix% &2You have set &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster.'
Reciver: '%prefix% &2You have been send &6%count% &2Booster Type: &6%type% &2by &6%sender%&2.'
Help: '%prefix% &cUsage: &b/booster set <player> <amount> <type>'
Success: '%prefix% &6%player% &has &6%count% &6%type%-&2Booster.'
Help: '%prefix% &cUsage: &b/booster add <player> <type>'
Success: '%prefix% &2You have removed &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster.'
Not_Enough: '%prefix% &c%reciver% does not have enough boosters.'
Reciver: '%prefix% &2You got from &6%sender%&2, &6%count% &2booster of type &6%type% &2removed.'
Help: '%prefix% &cPlease use: &b/booster remove <player> <amount> <type>'
Success: '%prefix% &2You added &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster.'
Reciver: '%prefix% &2You have received from &6%sender%&2, &6%count% &2booster of type &6%type% &2.'
Help: '%prefix% &cPlease use: &b/booster giveall <amount> <type>'
Success: '%prefix% &2You send &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster.'
Reciver: '%prefix% &2You got &6%count% &6%type%-&2Booster &2by &6%sender%&2.'
Help: '%prefix% &cUsage: &b/booster send <player> <amount> <type>'
Disabled: '%prefix% &cBonusBooster is currently deactivated :(.'
Recive: '%prefix% &2You got &6%count% %type% &2booster.'
Wait: '%prefix% &2You still have to wait &6%days% days&2, &6%hours% hours&2, &6%minutes% minutes &2.'
Join: '%prefix% &2You can get a BonusBooster.'
Help: '%prefix% &cPlease use: &b/booster bbreset <player>'
Success: '%prefix% &2You have reset from &6%player% &2the time.'
MaxStep: '%prefix% &cThe maximum amount of &6%type%-Boosters&c have been reached.'
Not_Enough: '%prefix% &cYou dont own enough Booster.'
Wrong_World: '%prefix% &cYou cannot start the booster in this world.'
Infinity: 'unlimited'
RefreshAll: '%prefix% &2All Players refreshed.'
StartCountdown: '%prefix% Break Booster activates in &6%time% &cSeconds !'
Executer: '%prefix% &2You have activated a &6Break-Booster &2!'
Broadcast: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6%player% &2has activated a &6Break-Booster&8[&6x%stage%&8] &2! '
EndCounter: '%prefix% &cThe &6Break-Booster &cends in &6%counter% &cSeconds !'
Downgrade: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Break-Booster &ex%oldstage% &2has been deactivated! Now &8[&6x%newstage%&8]'
End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Break-Booster &2has been deactivated!'
Join: '%prefix% &2A &6Break-Booster &2is currently active!'
Disabled: '%prefix% &2The &6Break-Booster &2has been deactivated!'
Cooldown: '%prefix% &2You still have to wait &6%hours% hours&2, &6%minutes% minutes&2, &6%seconds% seconds &2.'
StartCountdown: '%prefix% Fly Booster activates in &6%time% &cSeconds !'
Executer: '%prefix% &2You have activated a &6Fly-Booster &2!'
Broadcast: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6%player% &2has activated a &6Fly-Booster&8[&6x%stage%&8] &2! '
EndCounter: '%prefix% &cThe &6Fly-Booster &cends in &6%counter% &cSeconds !'
Downgrade: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Fly-Booster &ex%oldstage% &2has been deactivated! Now &8[&6x%newstage%&8]'
End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Fly-Booster &2has been deactivated!'
Join: '%prefix% &2A &6Fly-Booster &2is currently active!'
Disabled: '%prefix% &2The &6Fly-Booster &2has been deactivated!'
Cooldown: '%prefix% &2You still have to wait &6%hours% hours&2, &6%minutes% minutes&2, &6%seconds% seconds &2.'
StartCountdown: '%prefix% Drop Booster activates in &6%time% &cSeconds !'
Executer: '%prefix% &2You have activated a &6Drop-Booster &2!'
Broadcast: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6%player% &2has activated a &6Drop-Booster&8[&6x%stage%&8] &2! '
EndCounter: '%prefix% &cThe &6Drop-Booster &cends in &6%counter% &cSeconds !'
Downgrade: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Drop-Booster &ex%oldstage% &2has been deactivated! Now &8[&6x%newstage%&8]'
End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Drop-Booster &2has been deactivated!'
Join: '%prefix% &2A &6Drop-Booster &2is currently active!'
Disabled: '%prefix% &2The &6Drop-Booster &2has been deactivated!'
Cooldown: '%prefix% &2You still have to wait &6%hours% hours&2, &6%minutes% minutes&2, &6%seconds% seconds &2.'
StartCountdown: '%prefix% Mob-Booster activates in &6%time% &cSeconds !'
Executer: '%prefix% &2You have activated a &6Mob-Booster &2!'
Broadcast: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6%player% &2has activated a &6Mob-Booster&8[&6x%stage%&8] &2! '
EndCounter: '%prefix% &cThe &6Mob-Booster &cends in &6%counter% &cSeconds !'
Downgrade: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Mob-Booster &ex%oldstage% &2has been deactivated! Now &8[&6x%newstage%&8]'
End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Mob-Booster &2has been deactivated!'
Join: '%prefix% &2A &6Mob-Booster &2is currently active!'
Disabled: '%prefix% &2The &6Mob-Booster &2has been deactivated!'
Cooldown: '%prefix% &2You still have to wait &6%hours% hours&2, &6%minutes% minutes&2, &6%seconds% seconds &2.'
StartCountdown: '%prefix% XP-Booster activates in &6%time% &cSeconds !'
Executer: '%prefix% &2You have activated a &6XP-Booster &2!'
Broadcast: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6%player% &2has activated a &6XP-Booster&8[&6x%stage%&8] &2! '
EndCounter: '%prefix% &cThe &6XP-Booster &cends in &6%counter% &cSeconds !'
Downgrade: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6XP-Booster &ex%oldstage% &2has been deactivated! Now &8[&6x%newstage%&8]'
End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6XP-Booster &2has been deactivated!'
Join: '%prefix% &2A &6XP-Booster &2is currently active!'
Disabled: '%prefix% &2The &6XP-Booster &2has been deactivated!'
NoXPBottle: "%prefix% &2You can't use any XP Bottles during a &6XP Booster&2!"
Cooldown: '%prefix% &2You still have to wait &6%hours% hours&2, &6%minutes% minutes&2, &6%seconds% seconds &2.'

View File

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ Slots:
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3, # Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3,
Action: activate Action: activate
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
14: 14:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ Slots:
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3, # Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3,
Action: activate_step1 Action: activate_step1
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
15: 15:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -60,6 +64,8 @@ Slots:
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3, # Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3,
Action: activate_step2 Action: activate_step2
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
16: 16:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -85,6 +91,8 @@ Slots:
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3, # Possible actions: activate, activate_step1, activate_step2,activate_step3,
Action: activate_step3 Action: activate_step3
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
27: 27:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -106,6 +114,8 @@ Slots:
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: back Action: back
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# This item is set in all places where no item is stored. # This item is set in all places where no item is stored.
Background: Background:
Enabled: true Enabled: true

View File

@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ Slots:
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: accept, deny, close # Possible actions: accept, deny, close
Action: accept Action: accept
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
25: 25:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material Type: Material
@ -42,6 +44,8 @@ Slots:
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible actions: accept, deny, close # Possible actions: accept, deny, close
Action: deny Action: deny
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# This item is set in all places where no item is stored. # This item is set in all places where no item is stored.
Background: Background:
Enabled: true Enabled: true

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Slots:
- '&7Fly-Booster: &e%count_fly%' - '&7Fly-Booster: &e%count_fly%'
- '&7Mob-Booster: &e%count_mob%' - '&7Mob-Booster: &e%count_mob%'
- '&7XP-Booster: &e%count_xp%' - '&7XP-Booster: &e%count_xp%'
#- '&7Dropheads-Booster: &e%count_dropheads%'
15: 15:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material Type: Material
@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ Slots:
Action: activate_break Action: activate_break
# Permission to display the item # Permission to display the item
Permission: 'booster.break' Permission: 'booster.break'
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
31: 31:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material Type: Material
@ -75,6 +78,8 @@ Slots:
Action: activate_drop Action: activate_drop
# Permission to display the item # Permission to display the item
Permission: 'booster.drop' Permission: 'booster.drop'
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
32: 32:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material Type: Material
@ -91,6 +96,8 @@ Slots:
Action: activate_fly Action: activate_fly
# Permission to display the item # Permission to display the item
Permission: '' Permission: ''
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
33: 33:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material Type: Material
@ -107,11 +114,13 @@ Slots:
Action: activate_mob Action: activate_mob
# Permission to display the item # Permission to display the item
Permission: 'booster.mob' Permission: 'booster.mob'
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
34: 34:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: experience_bottle Material: 'placeholder_xp'
# The name of the item # The name of the item
Title: '&6XP-Booster' Title: '&6XP-Booster'
# Lore of the item. # Lore of the item.
@ -123,6 +132,8 @@ Slots:
Action: activate_xp Action: activate_xp
# Permission to display the item # Permission to display the item
Permission: 'booster.xp' Permission: 'booster.xp'
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
39: 39:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -233,6 +244,52 @@ Slots:
Lore: Lore:
- '&8--------------------' - '&8--------------------'
- '&c%status_xp%' - '&c%status_xp%'
# Can be commented out if Dropheads add-on is active
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: SKULL
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjQ1MjhiMzIyOTY2MGYzZGZhYjQyNDE0ZjU5ZWU4ZmQwMWU4MDA4MWRkM2RmMzA4Njk1MzZiYTliNDE0ZTA4OSJ9fX0='
# # The name of the item
# Title: '&6Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item.
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&aKlicke, um einen &6Drophead-Booster &2zu aktivieren'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible actions: activate_break, activate_drop, activate_fly, activate_mob, activate_xp, shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), open_shop
# Action: activate_dropheads
# # Permission to display the item
# Permission: 'booster.drophead'
# # Sound on click
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: Skull
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: ''
# # If this option is enabled, the base64 value is fetched from stageheads.yml so that the head changes to a specific stage
# Stageheads:
# Enable: true
# # Nummer in stageheads.yml or AUTO_[BOOSTER]
# # The name of the item
# Title: '&6Aktuelle Stufe'
# # Lore of the item. You can use the following placeholders: %count%, %count_fly%, %count_break%, %count_drop%, %count_mob%, %count_xp%, %status_fly%, %status_break%, %status_drop%, %status_mob%, %status_xp%
# # If you have GlobalBoosters set to true in config.yml, you should change it to Count: %count%.
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&c%status_dropheads%'
# This item is set in all places where no item is stored. # This item is set in all places where no item is stored.
Background: Background:
Enabled: true Enabled: true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
# GUI title
Title: '&4Booster'
# Number of rows in the GUI
Rows: 3
# This item is set in all places where no item is stored.
Enabled: true
Material: 'placeholder'
# The number represents the slot of the item
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: iron_pickaxe
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Break-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&aKlicke, um einen &6Break-Booster &2zu bekommen'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: get (Requires Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly])
Action: get
# Possible Types: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly
Booster: Break
# Permission to display the item
Permission: 'booster.break'
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: iron_ingot
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Drop-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&aKlicke, um einen &6Drop-Booster &2zu bekommen'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: get (Requires Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly])
Action: get
# Possible Types: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly
Booster: Drop
# Permission to display the item
Permission: 'booster.drop'
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: feather
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Fly-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&aKlicke, um einen &6Fly-Booster &2zu bekommen'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: get (Requires Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly])
Action: get
# Possible Types: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly
Booster: Fly
# Permission to display the item
Permission: ''
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: bone
# The name of the item
Title: '&6Mob-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&aKlicke, um einen &6Mob-Booster &2zu bekommen'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: get (Requires Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly])
Action: get
# Possible Types: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly
Booster: Mob
# Permission to display the item
Permission: 'booster.mob'
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: 'placeholder_xp'
# The name of the item
Title: '&6XP-Booster'
# Lore of the item.
- '&8--------------------'
- '&aKlicke, um einen &6XP-Booster &2zu bekommen'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: get (Requires Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly])
Action: get
# Possible Types: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly
Booster: XP
# Permission to display the item
Permission: 'booster.xp'
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# Can be commented out if Dropheads add-on is active
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: SKULL
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjQ1MjhiMzIyOTY2MGYzZGZhYjQyNDE0ZjU5ZWU4ZmQwMWU4MDA4MWRkM2RmMzA4Njk1MzZiYTliNDE0ZTA4OSJ9fX0='
# # The name of the item
# Title: '&6Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item.
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&aKlicke, um einen &6Dropheads-Booster &2zu bekommen'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible Actions: get (Requires Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly])
# Action: get
# # Possible Types: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly
# Booster: dropheads
# # Permission to display the item
# Permission: 'booster.dropheads'
# # Sound on click

View File

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ Shop:
Action: shop Action: shop
Count: 1 Count: 1
Price: 1000 Price: 1000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
14: 14:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material Type: Material
@ -42,6 +44,8 @@ Shop:
Action: shop Action: shop
Count: 5 Count: 5
Price: 4000 Price: 4000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
17: 17:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material Type: Material
@ -59,6 +63,8 @@ Shop:
Action: shop Action: shop
Count: 10 Count: 10
Price: 7000 Price: 7000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
27: 27:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -80,6 +86,8 @@ Shop:
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count and Price), back # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count and Price), back
Action: back Action: back
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# This item is set in all places where no item is stored. # This item is set in all places where no item is stored.
Background: Background:
Enabled: true Enabled: true
@ -131,7 +139,7 @@ Shop:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Material Type: Material
# The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H). # The material of the item. (Can be made visible in the client with F3 + H).
Material: experience_bottle Material: 'placeholder_xp'
# The name of the item # The name of the item
Title: '&6XP-Booster' Title: '&6XP-Booster'
# Lore of the item. # Lore of the item.
@ -159,6 +167,8 @@ Shop:
Count: 1 Count: 1
Booster: Break Booster: Break
Price: 1000 Price: 1000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
5: 5:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -182,6 +192,8 @@ Shop:
Count: 5 Count: 5
Booster: Break Booster: Break
Price: 4000 Price: 4000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
7: 7:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -205,6 +217,8 @@ Shop:
Count: 10 Count: 10
Booster: Break Booster: Break
Price: 7000 Price: 7000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
12: 12:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -228,6 +242,8 @@ Shop:
Count: 1 Count: 1
Booster: Drop Booster: Drop
Price: 1000 Price: 1000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
14: 14:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -251,6 +267,8 @@ Shop:
Count: 5 Count: 5
Booster: Drop Booster: Drop
Price: 4000 Price: 4000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
16: 16:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -274,6 +292,8 @@ Shop:
Count: 10 Count: 10
Booster: Drop Booster: Drop
Price: 7000 Price: 7000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
21: 21:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -289,7 +309,7 @@ Shop:
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Lore: Lore:
- '&8--------------------' - '&8--------------------'
- '&2Kaufe &2%count% &6Fly-Booster' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Fly-Booster'
- '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
@ -297,6 +317,8 @@ Shop:
Count: 1 Count: 1
Booster: Fly Booster: Fly
Price: 1000 Price: 1000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
23: 23:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -312,7 +334,7 @@ Shop:
# Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price% # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
Lore: Lore:
- '&8--------------------' - '&8--------------------'
- '&2Kaufe &2%count% &2Fly-Booster' - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Fly-Booster'
- '&2Kostet: &6%price%$' - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$'
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
@ -320,6 +342,8 @@ Shop:
Count: 5 Count: 5
Booster: Fly Booster: Fly
Price: 4000 Price: 4000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
25: 25:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -343,6 +367,8 @@ Shop:
Count: 10 Count: 10
Booster: Fly Booster: Fly
Price: 7000 Price: 7000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
30: 30:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -366,6 +392,8 @@ Shop:
Count: 1 Count: 1
Booster: Mob Booster: Mob
Price: 1000 Price: 1000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
32: 32:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -389,6 +417,8 @@ Shop:
Count: 5 Count: 5
Booster: Mob Booster: Mob
Price: 4000 Price: 4000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
34: 34:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -412,6 +442,8 @@ Shop:
Count: 10 Count: 10
Booster: Mob Booster: Mob
Price: 7000 Price: 7000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
39: 39:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -435,6 +467,8 @@ Shop:
Count: 1 Count: 1
Booster: XP Booster: XP
Price: 1000 Price: 1000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
41: 41:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -458,6 +492,8 @@ Shop:
Count: 5 Count: 5
Booster: XP Booster: XP
Price: 4000 Price: 4000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
43: 43:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -481,6 +517,99 @@ Shop:
Count: 10 Count: 10
Booster: XP Booster: XP
Price: 7000 Price: 7000
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# If Dropheads is activated please increase number of rows in line 99 to 6
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: SKULL
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjQ1MjhiMzIyOTY2MGYzZGZhYjQyNDE0ZjU5ZWU4ZmQwMWU4MDA4MWRkM2RmMzA4Njk1MzZiYTliNDE0ZTA4OSJ9fX0='
# # The name of the item
# Title: '&6Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item.
# Lore: []
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: Skull
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ=='
# # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Title: '&6%count% Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Dropheads-Booster'
# - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
# Action: shop
# Count: 1
# Booster: Dropheads
# Price: 1000
# # Sound on click
# Sound: 'placeholder'
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: Skull
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDY5OGFkZDM5Y2Y5ZTRlYTkyZDQyZmFkZWZkZWMzYmU4YTdkYWZhMTFmYjM1OWRlNzUyZTlmNTRhZWNlZGM5YSJ9fX0='
# # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Title: '&6%count% Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Dropheads-Booster'
# - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
# Action: shop
# Count: 5
# Booster: Dropheads
# Price: 4000
# # Sound on click
# Sound: 'placeholder'
# # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
# Type: Skull
# Playerhead:
# # The user whose head is displayed. You can use the placeholder %player% if you want it to be the player who opens the gui. Alternatively Base64 can be used.
# Owner: ''
# Base64:
# # If this option is activated, the Base64 is used instead of the Owner.
# Enable: true
# Value: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19'
# # The name of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Title: '&6%count% Dropheads-Booster'
# # Lore of the item. Placeholder %count%, %price%
# Lore:
# - '&8--------------------'
# - '&2Kaufe &6%count% &2Dropheads-Booster'
# - '&2Kostet: &6%price%$'
# # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
# Action: shop
# Count: 10
# Booster: Dropheads
# Price: 7000
# # Sound on click
# Sound: 'placeholder'
# For dropheads, change the return slot to 54.
45: 45:
# The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull # The type defines what properties the slot has. Types: Material or Skull
Type: Skull Type: Skull
@ -500,6 +629,8 @@ Shop:
# Action to be performed when the item is clicked. # Action to be performed when the item is clicked.
# Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back # Possible Actions: shop (Requires Count, Booster[XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly] and Price), back
Action: back Action: back
# Sound on click
Sound: 'placeholder'
# This item is set in all places where no item is stored. # This item is set in all places where no item is stored.
Background: Background:
Enabled: true Enabled: true

Configs/German/config.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
# Datastore Types: YML or MySQL
Type: 'YML'
Ip: 'localhost'
Port: 3306
Database: 'Booster'
User: 'root'
Password: 'Secret'
# Would you recive Update-Messages
UpdateMessage: true
# Compatibility with MySQLPlayerDataBridge
MySQLPlayerDataBridge: false
# Compatibility with Lands
Lands: false
# Messages are not sent globally but as private messages
SendAsPrivateMessage: false
# Enable Logging
Logging: true
# Compatibility with Jobs
Jobs: false
# Compatibility with WorldGuard
# Enable Compatibility
Enable: false
# Time Refreshing the Player in Seconds
RefreshTimer: 3
# Enable MiniMessage Support for messages. No GUI! (
MiniMessageSupport: false
# If a booster is started, but one is already running, it will be put on hold and started as soon as the other one runs out. The Booster with higher step will start first
BiggerBoosterFirst: true
# Should 2 digits always be displayed for Second placeholders
TwoDigitsS: false
# Should 2 digits always be displayed for Minute placeholders
TwoDigitsM: false
# What should happen at the '/booster' command. Options: GUI, OVERVIEW
Maincommand: GUI
# Disable Booster-Messages on Join
DisableJoinMessages: false
# BoosterPermission + .[stage] Example: booster.break.1, booster.break.2, booster.break.3
PermissionPerStage: false
# Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it
Time: 10
# Each player must activate the booster itself.
PerPlayer: false
# No XP bottles can be used during an XP booster
DisableXPBottles: false
# Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist
ListMode: Blacklist
# List of worlds of the filter
- World1
- World2
# Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist for WorldGuard
WG_ListMode: Blacklist
# List of Regions of the filter (WorldGuard)
- Spawn
- Spawn2
# Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated
FireworkOnStart: true
# How many levels the booster should have. You can expand it by copy-paste or reduce it by delete.
# Attention There must not be a duplicate name!
# Require Numbers
# By how much the XP should be multiplied
Strength: 1
Strength: 2
Strength: 3
# Sound that is played at the start of the booster
Enable: true
Sound: 'placeholder'
# Delay before a booster starts
Enable: false
# Delay before start in seconds
Time: 3
# Time when messages are issued in seconds
Messages: 3,2,1
# Time before a booster expires and a message should come in the chat.
EndWarnigs: 20,10,5,3,2,1
# Time before a booster expires and a sound is to be played.
Time: 20,10,5,3,2,1
# Sound to be played
Sound: 'placeholder'
# If a booster is started, but one is already running, it will be put on hold and started as soon as the other one runs out.
Enable: false
# Cooldown before a new one can be started. Time in Seconds Queue will be disabled.
Enable: false
Time: 1200
# Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it
Time: 10
# Each player must activate the booster itself.
PerPlayer: false
# Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist
ListMode: Blacklist
# List of worlds of the filter
- World1
- World2
# Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist for WorldGuard
WG_ListMode: Blacklist
# List of Regions of the filter (WorldGuard)
- Spawn
- Spawn2
# Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated
FireworkOnStart: true
# How many levels the booster should have. You can expand it by copy-paste or reduce it by delete.
# Attention There must not be a duplicate name!
# Require Numbers
# Strength of the break effect
Strength: 10
Strength: 24
Strength: 40
# Sound that is played at the start of the booster
Enable: true
Sound: 'placeholder'
# Delay before a booster starts
Enable: true
# Delay before start in seconds
Time: 3
# Time when messages are issued in seconds
Messages: 3,2,1
# Time before a booster expires and a message should come in the chat.
EndWarnigs: 20,10,5,3,2,1
# Time before a booster expires and a sound is to be played.
Time: 20,10,5,3,2,1
# Sound to be played
Sound: 'placeholder'
# If a booster is started, but one is already running, it will be put on hold and started as soon as the other one runs out.
Enable: false
# Cooldown before a new one can be started. Time in Seconds Queue will be disabled.
Enable: false
Time: 1200
# Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it
Time: 10
# Each player must activate the booster itself.
PerPlayer: false
# Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist
ListMode: Blacklist
# List of worlds of the filter
- World1
- World2
# Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist for WorldGuard
WG_ListMode: Blacklist
# List of Regions of the filter (WorldGuard)
- Spawn
- Spawn2
# Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated
FireworkOnStart: true
# How many levels the booster should have. You can expand it by copy-paste or reduce it by delete.
# Attention There must not be a duplicate name!
# Require Numbers
# By how much the Drop should be multiplied
Strength: 1
Strength: 2
Strength: 3
# If the drops of a wither are to be multiplied.
Witherdrops: false
# Should block drops also be multiplied
Oredrops: true
# If Oredrops is active, fortune should be taken into account
Fortune: true
# Sound that is played at the start of the booster
Enable: true
Sound: 'placeholder'
# Delay before a booster starts
Enable: false
# Delay before start in seconds
Time: 3
# Time when messages are issued in seconds
Messages: 3,2,1
# Time before a booster expires and a message should come in the chat.
EndWarnigs: 20,10,5,3,2,1
# Time before a booster expires and a sound is to be played.
Time: 20,10,5,3,2,1
# Sound to be played
Sound: 'placeholder'
# If a booster is started, but one is already running, it will be put on hold and started as soon as the other one runs out.
Enable: false
# Cooldown before a new one can be started. Time in Seconds Queue will be disabled.
Enable: false
Time: 1200
# Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it
Time: 10
# Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist
ListMode: Blacklist
# List of worlds of the filter
- World1
- World2
# Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist for WorldGuard
WG_ListMode: Blacklist
# List of Regions of the filter (WorldGuard)
- Spawn
- Spawn2
# Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated
FireworkOnStart: true
# If Enabled Natural Mob Spawning will be multiplied
NaturalSpawning: false
# If Enabled Spawner will not be multiplied
DisableSpawnerSpawning: false
# How many levels the booster should have. You can expand it by copy-paste or reduce it by delete.
# Attention There must not be a duplicate name!
# Require Numbers
# How much the mob spawn should be multiplied
Strength: 1
Strength: 2
Strength: 3
# Sound that is played at the start of the booster
Enable: true
Sound: 'placeholder'
# Delay before a booster starts
Enable: false
# Delay before start in seconds
Time: 3
# Time when messages are issued in seconds
Messages: 3,2,1
# Time before a booster expires and a message should come in the chat.
EndWarnigs: 20,10,5,3,2,1
# Time before a booster expires and a sound is to be played.
Time: 20,10,5,3,2,1
# Sound to be played
Sound: 'placeholder'
# If a booster is started, but one is already running, it will be put on hold and started as soon as the other one runs out.
Enable: false
# Cooldown before a new one can be started. Time in Seconds Queue will be disabled.
Enable: false
Time: 1200
# Time how long a booster is active in Minutes. Set it to -1 to disable it
Time: 10
# Each player must activate the booster itself.
PerPlayer: false
# When this option is active, players with a special permission will not have the fly effect removed any more
FlyBypassEnable: false
# Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist
ListMode: Blacklist
# List of worlds of the filter
- World1
- World2
# Is the list below a whitelist or a blacklist for WorldGuard
WG_ListMode: Blacklist
# List of Regions of the filter (WorldGuard)
- Spawn
- Spawn2
# Should fireworks be started when the booster is activated
FireworkOnStart: true
# There are no steps with the Fly-Booster
# Sound that is played at the start of the booster
Enable: true
Sound: 'placeholder'
# Delay before a booster starts
Enable: false
# Delay before start in seconds
Time: 3
# Time when messages are issued in seconds
Messages: 3,2,1
# Time before a booster expires and a message should come in the chat.
EndWarnigs: 20,10,5,3,2,1
# Time before a booster expires and a sound is to be played.
Time: 20,10,5,3,2,1
# Sound to be played
Sound: 'placeholder'
# Delay when a fly booster ends and players do not get fall damage
Enable: true
# Time when players do not get fall damage after finishing in seconds
Time: 5
# If a booster is started, but one is already running, it will be put on hold and started as soon as the other one runs out.
Enable: false
# Cooldown before a new one can be started. Time in Seconds Queue will be disabled.
Enable: false
Time: 1200
# If this is disabled, you must buy each booster type separately. If this setting is active, a purchased booster is usable for all types
GlobalBoosters: false
# Sound to be played when the store is opened. Set it to null to disable it
Sound: 'placeholder'
# Player get a notification at join if he can get a BonusBooster
BonusBoosterReminder: true
# Booster that players get for free after a certain period of time (With Permission)
# Priority of Bonus
# Require Numbers
# Time until you can get a bonus booster in hours
Time: 168
# Number of boosters you get
Count: 2
# What booster Man should get guys: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly, ALL, Random
# You can also set it like this, for example: XP,Break,Mob, Random, Select
Type: ALL
# Permission
Permission: 'booster.bonusbooster.admin'
# Time until you can get a bonus booster in hours
Time: 168
# Number of boosters you get
Count: 1
# What booster Man should get guys: XP, Break, Drop, Mob, Fly, ALL, Random
# You can also set it like this, for example: XP,Break,Mob, Random, Select
Type: Random
# Permission
Permission: 'booster.bonusbooster.mod'

View File

@ -4,10 +4,29 @@ ConsoleName: 'Server'
NoPermission: '%prefix% &cDafür hast du keine Rechte.' NoPermission: '%prefix% &cDafür hast du keine Rechte.'
PlayerNotFound: '%prefix% &cDer Spieler wurde nicht gefunden.' PlayerNotFound: '%prefix% &cDer Spieler wurde nicht gefunden.'
OnlyPlayers: '%prefix% &cDiesen Befehl können nur Spieler ausführen!' OnlyPlayers: '%prefix% &cDiesen Befehl können nur Spieler ausführen!'
Paused: '%prefix% &2Der Booster wurde pausiert, da ein stärkerer gestartet wurde.'
InQueue: '%prefix% &2Der Booster ist in der Warteschlange und wird gestartet, sobald der aktuelle zu Ende ist.'
Help: '%prefix% &cBitte nutze: &b/booster module load/unload/info/list <AddOn>'
AddOnNotFound: '%prefix% &cAddOn nicht gefunden.'
Loaded: '%prefix% &2AddOn geladen.'
AlreadyLoaded: '%prefix% &cAddOn bereits geladen.'
Unloaded: '%prefix% &2AddOn entladen.'
Reloaded: '%prefix% &2AddOn reloaded.'
NotLoaded: '%prefix% &cAddOn nicht geladen.'
AlreadyUnloaded: '%prefix% &cAddOn bereits entladen.'
List: '%prefix% &8--------------------------%newline%%prefix%&2 AddOn: &6%addon%%newline%%prefix%&2 - Version: &6%version%%newline%%prefix%&2 - Loaded: &6%loaded%%newline%%prefix%&2 - Description: &6%description%%newline%%prefix%'
Shop: Shop:
Not_Setup: '%prefix% &cVault nicht eingerichtet!' Not_Setup: '%prefix% &cVault nicht eingerichtet!'
Success: '%prefix% &2Du hast &6%count% &2Booster von &6%type%-Booster &2für &6%price% &2gekauft.' Success: '%prefix% &2Du hast &6%count% &2Booster von &6%type%-Booster &2für &6%price% &2gekauft.'
No_Money: '%prefix% &cDu hast nicht genug Geld!' No_Money: '%prefix% &cDu hast nicht genug Geld!'
Help: '%prefix% &cBitte nutze: &b/booster shop <Player>'
NoMySQL: '%prefix% &cBitte aktiviere MySQL in der Config.yml!'
NoFile: '%prefix% &cDie Booster.yml existiert nicht!'
Success: '%prefix% &2Convert abgeschlossen.'
Help: '%prefix% &cBitte nutze: &b/booster convert <typ>'
Overview: '%prefix% &8------ &4Booster &8------%newline%%prefix%%newline%%prefix% &2Der &6Break-Booster &2ist &ex%status_break%&2. Du besitzt: &6%count_break%%newline%%prefix% &2Der &6Drop-Booster &2ist &ex%status_drop%&2. Du besitzt: &6%count_drop%%newline%%prefix% &2Der &6Mob-Booster &2ist &ex%status_mob%&2. Du besitzt: &6%count_mob%%newline%%prefix% &2Der &6Fly-Booster &2ist &ex%status_fly%&2. Du besitzt: &6%count_fly%%newline%%prefix% &2Der &6XP-Booster &2ist &ex%status_xp%&2. Du besitzt: &6%count_xp%%newline%%prefix% &8------ &4Booster &8------' Overview: '%prefix% &8------ &4Booster &8------%newline%%prefix%%newline%%prefix% &2Der &6Break-Booster &2ist &ex%status_break%&2. Du besitzt: &6%count_break%%newline%%prefix% &2Der &6Drop-Booster &2ist &ex%status_drop%&2. Du besitzt: &6%count_drop%%newline%%prefix% &2Der &6Mob-Booster &2ist &ex%status_mob%&2. Du besitzt: &6%count_mob%%newline%%prefix% &2Der &6Fly-Booster &2ist &ex%status_fly%&2. Du besitzt: &6%count_fly%%newline%%prefix% &2Der &6XP-Booster &2ist &ex%status_xp%&2. Du besitzt: &6%count_xp%%newline%%prefix% &8------ &4Booster &8------'
Stopallbooster: Stopallbooster:
Player: '%prefix% &2Du hast alle Booster gestoppt.' Player: '%prefix% &2Du hast alle Booster gestoppt.'
@ -16,6 +35,10 @@ Stopbooster:
Player: '%prefix% &2Du hast den &6%type%-Booster &2gestoppt.' Player: '%prefix% &2Du hast den &6%type%-Booster &2gestoppt.'
Broadcast: '%prefix% &2Alle &6%type%-Booster &2wurden beendet.' Broadcast: '%prefix% &2Alle &6%type%-Booster &2wurden beendet.'
Help: '%prefix% &cBitte nutze: &b/booster stop <type>' Help: '%prefix% &cBitte nutze: &b/booster stop <type>'
Help: '%prefix% &cBitte nutze: &b/booster ignore <type>'
Ignoring: '%prefix% &cDu ignorierst jetzt den &6%type%-Booster&c!'
UnIgnoring: '%prefix% &2Du ignorierst jetzt den &6%type%-Booster&2 nicht mehr!'
Placeholder: Placeholder:
Active: 'aktiviert' Active: 'aktiviert'
Disabled: 'deaktiviert' Disabled: 'deaktiviert'
@ -39,13 +62,16 @@ Help:
Set: '%prefix% &b/booster set &7<Player> <Anzahl> <Type> &8- &aSetzt dem Spieler Booster.' Set: '%prefix% &b/booster set &7<Player> <Anzahl> <Type> &8- &aSetzt dem Spieler Booster.'
See: '%prefix% &b/booster see &7<Player> <Type> &8- &aZeigt die Anzahl der Booster des Spielers an.' See: '%prefix% &b/booster see &7<Player> <Type> &8- &aZeigt die Anzahl der Booster des Spielers an.'
Reload: '%prefix% &b/booster reload &2| &b/booster rl &8- &aReloaded die Config.' Reload: '%prefix% &b/booster reload &2| &b/booster rl &8- &aReloaded die Config.'
Module: '%prefix% &b/booster module load/unload/info/list <AddOn> &8- &aManage AddOns.'
Player: Player:
Refresh: '%prefix% &2Die Booster wurden angewandt.' Refresh: '%prefix% &2Die Booster wurden angewandt.'
AddBooster: AddBooster:
Success: '%prefix% &2Du hast &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster hinzugefügt.' Success: '%prefix% &2Du hast &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster hinzugefügt.'
Reciver: '%prefix% &2Du hast von &6%sender%&2, &6%count% &2Booster des Types &6%type% &2bekommen.'
Help: '%prefix% &cBitte nutze: &b/booster add <player> <amount> <type>' Help: '%prefix% &cBitte nutze: &b/booster add <player> <amount> <type>'
SetBooster: SetBooster:
Success: '%prefix% &2Du hast &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster gesetzt.' Success: '%prefix% &2Du hast &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster gesetzt.'
Reciver: '%prefix% &2Du hast von &6%sender%&2, &6%count% &2Booster des Types &6%type% &2gesetzt bekommen.'
Help: '%prefix% &cBitte nutze: &b/booster set <player> <amount> <type>' Help: '%prefix% &cBitte nutze: &b/booster set <player> <amount> <type>'
See: See:
Success: '%prefix% &6%player% &2hat &6%count% &2Booster des Types &6%type%.' Success: '%prefix% &6%player% &2hat &6%count% &2Booster des Types &6%type%.'
@ -53,9 +79,11 @@ See:
RemoveBooster: RemoveBooster:
Success: '%prefix% &2Du hast &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster entfernt.' Success: '%prefix% &2Du hast &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster entfernt.'
Not_Enough: '%prefix% &c%reciver% hat nicht genügend Booster.' Not_Enough: '%prefix% &c%reciver% hat nicht genügend Booster.'
Reciver: '%prefix% &2Du hast von &6%sender%&2, &6%count% &2Booster des Types &6%type% &2entfernt bekommen.'
Help: '%prefix% &cBitte nutze: &b/booster remove <player> <amount> <type>' Help: '%prefix% &cBitte nutze: &b/booster remove <player> <amount> <type>'
Giveall: Giveall:
Success: '%prefix% &2Du hast &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster hinzugefügt.' Success: '%prefix% &2Du hast &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster hinzugefügt.'
Reciver: '%prefix% &2Du hast von &6%sender%&2, &6%count% &2Booster des Types &6%type% &2bekommen.'
Help: '%prefix% &cBitte nutze: &b/booster giveall <amount> <type>' Help: '%prefix% &cBitte nutze: &b/booster giveall <amount> <type>'
Send: Send:
Success: '%prefix% &2Du hast &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster geschickt.' Success: '%prefix% &2Du hast &6%reciver%&2, &6%count% &2Booster geschickt.'
@ -65,14 +93,16 @@ Bonusbooster:
Disabled: '%prefix% &cBonusBooster ist aktuell deaktiviert.' Disabled: '%prefix% &cBonusBooster ist aktuell deaktiviert.'
Recive: '%prefix% &2Du hast &6%count% %type%-Booster &2bekommen.' Recive: '%prefix% &2Du hast &6%count% %type%-Booster &2bekommen.'
Wait: '%prefix% &2Du musst noch &6%days% Tage&2, &6%hours% Stunden&2, &6%minutes% Minuten &2warten.' Wait: '%prefix% &2Du musst noch &6%days% Tage&2, &6%hours% Stunden&2, &6%minutes% Minuten &2warten.'
Join: '%prefix% &2Du kannst dir einen BonusBooster holen.'
Reset: Reset:
Help: '%prefix% &cBitte nutze: &b/booster bbreset <player>' Help: '%prefix% &cBitte nutze: &b/booster bbreset <player>'
Success: '%prefix% &2Du hast von &6%player% &2die Zeit resettet.' Success: '%prefix% &2Du hast von &6%player% &2die Zeit resettet.'
Booster: Booster:
MaxStep: '%prefix% &cEs ist bereits die Maximale stäre des &6%type%-Boosters&c.' MaxStep: '%prefix% &cEs ist bereits die Maximale Stärke des &6%type%-Boosters&c.'
Not_Enough: '%prefix% &cDu hast nicht genügend Booster.' Not_Enough: '%prefix% &cDu hast nicht genügend Booster.'
Wrong_World: '%prefix% &cDu kannst den Booster in dieser Welt nicht starten.' Wrong_World: '%prefix% &cDu kannst den Booster in dieser Welt nicht starten.'
Infinity: 'unendlich' Infinity: 'unendlich'
RefreshAll: '%prefix% &2Alle Spieler refreshed.'
StartCountdown: '%prefix% &cAchtung, Break Booster startet in &6%time% &cSekunden!' StartCountdown: '%prefix% &cAchtung, Break Booster startet in &6%time% &cSekunden!'
Executer: '%prefix% &2Du hast den &6Break-Booster &2aktiviert!' Executer: '%prefix% &2Du hast den &6Break-Booster &2aktiviert!'
@ -82,6 +112,7 @@ Booster:
End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Break-Booster &2wurde nun deaktiviert!' End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Break-Booster &2wurde nun deaktiviert!'
Join: '%prefix% &2Es ist ein &6Break-Booster &2aktiv!' Join: '%prefix% &2Es ist ein &6Break-Booster &2aktiv!'
Disabled: '%prefix% &2Der &6Break-Booster &2ist deaktiviert!' Disabled: '%prefix% &2Der &6Break-Booster &2ist deaktiviert!'
Cooldown: '%prefix% &2Du musst noch &6%hours% Stunden&2, &6%minutes% Minuten&2, &6%seconds% Sekunden &2warten.'
StartCountdown: '%prefix% &cAchtung, Fly Booster startet in &6%time% &cSekunden!' StartCountdown: '%prefix% &cAchtung, Fly Booster startet in &6%time% &cSekunden!'
Executer: '%prefix% &2Du hast den &6Fly-Booster &2aktiviert!' Executer: '%prefix% &2Du hast den &6Fly-Booster &2aktiviert!'
@ -91,6 +122,7 @@ Booster:
End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Fly-Booster &2wurde nun deaktiviert!' End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Fly-Booster &2wurde nun deaktiviert!'
Join: '%prefix% &2Es ist ein &6Fly-Booster &2aktiv!' Join: '%prefix% &2Es ist ein &6Fly-Booster &2aktiv!'
Disabled: '%prefix% &2Der &6Fly-Booster &2ist deaktiviert!' Disabled: '%prefix% &2Der &6Fly-Booster &2ist deaktiviert!'
Cooldown: '%prefix% &2Du musst noch &6%hours% Stunden&2, &6%minutes% Minuten&2, &6%seconds% Sekunden &2warten.'
StartCountdown: '%prefix% &cAchtung, Drop Booster startet in &6%time% &cSekunden!' StartCountdown: '%prefix% &cAchtung, Drop Booster startet in &6%time% &cSekunden!'
Executer: '%prefix% &2Du hast den &6Drop-Booster &2aktiviert!' Executer: '%prefix% &2Du hast den &6Drop-Booster &2aktiviert!'
@ -100,6 +132,7 @@ Booster:
End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Drop-Booster &2wurde nun deaktiviert!' End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Drop-Booster &2wurde nun deaktiviert!'
Join: '%prefix% &2Es ist ein &6Drop-Booster &2aktiv!' Join: '%prefix% &2Es ist ein &6Drop-Booster &2aktiv!'
Disabled: '%prefix% &2Der &6Drop-Booster &2ist deaktiviert!' Disabled: '%prefix% &2Der &6Drop-Booster &2ist deaktiviert!'
Cooldown: '%prefix% &2Du musst noch &6%hours% Stunden&2, &6%minutes% Minuten&2, &6%seconds% Sekunden &2warten.'
StartCountdown: '%prefix% &cAchtung, Mob Booster startet in &6%time% &cSekunden!' StartCountdown: '%prefix% &cAchtung, Mob Booster startet in &6%time% &cSekunden!'
Executer: '%prefix% &2Du hast den &6Mob-Booster &2aktiviert!' Executer: '%prefix% &2Du hast den &6Mob-Booster &2aktiviert!'
@ -109,6 +142,7 @@ Booster:
End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Mob-Booster &2wurde nun deaktiviert!' End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6Mob-Booster &2wurde nun deaktiviert!'
Join: '%prefix% &2Es ist ein &6Mob-Booster &2aktiv!' Join: '%prefix% &2Es ist ein &6Mob-Booster &2aktiv!'
Disabled: '%prefix% &2Der &6Mob-Booster &2ist deaktiviert!' Disabled: '%prefix% &2Der &6Mob-Booster &2ist deaktiviert!'
Cooldown: '%prefix% &2Du musst noch &6%hours% Stunden&2, &6%minutes% Minuten&2, &6%seconds% Sekunden &2warten.'
StartCountdown: '%prefix% &cAchtung, XP Booster startet in %time% Sekunden!' StartCountdown: '%prefix% &cAchtung, XP Booster startet in %time% Sekunden!'
Executer: '%prefix% &2Du hast den &6XP-Booster &2aktiviert!' Executer: '%prefix% &2Du hast den &6XP-Booster &2aktiviert!'
@ -117,4 +151,6 @@ Booster:
Downgrade: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6XP-Booster &ex%oldstage% &2wurde nun deaktiviert! Jetzt &6x%newstage%' Downgrade: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6XP-Booster &ex%oldstage% &2wurde nun deaktiviert! Jetzt &6x%newstage%'
End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6XP-Booster &2wurde nun deaktiviert!' End: '%newline%%newline%%newline%%prefix% &6XP-Booster &2wurde nun deaktiviert!'
Join: '%prefix% &2Es ist ein &6XP-Booster &2aktiv!' Join: '%prefix% &2Es ist ein &6XP-Booster &2aktiv!'
Disabled: '%prefix% &2Der &6XP-Booster &2ist deaktiviert!' Disabled: '%prefix% &2Der &6XP-Booster &2ist deaktiviert!'
NoXPBottle: '%prefix% &2Du kannst während eines &6XP-Booster &2keine XP-Bottles nutzen!'
Cooldown: '%prefix% &2Du musst noch &6%hours% Stunden&2, &6%minutes% Minuten&2, &6%seconds% Sekunden &2warten.'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
0: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvM2YwOTAxOGY0NmYzNDllNTUzNDQ2OTQ2YTM4NjQ5ZmNmY2Y5ZmRmZDYyOTE2YWVjMzNlYmNhOTZiYjIxYjUifX19'
1: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2E1MTZmYmFlMTYwNThmMjUxYWVmOWE2OGQzMDc4NTQ5ZjQ4ZjZkNWI2ODNmMTljZjVhMTc0NTIxN2Q3MmNjIn19fQ=='
3: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmQ5ZTRjZDVlMWI5ZjNjOGQ2Y2E1YTFiZjQ1ZDg2ZWRkMWQ1MWU1MzVkYmY4NTVmZTlkMmY1ZDRjZmZjZDIifX19'
Enable: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODg5OTE2OTc0Njk2NTNjOWFmODM1MmZkZjE4ZDBjYzljNjc3NjNjZmU2NjE3NWMxNTU2YWVkMzMyNDZjNyJ9fX0='
Disable: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOGQyNDU0ZTRjNjdiMzIzZDViZTk1M2I1YjNkNTQxNzRhYTI3MTQ2MDM3NGVlMjg0MTBjNWFlYWUyYzExZjUifX19'
Enable: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTQ5NmMxNjJkN2M5ZTFiYzhjZjM2M2YxYmZhNmY0YjJlZTVkZWM2MjI2YzIyOGY1MmViNjVkOTZhNDYzNWMifX19'
Disable: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjEzYjc3OGM2ZTUxMjgwMjQyMTRmODU5YjRmYWRjNzczOGM3YmUzNjdlZTRiOWI4ZGJhZDc5NTRjZmYzYSJ9fX0='
Enable: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYzQyMjZmMmViNjRhYmM4NmIzOGI2MWQxNDk3NzY0Y2JhMDNkMTc4YWZjMzNiN2I4MDIzY2Y0OGI0OTMxMSJ9fX0='
Disable: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMDMxZjY2YmUwOTUwNTg4NTk4ZmVlZWE3ZTZjNjc3OTM1NWU1N2NjNmRlOGI5MWE0NDM5MWIyZTlmZDcyIn19fQ=='

View File

@ -14,17 +14,24 @@ Wenn Spieler einen Booster aktivieren, ist er für alle Spieler verfügbar.
Spieler besitzen außerdem die Möglichkeit anderen Spielern Booster zu verschenken, das funktioniert übrigens auch wenn der Spieler nicht Online ist. Spieler besitzen außerdem die Möglichkeit anderen Spielern Booster zu verschenken, das funktioniert übrigens auch wenn der Spieler nicht Online ist.
Ihr könnt in der Config selber einstellen wie viel eure Booster kosten sollen und wie lange sie an sein sollen. Ihr könnt in der Config selber einstellen wie viel eure Booster kosten sollen und wie lange sie an sein sollen.
Dieses Plugin muss auf dem Spigot/Paper/etc. Server installiert werden und nicht auf dem BungeeCord.
English Configs: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>
[![](]('') [![](]('')
**Test-Server:** **Test-Server:**
![]( ![](
* [Vault]('') * <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Vault</a>
* Economy Plugin Empfehlungen: [EssentialsX](''), [CMI]('') (Paid) * Economy Plugin Empfehlungen: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">EssentialsX</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CMI</a> (Paid)
* Permissions Plugin Empfehlung: [LuckPerms]('') * Permissions Plugin Empfehlung: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">LuckPerms</a>
* [PlaceholderAPI]('') (optional) * <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">PlaceholderAPI</a> (optional)
![]( ![](
@ -105,11 +112,11 @@ Ihr könnt in der Config selber einstellen wie viel eure Booster kosten sollen u
%booster_count_break% - Zeigt dir die Anzahl an Break-Booster an %booster_count_break% - Zeigt dir die Anzahl an Break-Booster an
%booster_bonus_remeaning_min% - Zeigt die verbleibenden Minuten an, bis du einen Bonusbooster holen kann %booster_bonus_remaining_min% - Zeigt die verbleibenden Minuten an, bis du einen Bonusbooster holen kann
%booster_bonus_remeaning_hour% - Zeigt die verbleibenden Stunden an, bis du einen Bonusbooster holen kann %booster_bonus_remaining_hour% - Zeigt die verbleibenden Stunden an, bis du einen Bonusbooster holen kann
%booster_bonus_remeaning_days%- Zeigt die verbleibenden Tage an, bis du einen Bonusbooster holen kann %booster_bonus_remaining_days%- Zeigt die verbleibenden Tage an, bis du einen Bonusbooster holen kann
%booster_xp_step% - Stufe des XP-Boosters %booster_xp_step% - Stufe des XP-Boosters
@ -131,50 +138,111 @@ Ihr könnt in der Config selber einstellen wie viel eure Booster kosten sollen u
%booster_mob_status% - Gibt am ob der Drop-Booster aktiv ist (Config anpassbar) %booster_mob_status% - Gibt am ob der Drop-Booster aktiv ist (Config anpassbar)
%booster_xp_remeaningtime_global_m% - Zeit bis der XP-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Minuten %booster_xp_remainingtime_global_m% - Zeit bis der XP-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Minuten
%booster_xp_remeaningtime_global_s% - Zeit bis der XP-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Sekunden %booster_xp_remainingtime_global_s% - Zeit bis der XP-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Sekunden
%booster_xp_remeaningtime_step_m% - Zeit bis die Stufe des XP-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Minuten %booster_xp_remainingtime_step_m% - Zeit bis die Stufe des XP-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Minuten
%booster_xp_remeaningtime_step_s% - Zeit bis die Stufe des XP-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Sekunden %booster_xp_remainingtime_step_s% - Zeit bis die Stufe des XP-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Sekunden
%booster_fly_remeaningtime_global_m% - Zeit bis der Fly-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Minuten %booster_fly_remainingtime_global_m% - Zeit bis der Fly-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Minuten
%booster_fly_remeaningtime_global_s% - Zeit bis der Fly-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Sekunden %booster_fly_remainingtime_global_s% - Zeit bis der Fly-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Sekunden
%booster_fly_remeaningtime_step_m% - Zeit bis die Stufe des Fly-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Minuten %booster_fly_remainingtime_step_m% - Zeit bis die Stufe des Fly-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Minuten
%booster_fly_remeaningtime_step_s% - Zeit bis die Stufe des Fly-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Sekunden %booster_fly_remainingtime_step_s% - Zeit bis die Stufe des Fly-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Sekunden
%booster_break_remeaningtime_global_m% - Zeit bis der Break-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Minuten %booster_break_remainingtime_global_m% - Zeit bis der Break-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Minuten
%booster_break_remeaningtime_global_s% - Zeit bis der Break-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Sekunden %booster_break_remainingtime_global_s% - Zeit bis der Break-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Sekunden
%booster_break_remeaningtime_step_m% - Zeit bis die Stufe des Break-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Minuten %booster_break_remainingtime_step_m% - Zeit bis die Stufe des Break-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Minuten
%booster_break_remeaningtime_step_s% - Zeit bis die Stufe des Break-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Sekunden %booster_break_remainingtime_step_s% - Zeit bis die Stufe des Break-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Sekunden
%booster_mob_remeaningtime_global_m% - Zeit bis der Mob-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Minuten %booster_mob_remainingtime_global_m% - Zeit bis der Mob-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Minuten
%booster_mob_remeaningtime_global_s% - Zeit bis der Mob-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Sekunden %booster_mob_remainingtime_global_s% - Zeit bis der Mob-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Sekunden
%booster_mob_remeaningtime_step_m% - Zeit bis die Stufe des Mob-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Minuten %booster_mob_remainingtime_step_m% - Zeit bis die Stufe des Mob-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Minuten
%booster_mob_remeaningtime_step_s% - Zeit bis die Stufe des Mob-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Sekunden %booster_mob_remainingtime_step_s% - Zeit bis die Stufe des Mob-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Sekunden
%booster_drop_remeaningtime_global_m% - Zeit bis der Drop-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Minuten %booster_drop_remainingtime_global_m% - Zeit bis der Drop-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Minuten
%booster_drop_remeaningtime_global_s% - Zeit bis der Drop-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Sekunden %booster_drop_remainingtime_global_s% - Zeit bis der Drop-Booster komplett deaktiviert ist in Sekunden
%booster_drop_remeaningtime_step_m% - Zeit bis die Stufe des Drop-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Minuten %booster_drop_remainingtime_step_m% - Zeit bis die Stufe des Drop-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Minuten
%booster_drop_remeaningtime_step_s% - Zeit bis die Stufe des Drop-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Sekunden %booster_drop_remainingtime_step_s% - Zeit bis die Stufe des Drop-Boosters deaktiviert ist in Sekunden
<h2>Die Default-Configs liegen <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">hier</a> im Git.<h2> <h2>Die Default-Configs liegen <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">hier</a> im Git.<h2>
<pre><code class="language-Java">&lt;repository&gt;
<pre><code class="language-Java">
<pre><code class="language-Java">public class Booster implements Listener {
public void onBoosterStart(BoosterStartEvent e){
public void onBoosterStop(BoosterStopEvent e){
private void booster(Player player){
// Get API
BoosterAPI api = new BoosterAPI();
// Add Booster
api.addBooster(player, 1, BoosterTypes.XP);
// Remove Booster
api.removeBooster(player, 1, BoosterTypes.DROP);
// Get Booster Count
int count = api.getCount(player, BoosterTypes.BREAK);
// Reset BonusBooster Time
// Get Step of Booster
int step = api.getStep(BoosterTypes.MOB);
// Start Booster
api .startBooster(BoosterTypes.FLY);
api .startBooster(BoosterTypes.FLY, player);
api .startBooster(BoosterTypes.FLY, 1);
api .startBooster(BoosterTypes.FLY, player, 1);
// Stop Booster
// Stop All Booster
[![](]('') [![](]('')